Exploiting the time-reversal operator for adaptive optics, selective focusing, and scattering pattern analysis Popoff, S. M., A. Aubry, G. Lerosey, M. Fink, A. C. Boccara, and S. Gigan Physical Review Letters 107, no. 26 (2011)
Résumé: We report on the experimental measurement of the backscattering matrix of a weakly scattering medium in optics, composed of a few dispersed gold nanobeads. The decomposition of the time-reversal operator is applied to this matrix and we demonstrate selective and efficient focusing on individual scatterers, even through an aberrating layer. Moreover, we show that this approach provides the decomposition of the scattering pattern of a single nanoparticle. These results open important perspectives for optical imaging, characterization, and selective excitation of nanoparticles. © 2011 American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Backscattering matrix; Experimental measurements; matrix; Nanobeads; Optical imaging; Scattering medium; Scattering pattern; Selective excitations; Single nanoparticle; Time-reversal operator; Nanoparticles; Scattering
The link between tissue elasticity and thermal dose in vivo Sapin-De Brosses, E., M. Pernot, and M. Tanter Physics in Medicine and Biology 56, no. 24, 7755-7765 (2011)
Résumé: The objective of this study was to investigate in vivo the relationship between stiffness and thermal dose. For this purpose, shear wave elastography (SWE) - a novel ultrasound-based technique for real-time mapping of the stiffness of biological soft tissues - is performed in temperature-controlled experiments. Experiments were conducted on nine anesthetized rats. Their right leg was put in a thermo-regulated waterbath. The right leg of each animal was heated at one particular temperature between 38 °C and 48.5 °C for 15 min to 3 h. Shear waves were generated in the muscle using the acoustic radiation force induced by a linear ultrasonic probe. The shear wave propagation was imaged in real time by the probe using an ultrafast scanner prototype (10 000 frames s -1). The local tissue stiffness was derived from the shear wave speed. Two optical fiber sensors were inserted into the muscle to measure in situ the temperature. Stiffness was found to increase strongly during the experiments. When expressed as a function of the thermal dose, the stiffness curves were found to be the same for all experiments. A thermal dose threshold was found at 202 min for an eightfold stiffness increase. Finally, the time-temperature relationship was established for different stiffness ratios. The slope of the time-temperature relationship based on stiffness measurements was found identical to the one obtained for cell death in the seminal paper on the thermal dose by Sapareto and Dewey in 1984 (Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 10 787-800). The present results highlight the stiffness increase as a good indicator of thermal necrosis. SWE imaging can be used in vivo for necrosis threshold determination in thermal therapy. © 2011 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.
Mots-clés: Acoustic radiation force; Biological soft tissue; In-vivo; Measure in situ; Optical fiber sensor; Real time; Real-time mapping; Shear wave elastography; Shear wave speed; Stiffness increase; Stiffness measurements; Stiffness ratios; Thermal dose; Thermal necrosis; Thermal therapies; Threshold determination; Time-temperature; Tissue elasticity; Tissue stiffness; Ultrafast scanners; Ultrasonic probe; Cell death; Elasticity; Experiments; Medical imaging; Muscle; Nanocomposites; Optical fibers; Prob
Nonlinear effects in random lasers Andreasen, J., P. Sebbah, and C. Vanneste Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 28, no. 12, 2947-2955 (2011)
Résumé: Recent numerical and theoretical studies have demonstrated that the modes at threshold of a random laser are in direct correspondence with the resonances of the same system without gain, a feature which is well known in conventional lasers but not known until recently for random lasers. This paper presents numerical results of the multimode regime that takes place when the pumping rate is progressively increased above threshold. Behavior that is already known in standard lasers, such as mode competition and nonlinear wave mixing, are shown to also take place in random lasers thus reinforcing their recent modal description. However, due to the complexity of the laser modes and to the openness of such lasers, which require large external pumping to compensate for strong loss, one observes that these effects are systematic and can be more pronounced than in a conventional laser. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Conventional lasers; Mode competition; Multimodes; Nonlinear effect; Nonlinear wave mixing; Numerical results; Pumping rate; Random lasers; Theoretical study; Laser beams; Pumping (laser)
Cramer-Rao analysis of steady-state and time-domain fluorescence diffuse optical imaging Boffety, M., M. Allain, A. Sentenac, M. Massonneau, and R. Carminati Biomedical Optics Express 2, no. 6, 1626-1636 (2011)
Résumé: Using a Cramer-Rao analysis, we study the theoretical performances of a time and spatially resolved fDOT imaging system for jointly estimating the position and the concentration of a point-wide fluorescent volume in a diffusive sample. We show that the fluorescence lifetime is a critical parameter for the precision of the technique. A time resolved fDOT system that does not use spatial information is also considered. In certain cases, a simple steady-state configuration may be as efficient as this time resolved fDOT system. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Critical parameter; Diffuse optical imaging; Fluorescence lifetimes; Spatial informations; Spatially resolved; Theoretical performance; Time domain; Time-resolved; Fluorescence; Time domain analysis
Decompositions in sound elements and musical applications Lagrange, M., R. Badeau, B. David, N. Bertin, O. Derrien, S. Marchand, and L. Daudet Traitement du Signal 28, no. 6, 665-689 (2011)
Résumé: In this paper is presented the DESAM project which was divided in two parts. The first one was devoted to the theoretical and experimental study of parametric and non-parametric techniques for decomposing audio signals into sound elements. The second part focused on some musical applications of these decompositions. Most aspects that have been considered in this project have led to the proposal of new methods which have been grouped together into the so-called DESAM Toolbox, a set of Matlab® functions dedicated to the estimation of widely used spectral models for music signals. Although those models can be used in Music Information Retrieval (MIR) tasks, the core functions of the toolbox do not focus on any specific application. It is rather aimed at providing a range of state-of-the-art signal processing tools that decompose music recordings according to different signal models, giving rise to different "mid-level" representations. © 2011 Lavoisier.
Mots-clés: Audio processing; Sound modeling; Spectral models; Audio processing; Core functions; Music information retrieval; Music recording; Non-parametric techniques; Sound modeling; Spectral models; Theoretical and experimental; Audio signal processing; Decomposition; Audio acoustics
Transient elasticity imaging and time reversal Ammari, H., L. G. Bustos, H. Kang, and H. Lee Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 141, no. 6, 1121-1140 (2011)
Résumé: We consider a purely quasi-incompressible elasticity model. We rigorously establish asymptotic expansions of near- and far-field measurements of the transient elastic wave induced by a small elastic anomaly. Our proof uses layer potential techniques for the modified Stokes system. Based on these formulae, we design asymptotic imaging methods leading to a quantitative estimation of elastic and geometrical parameters of the anomaly. © Copyright Royal Society of Edinburgh 2011.
In vivo and in situ cellular imaging full-field optical coherence tomography with a rigid endoscopic probe Latrive, A., and A. Claude Boccara Biomedical Optics Express 2, no. 10, 2897-2904 (2011)
Résumé: Full-field OCT has proved to be a powerful high-resolution cellular imaging tool for biological tissues. However the standard bulk full-field OCT setup does not match the size requirements for most in situ and in vivo imaging applications. We adapted its principle into a rigid needle-like probe using two coupled interferometers and incoherent illumination: an external processing interferometer is used for in-depth scanning, while a distal common-path interferometer at the tip of the probe collects light backscattered from the tissue. Our experimental setup achieves an axial and transversal resolution in tissue of 1.8 μm and 3.5 μm respectively, for a sensitivity of -80 dB. We present ex vivo images of human breast tissue, and in vivo images of different areas of human skin, which reveal cellular-level structures. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Back-scattered; Biological tissues; Cellular imaging; Common-path interferometers; Ex-vivo; Experimental setup; Full-field; High-resolution cellular imaging; Human breast tissue; Human skin; In-depth scanning; In-situ; In-vivo; In-vivo images; In-Vivo imaging; Incoherent illumination; Needle-like probe; Transversal resolution; Interferometers; Optical tomography; Tissue; Probes
Stable digital wave guide simulation for acoustic pipes with a convexe profile Mignot, R., T. Hélie, and D. Matignon Journal Europeen des Systemes Automatises 45, no. 7-10, 547-574 (2011)
Résumé: This work deals with the physical modelling of convex acoustic pipes for real-time simulation. The main purpose of this paper is the use of automatic control and signal processing to solve some stability problems for infinite dimensional systems involved in music acoustics. © 2011 Lavoisier, Paris.
Mots-clés: Acoustic waveguides; Kelly-Lochbaum framework; Linear delay filters; Minimal realization; Partial differential equations; Stability; State-space representation; Acoustic waveguides; Delay filters; Kelly-Lochbaum framework; Minimal realizations; State space representation; Automation; Control; Convergence of numerical methods; Farm buildings; Signal processing; Partial differential equations
Controlling light through optical disordered media: Transmission matrix approach Popoff, S. M., G. Lerosey, M. Fink, A. C. Boccara, and S. Gigan New Journal of Physics 13 (2011)
Résumé: We experimentally measure the monochromatic transmission matrix (TM) of an optical multiple scattering medium using a spatial light modulator together with a phase-shifting interferometry measurement method. The TM contains all the information needed to shape the scattered output field at will or to detect an image through the medium. We confront theory and experiment for these applications and study the effect of noise on the reconstruction method. We also extracted from the TM information about the statistical properties of the medium and the light transport within it. In particular, we are able to isolate the contributions of the memory effect and measure its attenuation length. © IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
Mots-clés: Attenuation lengths; Disordered media; Light transport; Memory effects; Multiple-scattering medium; Phase shifting Interferometry; Reconstruction method; Spatial light modulators; Statistical properties; Transmission matrix; Light modulators; Light transmission
Recursive nearest neighbor search in a sparse and multiscale domain for comparing audio signals Sturm, B. L., and L. Daudet Signal Processing 91, no. 12, 2836-2851 (2011)
Résumé: We investigate recursive nearest neighbor search in a sparse domain at the scale of audio signals. Essentially, to approximate the cosine distance between the signals we make pairwise comparisons between the elements of localized sparse models built from large and redundant multiscale dictionaries of timefrequency atoms. Theoretically, error bounds on these approximations provide efficient means for quickly reducing the search space to the nearest neighborhood of a given data; but we demonstrate here that the best bound defined thus far involving a probabilistic assumption does not provide a practical approach for comparing audio signals with respect to this distance measure. Our experiments show, however, that regardless of these non-discriminative bounds, we only need to make a few atom pair comparisons to reveal, e.g., the origin of an excerpted signal, or melodies with similar timefrequency structures. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mots-clés: Audio similarity; Multiscale decomposition; Sparse approximation; Time - frequency dictionary; Audio signal; Audio similarity; Distance measure; Error bound; Multi-scale Decomposition; Multiscales; Nearest Neighbor search; Nearest neighborhood; Pair comparisons; Pair-wise comparison; Probabilistic assumptions; Search spaces; Sparse approximation; Time - frequency dictionary; Time frequency; Time-frequency atoms; Error analysis
Off-axis digital hologram reconstruction: Some practical considerations Verrier, N., and M. Atlan Applied Optics 50, no. 34, H136-H146 (2011)
Résumé: Holographic rendering of off-axis intensity digital holograms is discussed. A review of some of the main numerical processing methods, based either on the Fourier transform interpretation of the propagation integral or on its linear system counterpart, is reported. Less common methods such as adjustable magnification reconstruction schemes and Fresnelet decomposition are presented and applied to the digital treatment of off-axis holograms. The influence of experimental parameters on the classical hologram reconstruction methods is assessed, offering guidelines for optimal image rendering regarding the hologram recording conditions. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Digital holograms; Experimental parameters; Hologram reconstruction; Hologram recording; Numerical processing; Off-axis; Optimal images; Electron holography; Image recording; Linear systems; Lithography; Numerical methods; Holograms
Enhanced and reduced transmission of acoustic waves with bubble meta-screens Bretagne, A., A. Tourin, and V. Leroy Applied Physics Letters 99, no. 22 (2011)
Résumé: We present a class of sonic meta-screens for manipulating air-borne acoustic waves at ultrasonic or audible frequencies. Our screens consist of periodic arrangements of air bubbles in water or possibly embedded in a soft elastic matrix. They can be used for soundproofing but also for exalting transmission at an air/water interface or even to achieve enhanced absorption. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
Mots-clés: Air bubbles; Air/Water Interfaces; Audible frequency; Elastic matrix; Enhanced absorption; Acoustic waves; Acoustics
Time reversal in subwavelength-scaled resonant media: Beating the diffraction limit Lemoult, F., A. Ourir, J. De Rosny, A. Tourin, M. Fink, and G. Lerosey International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology (2011)
Résumé: Time reversal is a physical concept that can focus waves both spatially and temporally regardless of the complexity of the propagation medium. Time reversal mirrors have been demonstrated first in acoustics, then with electromagnetic waves, and are being intensively studied in many fields ranging from underwater communications to sensing. In this paper, we will review the principles of time reversal and in particular its ability to focus waves in complex media. We will show that this focusing effect depends on the complexity of the propagation medium rather than on the time reversal mirror itself. A modal approach will be utilized to explain the physical mechanism underlying the concept. A particular focus will be given on the possibility to break the diffraction barrier from the far field using time reversal. We will show that finite size media made out of coupled subwavelength resonators support modes which can radiate efficiently in the far field spatial information of the near field of a source. We will show through various examples that such a process, due to reversibility, permits to beat the diffraction limit using far field time reversal, and especially that this result occurs owing to the broadband inherent nature of time reversal. © 2011 Fabrice Lemoult et al.
