Image transmission through an opaque material Popoff, S., G. Lerosey, M. Fink, A. C. Boccara, and S. Gigan Nature Communications 1, no. 6 (2010)
Résumé: Optical imaging relies on the ability to illuminate an object, collect and analyse the light it scatters or transmits. Propagation through complex media such as biological tissues was so far believed to degrade the attainable depth, as well as the resolution for imaging, because of multiple scattering. This is why such media are usually considered opaque. Recently, we demonstrated that it is possible to measure the complex mesoscopic optical transmission channels that allow light to traverse through such an opaque medium. Here, we show that we can optimally exploit those channels to coherently transmit and recover an arbitrary image with a high fidelity, independently of the complexity of the propagation. © 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
Mots-clés: article; imaging system; laser diffraction; light scattering; optical tomography; visual system
Thermomechanical properties of Yb3+ doped laser crystals: Experiments and modeling Petit, J., B. Viana, P. Goldner, J.-P. Roger, and D. Fournier Journal of Applied Physics 108, no. 12 (2010)
Résumé: Thermal conductivity values of several laser materials were determined by photothermal measurements and compared to predicted values. The effect of the ytterbium doping concentration could be modeled using a simple cationic mass difference model. For ytterbium content corresponding to an absorption coefficient of 10 cm-1 (or 85% absorption of the pump power) Yb: GdVO4 (c-axis) and Yb: Gd3 Ga5O12 laser materials present the highest measured thermal conductivity values of 8.1 W m-1 K-1 and 7.7 W m-1 K-1, respectively. Yb: Y3 Al5O12, Yb: Lu 3Al5O12, Yb: CaGdAlO4, and Yb: YAlO3 belong to the 6-7 W m-1 K-1 range while Yb: CaF2 and Yb: Lu2 SiO5 are situated in the 5-6 W m-1 K-1 range. Other matrices such as Yb: SrLaGa3O7, Yb: CaGdAl3O7, Yb: SrGdGa3O7, and Yb: BaLaGa3O7 have thermal conductivity values lower than 5 W m-1 K-1. With the knowledge of the thermal conductivities and the determination of the thermal expansion coefficients, thermal shock parameters are evaluated for several ytterbium doped laser hosts. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
Mots-clés: Absorption coefficients; Belong to; Laser crystals; Laser materials; Mass difference; Photothermal measurements; Pump power; Shock parameters; Thermal expansion coefficients; Thermomechanical properties; Ytterbium doping; Ytterbium-doped laser; Absorption; Doping (additives); Gadolinium; Gallium; Pumps; Silicon compounds; Thermal conductivity; Thermal expansion; Ytterbium
Detection and imaging of human beings behind a wall using the dort method Davy, M., T. Lepetit, J. De Rosny, C. Prada, and M. Fink Progress in Electromagnetics Research 110, 353-369 (2010)
Résumé: In recent years, through the wall imaging has become a topic of intense research due to its promising applications in police, fire and rescue or emergency relief operations. In this paper, we propose to use the DORT method (French acronym for Decomposition of the Time Reversal Operator) to detect and localize a moving target behind a wall. One of the DORT method major strengths is that detection remains possible through a distorting medium. In this paper, the DORT method is successfully applied to detect and track moving human beings behind a thick concrete wall. The smallest detectable displacement is also investigated.
Mots-clés: Concrete wall; Decomposition of the time reversal operator; Emergency relief; Human being; Moving targets; Through the wall imaging; Law enforcement; Walls (structural partitions)
Mathematical modeling in photoacoustic imaging of small absorbers Ammari, H., E. Bossy, V. Jugnon, and H. Kang SIAM Review 52, no. 4, 677-695 (2010)
Résumé: This paper is devoted to mathematical modeling in photoacoustic imaging of small absorbers. We propose a new method for reconstructing small absorbing regions inside a bounded domain from boundary measurements of the induced acoustic signal. We also show the focusing property of the back-propagated acoustic signal. Indeed, we provide two different methods for locating a targeted optical absorber from boundary measurements of the induced acoustic signal. The first method consists of a MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC)-type algorithm and the second one uses a multifrequency approach. We also show results of computational experiments to demonstrate efficiency of the algorithms. © 2010 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Mots-clés: Asymptotic expansion; Multifrequ ency imaging approach; MUSIC algorithm; Optical tomography; Photoacoustic imaging; Reconstruction algorithm; Small absorbers; Wave equation; Asymptotic expansion; Multifrequ ency imaging approach; MUSIC algorithm; Photo-acoustic imaging; Reconstruction algorithm; Small absorbers; Acoustic signal processing; Acoustic waves; Algorithms; Asymptotic analysis; Computer music; Computer simulation; Optical tomography; Photoacoustic effect; Wavelet analysis; Computationa
Waves around almost periodic arrangements of scatterers: Analysis of positional disorder Martin, P. A., and A. Maurel Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 33, no. 18, 2215-2224 (2010)
Résumé: Much is known about the propagation of waves through periodic arrangements of identical scatterers, such as through a photonic crystal. Here, we consider a simple realization: scalar waves through a regular two-dimensional array of identical small circles. We are interested in the effect of random disorder: the circles remain identical, but their centres are given small random displacements. We derive asymptotic approximations that can be used to quantify the effect of positional disorder. Extension to more complicated problems seems feasible and is expected. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Mots-clés: acoustics; photonic crystals; QCA; Almost periodic; Asymptotic approximation; Positional disorder; QCA; Random disorders; Random displacement; Scalar waves; Two-dimensional arrays; Photonic crystals
Injection of midinfrared surface plasmon polaritons with an integrated device Tetienne, J.-P., A. Bousseksou, D. Costantini, R. Colombelli, A. Babuty, I. Moldovan-Doyen, Y. De Wilde, C. Sirtori, G. Beaudoin, L. Largeau, O. Mauguin, and I. Sagnes Applied Physics Letters 97, no. 21 (2010)
Résumé: We demonstrate a compact, integrated device in which surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are injected into a passive metal waveguide. We directly excite a SPP mode at a metal-air interface using a room-temperature midinfrared quantum cascade laser which is integrated onto the microchip. The SPP generation relies on end-fire coupling and is demonstrated via both far-field and near-field imaging techniques in the midinfrared. On one hand, a metallic diffraction grating is used to scatter in the far-field a portion of the propagating SPPs, thus allowing their detection with a microbolometer camera. On the other hand, direct images of the generated SPPs in the near-field were collected with a scanning optical microscope. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
Mots-clés: End-fire coupling; Far-field; Integrated device; Metal-air interface; Metallic diffraction; Microbolometer; Mid-infrared quantum cascade; Midinfrared; Near field imaging; Near-field; Passive metals; Room temperature; Scanning optical; Surface plasmon polaritons; Imaging techniques; Phonons; Photons; Plasmons; Quantum cascade lasers; Quantum theory; Solids; Waveguides; Surface plasmon resonance
Sub-poissonian number differences in four-wave mixing of matter waves Jaskula, J.-C., M. Bonneau, G. B. Partridge, V. Krachmalnicoff, P. Deuar, K. V. Kheruntsyan, A. Aspect, D. Boiron, and C. I. Westbrook Physical Review Letters 105, no. 19 (2010)
Résumé: We demonstrate sub-Poissonian number differences in four-wave mixing of Bose-Einstein condensates of metastable helium. The collision between two Bose-Einstein condensates produces a scattering halo populated by pairs of atoms of opposing velocities, which we divide into several symmetric zones. We show that the atom number difference for opposing zones has sub-Poissonian noise fluctuations, whereas that of nonopposing zones is well described by shot noise. The atom pairs produced in a dual number state are well adapted to sub-shot-noise interferometry and studies of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-type nonlocality tests. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
Effective propagation in a one-dimensional perturbed periodic structure: Comparison of several approaches Maurel, A., P. A. Martin, and V. Pagneux Waves in Random and Complex Media 20, no. 4, 634-655 (2010)
Résumé: Acoustic scattering by an ensemble of scatterers whose positions are close to the positions of a periodic arrangement (with small and random perturbations in the position of each scatterer) is considered in one dimension. Three methods are compared to obtain the effective wavenumber of the coherent field. The first two methods, the quasi-crystalline approximation (QCA) and the coherent potential approximation (CPA), give the exact Floquet solution in the periodic case. However, in a perturbed almost periodic configuration, they give different dispersion relations. These methods are compared to a perturbation approach and confronted with the results obtained from direct numerical calculations. It is shown that CPA is able to get the first correction to the Floquet dispersion relation due to the introduced perturbation, in agreement with the perturbation approach and with direct numerical results, while QCA is unable to get this correction. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.
Mots-clés: Acoustic Scattering; Almost periodic; Coherent fields; Coherent-potential approximation; Dispersion relations; Floquet; Numerical calculation; Numerical results; One dimension; Perturbation approach; Random perturbations; Wave numbers; Dispersion (waves); Green's function; Numerical methods; Quantum theory; Scattering; Periodic structures
Flower patterns in drop impact on thin liquid films Lagubeau, G., M. A. Fontelos, C. Josserand, A. Maurel, V. Pagneux, and P. Petitjeans Physical Review Letters 105, no. 18 (2010)
Résumé: We describe experimentally the formation of a pattern for drop impacts on thin liquid films for a large range of impact parameters. Using the shallow-water approximation, we are able to explain the main mechanisms leading to these patterns: it consists in the linear instability of the self-similar axisymmetric radial solution of the equations. Agreement between the experiments and the theory is remarkably good, leading, in particular, to the prediction that the most unstable fold number scales like (We/h∞)2/7. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Axisymmetric; Drop Impact; Fold number; Impact-parameter; Linear instabilities; Radial solutions; Self-similar; Shallow-water; Thin liquid film; Liquid films; Drops
Fluctuations of the local density of states probe localized surface plasmons on disordered metal films Krachmalnicoff, V., E. Castanié, Y. De Wilde, and R. Carminati Physical Review Letters 105, no. 18 (2010)
Résumé: We measure the statistical distribution of the local density of optical states (LDOS) on disordered semicontinuous metal films. We show that LDOS fluctuations exhibit a maximum in a regime where fractal clusters dominate the film surface. These large fluctuations are a signature of surface-plasmon localization on the nanometer scale. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Disordered metals; Film surfaces; Fractal clusters; Local density; Local density of state; Localized surface plasmon; Nano-meter scale; Optical state; Semicontinuous metal films; Statistical distribution; Surface-plasmon; Metallic films; Plasmons; Optical data storage
Near-field interactions and nonuniversality in speckle patterns produced by a point source in a disordered medium Cazé, A., R. Pierrat, and R. Carminati Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82, no. 4 (2010)
Résumé: A point source in a disordered scattering medium generates a speckle pattern with nonuniversal features, giving rise to the so-called C0 correlation. We analyze theoretically the relationship between the C0 correlation and the statistical fluctuations of the local density of states, based on simple arguments of energy conservation. This derivation leads to a clear physical interpretation of the C0 correlation. Using exact numerical simulations, we show that C0 is essentially a correlation resulting from near-field interactions. These interactions are responsible for the nonuniversality of C0 that confers to this correlation a huge potential for sensing and imaging at the subwavelength scale in complex media. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Complex media; Disordered medium; Local density of state; Near field interactions; Nonuniversality; Numerical simulation; Physical interpretation; Point sources; Scattering medium; Sensing and imaging; Speckle patterns; Statistical fluctuations; Subwavelength scale; Ferroelectric materials; Speckle; Correlation methods
Path-memory induced quantization of classical orbits Fort, E., A. Eddi, A. Boudaoud, J. Moukhtar, and Y. Couder Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107, no. 41, 17515-17520 (2010)
Résumé: A droplet bouncing on a liquid bath can self-propel due to its interaction with the waves it generates. The resulting "walker" is a dynamical association where, at a macroscopic scale, a particle (the droplet) is driven by a pilot-wave field. A specificity of this system is that the wave field itself results from the superposition of the waves generated at the points of space recently visited by the particle. It thus contains a memory of the past trajectory of the particle. Here, we investigate the response of this object to forces orthogonal to its motion. We find that the resulting closed orbits present a spontaneous quantization. This is observed only when the memory of the system is long enough for the particle to interact with the wave sources distributed along the whole orbit. An additional force then limits the possible orbits to a discrete set. The wave-sustained path memory is thus demonstrated to generate a quantization of angular momentum. Because a quantum-like uncertainty was also observed recently in these systems, the nonlocality generated by path memory opens new perspectives.
