Characterization of rockfalls from seismic signal: Insights from laboratory experiments Farin, M., A. Mangeney, R. Toussaint, J. d. Rosny, N. Shapiro, T. Dewez, C. Hibert, C. Mathon, O. Sedan, and F. Berger Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120, no. 10, 7102-7137 (2015)
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Symmetric Planar Metamaterial at THz Wavelengths Ourir, A., B. Gallas, L. Becerra, J. De Rosny, and P. Dahoo Photonics 2, no. 1, 308-316 (2015)
In vivo discrimination of tumor modifications during antiangiogenic and cytotoxic therapy using ultrasonography modalities: Shear Wave Elastography (SWE), Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) and Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS) Dizeux, A., T. Payen, G. Barrois, M. Lamuraglia, C. Baldini, D. Le Guillou, E. Comperat, J.-L. Gennisson, M. Tanter, M. Oelze, and S. L. Bridal Cancer Research 75 (2015)
EFSUMB Guidelines on Interventional Ultrasound (INVUS), Part II Diagnostic Ultrasound-Guided Interventional Procedures (Short Version) Sidhu, P. S., K. Brabrand, V. Cantisani, J. M. Correas, X. W. Cui, D', M. onofrio, M. Essig, S. Freeman, O. H. Gilja, N. Gritzmann, R. F. Havre, A. Ignee, C. Jenssen, A. Kabaalioglu, T. Lorentzen, M. Mohaupt, C. Nicolau, C. P. Nolsoe, D. Nuernberg, M. Radzina, A. Saftoiu, C. Serra, Z. Sparchez, I. Sporea, and C. F. Dietrich Ultraschall In Der Medizin 36, no. 6, 566-580 (2015)
Mots-clés: guideline; biopsy; ultrasound.; aspiration; CT; MRI; needle; catheter; cancer; transplant; adrenal; liver; kidney; pancreas; lymph node; gastrointestinal tract; retroperitoneal; spleen
EFSUMB Guidelines on Interventional Ultrasound (INVUS), Part II Diagnostic Ultrasound-Guided Interventional Procedures (Long Version) Sidhu, P. S., K. Brabrand, V. Cantisani, J. M. Correas, X. W. Cui, D', M. onofrio, M. Essig, S. Freeman, O. H. Gilja, N. Gritzmann, R. F. Havre, A. Ignee, C. Jenssen, A. Kabaalioglu, T. Lorentzen, M. Mohaupt, C. Nicolau, C. P. Nolsoe, D. Nuernberg, M. Radzina, A. Saftoiu, C. Serra, Z. Sparchez, I. Sporea, and C. F. Dietrich Ultraschall In Der Medizin 36, no. 6, E15-E35 (2015)
Mots-clés: guideline; biopsy; ultrasound; aspiration; CT; MRI; needle; catheter; cancer; transplant; adrenal; liver; kidney; pancreas; lymph node; gastrointestinal tract; retroperitoneal; pleen
Directional source of water waves by a crystal of surface-piercing cylinders Chekroun, M., A. Maurel, V. Pagneux, and P. Petitjeans Comptes Rendus Mecanique 343, no. 12, 689-699 (2015)
Mots-clés: Metamaterial; Water waves; Periodic crystal
Effective birefringence to analyze sound transmission through a layer with subwavelength slits Maurel, A., S. Felix, J.-F. Mercier, and A. Ourir Comptes Rendus Mecanique 343, no. 12, 612-621 (2015)
Mots-clés: Metamaterial; Spoof plasmon; Homogenization; Acoustic array
Validation of an intracardiac ultrasonic therapy-imaging dual mode transducer Kwiecinski, W., J. Provost, R. Dubois, F. Sacher, M. Haissaguerre, M. Legros, A. Nguyen-Dinh, R. Dufait, M. Tanter, and M. Pernot Irbm 36, no. 6, 351-354 (2015)
Competition and Coexistence of Raman and Random Lasing in Silica-/Titania-Based Solid Foams Gaikwad, P., N. Bachelard, P. Sebbah, R. Backov, and R. A. L. Vallee Advanced Optical Materials 3, no. 11, 1640-1651 (2015)
Plasmonic lateral forces on chiral spheres Canaguier-Durand, A., and C. Genet Journal of Optics (United Kingdom) 18, no. 1 (2015)
Résumé: © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd. We show that the optical force exerted on a finite size chiral sphere by a surface plasmon mode has a component along a direction perpendicular to the plasmon linear momentum. We reveal how this chiral lateral force, pointing in opposite directions for opposite enantiomers, stems from an angular-to-linear crossed momentum transfer involving the plasmon transverse spin angular momentum density and mediated by the chirality of the sphere. Our multipolar approach allows us discussing the inclusion of the recoil term in the force on a small sphere taken in the dipolar limit and observing sign inversions of the lateral chiral force when the size of the sphere increases.
Mots-clés: chiral forces; chirality; Mie theory; plasmonic forces; transverse spin
Towards new applications using capillary waveguides Stasio, N., A. Shibukawa, I. N. Papadopoulos, S. Farahi, O. Simandoux, J.-P. Huignard, E. Bossy, C. Moser, and D. Psaltis Biomedical Optics Express 6, no. 23, 4619-4631 (2015)
Fingerprint imaging from the inside of a finger with full-field optical coherence tomography Auksorius, E., and A. C. Boccara Biomedical Optics Express 6, no. 11, 4465-4471 (2015)
Probing Extended Modes on Disordered Plasmonic Networks by Wavefront Shaping Bondareff, P., G. Volpe, S. Gigan, and S. Gresillon ACS Photonics 2, no. 12, 1661-1662 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Chemical Society. We experimentally study the optical field distribution on disordered plasmonic networks by far-field wavefront shaping. We observe nonlocal fluctuations of the field intensity mediated by plasmonic modes up to a distance of 10 μm from the excitation area. In particular we quantify the spatial extent of these fluctuations as a function of the metal filling fraction in the plasmonic network, and we identify a clear increase around percolation due to the existence of extended plasmonic modes. This paves the way toward far-field coherent control of plasmonic modes on similar disordered plasmonic networks. We expect these results to be relevant for quantum networks, coherent control, and light-matter interactions in such disordered films where long-range interactions are critical.
Mots-clés: disorder; far-field control; leaky wave microscopy; mode extension; plasmonic networks; surface plasmon; surface wave; wavefront shaping
Effect of refracted light distribution on the photoelastic generation of zero-group velocity Lamb modes in optically low-absorbing plates Raetz, S., J. Laurent, T. Dehoux, D. Royer, B. Audoin, and C. Prada Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138, no. 6, 3522-3530 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Acoustical Society of America. Zero-group velocity (ZGV) Lamb modes are associated with sharp local acoustic resonances and allow, among other features, local measurement of Poisson's ratio. While the thermoelastic generation of Lamb waves in metal plates has been widely studied, the case of materials of low-optical absorption remains unexplored. In materials such as glasses, the generation of bulk elastic waves has been demonstrated to be sensitive to the refracted light distribution. In this paper, a detailed analysis of the effect of light refraction on the laser-based generation of ZGV Lamb modes is presented. Experiments are performed on a bare glass plate without the need for an additional layer for light absorption or reflection. Using an appropriate tilted volume source, it is shown that the laser-ultrasonic technique allows non-contact measurement of the Poisson's ratio.
Single molecule study of non-specific binding kinetics of LacI in mammalian cells Caccianini, L., D. Normanno, I. Izeddin, and M. Dahan Faraday Discussions 184, 393-400 (2015)
Résumé: © The Royal Society of Chemistry. Many key cellular processes are controlled by the association of DNA-binding proteins (DBPs) to specific sites. The kinetics of the search process leading to the binding of DBPs to their target locus are largely determined by transient interactions with non-cognate DNA. Using single-molecule microscopy, we studied the dynamics and non-specific binding to DNA of the Lac repressor (LacI) in the environment of mammalian nuclei. We measured the distribution of the LacI-DNA binding times at non-cognate sites and determined the mean residence time to be τ1D = 182 ms. This non-specific interaction time, measured in the context of an exogenous system such as that of human U2OS cells, is remarkably different compared to that reported for the LacI in its native environment in E. coli (<5 ms). Such a striking difference (more than 30 fold) suggests that the genome, its organization, and the nuclear environment of mammalian cells play important roles on the dynamics of DBPs and their non-specific DNA interactions. Furthermore, we found that the distribution of off-target binding times follows a power law, similar to what was reported for TetR in U2OS cells. We argue that a possible molecular origin of such a power law distribution of residence times is the large variability of non-cognate sequences found in the mammalian nucleus by the diffusing DBPs.
Cooperative Emission of a Pulse Train in an Optically Thick Scattering Medium Kwong, C. C., T. Yang, D. Delande, R. Pierrat, and D. Wilkowski Physical Review Letters 115, no. 22 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Physical Society. An optically thick cold atomic cloud emits a coherent flash of light in the forward direction when the phase of an incident probe field is abruptly changed. Because of cooperativity, the duration of this phenomena can be much shorter than the excited lifetime of a single atom. Repeating periodically the abrupt phase jump, we generate a train of pulses with short repetition time, high intensity contrast, and high efficiency. In this regime, the emission is fully governed by cooperativity even if the cloud is dilute.
Broadband Coherent Enhancement of Transmission and Absorption in Disordered Media Hsu, C. W., A. Goetschy, Y. Bromberg, A. D. Stone, and H. Cao Physical Review Letters 115, no. 22 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Physical Society. Spatial modulation of the incident wave front has become a powerful method for controlling the diffusive transport of light in disordered media; however, such interference-based control is intrinsically sensitive to frequency detuning. Here, we show analytically and numerically that certain wave fronts can exhibit strongly enhanced total transmission or absorption across bandwidths that are orders of magnitude broader than the spectral correlation width of the speckles. Such broadband enhancement is possible due to long-range correlations in coherent diffusion, which cause the spectral degrees of freedom to scale as the square root of the bandwidth rather than the bandwidth itself.
