The institute is located in the french Alps, near Chamonix, a pleasant village of considerable charm and interest.
The institute is asking us to arrive on site Sunday March 8 after 2pm and to leave the site Friday March 13 before 3pm (after lunch).
You can find practical information at http://houches.ujf-grenoble.fr/en/practical-information/
For those coming by plane, the easiest way is to arrive in Geneva and take a shuttle to les Houches. When possible, we will organize airport transfers from Geneva for small groups of participants (not included in the registration fee). Please plan to arrive on Sunday March 8 and leave on Friday March 13. You will not be able to stay at the Institute before or after the school. Finding a hotel nearby will be difficult as well : plan to book a hotel near your Airport if you have no other choice for arrival or departure date.
In order to coordinate arrivals and departures, please enter your arrival and departure information on the following document : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApkBeA_ilamydHNQVVUxVnB4Yk5jc3U1WEVfM1Q4dHc&usp=sharing
Access to the school :
Côte des Chavants
F-74310 Les Houches
Application fee
Registration is 500€ for student participants, 700€ for postdocs and faculty and 850€ for industrial participants.
The fee covers all meals and lodging during the session.
Housing, for the duration of the course only, will be arranged by the staff of the school following, as much as possible, your preferences.
Financial support
1. A 50€ discount will apply to ASA, ISTU, ESHO and STM members : once your pre-registration has been approved, you will be able to select the discount before payment. Proof of membership must be sent to
2. Travel grants for US students will be provided by the Focused Ultrasound Foundation and by the Acoustical Society of America. Applicants should send before Wednesday January 28 a cover letter, CV, and letter of recommendation from their mentor to Matt Eames : when applying for a FUS foundation grant, and to Jeff Aubry
when applying for an ASA grant.
3. The Work Package Formation of France Life Imaging can support up to four french student registration and transportation fees. To apply, please download and complete this form and email a copy to both and