Mots-clés: Bouncing droplets; Landau quantization; Pilot wave; Wave-particle duality; article; flow kinetics; force; magnetic field; mathematical model; priority journal; rotation; velocity
Quantitative Assessment of Arterial Wall Biomechanical Properties Using Shear Wave Imaging Couade, M., M. Pernot, C. Prada, E. Messas, J. Emmerich, P. Bruneval, A. Criton, M. Fink, and M. Tanter Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 36, no. 10, 1662-1676 (2010)
Résumé: A new ultrasound-based technique is proposed to assess the arterial stiffness: the radiation force of an ultrasonic beam focused on the arterial wall induces a transient shear wave (~10 ms) whose propagation is tracked by ultrafast imaging. The large and high-frequency content (100 to 1500 Hz) of the induced wave enables studying the wave dispersion, which is shown experimentally in vitro and numerically to be linked to arterial wall stiffness and geometry. The proposed method is applied in vivo. By repeating the acquisition up to 10 times per second (theoretical maximal frame rate is ~100 Hz), it is possible to assess in vivo the arterial wall elasticity dynamics: shear modulus of a healthy volunteer carotid wall is shown to vary strongly during the cardiac cycle and measured to be 130 ± 15 kPa in systole and 80 ± 10 kPa in diastole. (E-mail:  ). © 2010 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.
Mots-clés: Acoustic radiation force; Arterial stiffness; Elastography; Ultrasound; Vascular imaging; Acoustic radiation force; Arterial stiffness; Elastography; Ultrasound; Vascular imaging; Acoustic emissions; Acoustic radiators; Acoustic wave propagation; Acoustic wave transmission; Biomechanics; Shear waves; Stiffness; Ultrasonic testing; Ultrasonics; Shear flow; adult; animal experiment; arterial stiffness; artery compliance; artery wall; article; biomechanics; carotid artery; diastole; echography; hea
Theory of electromagnetic time-reversal mirrors De Rosny, J., G. Lerosey, and M. Fink IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 58, no. 10, 3139-3149 (2010)
Résumé: The theory of monochromatic time-reversal mirrors (TRM) or equivalently phase conjugate mirrors is developed for electromagnetic waves. We start from the fundamental time-symmetry of the Maxwell's equations. From this symmetry, a differential expression similar to the Lorentz reciprocity theorem is deduced. The radiating conditions on TRM are expressed in terms of 6-dimension Green's functions. To predict the time reversal focusing on antenna arrays, a formalism that involves impedance matrix is developed. We show that antenna coupling can dramatically modify the focal spot. Especially, we observe, that in some circumstances, sub-wavelength focusing on a bi-dimensional array may arise. © 2010 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Antenna arrays; diffraction; microwaves; phase conjugate mirrors; plasmonic; sub-wavelength focusing; time-reversal; time-symmetry; Phase conjugate mirrors; Plasmonic; Sub-wavelength; Time-reversal; time-symmetry; Antenna phased arrays; Diffraction; Electromagnetic waves; Electromagnetism; Focusing; Green's function; Maxwell equations; Mirrors; Plasmons; Radio waves; Antennas
Acoustic Sizing of an Ultrasound Contrast Agent Maresca, D., M. Emmer, P. L. M. J. Van Neer, H. J. Vos, M. Versluis, M. Muller, N. De Jong, and A. F. W. Van Der Steen Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 36, no. 10, 1713-1721 (2010)
Résumé: Because the properties of ultrasound contrast agent populations after administration to patients are largely unknown, methods able to study them noninvasively are required. In this study, we acoustically performed a size distribution measurement of the ultrasound contrast agent Definity ®. Single lipid-shelled microbubbles were insonified at 25 MHz, which is considerably higher than their resonance frequency, so that their acoustic responses depended on their geometrical cross sections only. We calculated the size of each microbubble from their measured backscattered pressures. The acoustic size measurements were compared with optical reference size measurements to test their accuracy. Our acoustic sizing method was applied to 88 individual Definity ® bubbles to derive a size distribution of this agent. The size distribution obtained acoustically showed a mean diameter (2.5 μm) and a standard deviation (0.9 μm) in agreement within 8% with the optical reference measurement. At 25 MHz, this method can be applied to bubble sizes larger than 1.2 μm in diameter. It was observed that similar sized bubbles can give different responses (up to a factor 1.5), probably because of shell differences. These limitations should be taken into account when implementing the method in vivo. This acoustic sizing method has potential for estimating the size distribution of an ultrasound contrast agent noninvasively. (E-mail:  ). © 2010 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.
Mots-clés: Acoustic bubble sizing; Definity ®; High frequency; Single bubbles; Size distribution; Ultrasound contrast agent; Acoustic response; Back-scattered; Bubble size; Cross section; Definity; High frequency; In-vivo; Mean diameter; Micro-bubble; Microbubbles; Resonance frequencies; Single bubbles; Size distribution measurements; Size measurements; Standard deviation; Ultrasound contrast agent; Resonance; Size determination; Size distribution; Ultrasonic transmission; Ultrasonics; perflutren; accurac
Ultracompact and unidirectional metallic antennas Bonod, N., A. Devilez, B. Rolly, S. Bidault, and B. Stout Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82, no. 11 (2010)
Résumé: We investigate the angular redistribution of light radiated by a single emitter located in the vicinity of dipolar silver nanoparticles. We point out the fundamental role of the phase differences introduced by the optical path difference between the emitter and the particle and demonstrate that the polarizability of the metallic nanoparticle alone cannot predict the emission directionality. In particular, we show that collective or reflective properties of single nanoparticles can be controlled by tuning the distance of a single emitter at a λ/30 scale. These results enable us to design unidirectional and ultracompact nanoantennas composed of just two coupled nanoparticles separated by a distance achievable with biological linkers. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
Finite element analysis of normal pressure hydrocephalus: Influence of CSF content and anisotropy in permeability Shahim, K., J.-M. Drezet, J.-F. Molinari, R. Sinkus, and S. Momjian Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 7, no. 3, 187-197 (2010)
Résumé: Hydrocephalus is a cerebral disease where brain ventricles enlarge and compress the brain parenchyma towards the skull leading to symptoms like dementia, walking disorder and incontinence. The origin of normal pressure hydrocephalus is still obscure. In order to study this disease, a finite element model is built using the geometries of the ventricles and the skull measured by magnetic resonance imaging. The brain parenchyma is modelled as a porous medium fully saturated with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) using Biot's theory of consolidation (1941). Owing to the existence of bundles of axons, the brain parenchyma shows locally anisotropic behaviour. Indeed, permeability is higher along the fibre tracts in the white matter region. In contrast, grey matter is isotropic. Diffusion tensor imaging is used to establish the local CSF content and the fibre tracts direction together with the associated local frame where the permeability coefficients are given by dedicated formulas. The present study shows that both inhomogeneous CSF content and anisotropy in permeability have a great influence on the CSF flow pattern through the parenchyma under an imposed pressure gradient between the ventricles and the subarachnoid spaces. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.
Mots-clés: Anisotropy; Biomechanics; Brain parenchyma; Finite element modelling; Hydrocephalus; Permeability; Biot's theory; Brain parenchyma; Brain ventricles; Cerebro spinal fluids; Diffusion tensor imaging; Finite element analysis; Finite element modelling; Finite element models; Grey matters; Hydrocephalus; Imposed pressure gradient; Local frame; Normal pressure hydrocephalus; Permeability; Permeability coefficients; Porous medium; Subarachnoid spaces; White matter; Anisotropy; Biomechanics; Brain; Mag
Real-time visualization of muscle stiffness distribution with ultrasound shear wave imaging during muscle contraction Shinohara, M., K. Sabra, J.-L. Gennisson, M. Fink, and M. L. Tanter Muscle and Nerve 42, no. 3, 438-441 (2010)
Résumé: A stand-alone ultrasound shear wave imaging technology has been developed to quantify and visualize Young's modulus distribution by remotely applying ultrasound radiation force and tracking the resulting microvibrations in soft tissues with ultrafast ultrasound imaging. We report the first preliminary data that detected the distribution of local muscle stiffness within and between resting and contracting muscles at different muscle lengths with this technology. This technique may assist clinicians in characterizing muscle injuries or neuromuscular disorders. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Mots-clés: Dorsiflexion; Elastography; Plantarflexion; Spasticity; Young's modulus; adult; article; case report; echography; human; human experiment; male; muscle contraction; muscle length; muscle stiffness; normal human; priority journal; ultrasound; Young modulus; Adult; Biomechanics; Elasticity Imaging Techniques; Humans; Knee; Male; Muscle Contraction; Muscle, Skeletal; Physical Stimulation; Posture; Vibration
Incorporating scale information with cepstral features: Experiments on musical instrument recognition Morvidone, M., B. L. Sturm, and L. Daudet Pattern Recognition Letters 31, no. 12, 1489-1497 (2010)
Résumé: We present two sets of novel features that combine multiscale representations of signals with the compact timbral description of Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs). We define one set of features, OverCs, from overcomplete transforms at multiple scales. We define the second set of features, SparCs, from a signal model found by sparse approximation. We compare the descriptiveness of our features against that of MFCCs by performing two simple tasks: pairwise musical instrument discrimination, and musical instrument classification. Our tests show that both OverCs and SparCs improve the characterization of the global timbre and local stationarity of an audio signal than do mean MFCCs with respect to these tasks. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mots-clés: Audio signal classification; Musical instrument recognition; Sparse decompositions; Time-frequency/time-scale features; Audio signal; Audio signal classification; Cepstral features; Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients; Multiple scale; Multiscale representations; Over-complete; Signal models; Sparse approximations; Sparse decomposition; Stationarity; Audio acoustics; Instruments; Signal analysis; Speech recognition; Statistical tests; Wavelet transforms; Electronic musical instruments
Pattern recognition of non-speech audio Aucouturier, J.-J., and L. Daudet Pattern Recognition Letters 31, no. 12, 1487-1488 (2010)
Reflection and transmission by a slab with randomly distributed isotropic point scatterers Maurel, A. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 234, no. 6, 1842-1850 (2010)
Résumé: The problem of how a wave propagates in an infinite medium filled with scatterers has revealed the notion of an effective medium: the mean wave propagates as in an homogeneous medium with complex index. Is this notion of an effective medium still valid when the scatterers are bounded in space? The problem is treated here for isotropic point scatterers. It is shown that (i) the waves propagate inside the slab with an effective wavenumber K being the same as that in an infinite medium, (ii) the reflection and transmission coefficients of the slab mainly behave as R≃(1-eiKL)(k-K)2k and T≃eiKL at leading order, (iii) the reflection and transmission coefficients of a single interface are related to R and T with the usual law of optics and (iv) the boundary conditions to be applied at the interface are the continuity of the field and its first derivative for isotropic scatterers. Finally, numerical experiments in one dimension show satisfactory agreement with the presented theory. © 2009 Elsevier B.V.