Quantitative Shear-Wave Elastography of the Liver in Preterm Neonates with Intra-Uterine Growth Restriction Alison, M., V. Biran, A. Tanase, M. Bendavid, M. Blouet, C. Demene, G. Sebag, M. Tanter, and O. Baud Plos One 10, no. 11 (2015)
Investigation of interfacial stiffnesses of a tri-layer using Zero-Group Velocity Lamb modes Mezil, S., F. Bruno, S. Raetz, J. Laurent, D. Royer, and C. Prada Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138, no. 5, 3202-3209 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Acoustical Society of America. Zero-Group Velocity (ZGV) Lamb waves are studied in a structure composed of two plates bonded by an adhesive layer. The dispersion curves are calculated for a Duralumin/epoxy/Duralumin sample, where the adhesion is modeled by a normal and a tangential spring at both interfaces. Several ZGV modes are identified and their frequency dependence on interfacial stiffnesses and on the bonding layer thickness is numerically studied. Then, experiments achieved with laser ultrasonic techniques are presented. Local resonances are measured using a superimposed source and probe. Knowing the thicknesses and elastic constants of the Duralumin and epoxy layers, the comparison between theoretical and experimental ZGV resonances leads to an evaluation of the interfacial stiffnesses. A good agreement with theoretical dispersion curves confirms the identification of the resonances and the parameter estimations. This non-contact technique is promising for the local evaluation of bonded structures.
Manipulating bubbles with secondary Bjerknes forces Lanoy, M., C. Derec, A. Tourin, and V. Leroy Applied Physics Letters 107, no. 21 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. Gas bubbles in a sound field are submitted to a radiative force, known as the secondary Bjerknes force. We propose an original experimental setup that allows us to investigate in detail this force between two bubbles, as a function of the sonication frequency, as well as the bubbles radii and distance. We report the observation of both attractive and, more interestingly, repulsive Bjerknes force, when the two bubbles are driven in antiphase. Our experiments show the importance of taking multiple scatterings into account, which leads to a strong acoustic coupling of the bubbles when their radii are similar. Our setup demonstrates the accuracy of secondary Bjerknes forces for attracting or repealing a bubble, and could lead to new acoustic tools for noncontact manipulation in microfluidic devices.
Ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy for deep super-resolution vascular imaging Errico, C., J. Pierre, S. Pezet, Y. Desailly, Z. Lenkei, O. Couture, and M. Tanter Nature 527, no. 7579, 499-502 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. Non-invasive imaging deep into organs at microscopic scales remains an open quest in biomedical imaging. Although optical microscopy is still limited to surface imaging owing to optical wave diffusion and fast decorrelation in tissue, revolutionary approaches such as fluorescence photo-activated localization microscopy led to a striking increase in resolution by more than an order of magnitude in the last decade. In contrast with optics, ultrasonic waves propagate deep into organs without losing their coherence and are much less affected by in vivo decorrelation processes. However, their resolution is impeded by the fundamental limits of diffraction, which impose a long-standing trade-off between resolution and penetration. This limits clinical and preclinical ultrasound imaging to a sub-millimetre scale. Here we demonstrate in vivo that ultrasound imaging at ultrafast frame rates (more than 500 frames per second) provides an analogue to optical localization microscopy by capturing the transient signal decorrelation of contrast agents - inert gas microbubbles. Ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy allowed both non-invasive sub-wavelength structural imaging and haemodynamic quantification of rodent cerebral microvessels (less than ten micrometres in diameter) more than ten millimetres below the tissue surface, leading to transcranial whole-brain imaging within short acquisition times (tens of seconds). After intravenous injection, single echoes from individual microbubbles were detected through ultrafast imaging. Their localization, not limited by diffraction, was accumulated over 75,000 images, yielding 1,000,000 events per coronal plane and statistically independent pixels of ten micrometres in size. Precise temporal tracking of microbubble positions allowed us to extract accurately in-plane velocities of the blood flow with a large dynamic range (from one millimetre per second to several centimetres per second). These results pave the way for deep non-invasive microscopy in animals and humans using ultrasound. We anticipate that ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy may become an invaluable tool for the fundamental understanding and diagnostics of various disease processes that modify the microvascular blood flow, such as cancer, stroke and arteriosclerosis.
Empirical mode decomposition profilometry: small-scale capabilities and comparison to Fourier transform profilometry Lagubeau, G., P. Cobelli, T. Bobinski, A. Maurel, V. Pagneux, and P. Petitjeans Applied Optics 54, no. 32, 9409-9414 (2015)
High numerical aperture holographic microscopy reconstruction with extended z range Verrier, N., D. Donnarumma, G. Tessier, and M. Gross Applied Optics 54, no. 32, 9540-9547 (2015)
Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultrasound Data Highly Increases Doppler and fUltrasound Sensitivity Demene, C., T. Deffieux, M. Pernot, B.-F. Osmanski, V. Biran, J.-L. Gennisson, L.-A. Sieu, A. Bergel, S. Franqui, J.-M. Correas, I. Cohen, O. Baud, and M. Tanter Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging 34, no. 11, 2271-2285 (2015)
Mots-clés: Blood flow; Doppler imaging; singular value decomposition; ultrafast imaging; ultrasound
Nonlinear multiple scattering of acoustic waves by a layer of bubbles Lombard, O., C. Barrière, and V. Leroy EPL 112, no. 2 (2015)
Résumé: © EPLA, 2015. We present a theoretical and experimental study of the acoustic second-harmonic generation by a single layer of bubbles. This simple system allows us to investigate the subtle interplay between nonlinear effects and multiple scattering. A perturbative model is shown to give an excellent agreement with the experimental measurements, and we demonstrate the existence of an optimal concentration of bubbles, for which the harmonic generation is maximum. The potential of bubble screens as efficient subwavelength acoustic nonlinear sources is discussed.
Localization of acoustic sensors from passive Green's function estimation Nowakowski, T., L. Daudet, and J. De Rosny Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138, no. 5, 3010-3018 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Acoustical Society of America. A number of methods have recently been developed for passive localization of acoustic sensors, based on the assumption that the acoustic field is diffuse. This article presents the more general case of equipartition fields, which takes into account reflections off boundaries and/or scatterers. After a thorough discussion on the fundamental differences between the diffuse and equipartition models, it is shown that the method is more robust when dealing with wideband noise sources. Finally, experimental results show, for two types of boundary conditions, that this approach is especially relevant when acoustic sensors are close to boundaries.
Resolution limits of ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy Desailly, Y., J. Pierre, O. Couture, and M. Tanter Physics in Medicine and Biology 60, no. 22, 8723-8740 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. As in other imaging methods based on waves, the resolution of ultrasound imaging is limited by the wavelength. However, the diffraction-limit can be overcome by super-localizing single events from isolated sources. In recent years, we developed plane-wave ultrasound allowing frame rates up to 20 000 fps. Ultrafast processes such as rapid movement or disruption of ultrasound contrast agents (UCA) can thus be monitored, providing us with distinct punctual sources that could be localized beyond the diffraction limit. We previously showed experimentally that resolutions beyond λ/10 can be reached in ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy (uULM) using a 128 transducer matrix in reception. Higher resolutions are theoretically achievable and the aim of this study is to predict the maximum resolution in uULM with respect to acquisition parameters (frequency, transducer geometry, sampling electronics). The accuracy of uULM is the error on the localization of a bubble, considered a point-source in a homogeneous medium. The proposed model consists in two steps: determining the timing accuracy of the microbubble echo in radiofrequency data, then transferring this time accuracy into spatial accuracy. The simplified model predicts a maximum resolution of 40 μm for a 1.75 MHz transducer matrix composed of two rows of 64 elements. Experimental confirmation of the model was performed by flowing microbubbles within a 60 μm microfluidic channel and localizing their blinking under ultrafast imaging (500 Hz frame rate). The experimental resolution, determined as the standard deviation in the positioning of the microbubbles, was predicted within 6 μm (13%) of the theoretical values and followed the analytical relationship with respect to the number of elements and depth. Understanding the underlying physical principles determining the resolution of superlocalization will allow the optimization of the imaging setup for each organ. Ultimately, accuracies better than the size of capillaries are achievable at several centimeter depths.
Mots-clés: Microbubbles; Resolution; Superlocalization; Ultrasound
Increasing the Morphological Stability of DNA-Templated Nanostructures with Surface Hydrophobicity Lermusiaux, L., and S. Bidault Small 11, no. 42, 5696-5704 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. DNA has been extensively used as a versatile template to assemble inorganic nanoparticles into complex architectures; thanks to its programmability, stability, and long persistence length. But the geometry of self-assembled nanostructures depends on a complex combination of attractive and repulsive forces that can override the shape of a molecular scaffold. In this report, an approach to increase the morphological stability of DNA-templated gold nanoparticle (AuNP) groupings against electrostatic interactions is demonstrated by introducing hydrophobicity on the particle surface. Using single nanostructure spectroscopy, the nanometer-scale distortions of 40 nm diameter AuNP dimers are compared with different hydrophilic, amphiphilic, neutral, and negatively charged surface chemistries, when modifying the local ionic strength. It is observed that, with most ligands, a majority of studied nanostructures deform freely from a stretched geometry to touching particles when increasing the salt concentration while hydrophobicity strongly limits the dimer distortions. Furthermore, an amphiphilic surface chemistry provides DNA-linked AuNP dimers with a high long-term stability against internal aggregation.
