Mathias FINK

Mathias FINK

Professeur à l'ESPCI
sur la chaire Georges Charpak

Tél. : 01 80 96 30 69
Fax. : 01 80 96 33 55
Pièce : R51
Courriel : Mathias.Fink (arobase)

CV détaillé

Je m’intéresse aux aspects les plus fondamentaux de la physique des ondes en milieu complexe et j’applique et valorise ces recherches aussi bien dans le domaine de l’imagerie que celui de la transmission d’informations. Mes recherches ont débouché sur de nombreuses applications qui vont de la médecine, à la défense, en passant par les télécommunications, la géophysique et l’interface homme-machine.

Après une thèse de 3° cycle en physique des solides, je me suis lancé dans l’aventure de l’imagerie médicale et mon travail de thèse d’Etat, auprès de Pierre Alais, a débouché sur la réalisation du premier échographe ultrasonore médical à haute résolution fonctionnant en temps réel (1978). En 1981, j’ai été nommé Professeur à l’Université de Strasbourg puis je suis parti comme professeur invité à l’Université d’Irvine dans le département de radiologie. De retour des USA, j’ai rejoint Paris où j’ai créé en 1990 à l’ESPCI le Laboratoire Ondes et Acoustique qui deviendra en 2009 l’Institut Langevin qui regroupe aujourd’hui une centaine de chercheurs sur la thématique « Ondes et Images ».

Mes recherches ont donné lieu à plusieurs découvertes et à la création de 6 sociétés innovantes (Echosens, Sensitive Object, Supersonic Imagine, Time-Reversal Communications, Cardiawave et GreenerWave) qui emploient près de 400 personnes. J’ai dirigé plus de 60 thèses et déposé plus de 70 brevets. Je suis l’auteur ou le co-auteur de plus de 400 articles scientifiques dans des revues avec comité de lecture. J’ai été le premier universitaire à être élu en 2008 comme Professeur au Collège de France sur la Chaire d’Innovation Technologique.

En exploitant les symétries de l’équation des ondes et l’arrivée dans les années 80 des premières mémoires électroniques rapides de grande capacité, j’ai proposé en 1987 le concept de « miroirs à retournement temporel » qui permet de faire revivre à une onde sa vie passée dans les milieux les plus complexes. Puis avec mon équipe, nous avons réalisé de tels miroirs pour différents types d’ondes (sonores, ultrasonores, sismiques, électromagnétiques, et vagues) et nous avons testé expérimentalement leur efficacité dans les milieux de propagation les plus variés. Le résultat le plus étonnant de cette recherche a été de montrer que, plus le milieu de propagation est complexe, plus il est facile de faire revivre à une onde sa vie passée. La complexité devient un atout et une unique antenne à « retournement temporel », immergée dans un milieu diffusant ou réverbérant, permet de focaliser une onde sur une tache dont la dimension ne dépend plus de la taille de l’antenne !! Ces résultats surprenants ont depuis été à l’origine de nombreuses recherches dans la communauté des mathématiciens, des opticiens et dans le domaine des télécommunications. Puis, avec Geoffroy Lerosey, Fabrice Lemoult, Julien de Rosny et Arnaud Tourin, nous avons montré, qu’on pouvait créer, par retournement temporel, des taches focales bien plus petites que la longueur d’onde en introduisant dans le milieu de propagation un matériau localement résonant structuré à une échelle sub-longueur d’onde (c’est le concept de « Resonant Metalens »).

Parallèlement à cette recherche sur les limites de la diffraction, j’ai exploré l’approche « retournement temporel » en imagerie, et avec ma collègue Claire Prada, nous avons introduit les concepts de retournement temporel itératif et d’opérateur de retournement temporel qui permettent de revisiter les techniques d’imagerie en milieu hétérogène en introduisant une approche matricielle de l’imagerie.

Avec mon équipe, j’ai valorisé ces concepts en développant de nombreuses applications comme :

  • la réalisation d’un lithotripteur à retournement temporel qui traque et auto-focalise des ondes de choc ultrasonores uniquement sur les lithiases rénales et vésiculaires (avec Jean-Louis Thomas),
  • un système de thérapie du cerveau par ultrasons qui permet de focaliser de façon optimale des ondes ultrasonores à travers la boite crânienne (avec Mickael Tanter et Jean-François Aubry),
  • le développement d’objets tactiles intelligents faisant appel au retournement temporel des bruits générés par les impacts de doigts sur les objets (recherche conduite avec mon collègue Ros-Kiri Ing qui a créé la Société Sensitive Object vendue à TYCO),
  • le développement de système de télécommunications électromagnétiques en milieu urbain ou dans des bâtiments par retournement temporel (avec Julien de Rosny, Geoffroy Lerosey et Arnaud Tourin : société Time-Reversal Communications vendue à ATOS),
  • le développement de nouvelles méthodes de contrôle non-destructif pour l’Aéronautique (avec Claire Prada),
  • le développement de radar et de sonar à retournement temporel pour voir derrière les murs ou pour détecter des objets dans les petits fonds marins (avec Claire Prada et Julien de Rosny).

Parallèlement aux recherches sur les miroirs à retournement temporel, j’ai initié et développé un deuxième thème de recherche dans le domaine de l’imagerie médicale : l’imagerie multi-ondes. J’ai introduit les concepts de « Transient Elastography » et de « Supersonic Shear Wave Imaging », deux méthodes qui permettent de réaliser des images quantitatives de l’élasticité des tissus en observant la propagation d’ondes de cisaillement BF à l’aide d’ultrasons. Ces recherches se sont concrétisés par la commercialisation de deux appareils très innovants : le Fibroscan et l’Aixplorer par deux des sociétés créées à partir de mon laboratoire : Echosens et Supersonic Imagine.

C’est d’abord dans le cadre des thèses de Stefan Catheline et de Laurent Sandrin que nous avons développé un premier appareil de mesure de l’élasticité qui a débouché en 2001 sur la création par Laurent Sandrin d’une première start-up ECHOSENS (140 personnes) qui commercialise le Fibroscan qui quantifie le degré de fibrose des pathologies hépatiques. Cet appareil connait un très grand succès international en hépatologie et est devenu le gold standard mondial dans la mesure du degré de fibrose. Plus de 5000 Fibroscans ont été installés dans le monde.

Puis, dans un deuxième temps, en combinant cette recherche avec la technologie des miroirs à retournement temporel, j’ai imaginé et, avec mon équipe, nous avons réalisé un appareil beaucoup plus sophistiqué, permettant d’obtenir des images quantitatives de l’élasticité des organes avec une précision millimétrique. Pour cela nous avons mis au point le premier imageur ultrasonore ultrarapide au monde (10.000 images/s) à partir duquel j’ai introduit le concept de « Shear Wave Elastography ». Avec Jacques Souquet, Jeremy Bercoff (mon thésard sur ce sujet), Mickael Tanter et Claude Cohen-Bacrie nous avons créé en 2005 la société SUPERSONIC IMAGINE qui compte aujourd’hui plus de 175 personnes. Supersonic Imagine commercialise depuis le début 2009 l’ « Aixplorer » qui a été vendu à plus de 2300 exemplaires dans le monde. Les applications de cette technologie sont très nombreuses : cancer du sein et de la thyroïde, cancer du foie, cancer de la prostate, maladie cardiovasculaire, pathologie musculo-squelettique, œil, peau...

Par la suite j’ai apporté de nombreuses améliorations au concept d’imagerie ultrarapide. La plus significative étant l’invention du mode « Coherent Plane-Wave Compounding » qui est désormais le gold standard en imagerie ultrarapide. J’ai aussi proposé et testé un nouveau mode d’imagerie que j’ai qualifié de BTI (Backscattering Tensor Imaging) et qui permet d’imager et de traquer par ultrasons la direction des fibres musculaires dans le cœur avec une résolution sub-millimétrique.

Parallèlement à ces applications médicales, je travaille actuellement sur plusieurs autres sujets.

Les uns concernent la physique des ondes la plus fondamentale avec le concept de « Miroir Temporel Instantané » que j’ai introduit récemment avec Emmanuel Fort et qui permet d’imaginer des « matériaux temporels » aux propriétés étonnantes revisitant à la fois les concepts d’holographie et la façon dont une antenne se couple à un milieu de propagation. Ces idées ont d’abord été vérifiées dans le domaine des vagues à la surface de l’eau et leur généralisation à la plasmonique et à la mécanique quantique motive beaucoup de groupes.