Mots-clés: Multiple scattering; Random media; Reflection & transmission; Complex indices; Effective medium; First derivative; Homogeneous medium; Isotropic points; Leading orders; Numerical experiments; One dimension; Random media; Randomly distributed; Reflection and transmission; Reflection and transmission coefficients; Wave numbers; Multiple scattering; Random processes; Reflection
Silver square nanospirals mimic optical properties of U-shaped metamaterials Gallas, B., K. Robbie, R. Abdeddaïm, G. Guida, J. Yang, J. Rivory, and A. Priou Optics Express 18, no. 16, 16335-16344 (2010)
Résumé: We present a study of the optical properties of three-armed square nanospirals made of silver and realized as nanostructured thin films with Glancing Angle Deposition. Calculation of current flows in the nanospirals show excited resonant modes resembling those observed in U-shaped resonators. Four principal resonances were determined: near 200 THz and 480 THz for one polarization and 250 THz and 650 THz for the polarization orthogonal to the first one. In particular, a mode with antiparallel current flow in opposite arms, associated with the observed resonance near 650 THz, indicates the existence of a magnetic-like resonance in the square nanospiral arrays. The robustness of the resonances against variations in the structural parameters of the nanospirals was investigated. This study revealed that the main parameter driving the position of the resonances was the overall dimension of the nanospiral, directly related to the length of their arms. Optical properties of a sample were measured by generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry at near-normal incidence, and evidence conversion between polarization states even for light polarized in the plane containing one of the arms in agreement with the numerical study. The measurements compared favorably to the results of the numerical simulations taking into account the disorder in the sample. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Anti-parallel currents; Current flows; Glancing Angle Deposition; Main parameters; Nanostructured thin film; Normal incidence; Numerical simulation; Numerical studies; Polarization state; Principal resonance; Resonant mode; Structural parameter; U-shaped; Deposition; Metamaterials; Polarization; Resonance; Silver; Spectroscopic ellipsometry; Optical properties; nanomaterial; silver; article; chemistry; computer simulation; equipment design; light; magnetism; radiation scattering; Computer Simula
MR-guided adaptive focusing of ultrasound Larrat, B., M. Pernot, G. Montaldo, M. Fink, and M. Tanter IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 57, no. 8, 1734-1747 (2010)
Résumé: Adaptive focusing of ultrasonic waves under the guidance of a magnetic resonance (MR) system is demonstrated for medical applications. This technique is based on the maximization of the ultrasonic wave intensity at one targeted point in space. The wave intensity is indirectly estimated from the local tissue displacement induced at the chosen focus by the acoustic radiation force of ultrasonic beams. Coded ultrasonic waves are transmitted by an ultrasonic array and an MRI scanner is used to measure the resulting local displacements through a motion-sensitive MR sequence. After the transmission of a set of spatially encoded ultrasonic waves, a non-iterative inversion process is employed to accurately estimate the spatial-temporal aberration induced by the propagation medium and to maximize the acoustical intensity at the target. Both programmable and physical aberrating layers introducing strong distortions (up to 2π radians) were recovered within acceptable errors (<0.8 rad). This noninvasive technique is shown to accurately correct phase aberrations in a phantom gel with negligible heat deposition and limited acquisition time. These refocusing performances demonstrate a major potential in the field of MR-guided ultrasound therapy in particular for transcranial brain high-intensity focused ultrasound. © 2010 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Acoustic radiation force; Acquisition time; Adaptive focusing; Heat deposition; High intensity focused ultrasound; Local displacement; MR sequence; MRI scanners; Non-iterative; Noninvasive technique; Phase aberrations; Spatial temporals; Tissue displacement; Transcranial; Ultrasonic arrays; Ultrasonic beams; Ultrasound therapy; Wave intensities; Aberrations; Acoustic fields; Gels; Geometrical optics; Medical applications; Resonance; Scanning; Ultrasonic testing; Ultrasonic waves; Ultrasonics
Estimating the dynamic effective mass density of random composites Martin, P. A., A. Maurel, and W. J. Parnell Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 128, no. 2, 571-577 (2010)
Résumé: The effective mass density of an inhomogeneous medium is discussed. Random configurations of circular cylindrical scatterers are considered, in various physical contexts: fluid cylinders in another fluid, elastic cylinders in a fluid or in another solid, and movable rigid cylinders in a fluid. In each case, time-harmonic waves are scattered, and an expression for the effective wavenumber due to Linton and Martin [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117, 3413-3423 (2005)] is used to derive the effective density in the low frequency limit, correct to second order in the area fraction occupied by the scatterers. Expressions are recovered that agree with either the Ament formula or the effective static mass density, depending upon the physical context. © 2010 Acoustical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Area fraction; Effective density; Effective mass density; Elastic cylinders; Inhomogeneous medium; Low frequency limits; Mass densities; Random composites; Random configurations; Rigid cylinder; Second orders; Time-harmonic waves; Wave numbers; Fluids; Circular cylinders; acoustics; article; motion; pressure; statistical model; theoretical model; Young modulus; Acoustics; Elastic Modulus; Linear Models; Models, Theoretical; Motion; Pressure
Singular value distribution of the propagation matrix in random scattering media Aubry, A., and A. Derode Waves in Random and Complex Media 20, no. 3, 333-363 (2010)
Résumé: The distribution of singular values of the propagation operator in a random medium is investigated, in a backscattering configuration. Experiments are carried out with pulsed ultrasonic waves around 3 MHz, using an array of 64 programmable transducers placed in front of a random scattering medium. The impulse responses between each pair of transducers are measured and form the response matrix. The evolution of its singular values with time and frequency is computed by means of a short-time Fourier analysis. The mean distribution of singular values exhibits a very different behaviour in the single and multiple scattering regimes. The results are compared with random matrix theory. Once the experimental matrix coefficients are renormalized, experimental results and theoretical predictions are found to be in a very good agreement. Two kinds of random media have been investigated: a highly scattering medium in which multiple scattering predominates and a weakly scattering medium. In both cases, residual correlations that may exist between matrix elements are shown to be a key parameter. Finally, the possibility of detecting a target embedded in a random scattering medium based on the statistical properties of the strongest singular value is discussed. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.
Mots-clés: Key parameters; Matrix coefficients; Matrix elements; Propagation matrix; Propagation operators; Pulsed ultrasonic wave; Random matrix theory; Random media; Random medium; Random scattering media; Random scattering medium; Residual correlation; Response matrices; Scattering medium; Singular values; Statistical properties; Theoretical prediction; Fourier analysis; Multiple scattering; Transducers; Ultrasonics
Thickness or phase velocity measurements using the Green's function comparison method Etaix, N., A. Leblanc, M. Fink, and R.-K. Ing IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 57, no. 8, 1804-1812 (2010)
Résumé: The acoustic guided wave propagation for plate thickness measurement is generally treated in free space to simplify the formal approach. In this paper, propagation in a closed environment is treated by dealing with plates of finite dimensions and arbitrary geometries and linear boundary conditions. The present approach considers the plate Green's function to be composed of two terms. The first term corresponds to the Green's function of an infinite plate. The second term corresponds to a correction term which, in addition to the first term, satisfies all equations. Assuming the boundary conditions to be linear, it is found that the acoustic wave generated by a point source is proportional to that of a circular array of sources centered on it. By measuring the ratio between the two signals, either the plate velocity or plate thickness can be determined. This new method has been successfully applied to isotropic and anisotropic homogeneous plates of different geometries, on inhomogeneous plates, and also in a passive mode, without an active transmitter. © 2010 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Arbitrary geometry; Circular arrays; Closed environment; Comparison methods; Different geometry; Finite dimensions; Formal approach; Free space; Guided wave propagation; Homogeneous plates; Infinite plate; Inhomogeneous plate; Passive mode; Plate thickness; Plate velocity; Point sources; Acoustic wave propagation; Acoustics; Boundary conditions; Guided electromagnetic wave propagation; Thickness measurement; Velocity measurement; Green's function
High impedance surfaces based antennas for high data rate communications at 40 ghz Tran, C. M., H. Hafdallah Ouslimani, L. Zhou, A. C. Priou, H. Teillet, J.-Y. Daden, and A. Ourir Progress In Electromagnetics Research C 13, 217-229 (2010)
Résumé: Millimeter wave High Impedance Surfaces (HIS) based antennas are designed, fabricated, and characterized for high data rate communications at frequencies around 40 GHz. HIS with different finite surface area sizes are used as a ground plane for the microstrip patch antennas to suppress the surface waves. The antenna measurements and full wave electromagnetic simulations demonstrate a wide bandwidth of 12-15% in the frequency range of 38-44 GHz with a high gain of ~6 dB and a very low cross polar contribution better than -20 dB.
Mots-clés: Antenna measurement; Finite surface; Frequency ranges; Full-wave electromagnetic simulation; Ground planes; High data rate communications; High gain; High impedance surface; High-impedance surfaces; Micro-strip patch antennas; Polar contribution; Wide bandwidth; Surface waves; Antennas
Breast lesions: Quantitative elastography with supersonic shear imaging - Preliminary results Athanasiou, A., A. Tardivon, M. Tanter, B. Sigal-Zafrani, J. Bercoff, T. Deffieux, J.-L. Gennisson, M. Fink, and S. Neuenschwander Radiology 256, no. 1, 297-303 (2010)
Résumé: Purpose: To determine the appearance of breast lesions at quantitative ultrasonographic (US) elastography by using supersonic shear imaging (SSI) and to assess the correlation between quantitative values of lesion stiffness and pathologic results, which were used as the reference standard. Materials and Methods: This study was approved by the French National Committee for the Protection of Patients Participating in Biomedical Research Programs. All patients provided written informed consent. Conventional US and SSI quantitative elastography were performed in 46 women (mean age, 57.6 years;age range, 38-71 years) with 48 breast lesions (28 benign, 20 malignant;mean size, 14.7 mm);pathologic results were available in all cases. Quantitative lesion elasticity was measured in terms of the Young modulus (in kilopascals). Sensitivity, specifi city, and area under the curve were obtained by using a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis to assess diagnostic performance. Results: All breast lesions were detected at SSI. Malignant lesions exhibited a mean elasticity value of 146.6 kPa ± 40.05 (standard deviation), whereas benign ones had an elasticity value of 45.3 kPa ± 41.1 (P < .001). Complicated cysts were differentiated from solid lesions because they had elasticity values of 0 kPa (no signal was retrieved from liquid areas). Conclusion: SSI provides quantitative elasticity measurements, thus adding complementary information that potentially could help in breast lesion characterization with B-mode US. © RSNA, 2010.
Mots-clés: adult; aged; article; B scan; breast biopsy; breast cancer; breast fibroadenoma; breast lesion; clinical article; controlled study; correlation analysis; diagnostic imaging; echomammography; elastography; female; fibrocystic breast disease; human; human tissue; image analysis; priority journal; quantitative diagnosis; sensitivity and specificity; Young modulus; Adult; Aged; Area Under Curve; Breast Neoplasms; Diagnosis, Differential; Elasticity Imaging Techniques; Female; Humans; Image Interpret
Progress on the strong Eshelby's conjecture and extremal structures for the elastic moment tensor Ammari, H., Y. Capdeboscq, H. Kang, H. Lee, G. W. Milton, and H. Zribi Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees 94, no. 1, 93-106 (2010)
Résumé: We make progress towards proving the strong Eshelby's conjecture in three dimensions. We prove that if for a single nonzero uniform loading the strain inside inclusion is constant and further the eigenvalues of this strain are either all the same or all distinct, then the inclusion must be of ellipsoidal shape. As a consequence, we show that for two linearly independent loadings the strains inside the inclusions are uniform, then the inclusion must be of ellipsoidal shape. We then use this result to address a problem of determining the shape of an inclusion when the elastic moment tensor (elastic polarizability tensor) is extremal. We show that the shape of inclusions, for which the lower Hashin-Shtrikman bound either on the bulk part or on the shear part of the elastic moment tensor is attained, is an ellipse in two dimensions and an ellipsoid in three dimensions. Nous progressons dans la résolution de la conjecture d'Eshelby en trois dimensions. En effet, nous démontrons que si pour un seul chargement uniforme (non trivial), le champ de contraintes dans une inclusion élastique est constant et de plus, si ses valeurs propres sont soit toutes les mêmes soit différentes les unes des autres alors l'inclusion est nécessairement de forme ellipsoïdale. Il en découle que si pour deux chargements uniformes, linéairement indépendants, les champs de contraintes sont constants alors l'inclusion doit être un ellipsoïde. Nous déterminons ensuite la forme d'une inclusion pour laquelle la borne inférieure de Hashin-Shtrikman est atteinte soit par la partie compression soit par la partie cisaillement du moment élastique. Nous démontrons qu'il s'agit en fait d'une forme elliptique en dimension deux et d'une forme ellipsoïdale en dimension trois. © 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS.