Mots-clés: amphiphilic ligands; darkfield microscopy; DNA nanotechnology; nanostructures; self-assembly
Multiplane wave imaging increases signal-to-noise ratio in ultrafast ultrasound imaging. Tiran, E., T. Deffieux, M. Correia, D. Maresca, B.-F. Osmanski, L.-A. Sieu, A. Bergel, I. Cohen, M. Pernot, and M. Tanter Physics in medicine and biology 60, no. 21, 8549-66 (2015)
Polygonal instabilities on interfacial vorticities Labousse, M., and J. W. M. Bush European Physical Journal E 38, no. 10, 1-11 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015, EDP Sciences, SIF, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Abstract: We report the results of a theoretical investigation of the stability of a toroidal vortex bound by an interface. Two distinct instability mechanisms are identified that rely on, respectively, surface tension and fluid inertia, either of which may prompt the transformation from a circular to a polygonal torus. Our results are discussed in the context of three experiments, a toroidal vortex ring, the hydraulic jump, and the hydraulic bump. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
Mots-clés: Flowing Matter: Interfacial phenomena
Placental elastography in a murine intrauterine growth restriction model Quibel, T., B. Deloison, F. Chammings, G. E. Chalouhi, N. Siauve, M. Alison, B. Bessières, J. L. Gennisson, O. Clément, and L. J. Salomon Prenatal Diagnosis 35, no. 11, 1106-1111 (2015)
Résumé: & Sons, Ltd. Objective: To compare placental elasticity in normal versus intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) murine pregnancies using shear wave elastography (SWE). Methods: Intrauterine growth restriction was created by ligation of the left uterine artery of Sprague-Dawley rats on E17. Ultrasonography (US) and elastography were performed 2days later on exteriorized horns after laparotomy. Biparietal diameter (BPD) and abdominal diameter (AD) were measured and compared in each horn. Placental elasticity of each placenta was compared in the right and left horns, respectively, using the Young's modulus, which increases with increasing stiffness of the tissue. Results: Two hundred seventeen feto-placental units from 18 rats were included. Fetuses in the left ligated horn had smaller biometric measurements than those in the right horn (6.7 vs 7.2mm, p<0.001, and 9.2 vs 11.2mm, p<0.001 for BPD and AD, respectively). Mean fetal weight was lower in the pups from the left than the right horn (1.65 vs 2.11g; p<0.001). Mean (SD) Young's modulus was higher for placentas from the left than the right horn (11.7±1.5kPa vs 8.01±3.8kPa, respectively; p<0.001), indicating increased stiffness in placentas from the left than the right horn. There was an inverse relationship between fetal weight and placental elasticity (r=0.42; p<0.001). Conclusion: Shear wave elastography may be used to provide quantitative elasticity measurements of the placenta. In our model, placentas from IUGR fetuses demonstrated greater stiffness, which correlated with the degree of fetal growth restriction. © 2015 John Wiley
Chiral route to pulling optical forces and left-handed optical torques Canaguier-Durand, A., and C. Genet Physical Review A 92, no. 4 (2015)
Photoacoustic generation by a gold nanosphere: From linear to nonlinear thermoelastics in the long-pulse illumination regime Prost, A., F. Poisson, and E. Bossy Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 92, no. 11 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Physical Society. We investigate theoretically the photoacoustic generation by a gold nanosphere in water in the thermoelastic regime. Specifically, we consider the long-pulse illumination regime, in which the time for electron-phonon thermalization can be neglected and photoacoustic wave generation arises solely from the thermoelastic stress caused by the temperature increase of the nanosphere or its liquid environment. Photoacoustic signals are predicted based on the successive resolution of a thermal diffusion problem and a thermoelastic problem, taking into account the finite size of the gold nanosphere, thermoelastic and elastic properties of both water and gold, and the temperature dependence of the thermal expansion coefficient of water. For sufficiently high illumination fluences, this temperature dependence yields a nonlinear relationship between the photoacoustic amplitude and the fluence. For nanosecond pulses in the linear regime, we show that more than 90% of the emitted photoacoustic energy is generated in water, and the thickness of the generating layer around the particle scales close to the square root of the pulse duration. The amplitude of the photoacoustic wave in the linear regime is accurately predicted by the point-absorber model introduced by Calasso et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 3550 (2001)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.86.3550], but our results demonstrate that this model significantly overestimates the amplitude of photoacoustic waves in the nonlinear regime. We therefore provide quantitative estimates of a critical energy, defined as the absorbed energy required such that the nonlinear contribution is equal to that of the linear contribution. Our results suggest that the critical energy scales as the volume of water over which heat diffuses during the illumination pulse. Moreover, thermal nonlinearity is shown to be expected only for sufficiently high ultrasound frequency. Finally, we show that the relationship between the photoacoustic amplitude and the equilibrium temperature at sufficiently high fluence reflects the thermal diffusion at the nanoscale around the gold nanosphere.
Cardiac shear-wave elastography using a transesophageal transducer: application to the mapping of thermal lesions in ultrasound transesophageal cardiac ablation. Kwiecinski, W., F. Bessiere, E. C. Colas, Apoutou N', W. djin, M. Tanter, C. Lafon, and M. Pernot Physics in medicine and biology 60, no. 20, 7829-46 (2015)
Assessment of the cervix in pregnant women using shear wave elastography: A feasibility study Muller, M., D. Aït-Belkacem, M. Hessabi, J. L. Gennisson, G. Grangé, G. Grangé, F. Goffinet, F. Goffinet, F. Goffinet, E. Lecarpentier, E. Lecarpentier, D. Cabrol, D. Cabrol, M. Tanter, V. Tsatsaris, and V. Tsatsaris Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 41, no. 11, 2789-2797 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. The quantitative assessment of the cervix is crucial for the estimation of pre-term delivery risk and the prediction of the success of labor induction. We conducted a cross-sectional study using shear wave elastography based on the supersonic shear imaging technique. The shear wave speed (SWS) of the lower anterior part of the cervix was quantified over an 8-mm region of interest in 157 pregnant women. Cervical SWS is slightly but significantly reduced in patients diagnosed with pre-term labor and in patients who actually delivered pre-term.
Mots-clés: Cervical modifications; In vivo; Pre-term delivery risk assessment; Pregnancy; Shear wave elastography; Shear wave speed
Late Reverberation Synthesis: From Radiance Transfer to Feedback Delay Networks Bai, H., G. Richard, and L. Daudet IEEE/ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing 23, no. 12, 2260-2271 (2015)
Résumé: © 2014 IEEE. In room acoustic modeling, feedback delay networks (FDN) are known to efficiently model late reverberation due to their capacity to generate exponentially decaying dense impulses. However, this method relies on a careful tuning of the different synthesis parameters, either estimated from a pre-recorded impulse response from the real acoustic scene, or set manually from experience. In this paper, we present a new method, which still inherits the efficiency of the FDN structure, but aims at linking the parameters of the FDN directly to the geometry setting. This relation is achieved by studying the sound energy exchange between each delay line using the acoustic radiance transfer method (RTM). Experimental results show that the late reverberation modeled by this method is in good agreement with the virtual geometry setting.
Mots-clés: Acoustic radiance transfer; feedback delay networks (FDNs); reverberation; room acoustics
Scattering mean free path in continuous complex media: Beyond the Helmholtz equation Baydoun, I., D. Baresch, R. Pierrat, and A. Derode Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 92, no. 3 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Physical Society. We present theoretical calculations of the ensemble-averaged (or effective or coherent) wave field propagating in a heterogeneous medium considered as one realization of a random process. In the literature, it is usually assumed that heterogeneity can be accounted for by a random scalar function of the space coordinates, termed the potential. Physically, this amounts to replacing the constant wave speed in Helmholtz' equation by a space-dependent speed. In the case of acoustic waves, we show that this approach leads to incorrect results for the scattering mean free path, no matter how weak the fluctuations. The detailed calculation of the coherent wave field must take into account both a scalar and an operator part in the random potential. When both terms have identical amplitudes, the correct value for the scattering mean free paths is shown to be more than 4 times smaller (13/3, precisely) in the low-frequency limit, whatever the shape of the correlation function. Based on the diagrammatic approach of multiple scattering, theoretical results are obtained for the self-energy and mean free path within Bourret's and on-shell approximations. They are confirmed by numerical experiments.
Intensity correlations between reflected and transmitted speckle patterns Fayard, N., A. Cazé, R. Pierrat, and R. Carminati Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 92, no. 3 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Physical Society. ©2015 American Physical Society. We study theoretically the spatial correlations between the intensities measured at the input and output planes of a disordered scattering medium. We show that at large optical thicknesses, a long-range spatial correlation persists and takes negative values. For small optical thicknesses, short-range and long-range correlations coexist, with relative weights that depend on the optical thickness. These results may have direct implications for the control of wave transmission through complex media by wave-front shaping, thus finding applications in sensing, imaging, and information transfer.
Hypothermic Total Liquid Ventilation Is Highly Protective Through Cerebral Hemodynamic Preservation and Sepsis-Like Mitigation After Asphyxial Cardiac Arrest. Kohlhauer, M., F. Lidouren, I. Remy-Jouet, N. Mongardon, C. Adam, P. Bruneval, H. Hocini, Y. Levy, F. Blengio, P. Carli, B. Vivien, J.-D. Ricard, P. Micheau, H. Walti, M. Nadeau, R. Robert, V. Richard, P. Mulder, D. Maresca, C. Demene, M. Pernot, M. Tanter, B. Ghaleh, A. Berdeaux, and R. Tissier Critical care medicine 43, no. 10, e420-30 (2015)
Discriminative imaging of maternal and fetal blood flow within the placenta using ultrafast ultrasound. Osmanski, B.-F., E. Lecarpentier, G. Montaldo, V. Tsatsaris, P. Chavatte-Palmer, and M. Tanter Scientific reports 5, 13394 (2015)
In Vivo Evaluation of Cervical Stiffness Evolution during Induced Ripening Using Shear Wave Elastography, Histology and 2 Photon Excitation Microscopy: Insight from an Animal Model Peralta, L., E. Mourier, C. Richard, G. Charpigny, T. Larcher, D. Ait-Belkacem, N. K. Balla, S. Brasselet, M. Tanter, M. Muller, and P. Chavatte-Palmer Plos One 10, no. 8 (2015)
Negative refractive index and acoustic superlens from multiple scattering in single negative metamaterials. Kaina, N., F. Lemoult, M. Fink, and G. Lerosey Nature 525, no. 7567, 77-81 (2015)
Symmetry issues in the hybridization of multi-mode waves with resonators: An example with Lamb waves metamaterial Rupin, M., P. Roux, G. Lerosey, and F. Lemoult Scientific Reports 5 (2015)
Résumé: Locally resonant metamaterials derive their effective properties from hybridization between their resonant unit cells and the incoming wave. This phenomenon is well understood in the case of plane waves that propagate in media where the unit cell respects the symmetry of the incident field. However, in many systems, several modes with orthogonal symmetries can coexist at a given frequency, while the resonant unit cells themselves can have asymmetric scattering cross-sections. In this paper we are interested in the influence of symmetry breaking on the hybridization of a wave field that includes multiple propagative modes. The A 0 and S 0 Lamb waves that propagate in a thin plate are good candidates for this study, as they are either anti-symmetric or symmetric. First we designed an experimental setup with an asymmetric metamaterial made of long rods glued to one side of a metallic plate. We show that the flexural resonances of the rods induce a break of the orthogonality between the A 0/S 0 modes of the free-plate. Finally, based on numerical simulations we show that the orthogonality is preserved in the case of a symmetric metamaterial leading to the presence of two independent polariton curves in the dispersion relation.
EEG and functional ultrasound imaging in mobile rats Sieu, L. A., L. A. Sieu, A. Bergel, A. Bergel, E. Tiran, T. Deffieux, M. Pernot, J. L. Gennisson, M. Tanter, and I. Cohen Nature Methods 12, no. 9, 831-834 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Nature America, Inc. We developed an integrated experimental framework that extends the brain exploration capabilities of functional ultrasound imaging to awake and mobile rats. In addition to acquiring hemodynamic data, this method further allows parallel access to electroencephalography (EEG) recordings of neuronal activity. We illustrate this approach with two proofs of concept: a behavioral study on theta rhythm activation in a maze running task and a disease-related study on spontaneous epileptic seizures.