J’ai aussi initié, depuis une demi-douzaine d’années, une recherche sur les métasurfaces adaptatives. J’ai été ainsi à l’origine avec Geoffroy Lerosey du développement de « miroirs intelligents » pour les ondes électromagnétiques qui améliorent la qualité des communications dans les bâtiments en focalisant les ondes radio sur les téléphones portables (création en 2015 de la société GreenerWave). Récemment, j’ai généralisé ces idées dans le domaine du contrôle du son en développant des panneaux acoustiques modulables qui peuvent contrôler les ondes sonores dans une pièce bruitée pour créer, par exemple, une zone de silence à un endroit quelconque. Ces recherches ont données lieu à une intense collaboration avec l’Université de Hong Kong HKUST.

Je travaille aussi dans le cadre de l’ERC Synergy Helmholtz que j’ai obtenu en partenariat avec l’Institut de La Vison sur le développement de nouvelles méthodes d’imagerie optique en milieu diffusant (Smart OCT) utilisant le concept d’opérateur de retournement temporel. Ces approches que nous développons avec Alexandre Aubry et Claude Boccara permettent à la fois de multiplier par deux la profondeur d’inspection en microscopie optique et de corriger les aberrations optiques en exploitant la mesure de la matrice de réflexion optique. Les principales applications concernent l’œil. Dans le même ordre d’idée, J’ai proposé de mesurer et d’exploiter un nouveau type de matrice : la matrice de transfert acousto-optique pour imager des tissus diffuseurs en profondeur avec une résolution optique.

Enfin, avec mon collègue Ros Kiri Ing, je participe au développement du premier imageur ultrasonore sans contact des vibrations de la surface du corps humain qui devrait permettre de détecter des maladies cardio-respiratoires sans avoir a touché le patient.