Mots-clés: 74B05; Elastic moment tensor; Hashin-Shtrikman bounds; Newtonian potential; Strong Eshelby's conjecture
Silicon-On-Diamond layer integration by wafer bonding technology Rabarot, M., J. Widiez, S. Saada, J.-P. Mazellier, C. Lecouvey, J.-C. Roussin, J. Dechamp, P. Bergonzo, F. Andrieu, O. Faynot, S. Deleonibus, L. Clavelier, and J. P. Roger Diamond and Related Materials 19, no. 7-9, 796-805 (2010)
Résumé: In this study, Silicon-On-Diamond (SOD) micro-structures have been fabricated using either Smart Cut™ or bonded and Etched-Back Silicon On Insulator (BESOI) technology. Thanks to the development of an innovative smoothening process, polycrystalline diamond layers (C*) can be integrated as a buried oxide layer offering new opportunities in terms of thermal management. We describe different technological process flow investigations leading to SOD by bonding C* layer in the stack. As starting material we used poly-crystalline thin diamond films in the 200 nm to 7000 nm range of thickness. The C* is deposited by Chemical Vapour Deposition assisted by Microwave Plasma (MPCVD) onto various 50 mm wafers such as Si, SOI and polycrystalline silicon carbide (pSiC). As the roughness of the diamond layer is not directly compatible with a wafer bonding integration, an innovative smoothening process in 3 steps has been developed and named "DPE" for Deposition, Planarization and Etching. Using the DPE process, the roughness of 5 μm thick diamond layer could be reduced from 50 to 3 nm RMS and down to 1.5 nm RMS for a thin 200 nm layer. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of a GaN on SOD micro-structure design for HEMT applications, layer transfers have been carried out by a bonding and thinning process from C*/Si bulk using oxide bonding layers. From thermal spreading efficiency consideration, new processes of fabrication of SOD/poly-SiC substrate are in progress involving BESOI or Si Smart Cut™ technologies and poly-Si bonding layer starting from C*/poly-SiC. Pure SOD substrate were also fabricated by using C*/SOI and poly-Si bonding layer in a BESOI technology. A thin active silicon layer (70 nm) of 50 mm diameter onto a 140 nm thick diamond BOX layer has been transferred on 200 mm diameter Si substrate for future MOSFET's devices demonstrations. Significant progress has been done in diamond layer integration by wafer bonding. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mots-clés: Diamond wafer bonding; DPE; Smoothening diamond process; SOD; Bonding layers; BOX layers; Buried oxide layers; Chemical vapour deposition; Diamond layers; Diamond wafer bonding; Diamond wafers; Layer transfer; Microwave plasma; MOS-FET; New opportunities; New process; Planarization; Poly-Si; Poly-Sic; Polycrystalline; Polycrystalline diamond layers; Polycrystalline silicon carbide; Si substrates; SiC substrates; Silicon layer; Silicon on insulator; Smart-cut; Starting materials; Technological pr
Elasticity reconstruction: Beyond the assumption of local homogeneity Sinkus, R., J.-L. Daire, B. E. Van Beers, and V. Vilgrain Comptes Rendus - Mecanique 338, no. 7-8, 474-479 (2010)
Résumé: Elasticity imaging is a novel domain which is currently gaining significant interest in the medical field. Most inversion techniques are based on the homogeneity assumption, i.e. the local spatial derivatives of the complex-shear modulus are ignored. This analysis presents an analytic approach in order to overcome this limitation, i.e. first order spatial derivatives of the real-part of the complex-shear modulus are taken into account. Resulting distributions in a gauged breast lesion phantom agree very well with the theoretical expectations. An in-vivo example of a cholangiocarcinoma demonstrates that the new approach provides maps of the viscoelastic properties which agree much better with expectations from anatomy. © 2010 Académie des sciences.
Mots-clés: Biomechanics; Complex-shear modulus; Elasticity imaging; Inverse problems; Medical imaging; analytical method; anatomy; biomechanics; cancer; elasticity; homogeneity; imaging method; inverse problem; lesion; numerical model; reconstruction; shear modulus
Number of propagating modes of a diffusive periodic waveguide in the semiclassical limit Barra, F., A. Maurel, V. Pagneux, and J. Zuñiga Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81, no. 6 (2010)
Résumé: We study the number of propagating Bloch modes NB of an infinite periodic billiard chain. The asymptotic semiclassical behavior of this quantity depends on the phase-space dynamics of the unit cell, growing linearly with the wave number k in systems with a non-null measure of ballistic trajectories and going like ∼√k in diffusive systems. We have calculated numerically NB for a waveguide with cosine-shaped walls exhibiting strongly diffusive dynamics. The semiclassical prediction for diffusive systems is verified to good accuracy and a connection between this result and the universality of the parametric variation of energy levels is presented. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Ballistic trajectories; Bloch modes; Diffusive dynamics; Diffusive system; Energy level; Parametric variation; Periodic waveguides; Phase-space dynamics; Propagating mode; Semiclassical limit; Unit cells; Wave numbers; Phase space methods; Waveguides
Theory of infrared nanospectroscopy by photothermal induced resonance Dazzi, A., F. Glotin, and R. Carminati Journal of Applied Physics 107, no. 12 (2010)
Résumé: We present a theoretical investigation of the physics involved in a recently developed spectromicroscopy technique, called photothermal induced resonance (PTIR). With this technique, one measures the local infrared absorption spectrum of a sample shined with a tunable infrared laser pulse, and detects the induced photothermal expansion with the tip of an atomic force microscope (AFM). Simple physical assumptions allow us to describe analytically the heating and expansion of the sample, the excitation of the vibration modes of the AFM cantilever, and the detected signal. We show that the signal depends on the thermal expansion velocity rather than on the absolute displacement of the tip, and we investigate the influence of the laser pulse length. Eventually, we express the PTIR signal in terms of relevant parameters, and prove its proportionality to the sample absorbance. This analytical approach complement our experimental results and validates the PTIR method as a technique of choice for infrared spectroscopy of nanoscopic samples, getting around optical artifacts like reflectance perturbation. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
Mots-clés: Absolute displacement; Absorbances; AFM cantilevers; Analytical approach; Atomic force microscopes; Photo-thermal; Photothermal expansion; Physical assumptions; Spectromicroscopy; Theoretical investigations; Tunable infrared laser; Vibration modes; Absorption spectroscopy; Atomic force microscopy; Atomic spectroscopy; Infrared lasers; Infrared spectroscopy; Laser pulses; Photolithography; Pulsed laser applications; Resonance; Vibration analysis; Thermal expansion
Holographic laser Doppler ophthalmoscopy Simonutti, M., M. Paques, J. A. Sahel, M. Gross, B. Samson, C. Magnain, and M. Atlan Optics Letters 35, no. 12, 1941-1943 (2010)
Résumé: We report laser Doppler ophthalmoscopic fundus imaging in the rat eye with near-IR heterodyne holography. Sequential sampling of the beat of the reflected radiation against a frequency-shifted optical local oscillator is made onto an array detector. Wide-field maps of fluctuation spectra in the 10 Hz to 25 kHz band exhibit angiographic contrasts in the retinal vascular tree without requirement of an exogenous marker. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: diagnostic agent; angiography; animal; animal disease; article; eye fundus; feasibility study; holography; laser; methodology; ophthalmoscopy; radiography; rat; retina; Angiography; Animals; Feasibility Studies; Fundus Oculi; Holography; Lasers; Ophthalmoscopy; Rats; Retina; Array detectors; Fluctuation spectra; Fundus imaging; Heterodyne holography; Laser doppler; Local oscillators; Near-IR; Sequential sampling; Vascular trees; Wide-field; Classifiers; Doppler effect; Laser recording
Semiconductor surface plasmon sources Babuty, A., A. Bousseksou, J.-P. Tetienne, I. M. Doyen, C. Sirtori, G. Beaudoin, I. Sagnes, Y. De Wilde, and R. Colombelli Physical Review Letters 104, no. 22 (2010)
Résumé: Surface-plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are propagating electromagnetic modes bound at a metal-dielectric interface. We report on electrical generation of SPPs by reproducing the analogue in the near field of the slit-doublet experiment, in a device which includes all the building blocks required for a fully integrated plasmonic active source: an electrical generator of SPPs, a coupler, and a passive metallic waveguide. SPPs are generated upon injection of electrical current, and they are then launched at the edges of a passive metallic strip. The interference fringes arising from the plasmonic standing wave on the surface of the metallic strip are unambiguously detected with apertureless near-field scanning optical microscopy. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Building blockes; Electrical current; Electrical generation; Electrical generators; Electromagnetic modes; Fully integrated; Interference fringe; Metal-dielectric interface; Metallic strips; Metallic waveguide; Near fields; Semi-conductor surfaces; Standing wave; Surface plasmon polaritons; Near field scanning optical microscopy; Plasmons; Surface plasmon resonance; Electric generators
Chemical nanosensors based on composite molecularly imprinted polymer particles and surface-enhanced Raman scattering Bompart, M., Y. De Wilde, and K. Haupt Advanced Materials 22, no. 21, 2343-2348 (2010)
Résumé: (Figure Presented) Chemical nanosensors with a submicrometer core-shell composite design, based on a polymer core, a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) shell for specific analyte recognition, and an interlayer of gold nanoparticles for signal amplification, are described. SERS measurements on single nanosensors yield detection limits of 10-7 M for the β-blocker propranolol, several orders of magnitude lower than on plain MIP spheres. © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Mots-clés: Analytes; Core-shell composites; Detection limits; Gold Nanoparticles; Molecularly imprinted polymer; Orders of magnitude; Signal amplifications; Submicrometers; Surface enhanced Raman scattering; Amplification; Nanosensors; Raman scattering; Signal processing; Polymers; nanomaterial; polymer; propranolol; article; chemistry; conformation; crystallization; equipment; equipment design; instrumentation; macromolecule; materials testing; methodology; nanotechnology; particle size; surface plasmon r
Measurement of thickness or plate velocity using ambient vibrations Ing, R. K., N. Etaix, A. Leblanc, and M. Fink Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127, no. 6, EL252-EL257 (2010)
Résumé: Assuming the Green's function is linear with respect to the boundary conditions, it is demonstrated that flexural waves detected by a point receiver and a circular array of point receivers centered on the previous receiver are proportional regardless location of the source and geometry of the plate. Therefore determination of plate velocity or thickness is done from the measurement of ambient vibrations without using any emitter. Experimental results obtained with a plate of non regular geometry excited with a single transducer or a remote loudspeaker are shown to verify the theoretical approach. © 2010 Acoustical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Ambient vibrations; Circular arrays; Flexural wave; Plate velocity; Regular geometry; Theoretical approach; Electroacoustic transducers; Thickness measurement; Green's function
Spontaneous decay rate of a dipole emitter in a strongly scattering disordered environment Pierrat, R., and R. Carminati Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81, no. 6 (2010)
Résumé: We study the statistics of the fluorescence decay rate of a dipole emitter embedded in a strongly scattering medium. In the multiple-scattering regime, the probability of observing a decrease in the decay rate is substantial, as predicted by exact numerical simulations. The decrease originates from a reduction of the local density of optical states and is due to collective interactions and interferences. In the strong-scattering regime, signatures of recurrent scattering are visible in the behavior of the average decay rate. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Decay rate; Fluorescence decays; Local density; Numerical simulation; Optical state; Scattering medium; Scattering regime; Spontaneous decay rates; Computer simulation; Decay (organic); Optical waveguides; Scattering
Photorefractive acousto-optic imaging in thick scattering media at 790 nm with a Sn2P2S6:Te crystal Farahi, S., G. Montemezzani, A. A. Grabar, J.-P. Huignard, and F. Ramaz Optics Letters 35, no. 11, 1798-1800 (2010)
Résumé: Acousto-optic imaging is based on ultrasound modulation of multiply scattered light in thick media. We experimentally demonstrate the possibility to perform a self-adaptive wavefront holographic detection at 790 nm, within the optical therapeutic window where absorption of biological tissues is minimized. A high-gain Te-doped Sn2P2S6 crystal is used for this purpose. Optical absorbing objects embedded within a thick scattering phantom are imaged by use of pulsed ultrasound to get a dynamic millimetric axial resolution. Our technique represents an interesting approach for breast cancer detection. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Acousto-optic imaging; Axial resolutions; Biological tissues; Breast cancer detection; High-gain; Multiply scattered light; Photo-refractive; Pulsed ultrasounds; Scattering media; Self-adaptive; Ultrasound modulation; Light scattering; Scattering; Tellurium compounds; Tin; Ultrasonics; Ultrasonic applications; article; ceramics; crystallization; elastography; equipment; equipment design; instrumentation; photometry; radiation scattering; refractometry; reproducibility; sensitivity and specificit