Optimal transcostal high-intensity focused ultrasound with combined real-time 3D movement tracking and correction Marquet, F., J. F. Aubry, M. Pernot, M. Fink, and M. Tanter Physics in Medicine and Biology 56, no. 22, 7061-7080 (2011)
Résumé: Recent studies have demonstrated the feasibility of transcostal high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment in liver. However, two factors limit thermal necrosis of the liver through the ribs: the energy deposition at focus is decreased by the respiratory movement of the liver and the energy deposition on the skin is increased by the presence of highly absorbing bone structures. Ex vivo ablations were conducted to validate the feasibility of a transcostal real-time 3D movement tracking and correction mode. Experiments were conducted through a chest phantom made of three human ribs immersed in water and were placed in front of a 300 element array working at 1 MHz. A binarized apodization law introduced recently in order to spare the rib cage during treatment has been extended here with real-time electronic steering of the beam. Thermal simulations have been conducted to determine the steering limits. In vivo 3D-movement detection was performed on pigs using an ultrasonic sequence. The maximum error on the transcostal motion detection was measured to be 0.09 0.097 mm on the anterior-posterior axis. Finally, a complete sequence was developed combining real-time 3D transcostal movement correction and spiral trajectory of the HIFU beam, allowing the system to treat larger areas with optimized efficiency. Lesions as large as 1 cm in diameter have been produced at focus in excised liver, whereas no necroses could be obtained with the same emitted power without correcting the movement of the tissue sample. © 2011 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.
Mots-clés: article; breathing; echography; evaluation; feasibility study; human; image quality; liver; methodology; movement (physiology); reproducibility; rib; skin; three dimensional imaging; time; ultrasound therapy; Feasibility Studies; Humans; Imaging, Three-Dimensional; Liver; Movement; Phantoms, Imaging; Reproducibility of Results; Respiration; Ribs; Skin; Time Factors; Ultrasonic Therapy; Ultrasonography; Anterior posteriors; Apodizations; Bone structure; Chest phantom; Electronic steering; Element
In vivo bubble nucleation probability in sheep brain tissue Gateau, J., J.-F. Aubry, D. Chauvet, A.-L. Boch, M. Fink, and M. Tanter Physics in Medicine and Biology 56, no. 22, 7001-7015 (2011)
Résumé: Gas nuclei exist naturally in living bodies. Their activation initiates cavitation activity, and is possible using short ultrasonic excitations of high amplitude. However, little is known about the nuclei population in vivo, and therefore about the rarefaction pressure required to form bubbles in tissue. A novel method dedicated to in vivo investigations was used here that combines passive and active cavitation detection with a multi-element linear ultrasound probe (4-7 MHz). Experiments were performed in vivo on the brain of trepanated sheep. Bubble nucleation was induced using a focused single-element transducer (central frequency 660 kHz, f-number = 1) driven by a high power (up to 5 kW) electric burst of two cycles. Successive passive recording and ultrafast active imaging were shown to allow detection of a single nucleation event in brain tissue in vivo. Experiments carried out on eight sheep allowed statistical studies of the bubble nucleation process. The nucleation probability was evaluated as a function of the peak negative pressure. No nucleation event could be detected with a peak negative pressure weaker than -12.7 MPa, i.e. one order of magnitude higher than the recommendations based on the mechanical index. Below this threshold, bubble nucleation in vivo in brain tissues is a random phenomenon. © 2011 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.
Mots-clés: Active cavitation detection; Active imaging; Brain tissue; Bubble nucleation; Cavitation activity; Central frequency; High amplitudes; High-power; In-vivo; Living bodies; Mechanical indexes; Multi-element; Negative pressures; Novel methods; Single element transducers; Statistical study; Ultra-fast; Ultrasonic excitation; Ultrasound probes; Brain; Cavitation; Experiments; Tissue; Ultrasonic applications; Ultrasonics; Wool; Nucleation; animal; animal disease; article; brain; calibration; chemistry
Different regimes for water wave turbulence Cobelli, P., A. Przadka, P. Petitjeans, G. Lagubeau, V. Pagneux, and A. Maurel Physical Review Letters 107, no. 21 (2011)
Résumé: We present an experimental study on gravity capillary wave turbulence in water. By using space-time resolved Fourier transform profilometry, the behavior of the wave energy density |η k,ω|2 in the 3D (k,ω) space is inspected for various forcing frequency bandwidths and forcing amplitudes. Depending on the bandwidth, the gravity spectral slope is found to be either forcing dependent, as classically observed in laboratory experiments, or forcing independent. In the latter case, the wave spectrum is consistent with the Zakharov-Filonenko cascade predicted within wave turbulence theory. © 2011 American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Experimental studies; Forcing amplitudes; Forcing frequencies; Fourier transform profilometry; Gravity capillary waves; Laboratory experiments; Spectral slopes; Wave energy density; Wave spectra; Wave turbulence; Profilometry; Turbulence; Wave energy conversion; Bandwidth
Optical and topological characterization of gold nanoparticle dimers linked by a single DNA double strand Busson, M. P., B. Rolly, B. Stout, N. Bonod, E. Larquet, A. Polman, and S. Bidault Nano Letters 11, no. 11, 5060-5065 (2011)
Résumé: We demonstrate that symmetric or asymmetric gold nanoparticle dimers with substantial scattering cross sections and plasmon coupling can be produced with a perfectly controlled chemical environment and a high purity using a single DNA linker as short as 7 nm. A statistical analysis of the optical properties and morphology of single dimers is performed using darkfield and cryo-electron microscopies. These results, correlated to Mie theory calculations, indicate that the particle dimers are stretched in water by electrostatic interactions. © 2011 American Chemical Society.
Mots-clés: Chemical environment; Cryo-electron microscopy; Dark-field; DNA Double strands; DNA linkers; Gold Nanoparticles; High purity; Mie theory; Plasmon coupling; Scattering cross section; Nanoparticles; Optical properties; Dimers
Plate impulse response spatial interpolation with sub-Nyquist sampling Chardon, G., A. Leblanc, and L. Daudet Journal of Sound and Vibration 330, no. 23, 5678-5689 (2011)
Résumé: Impulse responses of vibrating plates are classically measured on a fine spatial grid satisfying the ShannonNyquist spatial sampling criterion, and interpolated between measurement points. For homogeneous and isotropic plates, this study proposed a more efficient sampling and interpolation process, inspired by the recent paradigm of compressed sensing. Remarkably, this method can accommodate any star-convex shape and unspecified boundary conditions. Here, impulse responses are first decomposed as sums of damped sinusoids, using the Simultaneous Orthogonal Matching Pursuit algorithm. Finally, modes are interpolated using a plane wave decomposition. As a beneficial side effect, these algorithms can also be used to obtain the dispersion curve of the plate with a limited number of measurements. Experimental results are given for three different plates of different shapes and boundary conditions, and compared to classical Shannon interpolation. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mots-clés: A-plane; Compressed sensing; Damped sinusoids; Dispersion curves; Efficient sampling; Interpolation process; Isotropic plates; Measurement points; Orthogonal matching pursuit; Side effect; Spatial grids; Spatial interpolation; Spatial sampling; Sub-Nyquist sampling; Vibrating plate; Algorithms; Boundary conditions; Impulse response; Interpolation
Revisiting the wire medium: An ideal resonant metalens Lemoult, F., M. Fink, and G. Lerosey Waves in Random and Complex Media 21, no. 4, 591-613 (2011)
Résumé: This article is the first one in a series of two dealing with the concept of a 'resonant metalens' we introduced recently. Here, we focus on the physics of a medium with finite dimensions consisting of a square lattice of parallel conducting wires arranged on a sub-wavelength scale. This medium supports electromagnetic fields that vary much faster than the operating wavelength. We show that such modes are dispersive due to the finiteness of the medium. Their dispersion relation is established in a simple way, a link with designer plasmons is made, and the canalization phenomenon is reinterpreted in the light of our model. We explain how to take advantage of this dispersion in order to code sub-wavelength wavefields in time. Finally, we show that the resonant nature of the medium ensures an efficient coupling of these modes with free space propagating waves and, thanks to the Purcell effect, with a source placed in the near field of the medium. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.
Mots-clés: Conducting wire; Dispersion relations; Efficient coupling; Finite dimensions; Free space; MetaLens; Near fields; Operating wavelength; Purcell effect; Square lattices; Sub-wavelength; Wavefields; Wire medium; Electromagnetic fields; Wire; Dispersion (waves)
A multiwave imaging approach for elastography Fink, M., and M. Tanter Current Medical Imaging Reviews 7, no. 4, 340-349 (2011)
Résumé: Interactions between waves can be turned into profit to break diffraction limits and invent new kinds of medical images. It consists in productively combining two very different waves -- one to provide contrast, another to provide spatial resolution -in order to build a new kind of image, Multiwave imaging provides a unique image of the most interesting contrast with the most interesting resolution. We will show in this paper how this general concept of multiwave imaging allow to perform high resolution and quantitative elasticity imaging of the human body. Here, the two waves are sonic shear waves and ultrasonic compressional waves. A comparison with static elastography (a single wave technique) will show the interest of multiwave imaging and various clinical examples will be presented to illustrate the efficiency of this approach. ©2011 Bentham Science Publishers.
Mots-clés: Cancer; Elasticity; Elastography; Medical imaging; Radiology; Shear wave imaging; Ultrafast imaging; Ultrasound; article; breast cancer; cancer diagnosis; elastography; human; phantom; priority journal; radiation physics; sonic shear wave; spectroscopy; ultrasonic compressional wave; Young modulus
Far-field sub-wavelength imaging and focusing using a wire medium based resonant metalens Lemoult, F., M. Fink, and G. Lerosey Waves in Random and Complex Media 21, no. 4, 614-627 (2011)
Résumé: This is the second article in a series of two dealing with the concept of a 'resonant metalens' we introduced recently. This is a new type of lens capable of coding in time and radiating efficiently in the far-field region sub-diffraction information about an object. A proof of the concept of such a lens is performed in the microwave range, using a medium made out of a square lattice of parallel conducting wires with finite length. We investigate a sub-wavelength focusing scheme with time reversal and demonstrate experimentally spots with focal widths of λ /25. Through a cross-correlation based imaging procedure we show an image reconstruction with a resolution of λ/80. Eventually we discuss the limitations of such a lens which reside essentially in losses. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.