Elastic Wave Packets Crossing a Space-Time Interface
Delory, A., C. Prada, M. Lanoy, A. Eddi, M. Fink, and F. Lemoult
Physical Review Letters 133, no. 26, 267201 (2024)
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Multi-spectral reflection matrix for ultrafast 3D label-free microscopy
Balondrade, P., V. Barolle, N. Guigui, E. Auriant, N. Rougier, C. Boccara, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
Nature Photonics 18, no. 10, 1097-1104 (2024)
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Matrix imaging as a tool for high-resolution monitoring of deep volcanic plumbing systems with seismic noise
Giraudat, E., A. Burtin, A. Le Ber, M. Fink, J. C. Komorowski, and A. Aubry
Communications Earth and Environment 5, no. 1 (2024)
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Harnessing forward multiple scattering for optical imaging deep inside an opaque medium
Najar, U., V. Barolle, P. Balondrade, M. Fink, C. Boccara, and A. Aubry
Nature Communications 15, no. 1 (2024)
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Tutorial: How to build and control an all-fiber wavefront modulator using mechanical perturbations
Shekel, R., K. Sulimany, S. Resisi, Z. Finkelstein, O. Lib, S. M. Popoff, and Y. Bromberg
Journal of Physics: Photonics 6, no. 3, 033002 (2024)
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Solution to the cocktail party problem: A time-reversal active metasurface for multipoint focusing
Bourdeloux, C., M. Fink, and F. Lemoult
Physical Review Applied 21, no. 5, 054039 (2024)
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Topology optimization for microwave control with reconfigurable intelligent metasurfaces in complex media
Karamanos, T. D., M. Fink, and F. Lemoult
Physical Review Applied 21, no. 4 (2024)
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Airborne ultrasound for the contactless mapping of surface thoracic vibrations during human vocalizations: A pilot study
Wintzenrieth, F., M. Couade, F. Lehanneur, P. Laveneziana, M. C. Niérat, N. Verger, M. Fink, T. Similowski, and R. K. Ing
AIP Advances 14, no. 3 (2024)
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Optimizing multi-user indoor sound communications with acoustic reconfigurable metasurfaces
Zhang, H., Q. Wang, M. Fink, and G. Ma
Nature Communications 15, no. 1, 1270 (2024)
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A non-linear delayed resonator for mimicking the hearing haircells
Reda, J., M. Fink, and F. Lemoult
Europhysics Letters 144, no. 3, 37001 (2023)
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Three-dimensional ultrasound matrix imaging
Bureau, F., J. Robin, A. Le Ber, W. Lambert, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
Nature Communications 14, no. 1 (2023)
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Subwavelength pulse focusing and perfect absorption in the Maxwell fish-eye
Lefebvre, G., M. Dubois, Y. Achaoui, R. K. Ing, M. Fink, S. Guenneau, and P. Sebbah
Applied Physics Letters 123, no. 13 (2023)
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Measuring Dirac cones in a brick-wall lattice microwave metamaterial
Li, B., S. Yves, A. Delory, S. Liu, M. Fink, and F. Lemoult
Physical Review B 108, no. 9 (2023)
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Dynamic full-field optical coherence tomography of retinal pigment epithelium cell cultures to model degenerative diseases
Groux, K., J. Scholler, A. Verschueren, M. Darche, L. Boucherit, P. Mecê, V. Fradot, J.-M. Chassot, M. Fink, S. Reichman, M. Paques, C. Boccara, O. Thouvenin, and K. Grieve
Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXV (2021)
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Compact Metamaterial Antenna for Angular Localization of Radio-frequency Sources
Ourir, A., M. Kamoun, A. Tourin, M. Fink, and J. De Rosny
17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2023 (2023)
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The Aharonov-Bohm Effect Revisited by an Acoustic Time-Reversal Mirror
Roux, P., J. De Rosny, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 79, no. 17, 3170-3173 (1997)
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Reversible Hardware for Acoustic Communications
Siljak, H., J. d. Rosny, and M. Fink
IEEE Communications Magazine 58, no. 1, 55-61 (2020)
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Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces vs. Relaying: Differences, Similarities, and Performance Comparison
Di Renzo, M., K. Ntontin, J. Song, F. H. Danufane, X. Qian, F. Lazarakis, J. De Rosny, D.-T. Phan-Huy, O. Simeone, R. Zhang, M. Debbah, G. Lerosey, M. Fink, S. Tretyakov, and S. Shamai
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 1, 798-807 (2020)
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Experimental Validation of Time Reversal Multiple Access for UWB Wireless Communications Centered at the 273 GHz Frequency
Mokh, A., J. De Rosny, G. C. Alexandropoulos, M. Kamoun, A. Ourir, R. Khayatzadeh, A. Tourin, and M. Fink
2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference: (VTC2022-Spring), 1-5 (2022)
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Time Reversal for 6G Spatiotemporal Focusing: Recent Experiments, Opportunities, and Challenges
Alexandropoulos, G. C., A. Mokh, R. Khayatzadeh, J. De Rosny, M. Kamoun, A. Ourir, A. Tourin, M. Fink, and M. Debbah
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 17, no. 4, 74-82 (2022)
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Maximizing Focus Quality Through Random Media with Discrete-Phase-Sampling Lenses
Wang, Q., M. Fink, and G. Ma
Physical Review Applied 19, no. 3 (2023)
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Compressive sensing-based correlation sidelobe suppression for passive water pipeline fault detection using ambient noise
Li, Z., P. Lee, M. Fink, R. Murch, and M. Davidson
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 195, 110323 (2023)
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Damping-Driven Time Reversal for Waves
Hidalgo-Caballero, S., S. Kottigegollahalli Sreenivas, V. Bacot, S. Wildeman, M. Harazi, X. Jia, A. Tourin, M. Fink, A. Cassinelli, M. Labousse, and E. Fort
Physical Review Letters 130, no. 8 (2023)
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Superresolved Imaging Based on Spatiotemporal Wave-Front Shaping
Noetinger, G., S. Métais, G. Lerosey, M. Fink, S. M. Popoff, and F. Lemoult
Physical Review Applied 19, no. 2 (2023)
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Ultrasound Matrix Imaging - Part II: The Distortion Matrix for Aberration Correction Over Multiple Isoplanatic Patches
Lambert, W., L. A. Cobus, J. Robin, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 41, no. 12, 3921-3938 (2022)
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Ultrasound Matrix Imaging - Part I: The Focused Reflection Matrix, the F-Factor and the Role of Multiple Scattering
Lambert, W., J. Robin, L. A. Cobus, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 41, no. 12, 3907-3920 (2022)
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Passive Measurement of Pressure Wave Speed in Water Pipelines Using Ambient Noise
Li, Z., P. Lee, M. Fink, and R. Murch
Mechanisms and Machine Science 125 MMS, 1077-1084 (2023)
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Wavefront Shaping for Wireless Communications in Complex Media: From Time Reversal to Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
Lerosey, G., and M. Fink
Proceedings of the IEEE 110, no. 9, 1210-1226 (2022)
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Passive detection in water pipelines using ambient noise II: Field experiments
Li, Z., P. Lee, M. Fink, R. Murch, and M. Davidson
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 181, 109524 (2022)
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Dynamic full-field optical coherence tomography allows live imaging of retinal pigment epithelium stress model
Groux, K., A. Verschueren, C. Nanteau, M. Clémençon, M. Fink, J.-A. Sahel, C. Boccara, M. Paques, S. Reichman, and K. Grieve
Communications Biology 5, no. 1 (2022)
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Time Reversal for Multiple Access and Mobility: Algorithmic Design and Experimental Results
Mokh, A., J. De Rosny, G. C. Alexandropoulos, R. Khayatzadeh, M. Kamoun, A. Ourir, A. Tourin, and M. Fink
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC 2022-April, 1731-1736 (2022)
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Time-reversal of Sub-THz Pulses in Complex Media
Mokh, A., R. Khayatzadeh, A. Ourir, M. Kamoun, A. Tourin, M. Fink, and J. De Rosny
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 95, 141-162 (2022)
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Freeze-Dried Microfluidic Monodisperse Microbubbles as a New Generation of Ultrasound Contrast Agents
Soysal, U., P. N. Azevedo, F. Bureau, A. Aubry, M. S. Carvalho, A. C. S. N. Pessoa, L. G. D. L. Torre, O. Couture, A. Tourin, M. Fink, and P. Tabeling
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (2022)
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Static-to-dynamic field conversion with time-varying media
Mencagli, M. J., D. L. Sounas, M. Fink, and N. Engheta
Physical Review B 105, no. 14 (2022)
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Optical phase modulation by natural eye movements: application to time-domain FF-OCT image retrieval
Mazlin, V., P. Xiao, K. Irsch, J. Scholler, K. Groux, K. Grieve, M. Fink, and A. C. Boccara
Biomedical Optics Express 13, no. 2, 902-920 (2022)
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Unidirectional amplification with acoustic non-Hermitian space−time varying metamaterial
Wen, X., X. Zhu, A. Fan, W. Y. Tam, J. Zhu, H. W. Wu, F. Lemoult, M. Fink, and J. Li
Communications Physics 5, no. 1 (2022)
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Gravitational lens effect revisited through membrane waves
Catheline, S., V. Delattre, G. Laloy-Borgna, F. Faure, and M. Fink
American Journal of Physics 90, no. 1, 47-50 (2022)
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Negative Transient Flux in the near Field of a Subwavelength Source
Li, X., P. Li, M. H. Lu, M. Fink, and G. Ma
Physical Review Applied 16, no. 1 (2021)
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Fourier transform acousto-optic imaging with off-axis holographic detection
Dutheil, L., M. Bocoum, M. Fink, S. M. Popoff, F. Ramaz, and J. M. Tualle
Applied Optics 60, no. 24, 7107-7112 (2021)
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Indoor Experimental Evaluation of Ultra-wideband MU-MISO TRDMA
Mokh, A., R. Khayatzadeh, J. De Rosny, M. Kamoun, A. Ourir, M. Fink, and A. Tourin
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2021-April (2021)
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Manifestation of aberrations in full-field optical coherence tomography
Barolle, V., J. Scholler, P. Mecê, J. M. Chassot, K. Groux, M. Fink, A. C. Boccara, and A. Aubry
Optics Express 29, no. 14, 22044-22065 (2021)
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Passive imaging of water pipelines using ambient turbulence noise
Wang, W., Z. Li, A. Dubey, P. Lee, M. Fink, and R. Murch
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 160 (2021)