Tuning the wavelength of spoof plasmons by adjusting the impedance contrast in an array of penetrable inclusions Cordero, M. L., A. Maurel, J. F. Mercier, S. Félix, and F. Barra Applied Physics Letters 107, no. 8 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. While spoof plasmons have been proposed in periodic arrays of sound-hard inclusions, we show that they also exist when inclusions are penetrable. Moreover, we show that their wavelength can be tuned by the impedance mismatch between the inclusion material and the surrounding medium, beyond the usual effect of filling fraction in the array. It is demonstrated that sound-soft materials increase the efficiency in the generation of sub-wavelength plasmons, with much lower wavelengths than sound-hard materials and than a homogeneous slab. An application to the generation of acoustic spoof plasmons by an ultra compact array of air/polydimethylsiloxane inclusions in water is proposed with plasmon wavelength tunable up to deep sub-wavelength scales.
Direct optical nanoscopy with axially localized detection Bourg, N., N. Bourg, C. Mayet, G. Dupuis, T. Barroca, P. Bon, S. Lécart, E. Fort, S. Lévêque-Fort, and S. Lévêque-Fort Nature Photonics 9, no. 9, 587-593 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. Evanescent light excitation is widely used in super-resolution fluorescence microscopy to confine light and reduce background noise. Here, we propose a method of exploiting evanescent light in the context of emission. When a fluorophore is located in close proximity to a medium with a higher refractive index, its near-field component is converted into light that propagates beyond the critical angle. This so-called supercritical-angle fluorescence can be captured using a high-numerical-aperture objective and used to determine the axial position of the fluorophore with nanometre precision. We introduce a new technique for three-dimensional nanoscopy that combines direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) with dedicated detection of supercritical-angle fluorescence emission. We demonstrate that our approach of direct optical nanoscopy with axially localized detection (DONALD) typically yields an isotropic three-dimensional localization precision of 20nm within an axial range of ∼150nm above the coverslip.
Influence of nanoscale temperature rises on photoacoustic generation: Discrimination between optical absorbers based on thermal nonlinearity at high frequency Simandoux, O., A. Prost, J. Gateau, and E. Bossy Photoacoustics 3, no. 1, 20-25 (2015)
Résumé: © 2014 The Authors. In this work, we experimentally investigate thermal-based nonlinear photoacoustic generation as a mean to discriminate between different types of absorbing particles. The photoacoustic generation from solutions of dye molecules and gold nanospheres (same optical densities) was detected using a high frequency ultrasound transducer (20. MHz). Photoacoustic emission was observed with gold nanospheres at low fluence for an equilibrium temperature around 4. °C, where the linear photoacoustic effect in water vanishes, highlighting the nonlinear emission from the solution of nanospheres. The photoacoustic amplitude was also studied as a function of the equilibrium temperature from 2. °C to 20. °C. While the photoacoustic amplitude from the dye molecules vanished around 4. °C, the photoacoustic amplitude from the gold nanospheres remained significant over the whole temperature range. Our preliminary results suggest that in the context of high frequency photoacoustic imaging, nanoparticles may be discriminated from molecular absorbers based on nanoscale temperature rises.
Mots-clés: Nanoparticles; Nonlinearity; Photoacoustics; Temperature dependence; Thermal expansion coefficient
Strong Modification of Magnetic Dipole Emission through Diabolo Nanoantennas Mivelle, M., T. Grosjean, G. W. Burr, U. C. Fischer, and M. F. Garcia-Parajo ACS Photonics 2, no. 8, 1071-1076 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Chemical Society. Magnetic dipole transitions in matter are known to be orders of magnitude weaker than their electric dipole counterparts. Nanophotonic and plasmonic structures have the potential of strongly enhancing the optical magnetic fields in the near field, making these nanostructures ideal candidates to control and enhance the emission of magnetic dipole transitions. Here we theoretically investigate the potential of resonant optical nanoantennas based on diabolo and on metal-insulator-metal diabolo configurations to strongly modify the magnetic dipole of emitters. We find that both configurations provide unprecedented 10<sup>2</sup>- to 10<sup>3</sup>-fold enhancement of the total and the radiative decay rates of a magnetic dipole moment. We show that these two nanoantennas have opposed effects on the quantum yield of the magnetic dipole, translating into different antenna efficiencies. Furthermore, by using a magnetic dipole moment as a theoretical optical nanosensor, we numerically mapped the behavior of the magnetic local density of states (MLDOS) in the entire plane close to the diabolo nanoantenna. We demonstrate the strong confinement and local enhancement of the MLDOS by the nanoantenna. As such, these results underscore the unique ability of optical nanoantennas to control light emission from magnetic dipoles, opening new technological avenues in the magneto-optical domain.
Mots-clés: diabolo optical antennas; magnetic dipole transitions; magnetic local density of states; nanophotonics
Revealing the Cu2+ ions localization at low symmetry Bi sites in photorefractive Bi12GeO20 crystals doped with Cu and V by high frequency EPR Nistor, S. V., M. Stefan, E. Goovaerts, F. Ramaz, and B. Briat Journal of Magnetic Resonance 259, 87-94 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. The sites of incorporation of Cu<sup>2+</sup> impurity ions in Bi<inf>12</inf>GeO<inf>20</inf> single crystals co-doped with copper and vanadium have been investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). While the X-band EPR spectra consist of a simple broad (ΔB ∼50 mT) line with anisotropic lineshape, the W-band EPR spectra exhibit well resolved, strongly anisotropic lines, due to transitions within the 3d<sup>9</sup>-<sup>2</sup>D ground manifold of the Cu<sup>2+</sup> ions. The most intense group of lines, attributed to the dominant Cu<sup>2+</sup>(I) center, displays a characteristic four components hyperfine structure for magnetic field orientations close to a (1 1 0) direction. The g and A tensor main axes are very close to one of the 12 possible sets of orthogonal (1-1 0), (0 0-1) and (1 1 0) crystal directions. Several less intense lines, with unresolved hyperfine structure and similar symmetry properties, mostly overlapped by the Cu<sup>2+</sup>(I) spectrum, were attributed to Cu<sup>2+</sup>(II) centers. The two paramagnetic centers are identified as substitutional Cu<sup>2+</sup> ions at Bi<sup>3+</sup> sites with low C<inf>1</inf> symmetry, very likely resulting from different configurations of neighboring charge compensating defects.
Mots-clés: Bi<inf>12</inf>GeO<inf>20</inf>; Cu<sup>2+</sup>; High frequency EPR
Softening of stressed granular packings with resonant sound waves Reichhardt, C. J. O., L. M. Lopatina, X. Jia, and P. A. Johnson Physical Review E 92, no. 2 (2015)
Measurements of ultrasonic diffusivity and transport speed from coda waves in a resonant multiple scattering medium Viard, N., and A. Derode Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 138, no. 1, 134-145 (2015)
Elastography of multicellular aggregates submitted to osmo-mechanical stress Leroux, C. E., J. Palmier, A. C. Boccara, G. Cappello, and S. Monnier New Journal of Physics 17, no. 7 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. Tumors are subjected to mechanical stress generated by their own growth in a confined environment, and by their surrounding tissues. Recent works have focused on the study of the growth of spherical aggregates of cells, spheroids, under controlled confinement or stress. In this study we demonstrate the measurement of spatially and temporally resolved deformation maps inside spheroids while applying an osmo-mechanical stress. We use full field optical coherence tomography, a high resolution imaging technique well suited for real-time measurements of deformation in living tissues under stress. Using the spherical symmetry of the experiment, we compare our data to a mechanical modeling of the spheroid as a continuous medium. We estimate the viscoelastic parameters of spheroids and discuss the apparent tissue anisotropy after the osmo-mechanical stress.
Mots-clés: cell dynamics; mechanical properties of tissues; optical coherence tomography
Experimental study of passive defect localization in plates using ambient noise Chehami, L., J. D. Rosny, C. Prada, E. Moulin, and J. Assaad IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 62, no. 8, 1544-1553 (2015)
Résumé: © 2014 IEEE. Passive listening methodology has been shown to be a practical and effective method for passive structural health monitoring. In this work, this approach is applied experimentally to monitor the occurrence of defects in thin aluminum plates. A correlation matrix is estimated from noise vibrations recorded on a transducer array. A defect is localized by applying a beamforming algorithm to the difference between the correlation matrices obtained with and without the defect. We successfully detect defects for different kinds of noise sources. Moreover, we show that this technique is robust to detect massive inclusions, holes, and cracks. With a vibrometer, we observe that the fidelity of the estimated transient responses strongly depends on the number of uncorrelated noise sources. Finally, we show that the defect is successfully localized even if the noise source distribution is not uniform, provided that it remains spatially stationary between the states with and without defect. A simple theoretical framework is proposed to interpret these results.
3-D ultrafast doppler imaging applied to the noninvasive mapping of blood vessels in Vivo Provost, J., C. Papadacci, C. Demene, J. L. Gennisson, M. Tanter, and M. Pernot IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 62, no. 8, 1467-1472 (2015)
Résumé: © 2014 IEEE. Ultrafast Doppler imaging was introduced as a technique to quantify blood flow in an entire 2-D field of view, expanding the field of application of ultrasound imaging to the highly sensitive anatomical and functional mapping of blood vessels. We have recently developed 3-D ultrafast ultrasound imaging, a technique that can produce thousands of ultrasound volumes per second, based on a 3-D plane and diverging wave emissions, and demonstrated its clinical feasibility in human subjects in vivo. In this study, we show that noninvasive 3-D ultrafast power Doppler, pulsed Doppler, and color Doppler imaging can be used to perform imaging of blood vessels in humans when using coherent compounding of 3-D tilted plane waves. A customized, programmable, 1024-channel ultrasound system was designed to perform 3-D ultrafast imaging. Using a 32 × 32, 3-MHz matrix phased array (Vermon, Tours, France), volumes were beamformed by coherently compounding successive tilted plane wave emissions. Doppler processing was then applied in a voxel-wise fashion. The proof of principle of 3-D ultrafast power Doppler imaging was first performed by imaging Tygon tubes of various diameters, and in vivo feasibility was demonstrated by imaging small vessels in the human thyroid. Simultaneous 3-D color and pulsed Doppler imaging using compounded emissions were also applied in the carotid artery and the jugular vein in one healthy volunteer.