Mots-clés: Conducting wire; Cross correlations; Far-field; Far-field region; Finite length; MetaLens; Square lattices; Sub-diffraction; Sub-wavelength; Time reversal; Wire medium; Image reconstruction; Wire; Focusing
Thin layer thickness measurements by zero group velocity Lamb mode resonances Cès, M., D. Clorennec, D. Royer, and C. Prada Review of Scientific Instruments 82, no. 11 (2011)
Résumé: Local and non-contact measurements of the thickness of thin layers deposited on a thick plate have been performed by using zero group velocity (ZGV) Lamb modes. It was shown that the shift of the resonance frequency is proportional to the mass loading through a factor which depends on the mechanical properties of the layer and of the substrate. In the experiments, ZGV Lamb modes were generated by a Nd:YAG pulsed laser and the displacement normal to the plate surface was measured by an optical interferometer. Measurements performed at the same point that the generation on the non-coated face of the plate demonstrated that thin gold layers of a few hundred nanometers were detected through a 1.5-mm thick Duralumin plate. The shift of the resonance frequency (1.9 MHz) of the fundamental ZGV mode is proportional to the layer thickness: typically 10 kHz per m. Taking into account the influence of the temperature, a 240-nm gold layer was measured with a 4 uncertainty. This thickness has been verified on the coated face with an optical profiling system. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
Mots-clés: Gold layer; Lamb modes; Layer thickness; Mass loadings; Nd:YAG pulsed laser; Noncontact measurements; Optical interferometer; Optical profiling; Plate surfaces; Resonance frequencies; Thick plate; Thin layer thickness measurement; Thin layers; Zero-group velocity; Gold; Light velocity; Mechanical properties; Natural frequencies; Neodymium lasers; Thickness measurement; Gold coatings
The method of fundamental solutions for the impulse responses reconstruction in arbitrarily shaped plates Leblanc, A., A. Lavie, and R. K. Ing Acta Acustica united with Acustica 97, no. 6, 919-925 (2011)
Résumé: In the present paper, impulse responses of thin isotropic plates of arbitrary shape and linear boundary conditions are determined from a set of measurements enclosing the area of interest. The used approach derives from the Method of Fundamental Solutions considering virtual monopolar sources in order to reconstruct the free vibration of the plate. The originality of this work lies in the practical deployment of this method: the collocation points are set in the plate and not at its boundaries as usually employed in eigenanalysis context. Also, an alternative formulation is presented for which only the relative placements of the virtual sources and the collocation points are needed to determine the weighting coefficients, without knowing the shape of the plate and its boundary conditions. Several measurements with 3 kinds of plates have been achieved and the results highlight the remarkable robustness of the proposed formulations even for plate of complicated shape with various boundary conditions. © S. Hirzel Verlag. EAA.
Mots-clés: Arbitrarily shaped plate; Arbitrary shape; Area of interest; Collocation points; Complicated shape; Eigenanalysis; Free vibration; Isotropic plates; Method of fundamental solutions; Monopolar sources; Virtual sources; Weighting coefficient; Boundary conditions; Vibrations (mechanical)
Assessment of viscous and elastic properties of sub-wavelength layered soft tissues using shear wave spectroscopy: Theoretical framework and in vitro experimental validation Nguyen, T.-M., M. Couade, J. Bercoff, and M. Tanter IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 58, no. 11, 2305-2315 (2011)
Résumé: In elastography, quantitative imaging of soft tissue elastic properties is provided by local shear wave speed estimation. Shear wave imaging in a homogeneous medium thicker than the shear wavelength is eased by a simple relationship between shear wave speed and local shear modulus. In thin layered organs, the shear wave is guided and thus undergoes dispersive effects. This case is encountered in medical applications such as elastography of skin layers, corneas, or arterial walls. In this work, we proposed and validated shear wave spectroscopy as a method for elastic modulus quantification in such layered tissues. Shear wave dispersion curves in thin layers were obtained by finite-difference simulations and numerical solving of the boundary conditions. In addition, an analytical approximation of the dispersion equation was derived from the leaky Lamb wave theory. In vitro dispersion curves obtained from phantoms were consistent with numerical studies (deviation <1.4%). The least-mean-squares fitting of the dispersion curves enables a quantitative and accurate (error <5% of the transverse speed) assessment of the elasticity. Dispersion curves were also found to be poorly influenced by shear viscosity. This phenomenon allows independent recovery of the shear modulus and the viscosity, using, respectively, the dispersion curve and the attenuation estimation along the propagation axis. © 2011 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Analytical approximation; Arterial wall; Attenuation estimation; Dispersion curves; Dispersion equations; Dispersive effects; Elastic properties; Elastography; Experimental validations; Finite difference; Homogeneous medium; In-vitro; Layered tissue; Leaky Lamb waves; Numerical studies; Propagation axis; Quantitative imaging; Shear wave imaging; Shear wave speed; Shear wave speed estimation; Skin layer; Soft tissue; Sub-wavelength; Theoretical framework; Thin layers; Wave dispersion; Wave spectr
On the effects of reflected waves in transient shear wave elastography Deffieux, T., J.-L. Gennisson, J. Bercoff, and M. Tanter IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 58, no. 10, 2032-2035 (2011)
Résumé: In recent years, novel quantitative techniques have been developed to provide noninvasive and quantitative stiffness images based on shear wave propagation. Using radiation force and ultrafast ultrasound imaging, the supersonic shear imaging technique allows one to remotely generate and follow a transient plane shear wave propagating in vivo in real time. The tissue shear modulus, i.e., its stiffness, can then be estimated from the shear wave local velocity. However, because the local shear wave velocity is estimated using a timeof- flight approach, reflected shear waves can cause artifacts in the estimated shear velocity because the incident and reflected waves propagate in opposite directions. Such effects have been reported in the literature as a potential drawback of elastography techniques based on shear wave speed, particularly in the case of high stiffness contrasts, such as in atherosclerotic plaque or stiff lesions. In this letter, we present our implementation of a simple directional filter, previously used for magnetic resonance elastography, which separates the forward- and backward-propagating waves to solve this problem. Such a directional filter could be applied to many elastography techniques based on the local estimation of shear wave speed propagation, such as acoustic radiation force imaging (ARFI), shearwave dispersion ultrasound vibrometry (SDUV), needle-based elastography, harmonic motion imaging, or crawling waves when the local propagation direction is known and high-resolution spatial and temporal data are acquired. © 2011 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Acoustic radiation force; Atherosclerotic plaque; Backward propagating waves; Crawling waves; Directional filters; Elastography; Harmonic motion imaging; High resolution; High stiffness; In-vivo; Local estimation; Local propagation; Local velocity; Magnetic resonance elastography; Quantitative techniques; Radiation forces; Real time; Reflected waves; Shear velocities; Shear wave speed; Shear wave velocity; Supersonic shear imaging; Temporal Data; Transient shear; Ultra-fast; Ultrasound imaging;
Guest editorial Ueda, J., E. Burdet, J.-L. Gennisson, M. Kaneko, and A. Mihailidis IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 16, no. 5, 793-798 (2011)
Résumé: Some of the research papers accepted and published in the 'Focused Section on Sensing Technologies for Biomechatronics' of the IEEE/ASME Transactions on mechatronics (T-Mec.) are discussed. Chapuis et al. used an ER fluid-based 'clutch' in combination with an ultrasound motor where the clutch was used to control the output force of the system. The paper, The Use of piezoceramics as electrical energy harvesters within instrumented knee implant during walking' from Almouahed et al. exploits the properties of piezoelectricity to build a sensor able to approximately assess the amount of electric power that can be produced within a diagnostic knee implant during normal walking without the need to be powered from an external source of energy. The paper 'A 1-D capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer imaging array fabricated with a silicon-nitride-based fusion process' from Logan et al. reports a 64-element array capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer.
Mots-clés: Bio-mechatronics; Capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer; Electric power; Electrical energy; External sources; Fusion process; Imaging arrays; Knee implants; Normal walking; Output force; Piezo-ceramics; Research papers; Sensing technology; Ultrasound motor; Crystallography; Electric properties; Electrorheological fluids; Nitrides; Ultrasonic transducers
Design of an integrated coupler for the electrical generation of surface plasmon polaritons Tetienne, J.-P., A. Bousseksou, D. Costantini, Y. De Wilde, and R. Colombelli Optics Express 19, no. 19, 18155-18163 (2011)
Résumé: Recently a surface plasmon polariton (SPP) source based on an electrically operated semiconductor laser has been demonstrated. Here we present a numerical investigation of the light-SPP coupling process involved in the device. The problem consists in the coupling via a diffraction grating between a dielectric waveguide mode-the laser mode-and a SPP mode. The issue of the coupling efficiency is discussed, and the dependence on various geometrical parameters of both the grating and the dielectric waveguide is studied in detail. A maximum coupling efficiency of ≈24% is obtained at telecom wavelengths, which could lead to a high-power integrated SPP source when combined to a laser medium. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Coupling efficiency; Coupling process; Electrical generation; Geometrical parameters; High-power; Laser medium; Numerical investigations; Surface plasmon polaritons; Telecom wavelengths; Dielectric waveguides; Electromagnetic wave polarization; Lasers; Particle optics; Phonons; Photons; Plasmons; Quantum theory; Surface plasmon resonance; Waveguides; Semiconductor lasers
Spatio-temporal focusing of an ultrafast pulse through a multiply scattering medium Mccabe, D. J., A. Tajalli, D. R. Austin, P. Bondareff, I. A. Walmsley, S. Gigan, and B. Chatel Nature Communications 2, no. 1 (2011)
Résumé: Pulses of light propagating through multiply scattering media undergo complex spatial and temporal distortions to form the familiar speckle pattern. There is much current interest in both the fundamental properties of speckles and the challenge of spatially and temporally refocusing behind scattering media. Here we report on the spatially and temporally resolved measurement of a speckle field produced by the propagation of an ultrafast optical pulse through a thick strongly scattering medium. By shaping the temporal profile of the pulse using a spectral phase filter, we demonstrate the spatially localized temporal recompression of the output speckle to the Fourier-limit duration, offering an optical analogue to time-reversal experiments in the acoustic regime. This approach shows that a multiply scattering medium can be put to profit for light manipulation at the femtosecond scale, and has a diverse range of potential applications that includes quantum control, biological imaging and photonics. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
Mots-clés: article; correlation analysis; experimental study; femtosecond laser; Fourier analysis; fourier transform interferometry; imaging system; microscopy; optics; quantum mechanics; speckle field; ultrafast optical pulse
Noninvasive In Vivo Liver Fibrosis Evaluation Using Supersonic Shear Imaging: A Clinical Study on 113 Hepatitis C Virus Patients Bavu, É., J.-L. Gennisson, M. Couade, J. Bercoff, V. Mallet, M. Fink, A. Badel, A. Vallet-Pichard, B. Nalpas, M. Tanter, and S. Pol Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 37, no. 9, 1361-1373 (2011)
Résumé: Supersonic shear imaging (SSI) has recently been demonstrated to be a repeatable and reproducible transient bidimensional elastography technique. We report a prospective clinical evaluation of the performances of SSI for liver fibrosis evaluation in 113 patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and a comparison with FibroScan (FS). Liver elasticity values using SSI and FS ranged from 4.50 kPa to 33.96 kPa and from 2.60 kPa to 46.50 kPa, respectively. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows a good agreement between fibrosis staging and elasticity assessment using SSI and FS (p < 10 -5). The areas under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for elasticity values assessed from SSI were 0.948, 0.962 and 0.968 for patients with predicted fibrosis levels F ≥ 2, F ≥ 3 and F = 4, respectively. These values are compared with FS area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 0.846, 0.857 and 0.940, respectively. This comparison between ROC curves is particularly significant for mild and intermediate fibrosis levels. SSI appears to be a fast, simple and reliable method for noninvasive liver fibrosis evaluation. © 2011 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology.