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Coherence gate shaping for wide field high-resolution in vivo retinal imaging with full-field OCT
Mecê, P., K. Groux, J. Scholler, O. Thouvenin, M. Fink, K. Grieve, and C. Boccara
Biomedical Optics Express 11, no. 9, 4928-4941 (2020)
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Curved-field optical coherence tomography: Large-field imaging of human corneal cells and nerves
Mazlin, V., K. Irsch, M. Paques, J. A. Sahel, M. Fink, and C. A. Boccara
Optica 7, no. 8, 872-880 (2020)
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Reflection Matrix Approach for Quantitative Imaging of Scattering Media
Lambert, W., L. A. Cobus, M. Couade, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
Physical Review X 10, no. 2 (2020)
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Distortion matrix concept for deep optical imaging in scattering media
Badon, A., V. Barolle, K. Irsch, A. Claude Boccara, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
Science Advances 6, no. 30 (2020)
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Dynamic full-field optical coherence tomography: 3D live-imaging of retinal organoids
Scholler, J., K. Groux, O. Goureau, J. A. Sahel, M. Fink, S. Reichman, C. Boccara, and K. Grieve
Light: Science and Applications 9, no. 1 (2020)
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Functional ultrasound imaging of deep visual cortex in awake nonhuman primates
Blaize, K., F. Arcizet, M. Gesnik, H. Ahnine, U. Ferrari, T. Deffieux, P. Pouget, F. Chavane, M. Fink, J. A. Sahel, J. A. Sahel, J. A. Sahel, M. Tanter, and S. Picaud
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117, no. 25, 14453-14463 (2020)
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Distortion matrix approach for ultrasound imaging of random scattering media
Lambert, W., L. A. Cobus, T. Frappart, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117, no. 26, 14645-14656 (2020)
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Real-time non-contact cellular imaging and angiography of human cornea and limbus with common-path full-field/SD OCT
Mazlin, V., P. Xiao, J. Scholler, K. Irsch, K. Grieve, M. Fink, and A. C. Boccara
Nature Communications 11, no. 1 (2020)
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Waveform analysis of human retinal and choroidal blood flow with laser Doppler holography
Puyo, L., M. Paques, M. Fink, J. A. Sahel, and M. Atlan
Biomedical Optics Express 10, no. 10, 4942-4963 (2019)
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2D airborne ultrasound piezotransducer arrays for corneal imaging
Aminot, A., P. Shirkovskiy, C. Dorme, M. Legros, R. Dufait, M. Fink, and R. K. Ing
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS 2019-October, 800-802 (2019)
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How a moving passive observer can perceive its environment ? The Unruh effect revisited
Fink, M., and J. Garnier
Wave Motion 93 (2020)
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Smart radio environments empowered by reconfigurable AI meta-surfaces: an idea whose time has come
Renzo, M. D., M. Debbah, D. T. Phan-Huy, A. Zappone, M. S. Alouini, C. Yuen, V. Sciancalepore, G. C. Alexandropoulos, J. Hoydis, H. Gacanin, J. d. Rosny, A. Bounceur, G. Lerosey, and M. Fink
Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2019, no. 1 (2019)
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Phase-conjugate mirror for water waves driven by the Faraday instability
Bacot, V., G. Durey, A. Eddi, M. Fink, and E. Fort
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116, no. 18, 8809-8814 (2019)
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Drastic slowdown of the Rayleigh-like wave in unjammed granular suspensions
Brum, J., J. L. Gennisson, M. Fink, A. Tourin, and X. Jia
Physical Review E 99, no. 4 (2019)
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Left-handed band in an electromagnetic metamaterial induced by sub-wavelength multiple scattering
Yves, S., T. Berthelot, M. Fink, G. Lerosey, and F. Lemoult
Applied Physics Letters 114, no. 11 (2019)
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In vivo high-resolution human retinal imaging with wavefront-correctionless full-field OCT
Xiao, P., V. Mazlin, K. Grieve, J. Sahel, M. Fink, and A. C. Boccara
Optica 5, 409-412 (2018)
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In vivo imaging through the entire thickness of human cornea by full-field optical coherence tomography
Mazlin, V., P. Xiao, E. Dalimier, K. Grieve, K. Irsch, J. Sahel, M. Fink, and A. C. Boccara
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 104740S (2018)
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In vivo high resolution human corneal imaging using full-field optical coherence tomography
Mazlin, V., P. Xiao, E. Dalimier, K. Grieve, K. Irsch, J. Sahel, M. Fink, and A. C. Boccara
Biomedical Optics Express 9, 557-568 (2018)
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Active Control of the Spoof Plasmon Propagation in Time Varying and Non-reciprocal Metamaterial
Ourir, A., and M. Fink
Scientific Reports 9, no. 1 (2019)
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Choroidal vasculature imaging with laser doppler holography
Puyo, L., M. Paques, M. Fink, J. A. Sahel, and M. Atlan
Biomedical Optics Express 10, no. 2 (2019)
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Probing dynamic processes in the eye at multiple spatial and temporal scales with multimodal full field OCT
Scholler, J., V. Mazlin, O. Thouvenin, K. Groux, P. Xiao, J. A. Sahel, M. Fink, C. Boccara, and K. Grieve
Biomedical Optics Express 10, no. 2, 731-746 (2019)
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Controlling light in complex media beyond the acoustic diffraction-limit using the acousto-optic transmission matrix
Katz, O., F. Ramaz, S. Gigan, and M. Fink
Nature Communications 10, no. 1 (2019)
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Non-Contact Surface Wave Elastography Using 40 kHz Airborne Ultrasound Surface Motion Camera
Aminot, A., P. Shirkovskiy, M. Fink, and R. K. Ing
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS 2018-October (2018)
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Optimally diverse communication channels in disordered environments with tuned randomness
Del Hougne, P., M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Nature Electronics 2, no. 1, 36-41 (2019)
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Measuring Dirac Cones in a Subwavelength Metamaterial
Yves, S., T. Berthelot, M. Fink, G. Lerosey, and F. Lemoult
Physical Review Letters 121, no. 26 (2018)
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Observation of the Talbot effect with water waves
Bakman, A., S. Fishman, M. Fink, E. Fort, and S. Wildeman
American Journal of Physics 87, no. 1, 38-43 (2019)
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In vivo laser Doppler holography of the human retina
Puyo, L., M. Paques, M. Fink, J. A. Sahel, and M. Atlan
Biomedical Optics Express 9, no. 9, 4113-4129 (2018)
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Layer potential approach for fast eigenvalue characterization of the Helmholtz equation with mixed boundary conditions
Dupré, M., M. Fink, J. Garnier, and G. Lerosey
Computational and Applied Mathematics 37, no. 4, 4675-4685 (2018)
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Precise Localization of Multiple Noncooperative Objects in a Disordered Cavity by Wave Front Shaping
Del Hougne, P., M. F. Imani, M. Fink, D. R. Smith, and G. Lerosey
Physical Review Letters 121, no. 6 (2018)
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Classical analog of the Unruh effect
Leonhardt, U., I. Griniasty, S. Wildeman, E. Fort, and M. Fink
Physical Review A 98, no. 2 (2018)
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Towards anti-causal Green’s function for three-dimensional sub-diffraction focusing
Ma, G., X. Fan, F. Ma, J. De Rosny, P. Sheng, and M. Fink
Nature Physics 14, no. 6, 608-612 (2018)
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Shaping reverberating sound fields with an actively tunable metasurface
Ma, G., X. Fan, P. Sheng, and M. Fink
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115, no. 26, 6638-6643 (2018)
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Airborne ultrasound surface motion camera: Application to seismocardiography
Shirkovskiy, P., A. Laurin, N. Jeger-Madiot, D. Chapelle, M. Fink, and R. K. Ing
Applied Physics Letters 112, no. 21 (2018)
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Dynamic Metasurface Aperture as Smart Around-the-Corner Motion Detector
Del Hougne, P., M. F. Imani, T. Sleasman, J. N. Gollub, M. Fink, G. Lerosey, and D. R. Smith
Scientific Reports 8, no. 1 (2018)
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Towards a quantum time mirror for non-relativistic wave packets
Reck, P., C. Gorini, A. Goussev, V. Krueckl, M. Fink, and K. Richter
New Journal of Physics 20, no. 3 (2018)
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Topological spoof plasmon polaritons based on C6-symmetric crystalline metasurfaces
Fleury, R., S. Yves, T. Berthelot, M. Fink, F. Lemoult, and G. Lerosey
2017 11th International Congress on Engineered Material Platforms for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2017, 109-111 (2017)
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Shaping Microwave Fields Using Nonlinear Unsolicited Feedback: Application to Enhance Energy Harvesting
Del Hougne, P., M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Physical Review Applied 8, no. 6 (2017)
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Multiple scattering limit in optical microscopy
Badon, A., A. C. Boccara, G. Lerosey, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
Optics Express 25, no. 23, 28914-28934 (2017)
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Non-contact and through-clothing measurement of the heart rate using ultrasound vibrocardiography
Jeger-Madiot, N., J. Gateau, M. Fink, and R. K. Ing
Medical Engineering and Physics 50, 96-102 (2017)
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Crystalline Soda Can Metamaterial exhibiting Graphene-like Dispersion at subwavelength scale
Yves, S., F. Lemoult, M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Scientific Reports 7, no. 1 (2017)
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Slow waves in locally resonant metamaterials line defect waveguides
Kaina, N., A. Causier, Y. Bourlier, M. Fink, T. Berthelot, and G. Lerosey
Scientific Reports 7, no. 1 (2017)
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Subwavelength focusing and imaging from the far field using time reversal in subwavelength scaled resonant media
Lemoult, F., M. Dupre, M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (2017)
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Effect of microstructural elongation on backscattered field: Intensity measurement and multiple scattering estimation with a linear transducer array
Baelde, A., J. Laurent, P. Millien, R. Coulette, W. B. Khalifa, F. Jenson, F. Sun, M. Fink, and C. Prada
Ultrasonics 82, 379-389 (2018)
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Manipulating light at subwavelength scale by exploiting defect-guided spoof plasmon modes