Carotid stiffness change over the cardiac cycle by ultrafast ultrasound imaging in healthy volunteers and vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Mirault, T., M. Pernot, M. Frank, M. Couade, R. Niarra, M. Azizi, J. Emmerich, X. Jeunemaitre, M. Fink, M. Tanter, and E. Messas Journal of hypertension 33, no. 9, 1890-6 (2015)
The Use of Ultrasound to Measure Dislocation Density Barra, F., R. Espinoza-Gonzalez, H. Fernandez, F. Lund, A. Maurel, and V. Pagneux Jom 67, no. 8, 1856-1863 (2015)
Probing the effect of particle shape on the rigidity of jammed granular solids with sound speed measurements Van Den Wildenberg, S., Y. Yang, and X. Jia Granular Matter 17, no. 4, 419-426 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. We describe a precise phase velocity measurement of longitudinal sound waves in granular solids under stress. We observe an important difference of the phase velocity between the packings of glass beads and sand particles, which is likely due to the interlocking effect caused by the particle shape. This effect can be captured by the contact coordination number using the effective medium theory. We also investigate the change of this coordination number in dry and wet granular packings, caused by cyclic loading or nonlinear sound transmission. These acoustic measurements show that the particle-level properties such as shape and friction significantly influence the response of jammed granular solids to external driving.
Mots-clés: Contact number; Granular materials; Shape; Sound speed; Sound wave
Reliable Protocol for Shear Wave Elastography of Lower Limb Muscles at Rest and During Passive Stretching Dubois, G., W. Kheireddine, C. Vergari, D. Bonneau, P. Thoreux, P. Thoreux, P. Rouch, M. Tanter, J. L. Gennisson, and W. Skalli Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 41, no. 9, 2284-2291 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology. Development of shear wave elastography gave access to non-invasive muscle stiffness assessment in vivo. The aim of the present study was to define a measurement protocol to be used in clinical routine for quantifying the shear modulus of lower limb muscles. Four positions were defined to evaluate shear modulus in 10 healthy subjects: parallel to the fibers, in the anterior and posterior aspects of the lower limb, at rest and during passive stretching. Reliability was first evaluated on two muscles by three operators; these measurements were repeated six times. Then, measurement reliability was compared in 11 muscles by two operators; these measurements were repeated three times. Reproducibility of shear modulus was 0.48 kPa and repeatability was 0.41 kPa, with all muscles pooled. Position did not significantly influence reliability. Shear wave elastography appeared to be an appropriate and reliable tool to evaluate the shear modulus of lower limb muscles with the proposed protocol.
Mots-clés: Elastography; Lower limb; Muscle; Reliability; Shear modulus
A Blind Dereverberation Method for Narrowband Source Localization Chardon, G., T. Nowakowski, J. De Rosny, and L. Daudet Ieee Journal Of Selected Topics In Signal Processing 9, no. 5, 815-824 (2015)
Mots-clés: Source localization; microphone array; reverberation
Dark-field full-field optical coherence tomography Auksorius, E., and A. C. Boccara Optics Letters 40, no. 14, 3272-3275 (2015)
Observation of the internal response of the kidney during compressive loading using ultrafast ultrasonography Helfenstein-Didier, C., C. Helfenstein-Didier, C. Helfenstein-Didier, M. Tanter, J. L. Gennisson, P. Beillas, P. Beillas, and P. Beillas Journal of Biomechanics 48, no. 10, 1852-1859 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. A protocol based on ultrafast ultrasonography was developed to study the internal response of isolated perfused human (n=3) and porcine (n=11) kidneys subjected to loading at 0.003 m/s and 0.3 m/s respectively. Regional uniaxial strains were calculated based on natural target tracking. The effect of loading speed and regional differences could be statistically detected on the porcine specimens. However, despite the inhomogeneity of their anatomical structures, strains' responses appeared relatively homogeneous at 0.3 m/s in both porcine and human kidneys.Failure, identified as a sudden change on the ultrasonography movie, also appeared at similar compression levels for both species (38.3% of applied strain in average for human and 35.8% of applied strain in average for porcine).
Mots-clés: Internal strain; Kidney; Ultrafast ultrasonography
Three-dimensional nanometre localization of nanoparticles to enhance super-resolution microscopy. Bon, P., N. Bourg, S. Lecart, S. Monneret, E. Fort, J. Wenger, and S. Leveque-Fort Nature communications 6, 7764 (2015)
Wave-Field Shaping in Cavities: Waves Trapped in a Box with Controllable Boundaries Dupré, M., P. Del Hougne, M. Fink, F. Lemoult, and G. Lerosey Physical Review Letters 115, 017701 (2015)
Experimental demonstration of epsilon-near-zero water waves focusing Bobinski, T., A. Eddi, P. Petitjeans, A. Maurel, and V. Pagneux Applied Physics Letters 107, no. 1 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. We explore an ε-near-zero analogue for water waves using deep water and shallow water domains to obtain different phase velocities. Being inherently non linear, water waves permit to inspect focusing of harmonically generated waves. Experimental measurements show cascade of focal spots up to the fourth harmonic, allowing sub wavelength focusing with respect to the first harmonic wavelength.
Mechanical induction of the tumorigenic beta-catenin pathway by tumour growth pressure Fernandez-Sanchez, M. E., S. Barbier, J. Whitehead, G. Bealle, A. Michel, H. Latorre-Ossa, C. Rey, L. Fouassier, A. Claperon, L. Brulle, E. Girard, N. Servant, T. Rio-Frio, H. Marie, S. Lesieur, C. Housset, J.-L. Gennisson, M. Tanter, C. Menager, S. Fre, S. Robine, and E. Farge Nature 523, no. 7558, 92-+ (2015)
Laser induced zero-group velocity resonances in transversely isotropic cylinder Laurent, J., D. Royer, T. Hussain, F. Ahmad, and C. Prada Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 137, no. 6, 3325-3334 (2015)
Subwavelength focusing in bubbly media using broadband time reversal Lanoy, M., R. Pierrat, F. Lemoult, M. Fink, V. Leroy, and A. Tourin Physical Review B 91, no. 22 (2015)
4-D Ultrafast Shear-Wave Imaging Gennisson, J.-L., J. Provost, T. Deffieux, C. Papadacci, M. Imbault, M. Pernot, and M. Tanter Ieee Transactions On Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics And Frequency Control 62, no. 6, 1059-1065 (2015)
Elastography for Muscle Biomechanics: Toward the Estimation of Individual Muscle Force. Hug, F., K. Tucker, J.-L. Gennisson, M. Tanter, and A. Nordez Exercise and sport sciences reviews 43, no. 3, 125-33 (2015)
Holographic laser Doppler imaging of pulsatile blood flow. Bencteux, J., P. Pagnoux, T. Kostas, S. Bayat, and M. Atlan Journal of biomedical optics 20, no. 6, 66006 (2015)
Singular-value demodulation of phase-shifted holograms Lopes, F., and M. Atlan Optics Letters 40, no. 11, 2541-2544 (2015)
Focusing on plates: Controlling guided waves using negative refraction Philippe, F. D., T. W. Murray, and C. Prada Scientific Reports 5 (2015)
Résumé: Elastic waves are guided along finite structures such as cylinders, plates, or rods through reflection, refraction, and mode conversion at the interfaces. Such wave propagation is ubiquitous in the world around us, and studies of elastic waveguides first emerged in the later part of the 19 th century. Early work on elastic waveguides revealed the presence of backward propagating waves, in which the phase velocity and group velocity are anti-parallel. While backward wave propagation exists naturally in very simple finite elastic media, there has been remarkably little attention paid to this phenomenon. Here we report the development of a tunable acoustic lens in an isotropic elastic plate showing negative refraction over a finite acoustic frequency bandwidth. As compared to engineered acoustic materials such as phononic crystals and metamaterials, the design of the acoustic lens is very simple, with negative refraction obtained through thickness changes rather than internal periodicity or sub-wavelength resonant structures. A new class of acoustic devices, including resonators, filters, lenses, and cloaks, may be possible through topography optimization of elastic waveguide structures to exploit the unique properties of backward waves.
Holographic microscopy reconstruction in both object and image half-spaces with an undistorted three-dimensional grid Verrier, N., D. Alexandre, G. Tessier, and M. Gross Applied Optics 54, no. 15, 4672-4677 (2015)
Characterization of the angular memory effect of scattered light in biological tissues Schott, S., J. Bertolotti, J.-F. Leger, L. Bourdieu, and S. Gigan Optics Express 23, no. 10, 13505-13516 (2015)
Reference-less measurement of the transmission matrix of a highly scattering material using a DMD and phase retrieval techniques Dremeau, A., A. Liutkus, D. Martina, O. Katz, C. Schuelke, F. Krzakala, S. Gigan, and L. Daudet Optics Express 23, no. 9, 11898-11911 (2015)
Modal method for the 2D wave propagation in heterogeneous anisotropic media Maurel, A., J.-F. Mercier, and S. Felix Journal Of The Optical Society Of America A-Optics Image Science And Vision 32, no. 5, 979-990 (2015)
Breakthroughs in photonics 2014: Random lasers Sebbah, P., and R. Carminati IEEE Photonics Journal 7, no. 3 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 IEEE. Multiple scattering of light in a disordered medium with gain may provide for the necessary feedback to achieve lasing action without an optical cavity. In addition to the fundamental interest raised by this regime of light-matter interaction in open cavity, the relatively simple design of these so-called "random lasers" and the possibility to control their emission open perspective of new applications in domains not yet covered by conventional lasers.
Mots-clés: Laser; random media
Deterministic control of broadband light through a multiply scattering medium via the multispectral transmission matrix. Andreoli, D., G. Volpe, S. Popoff, O. Katz, S. Gresillon, and S. Gigan Scientific reports 5, 10347 (2015)
Single-side access, isotropic resolution, and multispectral three-dimensional photoacoustic imaging with rotate-translate scanning of ultrasonic detector array. Gateau, J., M. Gesnik, J.-M. Chassot, and E. Bossy Journal of biomedical optics 20, no. 5, 56004 (2015)
Sound propagation in liquid foams: Unraveling the balance between physical and chemical parameters Pierre, J., B. Giraudet, P. Chasle, B. Dollet, and A. St-Jalmes Physical Review E 91, no. 4 (2015)
Propagation of elastic waves through textured polycrystals: application to ice Maurel, A., F. Lund, and M. Montagnat Proceedings Of The Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences 471, no. 2177 (2015)
Mots-clés: effective medium; elastic wave propagation; polycrystal; ice
A fast and switchable microfluidic mixer based on ultrasound-induced vaporization of perfluorocarbon Bezagu, M., M. Bezagu, S. Arseniyadis, J. Cossy, O. Couture, M. Tanter, F. Monti, and P. Tabeling Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology 15, no. 9, 2025-2029 (2015)
Résumé: This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015. Mixing two fluids together within a microfluidic device still remains a challenging operation today. In order to achieve this goal, a number of effective micromixers have been developed over the years based on the use of either passive or active systems. Typically, passive mixers require no external energy, are more robust, and are easy to manufacture albeit they are poorly flexible. Active mixers, on the other hand, rely on external disturbance and are thus more difficult to use but are proven to have greater efficacy. Here, we report a particularly effective, remotely induced and switchable microfluidic mixer, which relies on the concomitant use of ultrasound and a perfluorocarbon (PFC) phase, with the latter benefiting from its immiscibility with most fluids and its low boiling point. More specifically, our approach is based on localized vaporization of a PFC phase at the focal zone of a transducer leading to efficient mixing of two adjacent fluids. The results show that mixing occurs ~100 ms following the delivery of the acoustic pulse, while a laminar flow is re-established on roughly the same time scale. Overall, this method is simple and effective, does not require tailored channel geometries, is compatible with both hydrophilic and hydrophobic microfluidic systems, and is applicable to a wide range of Reynolds numbers (10<sup>-4</sup> < Re < 2.10<sup>0</sup>), and the PFC phase can be easily separated from the mixed phase at the end of the run.