Mots-clés: 2-D transient elastography; Liver fibrosis staging; Shear wave imaging; Shear wave spectroscopy; Ultrasound; Clinical evaluation; Clinical study; Elasticity values; Elastography; Hepatitis C virus; In-vivo; Liver fibrosis; Liver fibrosis staging; Receiver operating characteristic curves; ROC curves; Shear wave imaging; Shear wave spectroscopy; Supersonic shear imaging; Transient elastography; Analysis of variance (ANOVA); Elasticity; Shear waves; Ultrasonic applications; Viruses; Shear flow; adu
Crucial role of the emitter-particle distance on the directivity of optical antennas Rolly, B., B. Stout, S. Bidault, and N. Bonod Optics Letters 36, no. 17, 3368-3370 (2011)
Résumé: We demonstrate that the reflecting properties of a single particle nanoantenna can be extremely sensitive to its distance from a quantum emitter at frequencies lower than the plasmon resonance. The phenomenon is shown to arise from rapid phase variations of the emitter field at short distances associated with a phase of the antenna particle polarizability lower than π/4. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Directivity; Nanoantennas; Optical antennas; Phase variation; Plasmon resonances; Polarizabilities; Short distances; Single particle; Antennas
Direct determination of diffusion properties of random media from speckle contrast Curry, N., P. Bondareff, M. Leclercq, N. F. Van Hulst, R. Sapienza, S. Gigan, and S. Grésillon Optics Letters 36, no. 17, 3332-3334 (2011)
Résumé: We present a simple scheme to determine the diffusion properties of a thin slab of strongly scattering material by measuring the speckle contrast resulting from the transmission of a femtosecond pulse with controlled bandwidth. In contrast with previous methods, our scheme does not require time measurements nor interferometry. It is well adapted to the characterization of samples for pulse shaping, nonlinear excitation through scattering media, and biological imaging. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Biological imaging; Diffusion properties; Direct determination; Femtosecond pulse; Nonlinear excitation; Pulse-shaping; Random media; Scattering materials; Scattering media; Thin slab; Electromagnetic pulse; Scattering; Slab mills; Speckle; Contrast media
Full-field supercritical angle fluorescence microscopy for live cell imaging Barroca, T., K. Balaa, J. Delahaye, S. Lévêque-Fort, and E. Fort Optics Letters 36, no. 16, 3051-3053 (2011)
Résumé: We introduce a full-field fluorescence imaging technique with axial confinement of about 100nm at the sample/ substrate interface. Contrary to standard surface imaging techniques, this confinement is obtained through emission filtering. This technique is based on supercritical emission selectivity. It can be implemented on any epifluorescence microscope with a commercial high numerical aperture objective and offers a real-time surface imaging capability. This technique is of particular interest for live cell membrane and adhesion studies. Using human embryonic kidney cells, we show that one can observe simultaneously the surface and in-depth cell phenomena. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Adhesion studies; Epifluorescence microscope; Fluorescence imaging; Full-field; High numerical aperture objective; Human embryonic kidney cells; Live-cell imaging; Substrate interface; Super-critical; Surface imaging; Cell membranes; Cytology; Fluorescence microscopy; Imaging techniques; Fluorescence
Acoustic resonators for far-field control of sound on a subwavelength scale Lemoult, F., M. Fink, and G. Lerosey Physical Review Letters 107, no. 6 (2011)
Résumé: We prove experimentally that broadband sounds can be controlled and focused at will on a subwavelength scale by using acoustic resonators. We demonstrate our approach in the audible range with soda cans, that is, Helmholtz resonators, and commercial computer speakers. We show that diffraction-limited sound fields convert efficiently into subdiffraction modes in the collection of cans that can be controlled coherently in order to obtain focal spots as thin as 1/25 of a wavelength in air. We establish that subwavelength acoustic pressure spots are responsible for a strong enhancement of the acoustic displacement at focus, which permits us to conclude with a visual experiment exemplifying the interest of our concept for subwavelength sensors and actuators. © 2011 American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Acoustic pressures; Diffraction limited; Far-field; Focal spot; Helmholtz resonators; Sensors and actuators; Strong enhancement; Sub-diffraction; Sub-wavelength; Subwavelength scale; Visual experiments; Acoustic fields; Resonators; Acoustic resonators
Travelling wave expansion: A model fitting approach to the inverse problem of elasticity reconstruction Baghani, A., S. Salcudean, M. Honarvar, R. S. Sahebjavaher, R. Rohling, and R. Sinkus IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 30, no. 8, 1555-1565 (2011)
Résumé: In this paper, a novel approach to the problem of elasticity reconstruction is introduced. In this approach, the solution of the wave equation is expanded as a sum of waves travelling in different directions sharing a common wave number. In particular, the solutions for the scalar and vector potentials which are related to the dilatational and shear components of the displacement respectively are expanded as sums of travelling waves. This solution is then used as a model and fitted to the measured displacements. The value of the shear wave number which yields the best fit is then used to find the elasticity at each spatial point. The main advantage of this method over direct inversion methods is that, instead of taking the derivatives of noisy measurement data, the derivatives are taken on the analytical model. This improves the results of the inversion. The dilatational and shear components of the displacement can also be computed as a byproduct of the method, without taking any derivatives. Experimental results show the effectiveness of this technique in magnetic resonance elastography. Comparisons are made with other state-of-the-art techniques. © 2011 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Absolute elasticity; elasticity imaging; inverse problems; magnetic resonance elastography; travelling waves; Absolute elasticity; Analytical model; Best fit; Direct inversion methods; elasticity imaging; Elasticity reconstruction; magnetic resonance elastography; Model-fitting approach; Noisy measurement data; Scalar and vector potentials; Shear components; Spatial points; Travelling waves; Wave numbers; Elasticity; Inverse problems; Magnetic resonance; Mathematical models; Wave transmission; S
Monitoring of thermal therapy based on shear modulus changes: II. Shear wave imaging of thermal lesions Arnal, B., M. Pernot, and M. Tanter IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 58, no. 8, 1603-1611 (2011)
Résumé: The clinical applicability of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for noninvasive therapy is currently hampered by the lack of robust and real-time monitoring of tissue damage during treatment. The goal of this study is to show that the estimation of local tissue elasticity from shear wave imaging (SWI) can lead to a precise mapping of the lesion. HIFU treatment and monitoring were respectively performed using a confocal setup consisting of a 2.5-MHz single element transducer focused at 34 mm on ex vivo samples and an 8-MHz ultrasound diagnostic probe. Ultrasound-based strain imaging was combined with shear wave imaging on the same device. The SWI sequences consisted of 2 successive shear waves induced at different lateral positions. Each wave was created with pushing beams of 100 s at 3 depths. The shear wave propagation was acquired at 17,000 frames/s, from which the elasticity map was recovered. HIFU sonications were interleaved with fast imaging acquisitions, allowing a duty cycle of more than 90%. Thus, elasticity and strain mapping was achieved every 3 s, leading to real-time monitoring of the treatment. When thermal damage occurs, tissue stiffness was found to increase up to 4-fold and strain imaging showed strong shrinkages that blur the temperature information. We show that strain imaging elastograms are not easy to interpret for accurate lesion characterization, but SWI provides a quantitative mapping of the thermal lesion. Moreover, the concept of shear wave thermometry (SWT) developed in the companion paper allows mapping temperature with the same method. Combined SWT and shear wave imaging can map the lesion stiffening and temperature outside the lesion, which could be used to predict the eventual lesion growth by thermal dose calculation. Finally, SWI is shown to be robust to motion and reliable in vivo on sheep muscle. © 2011 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Confocal setup; Diagnostic probes; Duty cycles; Elastograms; Ex-vivo; Fast imaging; High intensity focused ultrasound; In-vivo; Quantitative mapping; Real time monitoring; Shear wave imaging; Sheep muscles; Single element transducers; Strain imaging; Strain mapping; Temperature information; Thermal damage; Thermal dose; Thermal lesion; Thermal therapies; Tissue damage; Tissue elasticity; Tissue stiffness; Ultrasound-based strain imaging; Elasticity; Mapping; Noninvasive medical procedures; Shear
Functional ultrasound imaging of the brain Macé, E., G. Montaldo, I. Cohen, M. Baulac, M. Fink, and M. Tanter Nature Methods 8, no. 8, 662-664 (2011)
Résumé: We present functional ultrasound (fUS), a method for imaging transient changes in blood volume in the whole brain at better spatiotemporal resolution than with other functional brain imaging modalities. fUS uses plane-wave illumination at high frame rate and can measure blood volumes in smaller vessels than previous ultrasound methods. fUS identifies regions of brain activation and was used to image whisker-evoked cortical and thalamic responses and the propagation of epileptiform seizures in the rat brain. © 2011 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.
Mots-clés: animal experiment; animal model; article; blood volume; epileptic discharge; evoked cortical response; female; functional magnetic resonance imaging; functional ultrasound; illumination; imaging system; male; neuroimaging; nonhuman; priority journal; rat; thalamus; ultrasound; vibrissa; Algorithms; Animals; Brain; Brain Mapping; Evoked Potentials; Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted; Rats; Ultrasonography; Rattus
Adaptive projection method applied to three-dimensional ultrasonic focusing and steering through the ribs Cochard, E., J. F. Aubry, M. Tanter, and C. Prada Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130, no. 2, 716-723 (2011)
Résumé: An adaptive projection method for ultrasonic focusing through the rib cage, with minimal energy deposition on the ribs, was evaluated experimentally in 3D geometry. Adaptive projection is based on decomposition of the time-reversal operator (DORT method) and projection on the noise subspace. It is shown that 3D implementation of this method is straightforward, and not more time-consuming than 2D. Comparisons are made between adaptive projection, spherical focusing, and a previously proposed time-reversal focusing method, by measuring pressure fields in the focal plane and rib region using the three methods. The ratio of the specific absorption rate at the focus over the one at the ribs was found to be increased by a factor of up to eight, versus spherical emission. Beam steering out of geometric focus was also investigated. For all configurations projecting steered emissions were found to deposit less energy on the ribs than steering time-reversed emissions: thus the non-invasive method presented here is more efficient than state-of-the-art invasive techniques. In fact, this method could be used for real-time treatment, because a single acquisition of back-scattered echoes from the ribs is enough to treat a large volume around the focus, thanks to real time projection of the steered beams. © 2011 Acoustical Society of America.