Ourir, A., A. Maurel, S. Félix, J. F. Mercier, and M. Fink
Physical Review B 96, no. 12 (2017)
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Topological acoustic polaritons: Robust sound manipulation at the subwavelength scale
Yves, S., R. Fleury, F. Lemoult, M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
New Journal of Physics 19, no. 7 (2017)
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Crystalline metamaterials for topological properties at subwavelength scales
Yves, S., R. Fleury, T. Berthelot, M. Fink, F. Lemoult, and G. Lerosey
Nature Communications 8 (2017)
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From the time-reversal mirror to the instantaneous time mirror
Fink, M., and E. Fort
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 226, no. 7, 1477-1486 (2017)
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Time reversal of ultrasound in granular media
Harazi, M., Y. Yang, M. Fink, A. Tourin, and X. Jia
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 226, no. 7, 1487-1497 (2017)
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A resolution insensitive to geometrical aberrations by using incoherent illumination and interference imaging
Xiao, P., M. Fink, A. H. Gandjbakhche, and A. Claude Boccara
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 226, no. 7, 1603-1621 (2017)
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Ambient noise correlation-based imaging with moving sensors
Fink, M., and J. Garnier
Inverse Problems and Imaging 11, no. 3, 477-500 (2017)
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Dirac quantum time mirror
Reck, P., C. Gorini, A. Goussev, V. Krueckl, M. Fink, and K. Richter
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 95, no. 16 (2017)
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Imaging the dynamics of cardiac fiber orientation in vivo using 3D Ultrasound Backscatter Tensor Imaging.
Papadacci, C., V. Finel, J. Provost, O. Villemain, P. Bruneval, J.-L. Gennisson, M. Tanter, M. Fink, and M. Pernot
Scientific reports 7, no. 1, 830 (2017)
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Experimental study of multiple scattering in anisotropic titanium alloys
Baelde, A., J. Laurent, R. Coulette, W. B. Khalifa, D. Duclos, F. Jenson, M. Fink, and C. Prada
AIP Conference Proceedings 1806 (2017)
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Full-field optical coherence tomography as a diagnosis tool: Recent progress with multimodal imaging
Thouvenin, O., C. Apelian, A. Nahas, M. Fink, and C. Boccara
Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 7, no. 3 (2017)
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Dynamic multimodal full-field optical coherence tomography and fluorescence structured illumination microscopy
Thouvenin, O., M. Fink, and C. Boccara
Journal of Biomedical Optics 22, no. 2 (2017)
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3D functional ultrasound imaging of the cerebral visual system in rodents
Gesnik, M., K. Blaize, T. Deffieux, J. L. Gennisson, J. A. Sahel, M. Fink, S. Picaud, and M. Tanter
NeuroImage 149, 267-274 (2017)
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Smart optical coherence tomography for ultra-deep imaging through highly scattering media
Badon, A., D. Li, G. Lerosey, A. C. Boccara, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
Science Advances 2, no. 11 (2016)
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Time-reversal of nonlinear waves: Applicability and limitations
Ducrozet, G., M. Fink, and A. Chabchoub
Physical Review Fluids 1, no. 5 (2016)
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Diffuse shear wave imaging: Toward passive elastography using low-frame rate spectral-domain optical coherence tomography
Nguyen, T. M., A. Zorgani, M. Lescanne, C. Boccara, M. Fink, and S. Catheline
Journal of Biomedical Optics 21, no. 12 (2016)
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3D airborne ultrasound vibrometer for the detection of skin surface heterogeneities
Jeger, N., J. Gâteau, M. Fink, and R. K. Ing
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS 2016-November (2016)
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Spatiotemporal response of rat visual cortex during moving stimuli using Functional Ultrasound (fUS) imaging
Gesnik, M., K. Blaize, A. Dizeux, J. A. Sahel, M. Fink, T. Deffieux, J. L. Gennisson, S. Picaud, and M. Tanter
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS 2016-November (2016)
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Adaptive optics full-field optical coherence tomography
Xiao, P., M. Fink, and A. C. Boccara
Journal of Biomedical Optics 21, no. 12 (2016)
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Spatio-temporal imaging of light transport in highly scattering media under white light illumination
Badon, A., D. Li, G. Lerosey, A. C. Boccara, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
Optica 3, no. 11, 1160-1166 (2016)
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Time reversal and holography with spacetime transformations
Bacot, V., M. Labousse, A. Eddi, M. Fink, and E. Fort
Nature Physics 12, no. 10, 972-977 (2016)
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Spatio-temporal imaging of light transport in strongly scattering media
Badon, A., D. Li, G. Lerosey, C. Boccara, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
2016 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, EMTS 2016, 272-275 (2016)
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Full-field spatially incoherent illumination interferometry: a spatial resolution almost insensitive to aberrations
Xiao, P., M. Fink, and A. C. Boccara
Optics Letters 41, no. 17, 3920-3923 (2016)
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Spatiotemporal Wave Front Shaping in a Microwave Cavity
Del Hougne, P., F. Lemoult, M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Physical Review Letters 117, no. 13 (2016)
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Soda cans metamaterial: A subwavelength-scaled phononic crystal
Lemoult, F., N. Kaina, M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Crystals 6, no. 7 (2016)
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High speed optical holography of retinal blood flow
Pellizzari, M., M. Simonutti, J. Degardin, J. A. Sahel, M. Fink, M. Paques, and M. Atlan
Optics Letters 41, no. 15, 3503-3506 (2016)
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Using subwavelength diffraction gratings to design open microwave cavities
Dupre, M., M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
2013 7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, METAMATERIALS 2013, 133-135 (2013)
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Time reversal focusing and the diffraction limit
Fink, M., J. De Rosny, G. Lerosey, and A. Tourin
Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" 173, 155-177 (2011)
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MultiWave imaging
Fink, M., and M. Tanter
Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" 173, 133-153 (2011)
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Pulsatile microvascular blood flow imaging by short-time Fourier transform analysis of ultrafast laser holographic interferometry
Puyo, L., I. Ferezou, A. Rancillac, M. Simonutti, M. Paques, J. A. Sahel, M. Fink, and M. Atlan
BMEiCON 2015 - 8th Biomedical Engineering International Conference (2016)
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Exploiting spatiotemporal degrees of freedom for far-field subwavelength focusing using time reversal in fractals
Dupré, M., F. Lemoult, M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 93, no. 18 (2016)
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From Loschmidt daemons to time-reversed waves
Fink, M.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 374, no. 2069 (2016)
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Negative refractive index and acoustic superlens from multiple scattering in single negative metamaterials.
Kaina, N., F. Lemoult, M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Nature 525, no. 7567, 77-81 (2015)
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Carotid stiffness change over the cardiac cycle by ultrafast ultrasound imaging in healthy volunteers and vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
Mirault, T., M. Pernot, M. Frank, M. Couade, R. Niarra, M. Azizi, J. Emmerich, X. Jeunemaitre, M. Fink, M. Tanter, and E. Messas
Journal of hypertension 33, no. 9, 1890-6 (2015)
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Wave-Field Shaping in Cavities: Waves Trapped in a Box with Controllable Boundaries
Dupré, M., P. Del Hougne, M. Fink, F. Lemoult, and G. Lerosey
Physical Review Letters 115, 017701 (2015)
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Transmission glass-like aberrations correction for full-field OCT Imaging
Xiao, P., M. Fink, and A. C. Boccara
Adaptive Optics: Analysis, Methods and Systems, AO 2015, 289 (2015)
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Optical detection and imaging in complex media: How the memory effect can help overcome multiple scattering
Badon, A., D. Li, G. Lerosey, A. C. Boccara, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
CLEO: QELS - Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2015, 1551p (2015)
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Overcoming multiple scattering for detection and imaging in strongly scattering media
Badon, A., D. Li, G. Lerosey, C. Boccara, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
Adaptive Optics: Analysis, Methods and Systems, AO 2015, 289 (2015)
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Retrieving time-dependent Green's functions in optics with low-coherence interferometry
Badon, A., G. Lerosey, A. C. Boccara, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
CLEO: QELS - Fundamental Science, CLEO_QELS 2015, 1551p (2015)
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Subwavelength focusing in bubbly media using broadband time reversal
Lanoy, M., R. Pierrat, F. Lemoult, M. Fink, V. Leroy, and A. Tourin
Physical Review B 91, no. 22 (2015)
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Scanning-free imaging through a single fiber by random spatio-spectral encoding
Kolenderska, S. M., O. Katz, M. Fink, and S. Gigan
Optics Letters 40, no. 4, 534-537 (2015)
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Super-resolution in time-reversal focusing on a moving source
Garnier, J., and M. Fink
Wave Motion 53, 80-93 (2015)
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Image transmission through a scattering medium: Inverse problem and sparsity-based imaging
Gigan, S., S. M. Popoff, A. Liutkus, D. Martina, O. Katz, G. Chardon, R. Carminati, G. Lerosey, M. A. Fink., A. C. Boccara, I. Carron, and L. Daudet
2014 13th Workshop on Information Optics, WIO 2014 (2014)
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High-contrast ultrafast imaging of the heart
Papadacci, C., M. Pernot, M. Couade, M. A. Fink., and M. Tanter
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 61, no. 2, 288-301 (2014)
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Retrieving time-dependent green's functions in optics with low-coherence interferometry
Badon, A., G. Lerosey, A. C. Boccara, M. Fink, and A. Aubry