Directional cloaking of flexural waves in a plate with a locally resonant metamaterial Colombi, A., P. Roux, S. Guenneau, and M. Rupin Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137, no. 4, 1783-1789 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Acoustical Society of America. This paper deals with the numerical design of a directional invisibility cloak for backward scattered elastic waves propagating in a thin plate (A<inf>0</inf> Lamb waves). The directional cloak is based on a set of resonating beams that are attached perpendicular to the plate and are arranged at a sub-wavelength scale in ten concentric rings. The exotic effective properties of this locally resonant metamaterial ensure coexistence of bandgaps and directional cloaking for certain beam configurations over a large frequency band. The best directional cloaking was obtained when the resonators' length decreases from the central to the outermost ring. In this case, flexural waves experience a vanishing index of refraction when they cross the outer layers, leading to a frequency bandgap that protects the central part of the cloak. Numerical simulation shows that there is no back-scattering in these configurations. These results might have applications in the design of seismic-wave protection devices.
Modelling the impulse diffraction field of shear waves in transverse isotropic viscoelastic medium Chatelin, S., J. L. Gennisson, M. A. Bernal, M. Tanter, and M. Pernot Physics in Medicine and Biology 60, no. 9, 3639-3654 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. The generation of shear waves from an ultrasound focused beam has been developed as a major concept for remote palpation using shear wave elastography (SWE). For muscular diagnostic applications, characteristics of the shear wave profile will strongly depend on characteristics of the transducer as well as the orientation of muscular fibers and the tissue viscoelastic properties. The numerical simulation of shear waves generated from a specific probe in an anisotropic viscoelastic medium is a key issue for further developments of SWE in fibrous soft tissues. In this study we propose a complete numerical tool allowing 3D simulation of a shear wave front in anisotropic viscoelastic media. From the description of an ultrasonic transducer, the shear wave source is simulated by using Field's II software and shear wave propagation described by using the Green's formalism. Finally, the comparison between simulations and experiments are successively performed for both shear wave velocity and dispersion profile in a transverse isotropic hydrogel phantom, in vivo forearm muscle and in vivo biceps brachii.
Mots-clés: anisotropy; elastography; fibrous tissue; Greens functions; shear wave imaging; transverse isotropy; viscoelasticity
Out-of-plane doppler imaging based on ultrafast plane wave imaging Osmanski, B. F., G. Montaldo, and M. Tanter IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 62, no. 4, 625-636 (2015)
Résumé: © 1986-2012 IEEE. Retrieving the out-of-plane blood flow velocity vector from two-dimensional transverse acquisitions of large vessels could improve the quantification of flow rate and maximum speed. The in-plane vector flow component can be computed easily using the Doppler frequency shift. The main problem is estimating the angle between the probe imaging plane and the vessel axis to derive the out-of-plane component from in-plane measurements. In this article, we study the case in which the velocity vector can be decomposed on two directions: the out-of-plane direction and the in-plane depth direction. We explore the combination of a technique called intrinsic spectral broadening with ultrafast plane wave imaging to retrieve the out-of-plane component of the flow velocity vector. Using a one-time probe calibration of this intrinsic spectral broadening, out-of-plane angle and flow speed can be recovered easily, thus avoiding approximations of a complex theoretical analysis. For the calibration step, ultrafast plane wave imaging permits a fast calibration procedure for the Doppler intrinsic spectral broadening. In vitro experimental validations are performed on a homogeneous flow phantom and a Poiseuille flow; the absolute speed was retrieved with 6% error. The potential of the technique is demonstrated in vivo on the human carotid artery. Combined with in-plane vector flow approaches, this out-of-plane Doppler imaging method paves the way to threedimensional vector flow imaging using only conventional onedimensional probe technology.
Linear and nonlinear Rabi oscillations of a two-level system resonantly coupled to an Anderson-localized mode Bachelard, N., R. Carminati, P. Sebbah, and C. Vanneste Physical Review A 91, no. 4 (2015)
Ultrashort echo-time MRI versus CT for skull aberration correction in MR-guided transcranial focused ultrasound: In vitro comparison on human calvaria Miller, G. W., M. D. C. Eames, J. Snell, and J. F. Aubry Medical Physics 42, no. 5, 2223-2233 (2015)
Résumé: ©2015 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. Purpose: Transcranial magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (TcMRgFUS) brain treatment systems compensate for skull-induced beam aberrations by adjusting the phase and amplitude of individual ultrasound transducer elements. These corrections are currently calculated based on a preacquired computed tomography (CT) scan of the patients head. The purpose of the work presented here is to demonstrate the feasibility of using ultrashort echo-time magnetic resonance imaging (UTE MRI) instead of CT to calculate and apply aberration corrections on a clinical TcMRgFUS system. Methods: Phantom experiments were performed in three ex-vivo human skulls filled with tissuemimicking hydrogel. Each skull phantom was imaged with both CT and UTE MRI. The MR images were then segmented into skull and not-skull pixels using a computationally efficient, thresholdbased algorithm, and the resulting 3D binary skull map was converted into a series of 2D virtual CT images. Each skull was mounted in the head transducer of a clinical TcMRgFUS system (ExAblate Neuro, Insightec, Israel), and transcranial sonications were performed using a power setting of approximately 750 acousticwatts at several different target locations within the electronic steering range of the transducer. Each target locationwas sonicated three times: once using aberration corrections calculated from the actual CT scan, once using corrections calculated from the MRI-derived virtual CT scan, and once without applying any aberration correction.MRthermometry was performed in conjunction with each 10-s sonication, and the highest single-pixel temperature rise and surrounding-pixel mean were recorded for each sonication. Results: The measured temperature rises were ∼45% larger for aberration-corrected sonications than for noncorrected sonications. This improvement was highly significant (p < 10?4). The difference between the single-pixel peak temperature rise and the surrounding-pixel mean, which reflects the sharpness of the thermal focus,was also significantly larger for aberration-corrected sonications. There was no significant difference between the sonication results achieved using CT-based and MR-based aberration correction. Conclusions: The authors have demonstrated that transcranial focal heating can be significantly improved in vitro by usingUTEMRIto compute skull-induced ultrasound aberration corrections. Their results suggest that UTE MRI could be used instead of CT to implement such corrections on current 0.7MHzclinical TcMRgFUS devices. TheMRimage acquisition and segmentation procedure demonstrated here would add less than 15 min to a clinical MRgFUS treatment session.
Mots-clés: bone segmentation; skull aberration correction; transcranial MR-guided focused ultrasound; ultrashort echo time (UTE) MRI
Wave propagation in a waveguide containing restrictions with circular arc shape Félix, S., A. Maurel, and J. F. Mercier Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137, no. 3, 1274-1281 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Acoustical Society of America. A multimodal method is used to analyze the wave propagation in waveguides containing restrictions (or corrugations) with circular arc shapes. This is done using a geometrical transformation which transforms the waveguide with complex geometry in the real space to a straight waveguide in the transformed space, or virtual space. In this virtual space, the Helmholtz equation has a modified structure which encapsulates the complexity of the geometry. It is solved using an improved modal method, which was proposed in a paper by A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier, and S. Félix [Proc. R. Soc. A 470, 20130743 (2014)], that increases the accuracy and convergence of usual multimodal formulations. Results show the possibility to solve the wave propagation in a waveguide with a high density of circular arc shaped scatterers.
Tomographic diffractive microscopy with agile illuminations for imaging targets in a noisy background Zhang, T., C. Godavarthi, P. C. Chaumet, G. Maire, H. Giovannini, A. Talneau, C. Prada, A. Sentenac, and K. Belkebir Optics Letters 40, no. 4, 573-576 (2015)
A versatile and experimentally validated finite element model to assess the accuracy of shear wave elastography in a bounded viscoelastic medium Caenen, A., D. A. Shcherbakova, B. Verhegghe, C. Papadacci, M. Pernot, P. F. Segers, and A. E. S. Swillens IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 62, no. 3, 439-450 (2015)
Résumé: © 1986-2012 IEEE. The feasibility of shear wave elastography (SWE) in arteries for cardiovascular risk assessment remains to be investigated as the artery's thin wall and intricate material properties induce complex shear wave (SW) propagation phenomena. To better understand the SW physics in bounded media, we proposed an in vitro validated finite element model capable of simulating SW propagation, with full flexibility at the level of the tissue's geometry, material properties, and acoustic radiation force. This computer model was presented in a relatively basic set-up, a homogeneous slab of gelatin-agar material (4.35 mm thick), allowing validation of the numerical settings according to actual SWE measurements. The resulting tissue velocity waveforms and SW propagation speed matched well with the measurement: 4.46 m/s (simulation) versus 4.63 ± 0.07 m/s (experiment). Further, we identified the impact of geometrical and material parameters on the SW propagation characteristics. As expected, phantom thickness was a determining factor of dispersion. Adding viscoelasticity to the model augmented the estimated wave speed to 4.58 m/s, an even better match with the experimental determined value. This study demonstrated that finite element modeling can be a powerful tool to gain insight into SWE mechanics and will in future work be advanced to more clinically relevant settings.