Mots-clés: 3D geometry; Back-scattered; Beam-steering; Focal Plane; Invasive techniques; Minimal energy; Noise subspace; Noninvasive methods; Pressure field; Projection method; Real time; Specific absorption rate; Time-reversal focusing; Time-reversal operator; Time-reversed; Ultrasonic focusing; Noninvasive medical procedures; Three dimensional; Ultrasonics; Focusing; absorption; article; comparative study; equipment design; Fourier analysis; human; image quality; instrumentation; methodology; pressure; p
Edge resonance and zero group velocity Lamb modes in a free elastic plate Cès, M., D. Clorennec, D. Royer, and C. Prada Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130, no. 2, 689-694 (2011)
Résumé: The local resonances of a free isotropic elastic plate are investigated using laser ultrasonic techniques. Experimental results are interpreted in terms of zero group velocity Lamb modes and edge mode. At a distance from the edge larger than the plate thickness a sharp resonance is observed at the frequency where the group velocity of the first symmetrical Lamb mode vanishes. Close to the edge of the plate, the resonance due to the edge mode dominates. Both zero group velocity and edge resonances appear at the theoretically predicted frequencies. These frequencies do not vary with the distance from the edge of the plate and the transition between the two modes of vibration, at about the plate thickness, is abrupt. Using a laser excitation on the edge, the amplitude profile of the normal displacement at the edge resonance frequency was determined. © 2011 Acoustical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Edge resonance; Elastic plate; Group velocities; Lamb modes; Laser ultrasonic techniques; Local resonance; Normal displacement; Plate thickness; Zero-group velocity; Laser excitation; Light velocity; Ultrasonic testing; Resonance; article; elasticity; equipment design; instrumentation; interferometry; motion; solid state laser; sound detection; theoretical model; time; ultrasound; vibration; Elasticity; Equipment Design; Interferometry; Lasers, Solid-State; Models, Theoretical; Motion; Sound Spe
Reconstruction of the optical absorption coefficient of a small absorber from the absorbed energy density Ammari, H., E. Bossy, V. Jugnon, and H. Kang SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 71, no. 3, 676-693 (2011)
Résumé: In photoacoustic imaging, energy absorption causes thermoelastic expansion of optical absorbers, which in turn leads to propagation of a pressure wave. The absorbed energy density can be reconstructed from boundary measurements of the induced pressure wave. However, it is the absorption coefficient, not the absorbed energy, that is a fundamental physiological parameter. The absorbed energy density is the product of the optical absorption coefficient and the light fluence, which is assumed to satisfy the diffusion approximation. Since the fluence depends on the distribution of absorption, the problem of reconstructing the absorption coefficient from the absorbed energy is nonlinear. In this paper, we propose two methods for solving the inverse problem in the context of small-volume absorbers. © 2011 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Mots-clés: Asymptotic expansion; Diffusion approximation; Multiwave-length imaging approach; Optical tomography; Photoacoustic imaging; Absorbed energy; Absorption coefficients; Asymptotic expansion; Boundary measurements; Diffusion approximation; Diffusion approximations; Fluences; Light fluence; Multiwave-length imaging approach; Optical absorbers; Optical absorption coefficients; Photo-acoustic imaging; Physiological parameters; Pressure waves; Thermoelastic expansion; Asymptotic analysis; Inverse probl
Coherent flash of light emitted by a cold atomic cloud Chalony, M., R. Pierrat, D. Delande, and D. Wilkowski Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84, no. 1 (2011)
Résumé: When a resonant laser sent on an optically thick cold atomic cloud is abruptly switched off, a coherent flash of light is emitted in the forward direction. This transient phenomenon is observed due to the highly resonant character of the atomic scatterers. We analyze quantitatively its temporal properties and show very good agreement with theoretical predictions. Based on complementary experiments, the phase of the coherent field is reconstructed without interferometric tools. © 2011 American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Atomic clouds; Coherent fields; Temporal property; Theoretical prediction; Transient phenomenon; Atoms
Theoretical study of acousto-optical coherence tomography using random phase jumps on ultrasound and light Lesaffre, M., S. Farahi, A. C. Boccara, F. Ramaz, and M. Gross Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 28, no. 7, 1436-1444 (2011)
Résumé: Acousto-optical coherence tomography (AOCT) is a variant of acousto-optic imaging (also called ultrasonic modulation imaging) that makes it possible to get the z resolution with acoustic and optic continuous wave beams. We describe here theoretically the AOCT effect, and weshow that the acousto-optic "tagged photons" remain coherent if they are generated within a specific z region of the sample. We quantify the z selectivity for both the "tagged photon" field and for the Lesaffre et al. [Opt. Express 17, 18211(2009)] photorefractive signal. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Acousto-optic imaging; Coherence tomography; Continuous wave beams; Photo-refractive; Random-phase; Tagged photons; Theoretical study; Ultrasonic modulation; Photons; Ultrasonics; Tomography; article; image quality; light; optical coherence tomography; photon; theoretical model; ultrasound; Light; Models, Theoretical; Phantoms, Imaging; Photons; Tomography, Optical Coherence; Ultrasonics
Real-time assessment of myocardial contractility using shear wave imaging Pernot, M., M. Couade, P. Mateo, B. Crozatier, R. Fischmeister, and M. Tanter Journal of the American College of Cardiology 58, no. 1, 65-72 (2011)
Résumé: Objectives: The goal of this study was to assess whether myocardial stiffness could be measured by shear wave imaging (SWI) and whether myocardial stiffness accurately quantified myocardial function. Background: SWI is a novel ultrasound-based technique for quantitative, local, and noninvasive mapping of soft tissue elastic properties. Methods: SWI was performed in Langendorff perfused isolated rat hearts (n = 6). Shear wave was generated and imaged in the left ventricular myocardium using a conventional ultrasonic probe connected to an ultrafast scanner (12,000 frames/s). The local myocardial stiffness was derived from shear wave velocity every 7.5 ms during 1 single cardiac cycle. Results: The average myocardial stiffness was 8.6 ± 0.7 kPa in systole and 1.7 ± 0.8 kPa in diastole. Myocardial stiffness was compared with isovolumic systolic pressure at rest and during administration of isoproterenol (10 -9, 10 -8, and 10 -7 mol/l, 5 min each). Systolic myocardial stiffness increased strongly up to 23.4 ± 3.4 kPa. Myocardial stiffness correlated strongly with isovolumic systolic pressure (r 2 = [0.94; 0.98], p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Myocardial stiffness can be measured in real time over the cardiac cycle using SWI, which allows quantification of stiffness variation between systole and diastole. Systolic myocardial stiffness provides a noninvasive index of myocardial contractility. © 2011 American College of Cardiology Foundation.
Mots-clés: contractility; echocardiography; elasticity; imaging; myocardium; calcium; animal tissue; article; controlled study; diastole; echography; feasibility study; heart cycle; heart function; heart muscle compliance; heart muscle contractility; isolated heart; non invasive measurement; nonhuman; priority journal; rat; real time assessment; reproducibility; rest; shear wave imaging; systole; systolic blood pressure; Animals; Calcium; Echocardiography; Elasticity; Elasticity Imaging Techniques; Heart;
Low temperature near-field scanning optical microscopy on infrared and terahertz photonic-crystal quantum cascade lasers Moldovan-Doyen, I. C., G. Xu, L. Greusard, G. Sevin, E. Strupiechonski, G. Beaudoin, I. Sagnes, S. P. Khanna, E. H. Linfield, A. G. Davies, R. Colombelli, and Y. De Wilde Applied Physics Letters 98, no. 23 (2011)
Résumé: We report the development of a scattering-type near-field scanning optical microscope (sNSOM) which operates at temperatures down to 100 K with a scanning range of up to 400 μm. We have used this sNSOM to map the electromagnetic near-field on mid-IR and terahertz (THz) surface emitting quantum cascade lasers with photonic-crystal resonators. Mid-IR devices operate at λ=7.5 μm (40 THz) while THz devices operate at λ≈110 μm (2.7 THz). The near-field images-in agreement with numerical calculations-demonstrate an instrument resolution of 100's nm. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
Mots-clés: Low temperatures; Near-field; Near-field scanning optical microscope; Scanning range; Surface-emitting quantum-cascade lasers; Tera Hertz; THz devices; Infrared lasers; Quantum cascade lasers; Near field scanning optical microscopy
Disorder in optical metamaterials made of silver nanospirals Guida, G., B. Gallas, R. Abdeddaim, A. Priou, J. Rivory, and K. Robbie Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 103, no. 3, 783-787 (2011)
Résumé: We report on a numerical study of the optical properties of silver square nanospirals. The resonant modes of the nanospirals presented current distributions similar to those of U-shaped resonators. The resonance frequencies of the 'electric' modes were relatively insensitive to coupling, except for the shortest distance, whereas for the 'magnetic' modes they steadily increased with coupling. Aperiodicity in the strong coupling regime did not modify the strength and resonance frequency of all modes as compared to the case of periodic arrays. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.
Mots-clés: Aperiodicity; Current distribution; Numerical studies; Periodic arrays; Resonance frequencies; Resonant mode; Shortest distance; Strong-coupling regime; U-shaped; Metamaterials; Natural frequencies; Optical materials; Optical properties
Erratum: Sources of image degradation in fundamental and harmonic ultrasound imaging: A nonlinear, full-wave, simulation study (IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control) Pinton, G. F., G. E. Trahey, and J. J. Dahl IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 58, no. 6, 1272-1283 (2011)
Information stored in Faraday waves: The origin of a path memory Eddi, A., E. Sultan, J. Moukhtar, E. Fort, M. Rossi, and Y. Couder Journal of Fluid Mechanics 674, 433-463 (2011)
Résumé: On a vertically vibrating fluid interface, a droplet can remain bouncing indefinitely. When approaching the Faraday instability onset, the droplet couples to the wave it generates and starts propagating horizontally. The resulting wave-particle association, called a walker, was shown previously to have remarkable dynamical properties, reminiscent of quantum behaviours. In the present article, the nature of a walker's wave field is investigated experimentally, numerically and theoretically. It is shown to result from the superposition of waves emitted by the droplet collisions with the interface. A single impact is studied experimentally and in a fluid mechanics theoretical approach. It is shown that each shock emits a radial travelling wave, leaving behind a localized mode of slowly decaying Faraday standing waves. As it moves, the walker keeps generating waves and the global structure of the wave field results from the linear superposition of the waves generated along the recent trajectory. For rectilinear trajectories, this results in a Fresnel interference pattern of the global wave field. Since the droplet moves due to its interaction with the distorted interface, this means that it is guided by a pilot wave that contains a path memory. Through this wave-mediated memory, the past as well as the environment determines the walker's present motion. © 2011 Cambridge University Press.
Mots-clés: drops; Faraday waves; pattern formation; Droplet collision; Dynamical properties; Faraday instability; Faraday waves; Fluid interface; Fresnel; Global structure; Interference patterns; Linear superpositions; Localized modes; pattern formation; Rectilinear trajectories; Standing wave; Theoretical approach; Travelling waves; Wavefields; Contacts (fluid mechanics); Faraday effect; Drops; computer simulation; experimental study; fluid flow; numerical model; quantitative analysis; standing wave; theo
On the elasticity of transverse isotropic soft tissues (L) Royer, D., J.-L. Gennisson, T. Deffieux, and M. Tanter Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129, no. 5, 2757-2760 (2011)
Résumé: Quantitative elastography techniques have recently been developed to estimate the shear modulus of soft tissues in vivo. In the case of isotropic and quasi-incompressible media, the Young's modulus E is close to 3μ, which is not true in transverse anisotropic tissues such as muscles. In this letter, the transverse isotropic model established for hexagonal crystals is revisited in the case of soft solids. Relationships between elastic constants and Young's moduli are derived and validated on experimental data found in the literature. It is shown that 3μ ⊥ ≤ E ⊥ ≤ 4μ ⊥ and that E ∥ cannot only be determined from the measurements of μ ∥ and μ ⊥ © 2011 Acoustical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Elastography; Experimental data; Hexagonal crystals; In-vivo; Soft tissue; Soft-solid; Transverse isotropic; Young's Modulus; Elastic moduli; Elasticity; Histology; Tissue; achilles tendon; algorithm; animal; anisotropy; article; biomechanics; cattle; comparative study; compliance (physical); crystallization; echography; elasticity; human; mathematics; muscle; muscle contraction; physiology; tendon; theoretical model; Achilles Tendon; Algorithms; Animals; Anisotropy; Biomechanics; Cattle; Compli
Double-T metamaterial for parallel and normal transverse electric incident waves Ourir, A., R. Abdeddaim, and J. De Rosny Optics Letters 36, no. 9, 1527-1529 (2011)
Résumé: Electric and magnetic hybridized plasmonic modes are obtained by stacking two T-shaped resonators. We show that head-to-toe configuration leads to inverse the hybridization. The frequency shift between the resonances is finely controlled by adjusting the gap between the two resonators. A negative refractive index close to -1 is numerically and experimentally demonstrated at 4:3 GHz for TE waves. This left-handed behavior is similar for parallel and normal TE incident wave vectors. The proposed double-T unit cell is well adapted for developing terahertz and IR metamaterials. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Frequency shift; Incident waves; Left-handed behavior; Negative refractive index; Plasmonic; TE wave; Tera Hertz; Transverse electrics; Unit cells; Metamaterials; Refractive index; Resonators; Electronic equipment
Plasmonic hybridization between nanowires and a metallic surface: A transformation optics approach Aubry, A., D. Y. Lei, S. A. Maier, and J. B. Pendry ACS Nano 5, no. 4, 3293-3308 (2011)
Résumé: The interaction between metallic nanowires and a metal substrate is investigated by means of transformation optics. This plasmonic system is of particular interest for single molecule detection or nanolasers. By mapping such a plasmonic device onto a metal-insulator-metal infinite structure, its optical response can be fully derived analytically. In this article, the absorption cross-section of a nanowire placed close to a metallic surface is derived within and beyond the quasi-static limit. The system is shown to support several modes characterized by a different angular momentum and whose resonance red-shifts when the nanoparticle approaches the metal substrate. These resonances give rise to a drastic field enhancement (>10 2) within the narrow gap separating the nanoparticle from the metal surface. The case of a nanowire dimer is also investigated and is closely related to the previous configuration. More physical insights are provided especially with respect to the invisibility dips appearing in the radiative spectrum. Numerical simulations have also been performed to confirm our analytical predictions and determine their range of validity. © 2011 American Chemical Society.
Mots-clés: field enhancement; hybridization; invisibility dips; metal surface; nanoparticles; plasmonics; transformation optics; Field enhancement; hybridization; invisibility dips; metal surface; plasmonics; transformation optics; Dimers; Metal insulator boundaries; Nanoparticles; Nanowires; Plasmons; Resonance; Surface measurement; Metals
Long-tail statistics of the purcell factor in disordered media driven by near-field interactions Sapienza, R., P. Bondareff, R. Pierrat, B. Habert, R. Carminati, and N. F. Van Hulst Physical Review Letters 106, no. 16 (2011)
Résumé: In this Letter, we study the Purcell effect in a 3D disordered dielectric medium through fluorescence decay rates of nanosized light sources. We report distributions of Purcell factor with non-Gaussian long-tailed statistics and an enhancement of up to 8 times the average value. We attribute this large enhancement to strong fluctuations of the local density of states induced by near-field scattering sustained by more than one particle. Our findings go beyond standard diagrammatic and single-scattering models and can be explained only by taking into account the full near-field interaction. © 2011 American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Average values; Disordered dielectrics; Disordered media; Fluorescence decays; Local density of state; Nano-sized; Near field interactions; Near-field scattering; Non-Gaussian; Purcell effect; Purcell factor; Single-scattering model; Light sources; Dielectric materials
Magneto-optical control of Förster energy transfer Vincent, R., and R. Carminati Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83, no. 16 (2011)
Résumé: We introduce a general framework to study dipole-dipole energy transfer between an emitter and an absorber in a nanostructured environment. The theory allows us to address Förster resonant energy transfer (FRET) between a donor and an acceptor in the presence of a nanoparticle with an anisotropic electromagnetic response. In the particular case of a magneto-optical anisotropy, we compute the generalized FRET rate and discuss the orders of magnitude. The distance dependence, the FRET efficiency, and the sensitivity to the orientation of the transition dipoles orientation differ from standard FRET and can be controlled using the static magnetic field as an external parameter. © 2011 American Physical Society.