Physical Review Letters 114, no. 2 (2015)
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Non-invasive single-shot imaging through scattering layers and around corners via speckle correlations
Katz, O., P. Heidmann, M. Fink, and S. Gigan
Nature Photonics 8, no. 10 (2014)
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Shaping complex microwave fields in reverberating media with binary tunable metasurfaces.
Kaina, N., M. Dupre, G. Lerosey, and M. Fink
Scientific reports 4, 6693 (2014)
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3D ultrafast ultrasound imaging in vivo
Provost, J., C. Papadacci, J. E. Arango, M. Imbault, M. Fink, J.-L. Gennisson, M. Tanter, and M. Pernot
Physics In Medicine And Biology 59, no. 19, L1-L13 (2014)
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Cancellation of Doppler Intrinsic Spectral Broadening Using Ultrafast Doppler Imaging
Osmanski, B.-F., J. Bercoff, G. Montaldo, T. Loupas, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Ieee Transactions On Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics And Frequency Control 61, no. 8, 1396-1408 (2014)
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Ultrasound Backscatter Tensor Imaging (BTI): Analysis of the Spatial Coherence of Ultrasonic Speckle in Anisotropic Soft Tissues
Papadacci, C., M. Tanter, M. Pernot, and M. Fink
Ieee Transactions On Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics And Frequency Control 61, no. 6, 986-996 (2014)
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Towards Backscatter Tensor Imaging (BTI): Analysis of the spatial coherence of ultrasonic speckle in anisotropic soft tissues
Papadacci, C., M. Pernot, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 1200-1203 (2013)
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Shear wave dispersion for fibrosis, steatosis and activity staging
Deffieux, T., J.-L. Gennisson, M. Fink, M. Tanter, L. B. Ousquet, D. Amroun, M. Corouge, V. Mallet, and S. Pol
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 523-526 (2013)
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In vivo out-of-plane Doppler imaging based on ultrafast plane wave imaging
Osmanski, B.-F., G. Montaldo, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 76-79 (2013)
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In vivo transthoracic ultrafast Doppler imaging of left intraventricular blood flow pattern
Osmanski, B.-F., M. Pernot, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 1741-1744 (2013)
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Use of shear wave elastography for monitoring enzymatic milk coagulation
Budelli, E., M. Bernal, P. Lema, M. Fink, C. Negreira, M. Tanter, and J. L. Gennisson
Journal Of Food Engineering 136, 73-79 (2014)
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Time-Reversal Generation of Rogue Waves
Chabchoub, A., and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 112, no. 12 (2014)
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Using Subwavelength Diffraction Gratings to Design Open Electromagnetic Cavities
Dupre, M., M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Physical Review Letters 112, no. 4 (2014)
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Subwavelength far-field imaging at visible and ultraviolet wavelengths using broadband surface plasmon waves
Ourir, A., and M. Fink
Physical Review B 89, no. 11 (2014)
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High-Contrast Ultrafast Imaging of the Heart
Papadacci, C., M. Pernot, M. Couade, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Ieee Transactions On Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics And Frequency Control 61, no. 2, 288-301 (2014)
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From supersonic shear wave imaging to full-field optical coherence shear wave elastography
Nahas, A., M. Tanter, Thu-Mai Nguyen, J.-M. Chassot, M. Fink, and A. C. Boccara
Journal Of Biomedical Optics 18, no. 12 (2013)
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Increasing the modal density in plates for mono-element focusing in air
Etaix, N., J. Dubois, M. Fink, and R.-K. Ing
Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 134, no. 2, 1049-1054 (2013)
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A review of the medical applications of shear wave elastography.
Tanter, M., M. Pernot, J. L. Gennisson, and M. Fink
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134, no. 5, 4009 (2013)
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Non-invasive ultrasonic surgery of the brain in non-human primates
Marquet, F., A.-L. Boch, M. Pernot, G. Montaldo, D. Seilhean, M. Fink, M. Tanter, and J.-F. Aubry
Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 134, no. 2, 1632-1639 (2013)
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Shear Wave Imaging of the heart using a cardiac phased array with coherent spatial compound
Papadacci, C., M. Pernot, M. Couade, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 2023-2026 (2012)
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Ultrafast Imaging in Biomedical Ultrasound
Tanter, M., and M. Fink
Ieee Transactions On Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics And Frequency Control 61, no. 1, 102-119 (2014)
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Ultrafast imaging in biomedical ultrasound
Tanter, M., and M. Fink
61, 102-119 (2014)
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Sono-activated ultrasound localization microscopy
Desailly, Y., O. Couture, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Applied Physics Letters 103, no. 17 (2013)
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Ultrafast plane wave imaging: Doppler frequency distribution
Osmanski, B.-F., G. Montaldo, J. Bercoff, T. Loupas, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 1580-1583 (2012)
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Composite media mixing Bragg and local resonances for highly attenuating and broad bandgaps
Kaina, N., M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Scientific Reports 3 (2013)
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Controlling light in scattering media non-invasively using the photoacoustic transmission matrix
Chaigne, T., O. Katz, A. C. Boccara, M. Fink, E. Bossy, and S. Gigan
Nature Photonics 8, 58-64 (2014)
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Global approach for transient shear wave inversion based on the adjoint method: A comprehensive 2D simulation study
Arnal, B., G. Pinton, P. Garapon, M. Pernot, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Physics in Medicine and Biology 58, no. 19, 6765-6778 (2013)
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Transverse localization of sound
Bretagne, A., M. Fink, and A. Tourin
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88, no. 10 (2013)
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Transcranial high intensity focused ultrasound therapy guided by 7 TESLA MRI in a rat brain tumour model: A feasibility study
Dervishi, E., B. Larrat, M. Pernot, C. Adam, Y. Marie, M. Fink, J.-Y. Delattre, A.-L. Boch, M. Tanter, and J.-F. Aubry
International Journal of Hyperthermia 29, no. 6, 598-608 (2013)
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Influence of the pressure field distribution in transcranial ultrasonic neurostimulation
Younan, Y., T. Deffieux, B. Larrat, M. Fink, M. Tanter, and J.-F. Aubry
Medical Physics 40, no. 8 (2013)
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Green's function retrieval and passive imaging from correlations of wideband thermal radiations
Davy, M., M. Fink, and J. De Rosny
Physical Review Letters 110, no. 20 (2013)
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Targeting accuracy of transcranial magnetic resonance-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound brain therapy: A fresh cadaver model: Laboratory investigation
Chauvet, D., L. Marsac, M. Pernot, A.-L. Boch, R. Guillevin, N. Salameh, L. Souris, L. Darrasse, M. Fink, M. Tanter, and J.-F. Aubry
Journal of Neurosurgery 118, no. 5, 1046-1052 (2013)
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Ultrasound elastography: Principles and techniques
Gennisson, J.-L., T. Deffieux, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging (2013)
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EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations on the clinical use of ultrasound elastographypart 2: Clinical applications
Cosgrove, D., F. Piscaglia, J. Bamber, J. Bojunga, J.-M. Correas, O. H. Gilja, A. S. Klauser, I. Sporea, F. Calliada, V. Cantisani, D', M. onofrio, E. E. Drakonaki, M. Fink, M. Friedrich-Rust, J. Fromageau, R. F. Havre, C. Jenssen, R. Ohlinger, A. Sǎftoiu, F. Schaefer, and C. F. Dietrich
Ultraschall in der Medizin 34, no. 3, 238-253 (2013)
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EFSUMB guidelines and recommendations on the clinical use of ultrasound elastographypart 1: Basic principles and technology
Bamber, J., D. Cosgrove, C. F. Dietrich, J. Fromageau, J. Bojunga, F. Calliada, V. Cantisani, J.-M. Correas, D', M. onofrio, E. E. Drakonaki, M. Fink, M. Friedrich-Rust, O. H. Gilja, R. F. Havre, C. Jenssen, A. S. Klauser, R. Ohlinger, A. Saftoiu, F. Schaefer, I. Sporea, and F. Piscaglia
Ultraschall in der Medizin 34, no. 2, 169-184 (2013)
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Subwavelength focusing inside an open disordered medium by time reversal at a single point antenna
Pierrat, R., C. Vandenbem, M. Fink, and R. Carminati
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87, no. 4 (2013)
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Ultra small mode volume defect cavities in spatially ordered and disordered metamaterials
Kaina, N., F. Lemoult, M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Applied Physics Letters 102, no. 14 (2013)
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Elastography: A new modality of ultrasound imaging
Fink, M.
Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging (2013)
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Acousto-optic imaging: Merging the best of two worlds
Lerosey, G., and M. Fink
Nature Photonics 7, no. 4, 265-267 (2013)
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Functional ultrasound imaging of the brain: Theory and basic principles
Mace, E., G. Montaldo, B.-F. Osmanski, I. Cohen, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 60, no. 3, 492-506 (2013)
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Wave propagation control at the deep subwavelength scale in metamaterials
Lemoult, F., N. Kaina, M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Nature Physics 9, no. 1, 55-60 (2013)
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Analysis of the time reversal operator for a scatterer undergoing small displacements
Philippe, F. D., C. Prada, M. Fink, J. Garnier, and J. De Rosny
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133, no. 1, 94-107 (2013)
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Ultrasound contrast plane wave imaging
Couture, O., M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 59, no. 12, 2676-2683 (2012)
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Exploiting the time-reversal operator for adaptive optics, selective focusing and scattering pattern analysis