Head phantoms for transcranial focused ultrasound Eames, M. D. C., M. Farnum, M. A. Khaled, W. Jeff Elias, A. Hananel, J. W. Snell, N. F. M. D. Kassell, and J. F. Aubry Medical Physics 42, no. 4, 1518-1527 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. Purpose: In the ongoing endeavor of fine-tuning, the clinical application of transcranial MR-guided focused ultrasound (tcMRgFUS), ex-vivo studies wlkiith whole human skulls are of great use in improving the underlying technology guiding the accurate and precise thermal ablation of clinically relevant targets in the human skull. Described here are the designs, methods for fabrication, and notes on utility of three different ultrasound phantoms to be used for brain focused ultrasound research. Methods: Three different models of phantoms are developed and tested to be accurate, repeatable experimental options to provide means to further this research. The three models are a cadaver, a gel-filled skull, and a head mold containing a skull and filled with gel that mimics the brain and the skin. Each was positioned in a clinical tcMRgFUS system and sonicated at 1100 W (acoustic) for 12 s at different locations. Maximum temperature rise as measured by MR thermometry was recorded and compared against clinical data for a similar neurosurgical target. Results are presented as heating efficiency in units (°C/kW/s) for direct comparison to available clinical data. The procedure for casting thermal phantom material is presented. The utility of each phantom model is discussed in the context of various tcMRgFUS research areas. Results: The cadaveric phantom model, gel-filled skull model, and full head phantom model had heating efficiencies of 5.3, 4.0, and 3.9 °C/(kW/s), respectively, compared to a sample clinical heating efficiency of 2.6 °C/(kW/s). In the seven research categories considered, the cadaveric phantom model was the most versatile, though less practical compared to the ex-vivo skull-based phantoms. Conclusions: Casting thermal phantom material was shown to be an effective way to prepare tissue-mimicking material for the phantoms presented. The phantom models presented are all useful in tcMRgFUS research, though some are better suited to a limited subset of applications depending on the researchers needs.
Mots-clés: brain; focused ultrasound; head phantom; tcMRgFUS; treatment envelope
Disorder persistent transparency within the bandgap of a periodic array of acoustic Helmholtz resonators Richoux, O., A. Maurel, and V. Pagneux Journal of Applied Physics 117, no. 10 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. In this paper, the influence of disorder on 1D periodic lattice of resonant scatterers is inspected. These latter have multiple resonance frequencies which produce band gaps in the transmission spectrum. One peculiarity of the presented system is that it is chosen with a nearly perfect overlap between the Bragg and the second hybridization band gaps. In the case of a perfectly ordered lattice, and around this overlap, this produces a narrow transparency band within a large second bandgap. As expected, the effect of the disorder is generally to increase the width of the band gaps. Nevertheless, the transparency band appears to be robust with respect to an increase in the disorder. In this paper, we study this effect by means of experimental investigations and numerical simulations.
Scanning-free imaging through a single fiber by random spatio-spectral encoding Kolenderska, S. M., O. Katz, M. Fink, and S. Gigan Optics Letters 40, no. 4, 534-537 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Optical Society of America. We present an approach for 2D imaging through a single fiber without the need for scanners. A random scattering medium placed next to the distal end of the fiber is used to encode the collected light from every imaged pixel with a different random spectral signature. We demonstrate imaging of externally illuminated 2D objects from a single measured spectrum at the fiber's proximal end. The technique is insensitive to fiber bending, an advantage for endoscopic applications.
Fourier transform acousto-optic imaging with a custom-designed CMOS smart-pixels array Barjean, K., K. Contreras, J. B. Laudereau, E. Tinet, D. Ettori, F. Ramaz, and J. M. Tualle Optics Letters 40, no. 5, 705-708 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Optical Society of America. We report acousto-optic imaging (AOI) into a scattering medium using a Fourier Transform (FT) analysis to achieve axial resolution. The measurement system was implemented using a CMOS smart-pixels sensor dedicated to the real-time analysis of speckle patterns. This first proof-of-principle of FT-AOI demonstrates some of its potential advantages, with a signal-to-noise ratio comparable to the one obtained without axial resolution, and with an acquisition rate compatible with a use on living biological tissue.
Optical-resolution photoacoustic imaging through thick tissue with a thin capillary as a dual optical-in acoustic-out waveguide Simandoux, O., N. Stasio, J. Gâteau, J. P. Huignard, C. Moser, D. Psaltis, and E. Bossy Applied Physics Letters 106, no. 9 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. We demonstrate the ability to guide high-frequency photoacoustic waves through thick tissue with a water-filled silica-capillary (150 μm inner diameter and 30 mm long). An optical-resolution photoacoustic image of a 30 μm diameter absorbing nylon thread was obtained by guiding the acoustic waves in the capillary through a 3 cm thick fat layer. The transmission loss through the capillary was about -20 dB, much lower than the -120 dB acoustic attenuation through the fat layer. The overwhelming acoustic attenuation of high-frequency acoustic waves by biological tissue can therefore be avoided by the use of a small footprint capillary acoustic waveguide for remote detection. We finally demonstrate that the capillary can be used as a dual optical-in acoustic-out waveguide, paving the way for the development of minimally invasive optical-resolution photoacoustic endoscopes free of any acoustic or optical elements at their imaging tip.
Viscoelasticity in Achilles Tendonopathy: Quantitative Assessment by Using Real-time Shear-Wave Elastography. Aubry, S., J.-P. Nueffer, M. Tanter, F. Becce, C. Vidal, and F. Michel Radiology 274, no. 3, 821-9 (2015)
Mapping the radiative and the apparent nonradiative local density of states in the near field of a metallic nanoantenna Cao, D., A. Cazé, M. Calabrese, R. Pierrat, N. Bardou, S. Collin, R. Carminati, V. Krachmalnicoff, and Y. De Wilde ACS Photonics 2, no. 2, 189-193 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Chemical Society. We present a novel method to extract the various contributions to the photonic local density of states from near-field fluorescence maps. The approach is based on the simultaneous mapping of the fluorescence intensity and decay rate and on the rigorous application of the reciprocity theorem. It allows us to separate the contributions of the radiative and the apparent nonradiative local density of states to the change in the decay rate. The apparent nonradiative contribution accounts for losses due to radiation out of the detection solid angle and to absorption in the environment. Data analysis relies on a new analytical calculation, and does not require the use of numerical simulations. One of the most relevant applications of the method is the characterization of nanostructures aimed at maximizing the number of photons emitted in the detection solid angle, which is a crucial issue in modern nanophotonics.
Mots-clés: fluorescence microscopy; local density of states; near-field scanning probe; plasmonic nanoantennas; radiative decay rate; reciprocity theorem
Sound pulse broadening in stressed granular media Langlois, V. J., and X. Jia Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 91, no. 2 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Physical Society. The pulse broadening and decay of coherent sound waves propagating in disordered granular media are investigated. We find that the pulse width of these compressional waves is broadened when the disorder is increased by mixing the beads made of different materials. To identify the responsible mechanism for the pulse broadening, we also perform the acoustic attenuation measurement by spectral analysis and the numerical simulation of pulsed sound wave propagation along one-dimensional disordered elastic chains. The qualitative agreement between experiment and simulation reveals a dominant mechanism by scattering attenuation at the high-frequency range, which is consistent with theoretical models of sound wave scattering in strongly random media via a correlation length.
Electromagnetic field correlations in three-dimensional speckles Dogariu, A. C., and R. Carminati Physics Reports 559, 1-29 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015. We describe recent developments in the characterization of three-dimensional speckle fields produced by scattering of electromagnetic waves. In many practical situations the description of such fields requires approaches going beyond the Gaussian statistics approximation. Quantitative measures of spatial coherence and polarization can be defined from the field-field correlation matrix, known as the cross-spectral density matrix in coherence theory. The complex degree of mutual polarization provides a measure of the similarity between polarization states at two different points. The degree of spatial coherence describes spatial coherence and averages out the polarization properties. We discuss their behavior in speckle fields produced by multiple scattering in disordered materials. A number of non-universal properties arise, that are related to the internal microscopic structure of the scattering medium. Non-universality affects observables quantities, such as spatial correlations in speckle patterns measured in the near field of the medium surface, statistics of the local density of states or the depolarization of the exciting electromagnetic field due to scattering. Specific microscopic scales are necessary to describe the non-universal behaviors, that characterize the scale-dependent morphology of the scattering medium.
Mots-clés: Coherence; Polarization; Random fields; Speckle
Experiments on Maxwell's fish-eye dynamics in elastic plates Lefebvre, G., M. Dubois, R. Beauvais, Y. Achaoui, R. K. Ing, S. Guenneau, and P. Sebbah Applied Physics Letters 106, no. 2 (2015)
Super-resolution experiments on Lamb waves using a single emitter Rupin, M., S. Catheline, and P. Roux Applied Physics Letters 106, no. 2 (2015)
Improved multimodal methods for the acoustic propagation in waveguides with finite wall impedance Félix, S., A. Maurel, and J. F. Mercier Wave Motion 54, 1-10 (2015)
Résumé: © 2014 Elsevier B.V. We address the problem of acoustic propagation in waveguides with wall impedance, or Robin, boundary condition. Two improved multimodal methods are developed to remedy the problem of the low convergence of the series in the standard modal approach. In the first improved method, the series is enriched with an additional mode, which is thought to be able to restore the right boundary condition. The second improved method consists in a reformulation of the expansions able to restore the right boundary conditions for any truncation, similar to polynomial subtraction technique. Surprisingly, the first improved method is found to be the most efficient. Notably, the convergence of the scattering properties is increased from N-1 in the standard modal method to N-3 in the reformulation and N-5 in the formulation with a supplementary mode. The improved methods are shown to be of particular interest when surface waves are generated near the impedance wall.
Mots-clés: Boundary modes; Modal method; Robin condition; Waveguides
Speckle fluctuations resolve the interdistance between incoherent point sources in complex media Carminati, R., G. A. Cwilich, L. S. Froufe-Pérez, and J. J. Sáenz Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 91, no. 2 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Physical Society. We study the fluctuations of the light emitted by two identical incoherent point sources in a disordered environment. The intensity-intensity correlation function and the speckle contrast, obtained after proper temporal and configurational averaging, encode the relative distance between the two sources. This suggests the intriguing possibility that intensity measurements at only one point in a speckle pattern produced by two incoherent sources can provide information about the relative distance between the sources, with a precision that is not limited by diffraction. The theory also suggests an alternative approach to the Green's-function retrieval technique, where the correlations of the isotropic ambient noise detected by two receivers are replaced by a measurement at a single point of the noise due to two fluctuating incoherent sources.