Video-rate laser Doppler vibrometry by heterodyne holography Samson, B., F. Verpillat, M. Gross, and M. Atlan Optics Letters 36, no. 8, 1449-1451 (2011)
Résumé: We report a demonstration video-rate heterodyne holography in off-axis configuration. Reconstruction and display of a one megapixel hologram is achieved at 24 frames per second, with a graphics processing unit. Our claims are validated with real-time screening of steady-state vibration amplitudes in a wide-field, noncontact vibrometry experiment. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: algorithm; article; holography; image processing; laser; methodology; vibration; Algorithms; Holography; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Lasers; Vibration; Frames per seconds; Graphics Processing Unit; Heterodyne holography; Laser Doppler Vibrometry; Mega-pixel; Non-contact; Off-axis; Vibration amplitude; Vibrometry; Video rates; Wide-field; Heterodyning; Holograms; Holographic displays; Laser Doppler velocimeters; Program processors; Laser recording
Electromagnetic contribution to surface-enhanced Raman scattering from rough metal surfaces: A transformation optics approach Luo, Y., A. Aubry, and J. B. Pendry Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83, no. 15 (2011)
Résumé: The propagation of surface plasmons along rough metal surfaces is investigated with transformation optics. The roughness is modeled on a nanometer scale either by partly embedding a cylinder of metal into the surface (convex rough surface) or by excavating a cylindrical cavity from it (concave rough surface). These two structures can be treated analytically by means of conformal transformation. The interaction of surface plasmons with the singularities of these structures is shown to induce extreme field enhancements. These modes dominate the surface-enhanced Raman-scattering response and enhancement factors of the order of 107 are predicted. Interestingly, concave rough surfaces are shown to be the best candidates for surface-enhanced Raman scattering due to a stronger field enhancement and a lower sensitivity to the incident light polarization. Our analytical approach also points out the influence of the contact angle between the asperities and the metal surface on the bandwidth and the efficiency of the light-harvesting process. © 2011 American Physical Society.
Ultrafast imaging of the arterial pulse wave Couade, M., M. Pernot, E. Messas, J. Emmerich, A. Hagège, M. Fink, and M. Tanter IRBM 32, no. 2, 106-108 (2011)
Résumé: We propose a novel technique for measuring directly in real time, locally and non-invasively the pulse wave velocity (PWV) on peripheral arteries. Very high frame rate ultrasonic imaging (> 1000 frames/s) was achieved for tracking in 2D the propagation of transient vibrations along arterial wall. The arterial pulse waves are observed within a single cardiac cycle allowing the estimation of the pulse wave velocity with a good accuracy. In this study, this technique was validated for PWV evaluation on 25 healthy patients using conventional sonographic probes. The mean carotid PWV was found to be 5.5 ± 1.2 m/s (from 4.5 m/s to 7 m/s) with good intra and interobserver variability (inferior of 10% of the mean). These data suggest a good accuracy and reproducibility of the technique for real time PWV evaluation in vitro and on healthy volunteers. © 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Mots-clés: Arterial Stiffness; Pulse wave velocity (PWV); Ultrasound; Vascular imaging; artery diameter; artery wall; article; carotid artery; carotid artery pulse; common carotid artery; controlled study; heart cycle; human; human experiment; in vivo study; mechanical probe; normal human; pulse rate; pulse wave; ultrafast imaging scanner; ultrasound scanner; vibration
Coherent backscattering enhancement in cavities. The simple-shape cavity revisited Catheline, S., T. Gallot, P. Roux, G. Ribay, and J. De Rosny Wave Motion 48, no. 3, 214-222 (2011)
Résumé: Coherent backscattering enhancement (CBE) was introduced in disordered, random or chaotic media. In this study, our attention is focused on simple parallelepipedic cavities, as contrary to the widespread opinion, CBE can also be observed for a pure-tone source in a one-dimensional (1-D) cavity. This approach is of two-fold interest. First, analytical calculus predicts a dimensional dependence of the CBE according to a R=32d law, with d= 1,2,3 as the dimensionality of the cavity; these computations have not yet been compared to experiments. Secondly, a ray approach in simple-shape cavities confirms the modal theory and opens new ballistic interpretations, for which each multiply reverberated path is not necessarily associated with one single reciprocal counterpart. The number of associated equal length paths ranges from zero to four in rectangular cavities. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.
Mots-clés: Cavity; Coherent backscattering enhancement; Diffuse field; Reverberation; Weak localization; Cavity; Coherent backscattering enhancements; Diffuse fields; Rectangular cavity; Weak localization; Reverberation; Backscattering; acoustics; backscatter; cavity; diffusion; signal; wave scattering
Modeling and experimental investigations of Lamb waves focusing in anisotropic plates Chapuis, B., N. Terrien, and D. Royer Journal of Physics: Conference Series 269, no. 1 (2011)
Résumé: The phenomenon of Lamb waves focusing in anisotropic plates is theoretically and experimentally investigated. An analysis based on a far field approximation of the Green's function shows that Lamb waves focusing is analog to the phonon focusing effect. In highly anisotropic structures like composite plates the focusing of A 0 and S 0 mode is strong; the energy propagates preferentially in the fibre directions, which are minima of the slowness. This has to be taken into account when developing, for example, a transducer array for structural health monitoring systems based on Lamb waves in order to avoid dead zones. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Mots-clés: Anisotropic plates; Anisotropic structure; Composite plates; Dead zones; Experimental investigations; Far field approximation; Lamb Wave; Phonon focusing; Structural health monitoring systems; Transducer array; Anisotropy; Elastic waves; Plates (structural components); Structural health monitoring; Ultrasonic waves; Focusing
Thin layer Characterization by ZGV Lamb modes Cès, M., D. Clorennec, D. Royer, and C. Prada Journal of Physics: Conference Series 269, no. 1 (2011)
Résumé: Ultrasonic non-destructive testing of plates can be performed with Lamb modes guided by the structure. Non contact generation and detection of the elastic waves can be achieved with optical means such as a pulsed laser source and an interferometer. With this setup, we propose a method using zero group velocity (ZGV) Lamb modes rather than propagating modes. These ZGV modes have noteworthy properties, in particular their group velocity vanishes, whereas their phase velocity remains finite. Thus, a significant part of the energy deposited by the pulsed laser can be trapped in the source area. For example, in a homogeneous isotropic plate and at the minimum frequency of the S 1-Lamb mode a very sharp resonance can be observed, the frequency of which only depends on the plate thickness, for a given material. In fact, other ZGV modes exist and the set of ZGV resonance frequencies provide a local and absolute measurement of Poisson's ratio. These non-propagating modes can also be used to characterize multi-layered structures. Experimentally, we observed that a thin (500 nm) gold layer deposited on a thick (1.5 mm) Duralumin plate induces a sensitive down-shift of the set of ZGV resonance frequencies. This shift, which is typically 5 kHz for the S 1-Lamb mode at 1.924 MHz, can be approximated by a formula providing the layer thickness. Thickness down to 100 nm can be estimated by this method. Such a sensitivity with conventional ultrasound inspection by acoustic microscopy would require an operating frequency in the GHz range. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
Mots-clés: Absolute measurements; Acoustic microscopy; Gold layer; Group velocities; Isotropic plates; Lamb modes; Layer thickness; Multi-layered structure; Non-contact; Operating frequency; Plate thickness; Poisson's ratio; Propagating mode; Pulsed laser sources; Resonance frequencies; Source area; Thin layers; Ultrasonic non-destructive testing; Zero-group velocity; Gold coatings; Light velocity; Natural frequencies; Nondestructive examination; Plates (structural components); Poisson ratio; Ultrasonic ap
Imaging the three-dimensional scattering pattern of plasmonic nanodisk chains by digital heterodyne holography Suck, S. Y., S. Collin, N. Bardou, Y. De Wilde, and G. Tessier Optics Letters 36, no. 6, 849-851 (2011)
Résumé: Nanoantennas have the unique ability to affect the emission pattern of a dipole in free space. We present a technique based on full-field heterodyne holography for the mapping of the scattered field of plasmonic gold nanodisk chains in all three dimensions. A spectroscopic study allowed us to determine the resonant and nonresonant wavelengths at which we conducted a full characterization of the scattered field on a chosen nanodisk chain. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Emission pattern; Free space; Full-field; Heterodyne holography; Nanoantennas; Nanodisks; Nonresonant; Plasmonic; Scattered field; Scattering pattern; Spectroscopic studies; Three dimensions; Heterodyning; Holography; Spectroscopic analysis; Plasmons
Brain refractive index measured in vivo with high-NA defocus-corrected full-field OCT and consequences for two-photon microscopy Binding, J., J. Ben Arous, J.-F. Léger, S. Gigan, C. Boccara, and L. Bourdieu Optics Express 19, no. 6, 4833-4847 (2011)
Résumé: Two-photon laser scanning microscopy (2PLSM) is an important tool for in vivo tissue imaging with sub-cellular resolution, but the penetration depth of current systems is potentially limited by sampleinduced optical aberrations. To quantify these, we measured the refractive index n' in the somatosensory cortex of 7 rats in vivo using defocus optimization in full-field optical coherence tomography (ff-OCT). We found n' to be independent of imaging depth or rat age. From these measurements, we calculated that two-photon imaging beyond 200μm into the cortex is limited by spherical aberration, indicating that adaptive optics will improve imaging depth. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Current system; Defocus; Full-field; High NA; Imaging depth; In-vivo; Optical aberration; Optical coherence Tomography; Penetration depth; Somatosensory cortex; Spherical aberrations; Sub-cellular; Two photon imaging; Two photon microscopy; Two-photon laser scanning microscopies; Light refraction; Refractive index; Refractometers; Tomography; Photons
Negative refractive index in symmetric cut-wire pair metamaterial Ourir, A., and H. H. Ouslimani Applied Physics Letters 98, no. 11 (2011)
Résumé: Plasmonic metamaterial with a negative refractive index is achieved in a periodical symmetric cut-wire pair without any structural asymmetry. The main control parameter is the lateral lattice size. The designed structure presents two discrete resonance modes due to hybridization. The electric resonance depends strongly on the structural parameter, while the magnetic resonance remains unchanged with this parameter. The hybridization scheme can be inverted by increasing the lateral lattice width. Theoretical and experimental results demonstrate a negative refraction index for the designed structure when the electric resonance frequency occurs below the magnetic one. This spatial arrangement presents many advantages since it is easier, repetitive and well-adapted for realizations in microwave and optical regimes. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
Mots-clés: Discrete resonance; Electric resonance; Lattice size; Main control parameters; Negative refraction index; Negative refractive index; Plasmonic metamaterials; Spatial arrangements; Structural asymmetry; Structural parameter; Electrolytic analysis; Light refraction; Magnetic resonance; Metamaterials; Refractometers; Wire; Refractive index
Control of light transmission through opaque scattering media in space and time Aulbach, J., B. Gjonaj, P. M. Johnson, A. P. Mosk, and A. Lagendijk Physical Review Letters 106, no. 10 (2011)
Résumé: We report the first experimental demonstration of combined spatial and temporal control of light transmission through opaque media. This control is achieved by solely manipulating spatial degrees of freedom of the incident wave front. As an application, we demonstrate that the present approach is capable of forming bandwidth-limited ultrashort pulses from the otherwise randomly transmitted light with a controllable interaction time of the pulses with the medium. Our approach provides a new tool for fundamental studies of light propagation in complex media and has the potential for applications for coherent control, sensing and imaging in nano- and biophotonics. © 2011 American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Bio photonics; Coherent control; Complex media; Controllable interactions; Incident waves; Scattering media; Sensing and imaging; Space and time; Spatial degrees; Temporal controls; Transmitted light; Light propagation; Transparency; Light transmission
Tumor Delivery of ultrasound contrast agents using shiga toxin B subunit Couture, O., E. Dransart, S. Dehay, F. Nemati, D. Decaudin, L. Johannes, and M. Tanter Molecular Imaging 10, no. 2, 135-143 (2011)
Résumé: The present study demonstrates the targeting of ultrasound contrast agents to human xenograft tumors by exploiting the overexpression of the glycolipid Gb3 in neovasculature. To this end, microbubbles were functionalized with a natural Gb3 ligand, the B subunit of the Shiga toxin (STxB). The targeting of Gb3-expressing tumor cells by STxB microbubbles was first shown by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy. A significantly higher proportion of STxB microbubbles were associated with Gb3- expressing tumor cells compared to cells in which Gb3 expression was inhibited. Moreover, ultrasonic imaging of culture plates showed a 12 dB contrast enhancement in average backscattered acoustic intensity on the surface of Gb3-expressing cells compared to Gb3-negative cells. Also, a 18 dB contrast enhancement was found in favor of STxB microbubbles compared to unspecific microbubbles. Microbubble signal intensity in subcutaneous tumors in mice was more than twice as high after the injection of STxBfunctionalized microbubbles compared to the injection of unspecific microbubbles. These in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrated that STxB-functionalized microbubbles bind specifically to cells expressing the Gb3 glycolipid. The cell-binding moieties of toxins thus appear as a new group of ligands for angiogenesis imaging with ultrasound. © 2011 Decker Publishing.