Resonant metalenses for breaking the diffraction barrier Lemoult, F., G. Lerosey, J. De Rosny, and M. Fink Physical Review Letters 104, no. 20 (2010)
Résumé: We introduce the resonant metalens, a cluster of coupled subwavelength resonators. Dispersion allows the conversion of subwavelength wave fields into temporal signatures while the Purcell effect permits an efficient radiation of this information in the far field. The study of an array of resonant wires using microwaves provides a physical understanding of the underlying mechanism. We experimentally demonstrate imaging and focusing from the far field with resolutions far below the diffraction limit. This concept is realizable at any frequency where subwavelength resonators can be designed. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Diffraction barrier; Diffraction limits; Far field; MetaLens; Purcell effect; Sub-wavelength; Sub-wavelength resonators; Temporal signatures; Underlying mechanism; Wavefields; Resonators
Digital holography at shot noise level Verpillat, F., F. Joud, M. Atlan, and M. Gross IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology 6, no. 10, 455-464 (2010)
Résumé: By a proper arrangement of a digital holography setup, that combines off-axis geometry with phase-shifting recording conditions, it is possible to reach the theoretical shot noise limit, in real-time experiments. We studied this limit, and we show that it corresponds to 1 photo-electron per pixel within the whole frame sequence that is used to reconstruct the holographic image. We also show that Monte Carlo noise synthesis onto holograms measured at high illumination levels enables accurate representation of the experimental holograms measured at very weak illumination levels. An experimental validation of these results is done. © 2006 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Digital holography; off-axis holography; phase-shifting; shot noise; Digital holography; Experimental validations; Frame sequences; Holographic images; Illumination levels; MONTE CARLO; Noise limit; Noise synthesis; Off-axis geometry; Off-axis holography; phase-shifting; Real-time experiment; Shot-noise level; Computer generated holography; Shot noise; Holograms
Subwavelength spatial correlations in near-field speckle patterns Carminati, R. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81, no. 5 (2010)
Résumé: At subwavelength distance from the exit surface of a disordered medium, speckle patterns generated by multiple scattering of waves exhibit nonuniversal near-field correlations. A calculation of the field spatial correlation function shows that the correlation length is driven by the microscopic structure of the medium. The averaged speckle spot size can be smaller than the wavelength, even for nonresonant dielectric media. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Correlation lengths; Disordered medium; Microscopic structures; Near-field; Near-field speckles; Nonresonant dielectrics; Spatial correlation functions; Spatial correlations; Speckle patterns; Spot sizes; Sub-wavelength; Speckle
Separation of scales in elasticity imaging: A numerical study Ammari, H., P. Garapon, and F. Jouve Journal of Computational Mathematics 28, no. 3, 354-370 (2010)
Résumé: In magnetic resonance electrograph, one seeks to reconstruct the shear modulus from measurements of the displacement field in the whole body. In this paper, we present an optimization approach which solves the problem by simply minimizing a discrepancy functional. In order to recover a complex anomaly in a homogenous medium, we first observe that the information contained in the wave field should be decomposed into two parts, a "near-field" part in the region around the anomaly and a "far-field" part in the region away from the anomaly. As will be justified both theoretically and numerically, separating these scales provides a local and precise reconstruction. © 2010 by AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Mots-clés: Anomaly reconstruction; Elastography; Multi-scale imaging
Spatio-temporal invariants of the time reversal operator Robert, J.-L., and M. Fink Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127, no. 5, 2904-2912 (2010)
Résumé: The decomposition of the time reversal operator, known by the French acronym DORT, is a technique to extract point scatterers monochromatic Greens functions from a medium. It is used to detect, locate, and focus on scatterers in various domains such as underwater acoustics, medical ultrasound, and nondestructive evaluation. A limitation of the method arises from its single-frequency nature, when the signals used in acoustics are often broadband. Reconstruction of the broadband Greens functions from the single-frequency Greens functions can be very difficult when numerous scatterers are present in the medium. Moreover, the method does not take advantage of the axial resolution associated with broadband signals. Time domain methods are investigated here as an answer to these problems. It is shown that the time reversal operator in the time domain takes the form of a tensor. The properties of the invariants are discussed. It is shown they do not have all the expected properties. Another method is proposed that requires a priori information on the medium. © 2010 Acoustical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Axial resolutions; Broadband signal; Decomposition of the time reversal operator; Medical ultrasound; Non destructive evaluation; Priori information; Single-frequency; Spatio-temporal; Time domain; Time-domain methods; Time-reversal operator; Green's function; Scattering; Ultrasonic applications; Underwater acoustics; Time domain analysis; acoustics; algorithm; article; motion; radiation scattering; signal processing; sound; theoretical model; time; ultrasound; Acoustics; Algorithms; Models, The
Experimental validation of time reversal ultra wide-band communication system for high data rates Naqvi, I. H., G. E. Zein, G. Lerosey, J. De Rosny, P. Besnier, A. Tourin, and M. Fink IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation 4, no. 5, 643-650 (2010)
Résumé: An experimental validation of high data rate communication for a time reversal (TR) ultra wide-band (UWB) communication system is performed using binary pulse amplitude modulation (BPAM) in two different dense multipath propagation channels for different data rates (15.62-Mbps≤Rb≤1-Gbps). From the measured received signals, signal, interference and noise contributions are separated. At very high data rates, interference has the most dominant contribution of all. Furthermore, without any processing and equalisation at the receiver, bit error rate (BER) performance is compared for different Rb It is shown that for Rb≤125-Mbps, TR system gives a good BER performance. Finally, the authors introduce a modified TR scheme in which total bandwidth of the TR system is divided into Nsub-bands contributing equal power in the power spectral density (PSD). This technique enables a flat PSD of the TR transmitted signal, reduces inter symbol interference (ISI) and therefore improves the BER performance of the system. © 2010 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Mots-clés: BER performance; Bit error rate performance; Data rates; Dense multipath; Dominant contributions; Equalisation; Experimental validations; High data rate; High data rate communications; Noise contributions; Propagation channels; Received signals; Time reversal; Transmitted signal; Ultra-wideband communications; Amplitude modulation; Broadband networks; Communication systems; Data flow analysis; Power spectral density; Pulse amplitude modulation; Satellite communication systems; Bit error rate
Laser ultrasonic inspection of plates using zero-group velocity lamb modes Clorennec, D., C. Prada, and D. Royer IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 57, no. 5, 1125-1132 (2010)
Résumé: A noncontact laser-based ultrasonic technique is proposed for detecting small plate thickness variations caused by corrosion and adhesive disbond between two plates. The method exploits the resonance at the minimum frequency of the S1 Lamb mode dispersion curve. At this minimum frequency, the group velocity vanishes, whereas the phase velocity remains finite. The energy deposited by the laser pulse generates a local resonance of the plate. This vibration is detected at the same point by an optical interferometer. First experiments show the ability to image a 1.5-m deep corroded area on the back side of a 0.5-mm-thick duralumin plate. Because of the finite wavelength of the S1- zero group velocity (ZGV) mode, the spatial resolution is limited to approximately twice the plate thickness. With the same technique we investigate the state of adhesive bonds between duralumin and glass plates. The S 1-Lamb mode resonance is strongly attenuated when plates are rigidly bonded. In the case of thin adhesive layers, we observed other resonances, associated with ZGV modes of the multi-layer structure, whose frequencies and amplitudes vary with adhesive thickness. Experiments were carried out on real automotive adhesively bonded structures and the results were compared with images obtained by X-ray radiography. © 2010 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Adhesive bond; Adhesive layers; Adhesive thickness; Adhesively bonded structures; Disbond; Finite wavelength; Glass plate; Group velocities; Lamb modes; Laser ultrasonics; Laser-based ultrasonics; Local resonance; Multilayer structures; Non-contact; Optical interferometer; Plate thickness; Spatial resolution; Two plates; Zero-group velocity; Light velocity; Pulsed laser applications; Resonance; Ultrasonic testing; Ultrasonics; X ray radiography; Plates (structural components)
Nano-Optics: Yagi-Uda antenna shines bright Lerosey, G. Nature Photonics 4, no. 5, 267-268 (2010)
Imaging: Sharper focus by random scattering Fink, M. Nature Photonics 4, no. 5, 269-271 (2010)
High intensity focused ultrasound for transcranial therapy of brain lesions and disorders Aubry, J.-F., L. Marsac, M. Pernot, B. Robert, A.-L. Boch, D. Chauvet, N. Salameh, L. Souris, L. Darasse, J. Bittoun, Y. Martin, C. Cohen-Bacrie, J. Souquet, M. Fink, and M. Tanter IRBM 31, no. 2, 87-91 (2010)
Résumé: A novel MR-guided brain therapy device operating at 1 MHz has been designed and constructed. The system has been installed and tested in a clinical 1.5 T Philips Achieva MRI. Skull bone distortions induced on the ultrasonic beam are corrected using the concept of time reversal focusing. Prior to the treatment, a 3D CT scan of the patient head is performed and used as entry parameters for three-dimensional finite differences simulations that compute the propagation of the wave field through the human skull. The simulated phase distortions are then used as inputs for transcranial corrections. Temperature elevations during the treatment are imaged using MRI thermometry thus ensuring the control and safety of this therapeutic approach. First experiments are performed on four human cadavers and the promising results allow us to envision a first clinical investigation of this therapeutic approach in a near future. First targeted applications correspond to the non-invasive treatment of brain metastases and neurologic disorders such as the essential tremor. © 2010.
Mots-clés: Brain; Cancer; Focalisation; MRI; Therapy; Thermal ablation; Thermometry; Ultrasound; article; brain damage; brain disease; cadaver; computer assisted tomography; equipment design; high intensity focused ultrasound; human; image processing; image reconstruction; nuclear magnetic resonance imaging; parameter; safety; simulation; skull; thermometry; three dimensional imaging
Viscoelastic and anisotropic mechanical properties of in vivo muscle tissue assessed by supersonic shear imaging Gennisson, J.-L., T. Deffieux, E. Macé, G. Montaldo, M. Fink, and M. Tanter Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 36, no. 5, 789-801 (2010)
Résumé: The in vivo assessment of the biomechanical properties of the skeletal muscle is a complex issue because the muscle is an anisotropic, viscoelastic and dynamic medium. In this article, these mechanical properties are characterized for the brachialis muscle in vivo using a noninvasive ultrasound-based technique. This supersonic shear imaging technique combines an ultra-fast ultrasonic system and the remote generation of transient mechanical forces into tissue via the radiation force of focused ultrasonic beams. Such an ultrasonic radiation force is induced deep within the muscle by a conventional ultrasonic probe and the resulting shear waves are then imaged with the same probe (5 MHz) at an ultra-fast framerate (up to 5000 frames/s). Local tissue velocity maps are obtained with a conventional speckle tracking technique and provide a full movie of the shear wave propagation through the entire muscle. Shear wave group velocities are then estimated using a time of flight algorithm. This approach provides a complete set of quantitative and in vivo parameters describing the muscle's mechanical properties as a function of active voluntary contraction as well as passive extension of healthy volunteers. Anisotropic properties are also estimated by tilting the probe head with respects to the main muscular fibers direction. Finally, the dispersion of the shear waves is studied for these different configurations and shear modulus and shear viscosity are quantitatively assessed assuming the viscoelastic Voigt's model. © 2010 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.
