Imaging in Wave Physics : Multi-Wave and Large Sensor Networks 2019
Whatever the nature of the waves used (acoustic, electromagnetic, seismic or optical) and propagation media, wave control is of fundamental interest for many applications ranging from live imaging to telecommunications including medical diagnosis or defense. The emergence of large-scale sensor arrays in each of these disciplines and recent advances in data science will revolutionize imaging in the coming years. It is therefore the moment to bring these physical and mathematical concepts related to imaging into a summer school. The goal is to share knowledge and experiences in areas that have different applications but have very similar issues.
The school will consist of lectures given by eminent scientists and seminars to present recent works and applications. This format will allow attendees to appropriate the common theoretical bases of wave physics in complex environments and data processing, while having a very good overview of the different experimental approaches specific to each type of wave. This multi-disciplinary approach will also allow junior and senior researchers to go beyond the scope of their own research topics, and to acquire an overall vision necessary for cutting-edge research. A specific effort will be made to target the younger audience. It will allow PhD students and young scientist to acquire a solid and broad knowledge of imaging in complex media from the best experts worldwide.
A poster session will be organized to share recent results of the attendees.
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