Ultrasonographic renal volume measurements in early autosomal dominant polycystic disease: Comparison with CT-scan renal volume calculations Hammoud, S., A.-M. Tissier, C. Elie, M. Pousset, B. Knebelman, D. Joly, O. Helenon, and J.-M. Correas Diagnostic And Interventional Imaging 96, no. 1, 65-71 (2015)
Mots-clés: Polycystic kidney disease; Volumetry; Ultrasonography; CT-scan
Superabsorption of acoustic waves with bubble metascreens Leroy, V., A. Strybulevych, M. Lanoy, F. Lemoult, A. Tourin, and J. H. Page Physical Review B 91, 020301 (2015)
Résumé: A bubble metascreen, i.e., a single layer of gas inclusions in a soft solid, can be modeled as an acoustic open resonator, whose behavior is well captured by a simple analytical expression. We show that by tuning the parameters of the metascreen, acoustic superabsorption can be achieved over a broad frequency range, which is confirmed by finite element simulations and experiments. Bubble metascreens can thus be used as ultrathin coatings for turning acoustic reflectors into perfect absorbers.
Investigating liver stiffness and viscosity for fibrosis, steatosis and activity staging using shear wave elastography. Deffieux, T., J.-L. Gennisson, L. Bousquet, M. Corouge, S. Cosconea, D. Amroun, S. Tripon, B. Terris, V. Mallet, P. Sogni, M. Tanter, and S. Pol Journal of hepatology 62, no. 2, 317-24 (2015)
Super-resolution in time-reversal focusing on a moving source Garnier, J., and M. Fink Wave Motion 53, 80-93 (2015)
Résumé: © 2014 Elsevier B.V. This paper presents a detailed analysis of time-reversal experiments involving a moving point source that emits a pulse. Different configurations are addressed with full-aperture or partial-aperture time-reversal mirrors and with subsonic or supersonic sources. Doppler effects and lack of source-receiver reciprocity significantly affect the time-reversal refocusing when the velocity of the source becomes comparable as or larger than the speed of propagation. The main result is that refocusing can be enhanced when the velocity of the source becomes close to the speed of propagation compared to the classical diffraction-limited refocusing properties when the source does not move, and this super-resolution effect can be quantified by simple and explicit formulas.
Mots-clés: Moving sources; Super-resolution; Time reversal
Defining The Optimal Age For Focal Lesioning In A Rat Model Of Transcranial Hifu Zhang, Y., J.-F. Aubry, J. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Roy, J. F. Mata, W. Miller, E. Dumont, M. Xie, K. Lee, Z. Zuo, and M. Wintermark Ultrasound In Medicine And Biology 41, no. 2, 449-455 (2015)
Mots-clés: Transcranial high-intensity focused ultrasound; Magnetic resonance imaging; Research model; Optimal age group
Electromagnetic density of states in complex plasmonic systems Carminati, R., A. Cazé, D. Cao, F. Peragut, V. Krachmalnicoff, R. Pierrat, and Y. De Wilde Surface Science Reports 70, no. 1, 1-41 (2015)
Résumé: © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Nanostructured materials offer the possibility to tailor light-matter interaction at scales below the wavelength. Metallic nanostructures benefit from the excitation of surface plasmons that permit light concentration at ultrasmall length scales and ultrafast time scales. The local density of states (LDOS) is a central concept that drives basic processes of light-matter interaction such as spontaneous emission, thermal emission and absorption. We introduce theoretically the concept of LDOS, emphasizing the specificities of plasmonics. We connect the LDOS to real observables in nanophotonics, and show how the concept can be generalized to account for spatial coherence. We describe recent methods developed to probe or map the LDOS in complex nanostructures ranging from nanoantennas to disordered metal surfaces, based on dynamic fluorescence measurements or on the detection of thermal radiation.
Mots-clés: Cross density of states; Local density of states; Plasmonics; Spatial coherence; Spontaneous emission; Thermal radiation
Widefield spectral monitoring of nanometer distance changes in DNA-templated plasmon rulers Lermusiaux, L., V. Maillard, and S. Bidault ACS Nano 9, no. 1, 978-990 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Chemical Society. The nanometer-scale sensitivity of electromagnetic plasmon coupling allows the translation of minute morphological changes in nanostructures into macroscopic optical signals. We demonstrate here a widefield spectral analysis of 40 nm diameter gold nanoparticle (AuNP) dimers, linked by a short DNA double strand, using a low-cost color CCD camera and allowing a quantitative estimation of interparticle distances in a 3-20 nm range. This analysis can be extended to lower spacings and a parallel monitoring of dimer orientations by performing a simple polarization analysis. Our measurement approach is calibrated against confocal scattering spectroscopy using AuNP dimers that are distorted from a stretched geometry at low ionic strength to touching particles at high salt concentrations. We then apply it to identify dimers featuring two different conformations of the same DNA template and discuss the parallel colorimetric sensing of short sequence-specific DNA single strands using dynamic plasmon rulers.
Mots-clés: colorimetric sensing; darkfield microscopy; DNA self-assembly; dynamic nanostructures; plasmon ruler; widefield spectroscopy
Effects of pressure on the shear modulus, mass and thickness of the perfused porcine kidney Helfenstein, C., J. L. Gennisson, M. Tanter, and P. D. Beillas Journal of Biomechanics 48, no. 1, 30-37 (2015)
Résumé: © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. Eleven fresh ex vivo porcine kidneys were perfused in the artery, vein and ureter with degassed Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM). The effect of perfusion pressure was evaluated using ten different pressures combinations. The shear modulus of the tissues was estimated during perfusion using shear wave elastography. The organ weight change was measured by a digital scale and cameras were used to follow the changes of the dimensions after each pressure combination. The effect of perfusion on the weight and the thickness was non-reversible, whereas the effect on the shear modulus was reversible. Pressure was found to increase the average shear modulus in the cortex by as much as 73%. A pressure of 80mmHg was needed to observe tissues shear modulus in the same range as in vivo tests (Gcortex=9.1kPa, Gmedulla=8.5kPa ex vivo versus Gcortex=9.1kPa, Gmedulla=8.7kPa in vivo in Gennisson et al., 2012).
Mots-clés: Elastography; Kidney; Pressure; Shear modulus
Non-Markovian polariton dynamics in organic strong coupling Canaguier-Durand, A., C. Genet, A. Lambrecht, T. W. Ebbesen, and S. Reynaud European Physical Journal D 69, no. 1 (2015)
Résumé: © EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2015. Strongly coupled organic systems are characterized by unusually large Rabi splitting, even in the vacuum state. They show the counter-intuitive feature of a lifetime of the lower polariton state longer than for all other excited states. Here we build up a new theoretical framework to understand the dynamics of such coupled system. In particular, we show that the non-Markovian character of the relaxation of the dressed organic system explains the long lifetime of the lower polariton state.
Retrieving time-dependent green's functions in optics with low-coherence interferometry Badon, A., G. Lerosey, A. C. Boccara, M. Fink, and A. Aubry Physical Review Letters 114, no. 2 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Physical Society. We report on the passive measurement of time-dependent Green's functions in the optical frequency domain with low-coherence interferometry. Inspired by previous studies in acoustics and seismology, we show how the correlations of a broadband and incoherent wave field can directly yield the Green's functions between scatterers of a complex medium. Both the ballistic and multiple scattering components of the Green's function are retrieved. This approach opens important perspectives for optical imaging and characterization in complex scattering media.
Perturbation of the yield-stress rheology of polymer thin films by nonlinear shear ultrasound Léopoldès, J., G. Conrad, and X. Jia Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 91, no. 1 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Physical Society. We investigate the nonlinear response of macromolecular thin films subjected to high-amplitude ultrasonic shear oscillation using a sphere-plane contact geometry. At a film thickness comparable to the radius of gyration, we observe the rheological properties intermediate between bulk and boundary nonlinear regimes. As the driving amplitude is increased, these films progressively exhibit oscillatory linear, microslip, and full slip regimes, which can be explained by the modified Coulomb friction law. At highest oscillation amplitudes, the interfacial adhesive failure takes place, being accompanied by a dewettinglike pattern. Moreover, the steady state sliding is investigated in thicker films with imposed shear stresses beyond the yield point. We find that applying high-amplitude shear ultrasound affects not only the yielding threshold but also the sliding velocity at a given shear load. A possible mechanism for the latter effect is discussed.
Random calibration for accelerating MR-ARFI guided ultrasonic focusing in transcranial therapy Liu, N., A. Liutkus, J. F. Aubry, L. Marsac, M. Tanter, and L. Daudet Physics in Medicine and Biology 60, no. 3, 1069-1085 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. Transcranial focused ultrasound is a promising therapeutic modality. It consists of placing transducers around the skull and emitting shaped ultrasound waves that propagate through the skull and then concentrate on one particular location within the brain. However, the skull bone is known to distort the ultrasound beam. In order to compensate for such distortions, a number of techniques have been proposed recently, for instance using Magnetic Resonance Imaging feedback. In order to fully determine the focusing distortion due to the skull, such methods usually require as many calibration signals as transducers, resulting in a lengthy calibration process. In this paper, we investigate how the number of calibration sequences can be significantly reduced, based on random measurements and optimization techniques. Experimental data with six human skulls demonstrate that the number of measurements can be up to three times lower than with the standard methods, while restoring 90% of the focusing efficiency.
Mots-clés: brain; calibration; focused ultrasound; MR-ARFI; therapeutic; transcranial; ultrasound
Time-driven superoscillations with negative refraction Dubois, M. A., E. Bossy, S. Enoch, S. Guenneau, G. Lerosey, and P. Sebbah Physical Review Letters 114, no. 1 (2015)
Résumé: © 2015 American Physical Society. The flat-lens concept based on negative refraction proposed by Veselago in 1968 has been mostly investigated in the monochromatic regime. It was recently recognized that time development of the superlensing effect discovered in 2000 by Pendry is yet to be assessed and may spring surprises: Time-dependent illumination could improve the spatial resolution of the focusing. We investigate dynamics of flexural wave focusing by a 45°-tilted square lattice of circular holes drilled in a duralumin plate. Time-resolved experiments reveal that the focused image shrinks with time below the diffraction limit, with a lateral resolution increasing from 0.8λ to 0.35λ, whereas focusing under harmonic excitation remains diffraction limited. Modal analysis reveals the role in pulse reconstruction of radiating lens resonances, which repeatedly self-synchronize at the focal spot to shape a superoscillating field.
Intracranial inertial cavitation threshold and thermal ablation lesion creation using MRI-guided 220-kHz focused ultrasound surgery: preclinical investigation Xu, Z., C. Carlson, J. Snell, M. Eames, A. Hananel, M. B. Lopes, P. Raghavan, C.-C. Lee, C.-P. Yen, D. Schlesinger, N. F. Kassell, J.-F. Aubry, and J. Sheehan Journal Of Neurosurgery 122, no. 1, 152-161 (2015)
Mots-clés: magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound; MRsFUS; inertial cavitation; swine brain; acoustic cavitation threshold; surgical technique