Mots-clés: Anisotropy; Muscle tissue; Supersonic shear imaging; Transient elastography; Viscoelastic; Anisotropic mechanical properties; Anisotropic property; Biomechanical properties; Frame-rate; In-vivo; Muscle tissues; Radiation forces; Shear modulus; Skeletal muscle; Speckle tracking technique; Supersonic shear imaging; Time of flight; Transient elastography; Transient mechanical; Ultra-fast; Ultrasonic beams; Ultrasonic probe; Ultrasonic radiation force; Ultrasonic system; Velocity maps; Voluntary con
Diffusion-weighted MR imaging of the liver Vilgrain, V., J.-L. Daire, R. Sinkus, and B. E. Van Beers Journal de Radiologie 91, no. 3 C2, 381-393 (2010)
Résumé: Diffusion-weighted MR imaging of the liverDiffusion-weighted imaging studies the motion of water molecules within a given tissue. Initially used for neuroradiological applications, it is now routinely used for abdominal imaging, especially liver imaging. The diffusion pulse sequence is a T2 echo-planar sequence where diffusion gradients are applied. In this article, we will review the sequence itself and the parameters used to optimize the sequence, quantitative and qualitative image evaluation, and the main applications for liver imaging: characterization of focal lesions, detection of focal lesions, evaluation of response to therapy and quantification of liver fibrosis. © 2010. Éditions Françaises de Radiologie.
Mots-clés: Functional MRI fibrosis; Functional MRI tumors; Liver fibrosis; Liver imaging techniques; Liver tumors; article; diffusion weighted imaging; echo planar imaging; human; image analysis; liver cell carcinoma; liver disease; liver fibrosis; liver metastasis; qualitative analysis; quantitative analysis; treatment response; Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Echo-Planar Imaging; Humans; Image Enhancement; Liver Cirrhosis; Liver Diseases; Liver Neoplasms; Prognosis
Asymptotic imaging of perfectly conducting cracks Ammarl, H., H. Rang, H. Lee, and W.-K. Park SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 32, no. 2, 894-922 (2010)
Résumé: In this paper, we consider cracks with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We first derive an asymptotic expansion of the boundary perturbations that are due to the presence of a small crack. Based on this formula, we design a noniterative approach for loc ating a collection of small cracks. In order to do so, we construct a response matrix from the boundary measurements. The location and the length of the crack are estimated, respectively, from the pro jection onto the noise space and the first significant singular value of the response matrix. Indeed, the direction of the crack is estimated from the second singular vector. We then consider an extended crack with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We rigorously derive an asymptotic expansion for t he boundary perturbations that are due to a shape deformation of the crack. To reconstruct an extended crack from many boundary measurements, we develop two methods for obtaining a good guess. Several numerical experiments show how the proposed techniques for imaging small cracks as well as those for obtaining good initial guesses toward reconstructing an extended crack behave. © 2010 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Mots-clés: Asymptotic imaging; Crack detection; Reconstruction algorithm; Asymptotic expansion; Boundary measurements; Boundary perturbations; Conducting crack; Dirichlet boundary condition; Initial guess; Noise spaces; Non-iterative; Numerical experiments; Reconstruction algorithms; Response matrices; Shape deformation; Singular values; Singular vectors; Small crack; Asymptotic analysis; Boundary conditions; Crack detection
Frequency-resolved temperature imaging of integrated circuits with full field heterodyne interferometry Suck, S. Y., G. Tessier, N. Warnasooriya, A. Babuty, and Y. De Wilde Applied Physics Letters 96, no. 12 (2010)
Résumé: We report a fast imaging method based on full field heterodyne interferometry for the purpose of frequency resolved temperature imaging. An integrated circuit is supplied with a modulated current resulting into a temperature modulation. The frequency content for this modulation is detected using an object beam and a reference beam, frequency-shifted to create a beating of the interference pattern. We obtain frequency domain spectra of the temperature with excellent precision. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
Mots-clés: Fast imaging; Frequency contents; Frequency domains; Full-field; Heterodyne interferometry; Interference patterns; Modulated current; Object beam; Reference beams; Temperature imaging; Temperature modulation; Heterodyning; Integrated circuits; Interferometry; Light measurement
Experimental study of the invariants of the time-reversal operator for a dielectric cylinder using separate transmit and receive arrays Davy, M., J.-G. Minonzio, J. De Rosny, C. Prada, and M. Fink IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 58, no. 4, 1349-1356 (2010)
Résumé: The decomposition of the time reversal operator (DORT method) is applied to electromagnetic waves in order to characterize a dielectric cylinder. It consists in determining the Time Reversal Invariants of the Time Reversal Operator. Here, this matrix is built from the inter-element responses between distinct transmit and receive arrays. In this paper experimental results obtained between 2 and 4 GHz are compared to a theoretical model, developed in an other paper (Minonzio , Theory of the time-reversal operator for a dielectric cylinder using separate transmit and receive arrays, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 57, pp. 23312340, 2009). The DORT method is then applied to an inverse problem to determine the diameter and the permittivity of the cylinder. It is shown experimentally that different experimental parameters can be estimated from the singular values of the time reversal operator. © 2006 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Antenna array processing; Electromagnetic inverse problem; Electromagnetic scattering; Decomposition of the time reversal operator; Dielectric cylinder; Electromagnetic inverse problems; Electromagnetic scattering; Experimental parameters; Experimental studies; matrix; Singular values; Theoretical models; Time reversal; Time-reversal operator; Antenna arrays; Array processing; Cylinders (shapes); Dielectric devices; Electromagnetic wave scattering; Electromagnetic waves; Inverse problems; Microw
Transient thermoreflectance imaging of active photonic crystals Moreau, V., G. Tessier, F. Raineri, M. Brunstein, A. Yacomotti, R. Raj, I. Sagnes, A. Levenson, and Y. De Wilde Applied Physics Letters 96, no. 9 (2010)
Résumé: Transient thermoreflectance imaging is used to study the dynamics of the temperature inside active two-dimensional photonic crystals (PhCs). We developed a pump-probe setup suited for optically pumped devices that presents submicrosecond time resolution and submicrometer spatial resolution. Characteristic thermal dissipation times of 429 ns in a PhC Bloch mode cavity and of 999 ns in a PhC membrane are measured. This technique gives also access to the diffusivity of the suspended PhC. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
Mots-clés: Active photonic crystals; Bloch modes; Diffusivities; Optically pumped; Pump-probe; Spatial resolution; Sub-microsecond; Submicrometers; Thermal dissipation; Time resolution; Transient thermoreflectance; Two-dimensional photonic crystals; Photonic crystals
Tunable trapped mode in symmetric resonator designed for metamaterials Ourir, A., R. Abdeddaim, and J. De Rosny Progress in Electromagnetics Research 101, 115-123 (2010)
Résumé: The excitation of an antisymmetric trapped mode on a symmetric metamaterial resonator is experimentally demonstrated. We use an active electronic device to break the electrical symmetry and therefore to generate this trapped mode on a symmetric spilt ring resonator. Even more, with such a tunable mode coupling resonator, we can precisely tune the resonant mode frequency. In this way, a shift of up to 15 percent is observed.
Mots-clés: Active electronic devices; Anti-symmetric; Mode coupling; Resonant mode; Ring resonator; Trapped modes; Electronic equipment; Metamaterials; Resonators
Compressed sensing with off-axis frequency-shifting holography Marim, M. M., M. Atlan, E. Angelini, and J.-C. Olivo-Marin Optics Letters 35, no. 6, 871-873 (2010)
Résumé: This work reveals an experimental microscopy acquisition scheme successfully combining compressed sensing (CS) and digital holography in off-axis and frequency-shifting conditions. CS is a recent data acquisition theory involving signal reconstruction from randomly undersampled measurements, exploiting the fact that most images present some compact structure and redundancy. We propose a genuine CS-based imaging scheme for sparse gradient images, acquiring a diffraction map of the optical field with holographic microscopy and recovering the signal from as little as 7% of random measurements. We report experimental results demonstrating how CS can lead to an elegant and effective way to reconstruct images, opening the door for new microscopy applications. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Compact structures; Compressed sensing; Digital holography; Frequency-shifting; Gradient images; Holographic microscopy; Imaging schemes; Off-axis; Optical field; Random measurement; Computer generated holography; Signal reconstruction; Signal processing; algorithm; article; holography; image processing; light related phenomena; methodology; Algorithms; Holography; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Optical Processes
Nano-Optics: Yagi-Uda antenna shines bright Lerosey, G. Nature Photonics (2010)
Temperature dependence of the shear modulus of soft tissues assessed by ultrasound Sapin-De Brosses, E., J.-L. Gennisson, M. Pernot, M. Fink, and M. Tanter Physics in Medicine and Biology 55, no. 6, 1701-1718 (2010)
Résumé: Soft tissue stiffness was shown to significantly change after thermal ablation. To better understand this phenomenon, the study aims (1) to quantify and explain the temperature dependence of soft tissue stiffness for different organs, (2) to investigate the potential relationship between stiffness changes and thermal dose and (3) to study the reversibility or irreversibility of stiffness changes. Ex vivo bovine liver and muscle samples (N = 3 and N = 20, respectively) were slowly heated and cooled down into a thermally controlled saline bath. Temperatures were assessed by thermocouples. Sample stiffness (shear modulus) was provided by the quantitative supersonic shear imaging technique. Changes in liver stiffness are observed only after 45 °C. In contrast, between 25 °C and 65 °C, muscle stiffness varies in four successive steps that are consistent with the thermally induced proteins denaturation reported in the literature. After a 6 h long heating and cooling process, the final muscle stiffness can be either smaller or bigger than the initial one, depending on the stiffness at the end of the heating. Another important result is that stiffness changes are linked to thermal dose. Given the high sensitivity of ultrasound to protein denaturation, this study gives promising prospects for the development of ultrasound-guided HIFU systems. © 2010 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.