Popoff, S. M., A. Aubry, G. Lerosey, M. Fink, A. C. Boccara, and S. Gigan
2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012 (2012)
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Dispersion in media containing resonant inclusions: Where does it come from?
Lemoult, F., M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012 (2012)
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Optimal spatiotemporal focusing through complex scattering media
Aulbach, J., A. Bretagne, M. Fink, M. Tanter, and A. Tourin
2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012 (2012)
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Monitoring the lesion formation during histotripsy treatment using shear wave imaging
Arnal, B., W.-N. Lee, M. Pernot, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
AIP Conference Proceedings 1503, 129-134 (2012)
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The variance of quantitative estimates in shear wave imaging: Theory and experiments
Deffieux, T., J.-L. Gennisson, B. Larrat, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 59, no. 11, 2390-2410 (2012)
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Time-reversal method and cross-correlation techniques by normal mode theory: A three-point problem
Montagner, J.-P., C. Larmat, Y. Capdeville, M. Fink, H. Phung, B. Romanowicz, E. Clévédé, and H. Kawakatsu
Geophysical Journal International 191, no. 2, 637-652 (2012)
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Far field subwavelength imaging of magnetic patterns
Ourir, A., G. Lerosey, F. Lemoult, M. Fink, and J. De Rosny
Applied Physics Letters 101, no. 11 (2012)
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Aberration correction by time reversal of moving speckle noise
Osmanski, B.-F., G. Montaldo, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 59, no. 7, 1575-1583 (2012)
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Time reversal of water waves
Przadka, A., S. Feat, P. Petitjeans, V. Pagneux, A. Maurel, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 109, no. 6 (2012)
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Tunable time-reversal cavity for high-pressure ultrasonic pulses generation: A tradeoff between transmission and time compression
Arnal, B., M. Pernot, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Applied Physics Letters 101, no. 6 (2012)
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Monitoring of cornea elastic properties changes during UV-A/riboflavin-induced corneal collagen cross-linking using supersonic shear wave imaging: A pilot study
Nguyen, T.-M., J.-F. Aubry, D. Touboul, M. Fink, J.-L. Gennisson, J. Bercoff, and M. Tanter
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 53, no. 9, 5948-5954 (2012)
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A polychromatic approach to far-field superlensing at visible wavelengths
Lemoult, F., M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Nature Communications 3 (2012)
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Hybridization band gap based smart antennas: Deep subwavelength yet directional and strongly decoupled MIMO antennas
Lerosey, G., C. Leray, F. Lemoult, J. De Rosny, A. Tourin, and M. Fink
Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2012, 2697-2701 (2012)
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Controlling waves in space and time for imaging and focusing in complex media
Mosk, A. P., A. Lagendijk, G. Lerosey, and M. Fink
Nature Photonics 6, no. 5, 283-292 (2012)
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Application of 1-d transient elastography for the shear modulus assessment of thin-layered soft tissue: Comparison with supersonic shear imaging technique
Brum, J., J.-L. Gennisson, T.-M. Nguyen, N. Benech, M. Fink, M. Tanter, and C. Negreira
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 59, no. 4, 703-714 (2012)
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Mapping myocardial fiber orientation using echocardiography-based shear wave imaging
Lee, W.-N., M. Pernot, M. Couade, E. Messas, P. Bruneval, A. Bel, A. A. Hagège, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 31, no. 3, 554-562 (2012)
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MR-guided adaptive focusing of therapeutic ultrasound beams in the human head
Marsac, L., D. Chauvet, B. Larrat, M. Pernot, B. Robert, M. Fink, A. L. Boch, J. F. Aubry, and M. Tanter
Medical Physics 39, no. 2, 1141-1149 (2012)
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Imaging changes in scattering media from Time Reversal of the Coda wave Difference (TRECOD)
Bonneau, L., C. Prada, M. Fink, and A. Tourin
Waves in Random and Complex Media 22, no. 1, 109-120 (2012)
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Optimal spatiotemporal focusing through complex scattering media
Aulbach, J., A. Bretagne, M. Fink, M. Tanter, and A. Tourin
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85, no. 1 (2012)
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Numerical prediction of frequency dependent 3D maps of mechanical index thresholds in ultrasonic brain therapy
Pinton, G., J.-F. Aubry, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Medical Physics 39, no. 1, 455-467 (2012)
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Exploiting the time-reversal operator for adaptive optics, selective focusing, and scattering pattern analysis
Popoff, S. M., A. Aubry, G. Lerosey, M. Fink, A. C. Boccara, and S. Gigan
Physical Review Letters 107, no. 26 (2011)
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Microbubble ultrasound super-localization imaging (MUSLI)
Couture, O., B. Besson, G. Montaldo, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS, 1285-1287 (2011)
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Controlling light through optical disordered media: Transmission matrix approach
Popoff, S. M., G. Lerosey, M. Fink, A. C. Boccara, and S. Gigan
New Journal of Physics 13 (2011)
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One channel acoustic 3D imaging device of large aperture working in echographic mode
Etaix, N., R.-K. Ing, and M. Fink
18th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2011, ICSV 2011 2, 1570-1576 (2011)
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Time reversal in subwavelength-scaled resonant media: Beating the diffraction limit
Lemoult, F., A. Ourir, J. De Rosny, A. Tourin, M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology (2011)
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Optimal transcostal high-intensity focused ultrasound with combined real-time 3D movement tracking and correction
Marquet, F., J. F. Aubry, M. Pernot, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Physics in Medicine and Biology 56, no. 22, 7061-7080 (2011)
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In vivo bubble nucleation probability in sheep brain tissue
Gateau, J., J.-F. Aubry, D. Chauvet, A.-L. Boch, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Physics in Medicine and Biology 56, no. 22, 7001-7015 (2011)
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Revisiting the wire medium: An ideal resonant metalens
Lemoult, F., M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Waves in Random and Complex Media 21, no. 4, 591-613 (2011)
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A multiwave imaging approach for elastography
Fink, M., and M. Tanter
Current Medical Imaging Reviews 7, no. 4, 340-349 (2011)
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Far-field sub-wavelength imaging and focusing using a wire medium based resonant metalens
Lemoult, F., M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Waves in Random and Complex Media 21, no. 4, 614-627 (2011)
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Synchronized passive imaging of single cavitation events
Gateau, J., J.-F. Aubry, M. Pernota, D. Chauvet, A.-L. Boch, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
AIP Conference Proceedings 1359, 79-84 (2011)
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Transmission matrix in optics: Taking advantage of transmission channels for image transmission in disordered materials
Popoff, S. M., G. Lerosey, R. Carminati, M. Fink, A. C. Boccara, and S. Gigan
2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO EUROPE/EQEC 2011 (2011)
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Noninvasive In Vivo Liver Fibrosis Evaluation Using Supersonic Shear Imaging: A Clinical Study on 113 Hepatitis C Virus Patients
Bavu, É., J.-L. Gennisson, M. Couade, J. Bercoff, V. Mallet, M. Fink, A. Badel, A. Vallet-Pichard, B. Nalpas, M. Tanter, and S. Pol
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 37, no. 9, 1361-1373 (2011)
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Acoustic resonators for far-field control of sound on a subwavelength scale
Lemoult, F., M. Fink, and G. Lerosey
Physical Review Letters 107, no. 6 (2011)
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Functional ultrasound imaging of the brain
Macé, E., G. Montaldo, I. Cohen, M. Baulac, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Nature Methods 8, no. 8, 662-664 (2011)
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Ultrafast imaging of the arterial pulse wave
Couade, M., M. Pernot, E. Messas, J. Emmerich, A. Hagège, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IRBM 32, no. 2, 106-108 (2011)
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In vivo mapping of brain elasticity in small animals using shear wave imaging
Macé, E., I. Cohen, G. Montaldo, R. Miles, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 30, no. 3, 550-558 (2011)
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Effects of nonlinear ultrasound propagation on high intensity brain therapy
Pinton, G., J.-F. Aubry, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Medical Physics 38, no. 3, 1207-1216 (2011)
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Combined passive detection and ultrafast active imaging of cavitation events induced by short pulses of high-intensity ultrasound
Gateau, J., J.-F. Aubry, M. Pernot, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 58, no. 3, 517-532 (2011)
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Time reversal of speckle noise
Montaldo, G., M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 106, no. 5 (2011)
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In Vivo quantitative mapping of myocardial stiffening and transmural anisotropy during the cardiac cycle
Couade, M., M. Pernot, E. Messas, A. Bel, M. Ba, A. Hagege, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 30, no. 2, 295-305 (2011)
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Ultrafast compound doppler imaging: Providing full blood flow characterization
Bercoff, J., G. Montaldo, T. Loupas, D. Savery, F. Mézière, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 58, no. 1, 134-147 (2011)
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Image transmission through an opaque material
Popoff, S., G. Lerosey, M. Fink, A. C. Boccara, and S. Gigan
Nature Communications 1, no. 6 (2010)
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Numerical prediction of frequency dependent 3D maps of mechanical index thresholds in ultrasonic brain therapy