Mots-clés: Angiogenesis; Back-scattered; Cell-binding; Contrast Enhancement; Culture plates; Functionalized; Glyco lipids; In-vitro; Micro-bubble; Microbubbles; Neovasculature; Over-expression; Shiga toxin; Signal intensities; Subcutaneous tumor; Tumor cells; Ultrasound contrast agent; Flow cytometry; Fluorescence microscopy; Ligands; Toxic materials; Tumors; Ultrasonic imaging; Ultrasonics; Cell culture
In vivo mapping of brain elasticity in small animals using shear wave imaging Macé, E., I. Cohen, G. Montaldo, R. Miles, M. Fink, and M. Tanter IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 30, no. 3, 550-558 (2011)
Résumé: A combination of radiation force and ultrafast ultrasound imaging is used to both generate and track the propagation of a shear wave in the brain whose local speed is directly related to stiffness, characterized by the dynamic shear modulus G z.ast;. When performed on trepanated rats, this approach called shear wave imaging (SWI) provides 3-D brain elasticity maps reaching a spatial resolution of 0.7 mm × 1 mm × 0.4 mm with a good reproducibility (<13%). The dynamic shear modulus of brain tissues exhibits values in the 225 kPa range with a mean value of 12 kPa and is quantified for different anatomical regions. The anisotropy of the shear wave propagation is studied and the first in vivo anisotropy map of brain elasticity is provided. The propagation is found to be isotropic in three gray matter regions but highly anisotropic in two white matter regions. The good temporal resolution (∼ 10 ms per acquisition) of SWI also allows a dynamic estimation of brain elasticity to within a single cardiac cycle, showing that brain pulsatility does not transiently modify local elasticity. SWI proves its potential for the study of pathological modifications of brain elasticity both in small animal models and in clinical intra-operative imaging. © 2006 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Anisotropy; brain; elasticity; shear wave imaging (SWI); ultrasound; Anatomical regions; Brain tissue; Cardiac cycles; Dynamic estimation; Dynamic shear modulus; Gray matter; In-vivo; Intra-operative; Local elasticity; Mean values; Pulsatility; Radiation forces; Reproducibilities; Shear wave imaging; shear wave imaging (SWI); Small Animal; Small animal model; Spatial resolution; Temporal resolution; Ultra-fast; ultrasound; Ultrasound imaging; White matter; Animals; Anisotropy; Brain models; Elas
Effects of nonlinear ultrasound propagation on high intensity brain therapy Pinton, G., J.-F. Aubry, M. Fink, and M. Tanter Medical Physics 38, no. 3, 1207-1216 (2011)
Résumé: Purpose: As an ultrasound wave propagates nonlinearly, energy is transferred to higher frequencies where it is more strongly attenuated. Compared to soft tissue, the skull has strongly heterogeneous material parameters. The authors characterize with experiments and establish a numerical method that can describe the effects of the skull on the nonlinear components of ultrasonic wave propagation for application to high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) therapy in the brain. The impact of nonlinear acoustic propagation on heat deposition and thermal dose delivery is quantified and compared to linear assumptions by coupling an acoustic simulation with a heating model for brain tissue. Methods: A degassed dessicated human skull was placed in a water tank and insonified at 1 MPa with 7 mm transducer from a custom array designed for HIFU treatment. Two dimensional scans were performed preceding and following propagation through the skull with a calibrated hydrophone. Data from the scan preceding the skull were used as an input to a three dimensional finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulation that calculates the effects of diffraction, density, attenuation with linear dependence on frequency via relaxation mechanisms, and second order nonlinearity. A measured representation of the skull was used to determine the skull's acoustic properties. The validated acoustic model was used to determine the loss due to nonlinear propagation and then coupled to a finite difference simulation of the bioheat equation for two focal configurations at 3 and 7.5 cm from the skull surface. Results: Prior to propagation through the skull, the second harmonic component was 19 dB lower than the fundamental, and the third harmonic component was 37 dB lower. Following the skull, the second harmonic component was 35 dB lower and the third harmonic was 55 dB lower. The simulation is in agreement with the measurements to within 0.5 dB across the considered frequency range and shows good agreement across the two dimensional scan. It is then shown that the volume of treated brain is at least twice as large when assuming nonlinear acoustics. Conclusions: The authors have established a three dimensional FDTD simulation that accurately models the effects of nonlinearity and attenuation for propagation through the skull. Experimental validation shows good agreement across a broad frequency range and spatial extent. The nonlinear thermal dose was over an order of magnitude larger at the focus than the linear thermal dose and the necrotic volume was larger by at least a factor of 2. These results have particular applications to treatment planning. © 2011 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.
Mots-clés: heating; nonlinear acoustics; ultrasound brain; article; biological model; body fluid; bone; brain; echography; heat; human; methodology; nonlinear system; reproducibility; statistical model; ultrasound; ultrasound therapy; Body Fluids; Bone and Bones; Brain; Hot Temperature; Humans; Linear Models; Models, Biological; Nonlinear Dynamics; Reproducibility of Results; Ultrasonic Therapy; Ultrasonics
Combined passive detection and ultrafast active imaging of cavitation events induced by short pulses of high-intensity ultrasound Gateau, J., J.-F. Aubry, M. Pernot, M. Fink, and M. Tanter IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 58, no. 3, 517-532 (2011)
Résumé: The activation of natural gas nuclei to induce larger bubbles is possible using short ultrasonic excitations of high amplitude, and is required for ultrasound cavitation therapies. However, little is known about the distribution of nuclei in tissues. Therefore, the acoustic pressure level necessary to generate bubbles in a targeted zone and their exact location are currently difficult to predict. To monitor the initiation of cavitation activity, a novel all-ultrasound technique sensitive to single nucleation events is presented here. It is based on combined passive detection and ultrafast active imaging over a large volume using the same multi-element probe. Bubble nucleation was induced using a focused transducer (660 kHz, f-number = 1) driven by a high-power electric burst (up to 300 W) of one to two cycles. Detection was performed with a linear array (4 to 7 MHz) aligned with the single-element focal point. In vitro experiments in gelatin gel and muscular tissue are presented. The synchronized passive detection enabled radio-frequency data to be recorded, comprising highfrequency coherent wave fronts as signatures of the acoustic emissions linked to the activation of the nuclei. Active change detection images were obtained by subtracting echoes collected in the unnucleated medium. These indicated the appearance of stable cavitating regions. Because of the ultrafast frame rate, active detection occurred as quickly as 330 μs after the highamplitude excitation and the dynamics of the induced regions were studied individually. © 2011 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Acoustics; Arrays; Heating; Imaging; Medical treatment; Transducers; Ultrasonic imaging; Acoustic pressure level; Active changes; Active detection; Active imaging; Arrays; Bubble nucleation; Cavitation activity; Cavitation events; Coherent wave front; Focal points; Focused transducer; Frame rate; High amplitudes; High frequency HF; High-power; Imaging; In-vitro; Linear arrays; Medical treatment; Multi-element; Muscular tissues; Passive detection; Radio-frequency datum; Short pulse; Ultra-fast; U
Multiple wavelength reflectance microscopy to study the multiphysical behavior of microelectromechanical systems Garraud, N., Y. Fedala, F. Kanoufi, G. Tessier, J. P. Roger, and F. Amiot Optics Letters 36, no. 4, 594-596 (2011)
Résumé: In order to characterize surface chemomechanical phenomena driving microelectromechanical systems behavior, we propose herein a method to simultaneously obtain a full kinematic field describing the surface displacement and a map of its chemical modification from optical measurements. Using a microscope, reflected intensity fields are recorded for two different illumination wavelengths. Decoupling the wavelength-independent and-dependent contributions to the measured relative intensity changes then yields the sought fields. This method is applied to the investigation of the electroelastic coupling, providing images of both the local surface electrical charge density and the device deformation field. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Deformation field; Electrical charges; Electroelastic coupling; Local surfaces; Micro electro mechanical system; Multiple wavelengths; Optical measurement; Relative intensity changes; Surface displacement; Chemical modification; Composite micromechanics; Mechatronics; MEMS; Microelectromechanical devices; Optical data processing; Behavioral research
Time reversal of speckle noise Montaldo, G., M. Tanter, and M. Fink Physical Review Letters 106, no. 5 (2011)
Résumé: Focusing a wave in an unknown inhomogeneous medium is an open problem in wave physics. This work presents an iterative method able to focus in pulse-echo mode in an inhomogeneous medium containing a random distribution of scatterers. By performing a coherent summation of the random echoes backscattered from a set of points surrounding the desired focus, a virtual bright pointlike reflector is generated. A time-reversal method enables an iterative convergence towards the optimal wave field focusing at the location of this virtual scatterer. Thanks to this iterative time-reversal process, it is possible to focus at any arbitrary point in the heterogeneous medium even in the absence of pointlike source. An experimental demonstration is given for the correction of strongly distorted images in the field of medical ultrasound imaging. This concept enables envisioning many other applications in wave physics. © 2011 American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Arbitrary points; Back-scattered; Coherent summation; Distorted images; Heterogeneous medium; Inhomogeneous medium; Medical ultrasound imaging; Open problems; Other applications; Pulse-echo mode; Random distribution; Speckle noise; Time-reversal; Time-reversal methods; Wavefields; Medical imaging
Monitoring of thermal therapy based on shear modulus changes: I. Shear wave thermometry Arnal, B., M. Pernot, and M. Tanter IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 58, no. 2, 369-378 (2011)
Résumé: The clinical applicability of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for noninvasive therapy is today hampered by the lack of robust and real-time monitoring of tissue damage during treatment. The goal of this study is to show that the estimation of local tissue elasticity from shear wave imaging (SWI) can lead to the 2-D mapping of temperature changes during HIFU treatments. This new concept of shear wave thermometry is experimentally implemented here using conventional ultrasonic imaging probes. HIFU treatment and monitoring were, respectively, performed using a confocal setup consisting of a 2.5-MHz single-element transducer focused at 30 mm on ex vivo samples and an 8-MHz ultrasound diagnostic probe. Thermocouple measurements and ultrasound-based thermometry were used as a gold standard technique and were combined with SWI on the same device. The SWI sequences consisted of 2 successive shear waves induced at different lateral positions. Each wave was created using 100-μs pushing beams at 3 depths. The shear wave propagation was acquired at 17 000 frames/s, from which the elasticity map was recovered. HIFU sonications were interleaved with fast imaging acquisitions, allowing a duty cycle of more than 90%. Elasticity and temperature mapping was achieved every 3 s, leading to realtime monitoring of the treatment. Tissue stiffness was found to decrease in the focal zone for temperatures up to 43°C. Ultrasound-based temperature estimation was highly correlated to stiffness variation maps (r2 = 0.91 to 0.97). A reversible calibration phase of the changes of elasticity with temperature can be made locally using sighting shots. This calibration process allows for the derivation of temperature maps from shear wave imaging. Compared with conventional ultrasound-based approaches, shear wave thermometry is found to be much more robust to motion artifacts. © 2006 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Acoustics; Elasticity; Imaging; Monitoring; Probes; Temperature measurement; Ultrasonic imaging; Calibration process; Confocal setup; Diagnostic probes; Duty cycles; Ex-vivo; Fast imaging; Focal zones; Gold standards; High intensity focused ultrasound; Highly-correlated; Imaging; Motion artifact; Real time monitoring; Shear modulus; Shear wave imaging; Single element transducers; Stiffness variations; Temperature changes; Temperature estimation; Temperature mapping; Temperature maps; Thermal the