Mots-clés: Bovine liver; Cooling process; Ex-vivo; High sensitivity; Liver stiffness; Muscle stiffness; Protein denaturation; Shear modulus; Soft tissue; Supersonic shear imaging; Temperature dependence; Thermal ablation; Thermal dose; Thermally induced; Coagulation; Elastic moduli; Heating; Imaging techniques; Liver; Muscle; Proteins; Temperature distribution; Thermocouples; Ultrasonic applications; Ultrasonics; Stiffness
Measuring the transmission matrix in optics: An approach to the study and control of light propagation in disordered media Popoff, S. M., G. Lerosey, R. Carminati, M. Fink, A. C. Boccara, and S. Gigan Physical Review Letters 104, no. 10 (2010)
Résumé: We introduce a method to experimentally measure the monochromatic transmission matrix of a complex medium in optics. This method is based on a spatial phase modulator together with a full-field interferometric measurement on a camera. We determine the transmission matrix of a thick random scattering sample. We show that this matrix exhibits statistical properties in good agreement with random matrix theory and allows light focusing and imaging through the random medium. This method might give important insight into the mesoscopic properties of a complex medium. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Complex medium; Disordered media; Full-field; Interferometric measurement; matrix; Mesoscopic properties; Random matrix theory; Random medium; Random scattering; Spatial phase modulator; Statistical properties; Transmission matrix; Light; Light propagation; Light transmission
Parallel heterodyne detection of dynamic light-scattering spectra from gold nanoparticles diffusing in viscous fluids Atlan, M., P. Desbiolles, M. Gross, and M. Coppey-Moisan Optics Letters 35, no. 5, 787-789 (2010)
Résumé: We developed a microscope intended to probe, using a parallel heterodyne receiver, the fluctuation spectrum of light quasi-elastically scattered by gold nanoparticles diffusing in viscous fluids. The cutoff frequencies of the recorded spectra scale up linearly with those expected from single-scattering formalism in a wide range of dynamic viscosities (1 to 15 times water viscosity at room temperature). Our scheme enables ensembleaveraged optical fluctuations measurements over multispeckle recordings in low light, at temporal frequencies up to 10 kHz, with a 12 Hz framerate array detector. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Array detectors; Dynamic viscosities; Fluctuation spectra; Frame-rate; Gold Nanoparticles; Heterodyne receivers; Low light; Optical fluctuation; Parallel heterodyne detection; Room temperature; Scale-up; Single scattering; Temporal frequency; Viscous fluids; Water viscosity; Cutoff frequency; Nanoparticles; Viscosity; Viscous flow; Heterodyning; gold; nanoparticle; article; chemistry; equipment; equipment design; instrumentation; light; microscopy; photometry; radiation scattering; Raman spectro
Editorial for the special issue on signal models and representations of musical and environmental sounds David, B., M. Goto, L. Daudet, and P. Smaragdis IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 18, no. 3, 417-419 (2010)
Controlling the quantum yield of a dipole emitter with coupled plasmonic modes Vandenbem, C., D. Brayer, L. S. Froufe-Pérez, and R. Carminati Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81, no. 8 (2010)
Résumé: We study theoretically the possibility of controlling the quantum yield of a single dipole emitter using coupled plasmonic modes. Plasmon hybridization offers spectral and spatial degrees of freedom that can be used to tune the spontaneous decay rate and the apparent quantum yield with high sensitivity. We demonstrate this concept on simple structures that could be implemented experimentally. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
Nonlinear reflection of shock shear waves in soft elastic media Pinton, G., F. Coulouvrat, J.-L. Gennisson, and M. Tanter Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127, no. 2, 683-691 (2010)
Résumé: For fluids, the theoretical investigation of shock wave reflection has a good agreement with experiments when the incident shock Mach number is large. But when it is small, theory predicts that Mach reflections are physically unrealistic, which contradicts experimental evidence. This von Neumann paradox is investigated for shear shock waves in soft elastic solids with theory and simulations. The nonlinear elastic wave equation is approximated by a paraxial wave equation with a cubic nonlinear term. This equation is solved numerically with finite differences and the Godunov scheme. Three reflection regimes are observed. Theory is developed for shock propagation by applying the Rankine-Hugoniot relations and entropic constraints. A characteristic parameter relating diffraction and non-linearity is introduced and its theoretical values are shown to match numerical observations. The numerical solution is then applied to von Neumann reflection, where curved reflected and Mach shocks are observed. Finally, the case of weak von Neumann reflection, where there is no reflected shock, is examined. The smooth but non-monotonic transition between these three reflection regimes, from linear Snell-Descartes to perfect grazing case, provides a solution to the acoustical von Neumann paradox for the shear wave equation. This transition is similar to the quadratic non-linearity in fluids. © 2010 Acoustical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Characteristic parameter; Descartes; Elastic media; Elastic solids; Experimental evidence; Finite difference; Godunov scheme; Incident shock; Mach reflection; Non-Linearity; Nonlinear elastic wave equations; Nonlinear terms; Numerical solution; Paraxial wave equation; Rankine-Hugoniot relations; Reflected shocks; Shock propagation; Shock wave reflection; Theoretical investigations; Theoretical values; Von Neumann paradox; Von Neumann reflection; Linearization; Mach number; Nonlinear equations; N
Radiative corrections to the polarizability tensor of an electrically small anisotropic dielectric particle Albaladejo, S., R. Gómez-Medina, L. S. Froufe-Pérez, H. Marinchio, R. Carminati, J. F. Torrado, G. Armelles, A. García-Martín, and J. J. Sáenz Optics Express 18, no. 4, 3556-3567 (2010)
Résumé: Radiative corrections to the polarizability tensor of isotropic particles are fundamental to understand the energy balance between absorption and scattering processes. Equivalent radiative corrections for anisotropic particles are not well known. Assuming that the polarization within the particle is uniform, we derived a closed-form expression for the polarizability tensor which includes radiative corrections. In the absence of absorption, this expression of the polarizability tensor is consistent with the optical theorem. An analogous result for infinitely long cylinders was also derived. Magneto optical Kerr effects in non-absorbing nanoparticles with magneto-optical activity arise as a consequence of radiative corrections to the electrostatic polarizability tensor. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Anisotropic dielectrics; Anisotropic particles; Closed-form expression; Isotropic particles; Magneto-optical activity; Magneto-optical Kerr effects; Optical theorem; Polarizability tensor; Radiative corrections; Scattering process; Absorption; Anisotropy; Gene expression; High energy physics; Kerr magnetooptical effect; Magnetic field effects; Magnetos; Tensors; Optical Kerr effect; anisotropy; article; computer simulation; electromagnetic field; impedance; particle size; radiation dose; radiati
Imaging gold nanoparticles in living cell environments using heterodyne digital holographic microscopy Warnasooriya, N., F. Joud, P. Bun, G. Tessier, M. Coppey-Moisan, P. Desbiolles, M. Atlan, M. Abboud, and M. Gross Optics Express 18, no. 4, 3264-3273 (2010)
Résumé: This paper describes an imaging microscopic technique based on heterodyne digital holography where subwavelength-sized gold colloids can be imaged in cell environments. Surface cellular receptors of 3T3 mouse fibroblasts are labeled with 40 nm gold nanoparticles, and the biological specimen is imaged in a total internal reflection configuration with holographic microscopy. Due to a higher scattering efficiency of the gold nanoparticles versus that of cellular structures, accurate localization of a gold marker is obtained within a 3D mapping of the entire sample's scattered field, with a lateral precision of 5 mn and 100 nm in the x,y and in the z directions respectively, demonstrating the ability of holographic microscopy to locate nanoparticles in living cell environments. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: 3-D mapping; Biological specimens; Cellular receptors; Cellular structure; Digital holographic microscopy; Digital holography; Gold colloid; Gold Nanoparticles; Holographic microscopy; In-cell; Living cell; Microscopic techniques; Mouse-fibroblasts; Scattered field; Scattering efficiency; Sub-wavelength; Total internal reflections; Z-directions; Cell culture; Computer generated holography; Heterodyning; Nanoparticles; Refractive index; Three dimensional; Gold; gold; nanoparticle; animal; article
Multiwave imaging and super resolution Fink, M., and M. Tanter Physics Today 63, no. 2, 28-33 (2010)
Résumé: The human body supports the propagation of many kinds of waves, each of which can provide an image with a specific type of information. For example, ultrasonic waves reveal a tissue's density and how it responds to compression forces, and mechanical shear waves indicate how tissues respond to shear forces. Low-frequency electromagnetic waves are sensitive to electrical conductivity; optical waves tell about optical absorption. In all those circumstances, physicists have striven to obtain the best overall contrast and resolution. Now, after decades of work, we are pushing against the physical limits inherent in each imaging modality. As described in the box on page 30, that limit is, in many cases, not determined by wavelength. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
Excitation and focusing of Lamb waves in a multilayered anisotropic plate Chapuis, B., N. Terrien, and D. Royer Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127, no. 1, 198-203 (2010)
Résumé: The radiation of Lamb waves by an axisymmetric source on the surface of an anisotropic plate is investigated. An analytical expression of the Green's function, valid in the far field domain, is derived. This approximation shows that the anisotropy of the propagation medium induces a focusing of Lamb modes in some directions, which correspond to minima of the slowness. Numerical simulations and experiments demonstrate that for the fundamental A 0 and S 0 modes, this phenomenon, analog to the phonon focusing effect, can be very strong in materials such as composite fiber-reinforced polymers. This effect due to the plate anisotropy must be correctly taken into account, for example, in order to develop systems for in situ structural health monitoring. The choice of the most appropriate Lamb mode, the excitation frequency, and the design of the array of piezoelectric disks used as transmitters and receivers depends on such considerations. © 2010 Acoustical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Analytical expressions; Anisotropic plates; Axisymmetric; Composite fibers; Excitation frequency; Far field; In-situ; Lamb modes; Lamb Wave; Multi-layered; Numerical simulation; Phonon focusing; Piezoelectric disks; Computer simulation; Fiber reinforced materials; Gene expression; Green's function; Plates (structural components); Structural health monitoring; Ultrasonic waves; Anisotropy; acoustics; algorithm; anisotropy; article; computer simulation; electronics; methodology; theoretical model;
A unifying fractional wave equation for compressional and shear waves Holm, S., and R. Sinkus Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127, no. 1, 542-548 (2010)
Résumé: This study has been motivated by the observed difference in the range of the power-law attenuation exponent for compressional and shear waves. Usually compressional attenuation increases with frequency to a power between 1 and 2, while shear wave attenuation often is described with powers less than 1. Another motivation is the apparent lack of partial differential equations with desirable properties such as causality that describe such wave propagation. Starting with a constitutive equation which is a generalized Hooke's law with a loss term containing a fractional derivative, one can derive a causal fractional wave equation previously given by Caputo [Geophys J. R. Astron. Soc. 13, 529-539 (1967)] and Wismer [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 3493-3502 (2006)]. In the low ω τ (low-frequency) case, this equation has an attenuation with a power-law in the range from 1 to 2. This is consistent with, e.g., attenuation in tissue. In the often neglected high ω τ (high-frequency) case, it describes attenuation with a power-law between 0 and 1, consistent with what is observed in, e.g., dynamic elastography. Thus a unifying wave equation derived properly from constitutive equations can describe both cases. © 2010 Acoustical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Compressional; Compressional attenuation; Elastography; Fractional derivatives; Fractional wave equation; High frequency HF; Hooke's Law; Low frequency; Power-law; Shear wave attenuation; Constitutive equations; Differential equations; Programmable logic controllers; Shear flow; Shear waves; Wave equations; polyethylene; viscoelastic substance; acoustics; algorithm; article; brain; breast; chemistry; flow kinetics; human; liver; mechanical stress; mechanics; methodology; physiology; pressure; st
Towards a random laser with cold atoms Guerin, W., N. Mercadier, F. Michaud, D. Brivio, L. S. Froufe-Pérez, R. Carminati, V. Eremeev, A. Goetschy, S. E. Skipetrov, and R. Kaiser Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 12, no. 2 (2010)
Résumé: Atoms can scatter light and they can also amplify it by stimulated emission. From this simple starting point, we examine the possibility of realizing a random laser in a cloud of laser-cooled atoms. The answer is not obvious as both processes (elastic scattering and stimulated emission) seem to exclude one another: pumping atoms to make them behave as an amplifier drastically reduces their scattering cross-section. However, we show that even the simplest atom model allows the efficient combination of gain and scattering. Moreover, the supplementary degrees of freedom that atoms offer allow the use of several gain mechanisms, depending on the pumping scheme. We thus first study these different gain mechanisms and show experimentally that they can induce (standard) lasing. We then present how the constraint of combining scattering and gain can be quantified, which leads to an evaluation of the random laser threshold. The results are promising and we draw some prospects for a practical realization of a random laser with cold atoms. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Mots-clés: Cold atoms; Random laser; Cold atoms; Degrees of freedom; Laser-cooled atoms; Practical realizations; Pumping schemes; Random lasers; Scattering cross section; Degrees of freedom (mechanics); Laser beams; Pumps; Scattering; Stimulated emission; Atoms
Diagnostic value of MR elastography in addition to contrast-enhanced MR imaging of the breast - Initial clinical results Siegmann, K. C., T. Xydeas, R. Sinkus, B. Kraemer, U. Vogel, and C. D. Claussen European Radiology 20, no. 2, 318-325 (2010)
Résumé: Objective: The purpose of the study was to assess the additional value of magnetic resonance (MR) elastography (MRE) to contrast-enhanced (ce) MR imaging (MRI) for breast lesion characterisation. Methods: Fifty-seven suspected breast lesions in 57 patients (mean age 52.4 years) were examined by ce MRI and MRE. All lesions were classified into BI-RADS categories. Viscoelastic parameters, e.g. α0 as an indicator of tissue stiffness, were calculated. Histology of the lesions was correlated with BI-RADS and viscoelastic properties. The positive predictive value (PPV) for malignancy, and the sensitivity and specificity of ce MRI were calculated. Receiver-operating characteristics (ROC) curves were separately calculated for both ce MRI and visco-elastic properties and conjoined to analyse the accuracy of diagnostic performance. Results: The lesions (mean size 27.6 mm) were malignant in 64.9% (n=37) of cases. The PPV for malignancy was significantly (p< 0.0001) dependent on BI-RADS classification. The sensitivity of ce MRI for breast cancer detection was 97.3% (36/37), whereas specificity was 55% (11/20). If ce MRI was combined with α0, the diagnostic accuracy could be significantly increased (p<0.05; AUCceMRI=0.93, AUCcombined=0.96). Conclusions: In this study, the combination of MRE and ce MRI could increase the diagnostic performance of breast MRI. Further investigations of larger cohorts and smaller lesions (in particular those only visible on MRI) are necessary to validate these results. © European Society of Radiology 2009.
Mots-clés: Breast; Diagnostic value; MR elastography; MRE; MRI; adult; article; breast cancer; breast lesion; clinical protocol; clinical trial; contrast enhancement; diagnostic accuracy; diagnostic value; disease classification; female; human; human tissue; magnetic resonance elastography; major clinical study; nuclear magnetic resonance imaging; prediction; priority journal; receiver operating characteristic; sensitivity and specificity; tissue structure; viscoelasticity; breast tumor; elastography; imag
Fluorescence quenching by a metal nanoparticle in the extreme near-field regime Castanié, E., M. Boffety, and R. Carminati Optics Letters 35, no. 3, 291-293 (2010)
Résumé: We study the spontaneous decay rate of a dipóle emitter close to a metallic nanoparticle in the extreme nearfield regime. The metal is modeled using a nonlocal dielectric function that accounts for the microscopic length scales of the free electron gas. We describe quantitatively the crossover between the macroscopic and microscopic regimes and the enhanced nonradiative decay due to microscopic interactions. Our theory is in agreement with results previously established in the asymptotic near- and far-field regimes. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Dielectric functions; Far-field; Fluorescence quenching; Free electron gas; Metal nanoparticles; Metallic nanoparticles; Microscopic interaction; Microscopic length scale; Near-field; Nonlocal; Nonradiative decays; Spontaneous decay rates; Decay (organic); Electron gas; Nanoparticles
Surface acoustic waves in interaction with a dislocation Maurel, A., V. Pagneux, F. Barra, and F. Lund Ultrasonics 50, no. 2, 161-166 (2010)
Résumé: A surface acoustic wave can interact with dislocations that are close to the surface. We characterize this interaction and its manifestations as scattered surface acoustic waves for different orientations with respect to the surface of an edge dislocation. For dislocations that are parallel or perpendicular to the free surface, we present an analytical result for short dislocations with respect to the wave-length that reproduce qualitatively the main features observed for dislocations of various sizes. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mots-clés: Dislocations; Scattering; Surface acoustic waves; Analytical results; Edge dislocation; Free surfaces; Scattering surface; Surface acoustic waves; Acoustic surface wave devices; Acoustic waves; Acoustics; Acoustoelectric effects; Acoustic wave scattering
MR-guided transcranial brain HIFU in small animal models Larrat, B., M. Pernot, J.-F. Aubry, E. Dervishi, R. Sinkus, D. Seilhean, Y. Marie, A.-L. Boch, M. Fink, and M. Tanter Physics in Medicine and Biology 55, no. 2, 365-388 (2010)
Résumé: Recent studies have demonstrated the feasibility of transcranial high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) therapy in the brain using adaptive focusing techniques. However, the complexity of the procedures imposes provision of accurate targeting, monitoring and control of this emerging therapeutic modality in order to ensure the safety of the treatment and avoid potential damaging effects of ultrasound on healthy tissues. For these purposes, a complete workflow and setup for HIFU treatment under magnetic resonance (MR) guidance is proposed and implemented in rats. For the first time, tissue displacements induced by the acoustic radiation force are detected in vivo in brain tissues and measured quantitatively using motion-sensitive MR sequences. Such a valuable target control prior to treatment assesses the quality of the focusing pattern in situ and enables us to estimate the acoustic intensity at focus. This MR-acoustic radiation force imaging is then correlated with conventional MR-thermometry sequences which are used to follow the temperature changes during the HIFU therapeutic session. Last, pre- and post-treatment magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) datasets are acquired and evaluated as a new potential way to non-invasively control the stiffness changes due to the presence of thermal necrosis. As a proof of concept, MR-guided HIFU is performed in vitro in turkey breast samples and in vivo in transcranial rat brain experiments. The experiments are conducted using a dedicated MR-compatible HIFU setup in a high-field MRI scanner (7 T). Results obtained on rats confirmed that both the MR localization of the US focal point and the pre- and post-HIFU measurement of the tissue stiffness, together with temperature control during HIFU are feasible and valuable techniques for efficient monitoring of HIFU in the brain. Brain elasticity appears to be more sensitive to the presence of oedema than to tissue necrosis. © 2010 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.
Mots-clés: Acoustic radiation force; Adaptive focusing; Brain tissue; Damaging effects; Data sets; Efficient monitoring; Focal points; Healthy tissues; High field MRI; High intensity focused ultrasound; In-situ; In-vitro; In-vivo; Magnetic resonance elastography; Magnetic resonance guidances; Monitoring and control; MR sequence; MR-compatible; MR-thermometry; Post treatment; Proof of concept; Rat brain; Small animal model; Temperature changes; Therapeutic modality; Thermal necrosis; Tissue displacement; Ti
Photothermal heterodyne holography of gold nanoparticles Absil, E., G. Tessier, M. Gross, M. Atlan, N. Warnasooriya, S. Suck, M. Coppey-Moisan, and D. Fournier Optics Express 18, no. 2, 780-786 (2010)
Résumé: We report a method based on heterodyne numerical holography associated to photothermal excitation for full field and three-dimensional localisation of metallic nanoparticles. A modulated pump laser (γ = 532 nm) heats several particles, creating local refractive index changes. This modulation is detected using a probe and a local oscillator beam (γ = 785 nm), frequency-shifted to create a hologram beating at low frequency. Tens of particles, down to diameters of 10 nm, can be localised simultaneously and selectively in three dimensions with near- diffraction resolution by a numerical reconstruction of a single hologram acquired in 5 s. © 2009 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: gold; nanoparticle; article; chemistry; holography; methodology; photometry; refractometry; thermography; ultrastructure; Gold; Holography; Nanoparticles; Photometry; Refractometry; Thermography; Full-field; Gold Nanoparticles; Heterodyne holography; Local oscillators; Localisation; Low frequency; Metallic nanoparticles; Numerical reconstruction; Photo-thermal; Photothermal excitation; Pump laser; Refractive index changes; Three dimensions; Heterodyning; Holograms; Nanoparticles; Pumping (laser)
Focusing and amplification of electromagnetic waves by time reversal in an leaky reverberation chamber Davy, M., J. De Rosny, J.-C. Joly, and M. Fink Comptes Rendus Physique 11, no. 1, 37-43 (2010)
Résumé: In this article, time reversal is used to generate high power microwave pulses from a low power arbitrary wave generator. We use a reverberation chamber with an aperture on the front face and we take advantage of the pulse compression property of time reversal. High amplitude peaks are generated outside the chamber thanks to the long spreading time of the signals inside. We study the amplitude of this peak and the width of the focal spot with respect to the different experimental parameters. A gain of 18 dB compared to a directive antenna of the same aperture is obtained. © 2010 Académie des sciences.
Mots-clés: Focal spot; Gain; Reverberation cavity; Time reversal
Transcranial ultrasonic therapy based on time reversal of acoustically induced cavitation bubble signature Gâteau, J., L. Marsac, M. Pernot, J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, and M. Fink IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 57, no. 1, 134-144 (2010)
Résumé: Brain treatment through the skull with high-intensity focused ultrasound can be achieved with multichannel arrays and adaptive focusing techniques such as time reversal. This method requires a reference signal to be either emitted by a real source embedded in brain tissues or computed from a virtual source, using the acoustic properties of the skull derived from computed tomography images. This noninvasive computational method focuses with precision, but suffers from modeling and repositioning errors that reduce the accessible acoustic pressure at the focus in comparison with fully experimental time reversal using an implanted hydrophone. In this paper, this simulation-based targeting has been used experimentally as a first step for focusing through an ex vivo human skull at a single location. It has enabled the creation of a cavitation bubble at focus that spontaneously emitted an ultrasonic wave received by the array. This active source signal has allowed 97 ± 1.1 of the reference pressure (hydrophone-based) to be restored at the geometrical focus. To target points around the focus with an optimal pressure level, conventional electronic steering from the initial focus has been combined with bubble generation. Thanks to step-by-step bubble generation, the electronic steering capabilities of the array through the skull were improved. © 2009 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Acoustic beam steering; Acoustic cavitation; Adaptive arrays; Transcranial brain therapy; Acoustic beams; Acoustic cavitations; Adaptive arrays; Brain therapy; Transcranial; Acoustic properties; Acoustic waves; Computerized tomography; Hydrophones; Military photography; Quantum theory; Ultrasonics; Cavitation; acoustic cavitation; acoustics; article; computer assisted tomography; gold standard; high intensity focused ultrasound; mathematical model; microbubble; phantom; skull; transcranial ultra
Achieving antenna isolation within subwavelength directive cavity Ourir, A., R. Abdeddaim, and J. De Rosny Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 24, no. 2-3, 219-228 (2010)
Résumé: Antenna arrays embedded within a compact Fabry-Perot cavity have to be optimized to limit interactions between elementary antennas. In this article, we propose to use a superstrate metamaterial to design a highly isolated antenna array. This superstrate is based on the microstrip technology. It is made of an inductive and a capacitive grid respectively etched on the top and the bottom of epoxy plate. Metallic vias are then inserted through the superstrate to connect the two etched grids. This superstrate combined with a metallic ground plane leads to the design of a subwavelength cavity. The proposed cavity allows a significant antenna profile reduction and performance enhancement. More importantly, this structure provides a high isolation for an antenna array. © 2010 VSP.
Mots-clés: Antenna isolation; Elementary antenna; Fabry-Perot cavity; Ground planes; High isolation; Microstrip Technology; Performance enhancements; Profile reduction; Sub-wavelength; Superstrates; Fabry-Perot interferometers; Metamaterials; Antenna arrays
A wave superposition method based on monopole sources with unique solution for all wave numbers Leblanc, A., R. K. Ing, and A. Lavie Acta Acustica united with Acustica 96, no. 1, 125-130 (2010)
Résumé: A simple solution for the uniqueness problem of the wave superposition method is proposed in this paper. Many authors have pointed out the discrete set of wavenumbers for which the solution of the underlying integral equations is not unique. So far, the usual solutions are theoretically sophisticated and/or numerically disadvantageous. Here, by adding some sources interior to the virtual surface defined by the wave superposition method, the uniqueness problem can be easily removed with low computational effort. Furthermore, dealing with simple monopoles, this method is well-suited for practical applications. © S. Hirzel Verlag.
Mots-clés: Computational effort; Discrete sets; Monopole source; Wave numbers; Wave superposition method; Fluid structure interaction
Walking droplets: A form of wave-particle duality at macroscopic scale? Couder, Y., A. Boudaoud, S. Protière, and E. Fort Europhysics News 41, no. 1, 14-18 (2010)