In Vivo quantitative mapping of myocardial stiffening and transmural anisotropy during the cardiac cycle Couade, M., M. Pernot, E. Messas, A. Bel, M. Ba, A. Hagege, M. Fink, and M. Tanter IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 30, no. 2, 295-305 (2011)
Résumé: Shear wave imaging was evaluated for the in vivo assessment of myocardial biomechanical properties on ten open chest sheep. The use of dedicated ultrasonic sequences implemented on a very high frame rate ultrasonic scanner (>5000frames per second) enables the estimation of the quantitative shear modulus of myocardium several times during one cardiac cycle. A 128 element probe remotely generates a shear wave thanks to the radiation force induced by a focused ultrasonic burst. The resulting shear wave propagation is tracked using the same probe by cross-correlating successive ultrasonic images acquired at a very high frame rate. The shear wave speed estimated at each location in the ultrasonic image gives access to the local myocardial stiffness (shear modulus The technique was found to be reproducible (standard deviation hbox and able to estimate both systolic and diastolic stiffness on each sheep (respectively mu-diasapprox ≈2 kPa and μurm sysapprox ≈30kPa). Moreover, the ability of the proposed method to polarize the shear wave generation and propagation along a chosen axis permits the study the local elastic anisotropy of myocardial muscle. As expected, myocardial elastic anisotropy is found to vary with muscle depth. The real time capabilities and potential of Shear Wave Imaging using ultrafast scanners for cardiac applications is finally illustrated by studying the dynamics of this fractional anisotropy during the cardiac cycle. © 2010 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Cardiac imaging; elastography; shear wave; ultrasound; Biomechanical properties; Cardiac applications; Cardiac cycles; Cardiac imaging; Elastic anisotropy; Elastography; Fractional Anisotropy; Frames per seconds; High frame rate; In-vivo; Quantitative mapping; Radiation forces; Real time capability; Shear modulus; Shear wave imaging; Shear wave speed; Standard deviation; Ultrafast scanners; Ultrasonic bursts; Ultrasonic images; Ultrasonic scanners; ultrasound; Wave generation; Anisotropy; Biomec
Negative refraction and focusing of elastic Lamb waves at an interface Bramhavar, S., C. Prada, A. A. Maznev, A. G. Every, T. B. Norris, and T. W. Murray Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83, no. 1 (2011)
Résumé: We study negative refraction and focusing of elastic waves in a simple mechanical system comprised of a freestanding plate with a step change in thickness. A point-focused and intensity-modulated laser source is used to excite backward-propagating Lamb waves on one side of the step, and the displacement field is probed using an optical interferometer. Conversion between forward- and backward-propagating modes at the interface leads to negative refraction, and we demonstrate for the first time the operation of a flat lens, similar to that predicted by Veselago in negative-index media, for guided elastic waves in isotropic media. We propose that guided elastic waves provide a convenient and powerful experimental test bed for the study of negative-index physics. © 2011 American Physical Society.
Mutual adaptation of a Faraday instability pattern with its flexible boundaries in floating fluid drops Pucci, G., E. Fort, M. Ben Amar, and Y. Couder Physical Review Letters 106, no. 2 (2011)
Résumé: Hydrodynamic instabilities are usually investigated in confined geometries where the resulting spatiotemporal pattern is constrained by the boundary conditions. Here we study the Faraday instability in domains with flexible boundaries. This is implemented by triggering this instability in floating fluid drops. An interaction of Faraday waves with the shape of the drop is observed, the radiation pressure of the waves exerting a force on the surface tension held boundaries. Two regimes are observed. In the first one there is a coadaptation of the wave pattern with the shape of the domain so that a steady configuration is reached. In the second one the radiation pressure dominates and no steady regime is reached. The drop stretches and ultimately breaks into smaller domains that have a complex dynamics including spontaneous propagation. © 2011 American Physical Society.
Mots-clés: Co-adaptation; Complex dynamics; Confined geometries; Faraday instability; Faraday waves; Flexible boundaries; Fluid drop; Hydrodynamic instabilities; Mutual adaptation; Radiation pressure; Spatiotemporal patterns; Two-regime; Wave patterns; Faraday effect; Magnetic field effects; Surface tension; Pressure
Experimental study on water-wave trapped modes Cobelli, P. J., V. Pagneux, A. Maurel, and P. Petitjeans Journal of Fluid Mechanics 666, 445-476 (2011)
Résumé: We present an experimental study on the trapped modes occurring around a vertical surface-piercing circular cylinder of radius a placed symmetrically between the parallel walls of a long but finite water waveguide of width 2d. A wavemaker placed near the entrance of the waveguide is used to force an asymmetric perturbation into the guide, and the free-surface deformation field is measured using a global single-shot optical profilometric technique. In this configuration, several values of the aspect ratio a/d were explored for a range of driving frequencies below the waveguide's cutoff. Decomposition of the obtained fields in harmonics of the driving frequency allowed for the isolation of the linear contribution, which was subsequently separated according to the symmetries of the problem. For each of the aspect ratios considered, the spatial structure of the trapped mode was obtained and compared to the theoretical predictions given by a multipole expansion method. The waveguide'obstacle system was further characterized in terms of reflection and transmission coefficients, which led to the construction of resonance curves showing the presence of one or two trapped modes (depending on the value of a/d), a result that is consistent with the theoretical predictions available in the literature. The frequency dependency of the trapped modes with the geometrical parameter a/d was determined from these curves and successfully compared to the theoretical predictions available within the frame of linear wave theory. © 2011 Cambridge University Press.
Mots-clés: surface gravity waves; wave scattering; wave'structure interactions; Asymmetric perturbations; Driving frequencies; Experimental studies; Free-surface deformation; Frequency dependencies; Geometrical parameters; Linear contribution; Linear wave theory; Multipole expansion methods; Reflection and transmission coefficients; Resonance curves; Single-shot; Spatial structure; Surface gravity waves; Theoretical prediction; Trapped modes; Vertical surface; wave scattering; Wavemakers; Circular cylinder
Realizing a negative index metamaterial by controlling hybridization of trapped modes Abdeddaim, R., A. Ourir, and J. De Rosny Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83, no. 3 (2011)
Résumé: We report a way to realize a left-handed metamaterial based on hybridization of trapped modes. This results from the stacking of two identical structures. The introduction of a structural asymmetry tunes the trapped modes without modifying Coulomb interactions. The negative index band is obtained thanks to the overlapping of two hybrid modes coming from two different modes. This approach is validated numerically and experimentally. © 2011 The American Physical Society.
Multiple scattering of ultrasound in weakly inhomogeneous media: Application to human soft tissues Aubry, A., and A. Derode Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129, no. 1, 225-233 (2011)
Résumé: Waves scattered by a weakly inhomogeneous random medium contain a predominant single-scattering contribution as well as a multiple-scattering contribution which is usually neglected, especially for imaging purposes. A method based on random matrix theory is proposed to separate the single- and multiple-scattering contributions. The experimental setup uses an array of sources/receivers placed in front of the medium. The impulse responses between every couple of transducers are measured and form a matrix. Single-scattering contributions are shown to exhibit a deterministic coherence along the antidiagonals of the array response matrix, whatever the distribution of inhomogeneities. This property is taken advantage of to discriminate single- from multiple-scattered waves. This allows one to evaluate the absorption losses and the scattering losses separately, by comparing the multiple-scattering intensity with a radiative transfer model. Moreover, the relative contribution of multiple scattering in the backscattered wave can be estimated, which serves as a validity test for the Born approximation. Experimental results are presented with ultrasonic waves in the megahertz range, on a synthetic sample (agar-gelatine gel) as well as on breast tissues. Interestingly, the multiple-scattering contribution is found to be far from negligible in the breast around 4.3 MHz. © 2011 Acoustical Society of America.
Mots-clés: Absorption loss; Array response; Back-scattered; Breast tissues; Experimental setup; Inhomogeneities; Inhomogeneous media; matrix; Radiative transfer model; Random matrix theory; Random medium; Relative contribution; Scattered waves; Scattering intensity; Scattering loss; Single scattering; Soft tissue; Validity tests; Born approximation; Histology; Multiple scattering; Radiative transfer; Ultrasonics; Coherent scattering; agar; gelatin; absorption; article; biological model; echomammography; fe
Ultrafast compound doppler imaging: Providing full blood flow characterization Bercoff, J., G. Montaldo, T. Loupas, D. Savery, F. Mézière, M. Fink, and M. Tanter IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 58, no. 1, 134-147 (2011)
Résumé: Doppler-based flow analysis methods require acquisition of ultrasound data at high spatio-temporal sampling rates. These rates represent a major technical challenge for ultrasound systems because a compromise between spatial and temporal resolution must be made in conventional approaches. Consequently, ultrasound scanners can either provide full quantitative Doppler information on a limited sample volume (spectral Doppler), or averaged Doppler velocity and/or power estimation on a large region of interest (Doppler flow imaging). In this work, we investigate a different strategy for acquiring Doppler information that can overcome the limitations of the existing Doppler modes by significantly reducing the required acquisition time. This technique is called ultrafast compound Doppler imaging and is based on the following concept: instead of successively insonifying the medium with focused beams, several tilted plane waves are sent into the medium and the backscattered signals are coherently summed to produce highresolution ultrasound images. We demonstrate that this strategy allows reduction of the acquisition time by a factor of up to of 16 while keeping the same Doppler performance. Depending on the application, different directions to increase performance of Doppler analysis are proposed and the improvement is quantified: the ultrafast compound Doppler method allows faster acquisition frame rates for high-velocity flow imaging, or very high sensitivity for low-flow applications. Full quantitative Doppler flow analysis can be performed on a large region of interest, leading to much more information and improved functionality for the physician. By leveraging the recent emergence of ultrafast parallel beamforming systems, this paper demonstrates that breakthrough performances in flow analysis can be reached using this concept of ultrafast compound Doppler. © 2011 IEEE.
Mots-clés: Acquisition time; Backscattered signal; Blood flow; Conventional approach; Doppler; Doppler analysis; Doppler flow imaging; Doppler imaging; Doppler information; Doppler methods; Doppler velocity; Flow analysis; Focused beams; Frame rate; High resolution; High sensitivity; High-velocity flows; Insonifying; Large regions; Parallel beamforming; Power estimations; Sample volume; Spatio-temporal; Technical challenges; Temporal resolution; Tilted planes; Ultra-fast; Ultrasound data; Ultrasound images
Off-axis compressed holographic microscopy in low-light conditions Marim, M., E. Angelini, J.-C. Olivo-Marin, and M. Atlan Optics Letters 36, no. 1, 79-81 (2011)
Résumé: This Letter reports a demonstration of off-axis compressed holography in low-light level imaging conditions. An acquisition protocol relying on a single exposure of a randomly undersampled diffraction map of the optical field, recorded in the high heterodyne gain regime, is proposed. The image acquisition scheme is based on compressed sensing, a theory establishing that near-exact recovery of an unknown sparse signal is possible from a small number of nonstructured measurements. Image reconstruction is further enhanced by introducing an off-axis spatial support constraint to the image estimation algorithm. We report accurate experimental recovering of holographic images of a resolution target in low-light conditions with a frame exposure of 5 μs, scaling down measurements to 9% of random pixels within the array detector. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Mots-clés: A-frames; Acquisition protocols; Array detectors; Compressed sensing; Holographic images; Holographic microscopy; Image estimation; Imaging conditions; Light conditions; Light level; Off-axis; Optical field; Scaling down; Single exposure; Sparse signals; Image reconstruction