Pinton, G. F., J.-F. Aubry, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 2258-2261 (2010)
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Detection and imaging of human beings behind a wall using the dort method
Davy, M., T. Lepetit, J. De Rosny, C. Prada, and M. Fink
Progress in Electromagnetics Research 110, 353-369 (2010)
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Noninvasive assessment of myocardial anisotropy in vitro and in vivo using Supersonic Shear Wave Imaging
Lee, W.-N., M. Couade, C. Flanagan, M. Fink, M. Pernot, and M. Tanter
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 690-693 (2010)
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Adaptive focusing of transcranial therapeutic ultrasound using MR AcousticRadiation Force Imaging in a clinical environment
Marsac, L., B. Larrat, M. Pernot, B. Robert, M. Fink, J.-F. Aubry, and M. Tanter
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 991-994 (2010)
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Evaluation of local arterial stiffness using ultrafast imaging: A comparative study using local arterial pulse wave velocity estimation and shear wave imaging
Couade, M., C. Flanagan, W.-N. Lee, E. Messas, M. Fink, M. Pernot, and M. Tanter
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 475-478 (2010)
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Determination of the thickness - Plate velocity product of a plate structure with the green function comparison method
Etaix, N., R.-K. Ing, A. Leblanc, and M. Fink
17th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2010, ICSV 2010 3, 2246-2252 (2010)
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In vivo soft tissues elasticity during thermal therapy is linked to the thermal dose
Sapin-Debrosses, E., M. Pernot, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 455-458 (2010)
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High sensitivity brain angiography using Ultrafast Doppler
Macé, E., G. Montaldo, M. Fink, M. Tanter, I. Cohen, and R. Miles
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 1194-1197 (2010)
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In vivo study of cerebral ischemia using Shear Wave Imaging and Ultrafast Doppler
Mace, E., G. Montaldo, M. Fink, M. Tanter, A. Martin, and B. Tavitian
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 1538-1541 (2010)
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Comparison between 1D transient elastography and Supersonic Shear Imagingtechnique: Application to the arterial wall elasticity assessment
Brum, J., N. Benech, C. Negreira, J.-L. Gennisson, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 1336-1339 (2010)
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Shear wave propagation in complex sub wavelength tissue geometries:Theoretical and experimental implications in the framework of cornea and skinshear wave imaging
Nguyen, T.-M., J.-L. Gennisson, M. Couade, D. Touboul, P. Humbert, J. Bercoff, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 1145-1148 (2010)
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Measuring and exploiting the transmission matrix in optics
Popoff, S. M., G. Lerosey, R. Carminati, M. Fink, A. C. Boceara, and S. Gigan
Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, CLEO/QELS 2010 (2010)
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Quantitative Assessment of Arterial Wall Biomechanical Properties Using Shear Wave Imaging
Couade, M., M. Pernot, C. Prada, E. Messas, J. Emmerich, P. Bruneval, A. Criton, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 36, no. 10, 1662-1676 (2010)
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Theory of electromagnetic time-reversal mirrors
De Rosny, J., G. Lerosey, and M. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 58, no. 10, 3139-3149 (2010)
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Real-time visualization of muscle stiffness distribution with ultrasound shear wave imaging during muscle contraction
Shinohara, M., K. Sabra, J.-L. Gennisson, M. Fink, and M. L. Tanter
Muscle and Nerve 42, no. 3, 438-441 (2010)
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Ultrafast compound Doppler imaging: A new approach of Doppler flow analysis
Montaldo, G., E. Macé, I. Cohen, J. Berckoff, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
2010 7th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2010 - Proceedings, 324-327 (2010)
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In vivo brain elasticity mapping in small animals using ultrasound and its application to cerebral ischemia
Macé, E., I. Cohen, A. Martín, G. Montaldo, M. Fink, B. Tavitian, and M. Tanter
2010 7th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2010 - Proceedings, 245-248 (2010)
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Real time quantitative elastography using supersonic shear wave imaging
Tanter, M., M. Pernot, G. Montaldo, J.-L. Gennisson, E. Bavu, E. Macé, T.-M. Nguyen, M. Couade, and M. Fink
2010 7th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, ISBI 2010 - Proceedings, 276-279 (2010)
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MR-guided adaptive focusing of ultrasound
Larrat, B., M. Pernot, G. Montaldo, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 57, no. 8, 1734-1747 (2010)
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Thickness or phase velocity measurements using the Green's function comparison method
Etaix, N., A. Leblanc, M. Fink, and R.-K. Ing
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 57, no. 8, 1804-1812 (2010)
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Breast lesions: Quantitative elastography with supersonic shear imaging - Preliminary results
Athanasiou, A., A. Tardivon, M. Tanter, B. Sigal-Zafrani, J. Bercoff, T. Deffieux, J.-L. Gennisson, M. Fink, and S. Neuenschwander
Radiology 256, no. 1, 297-303 (2010)
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Measurement of thickness or plate velocity using ambient vibrations
Ing, R. K., N. Etaix, A. Leblanc, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127, no. 6, EL252-EL257 (2010)
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Resonant metalenses for breaking the diffraction barrier
Lemoult, F., G. Lerosey, J. De Rosny, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 104, no. 20 (2010)
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Spatio-temporal invariants of the time reversal operator
Robert, J.-L., and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127, no. 5, 2904-2912 (2010)
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Experimental validation of time reversal ultra wide-band communication system for high data rates
Naqvi, I. H., G. E. Zein, G. Lerosey, J. De Rosny, P. Besnier, A. Tourin, and M. Fink
IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation 4, no. 5, 643-650 (2010)
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Imaging: Sharper focus by random scattering
Fink, M.
Nature Photonics 4, no. 5, 269-271 (2010)
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High intensity focused ultrasound for transcranial therapy of brain lesions and disorders
Aubry, J.-F., L. Marsac, M. Pernot, B. Robert, A.-L. Boch, D. Chauvet, N. Salameh, L. Souris, L. Darasse, J. Bittoun, Y. Martin, C. Cohen-Bacrie, J. Souquet, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IRBM 31, no. 2, 87-91 (2010)
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Viscoelastic and anisotropic mechanical properties of in vivo muscle tissue assessed by supersonic shear imaging
Gennisson, J.-L., T. Deffieux, E. Macé, G. Montaldo, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 36, no. 5, 789-801 (2010)
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Experimental study of the invariants of the time-reversal operator for a dielectric cylinder using separate transmit and receive arrays
Davy, M., J.-G. Minonzio, J. De Rosny, C. Prada, and M. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 58, no. 4, 1349-1356 (2010)
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Non invasive transcostal focusing based on the decomposition of the time reversal operator: In vitro validation
Cochard, É., C. Prada, J.-F. Aubry, and M. Fink
AIP Conference Proceedings 1215, 131-135 (2010)
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MR-guided ultrasonic brain therapy: High frequency approach
Aubry, J. F., L. Marsac, M. Pernot, M. Tanter, B. Robert, M. Brentnall, P. Annic, R. La Greca, A. De Charentenay, F. Pomatta, Y. Martin, C. Cohen-Bacrie, J. Souquet, and M. Fink
AIP Conference Proceedings 1215, 88-94 (2010)
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MR guidance, monitoring and control of brain HIFU therapy in small animals: In vivo demonstration in rats
Larrat, B., M. Pernot, E. Dervishi, A. Souilah, D. Seilhean, Y. Marie, A. L. Boch, J. F. Aubry, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
AIP Conference Proceedings 1215, 105-109 (2010)
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Energy-based adaptive focusing: Optimal ultrasonic focusing using magnetic resonance guidance
Larrat, B., M. Pernot, G. Montaldo, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
AIP Conference Proceedings 1215, 140-144 (2010)
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Temperature dependence of the shear modulus of soft tissues assessed by ultrasound
Sapin-De Brosses, E., J.-L. Gennisson, M. Pernot, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Physics in Medicine and Biology 55, no. 6, 1701-1718 (2010)
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Measuring the transmission matrix in optics: An approach to the study and control of light propagation in disordered media
Popoff, S. M., G. Lerosey, R. Carminati, M. Fink, A. C. Boccara, and S. Gigan
Physical Review Letters 104, no. 10 (2010)
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Multiwave imaging and super resolution
Fink, M., and M. Tanter
Physics Today 63, no. 2, 28-33 (2010)
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MR-guided transcranial brain HIFU in small animal models
Larrat, B., M. Pernot, J.-F. Aubry, E. Dervishi, R. Sinkus, D. Seilhean, Y. Marie, A.-L. Boch, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Physics in Medicine and Biology 55, no. 2, 365-388 (2010)
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Focusing and amplification of electromagnetic waves by time reversal in an leaky reverberation chamber
Davy, M., J. De Rosny, J.-C. Joly, and M. Fink
Comptes Rendus Physique 11, no. 1, 37-43 (2010)
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Transcranial ultrasonic therapy based on time reversal of acoustically induced cavitation bubble signature
Gâteau, J., L. Marsac, M. Pernot, J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 57, no. 1, 134-144 (2010)
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Influence of noise on subwavelength imaging of two close scatterers using time reversal method: Theory and experiments
Davy, M., J.-G. Minonzio, J. De Rosny, C. Prada, and M. Fink
Progress in Electromagnetics Research 98, 333-358 (2009)
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Energy-based adaptive focusing: Optimal ultrasonic focusing using magnetic resonance guidance
Larrat, B., M. Pernot, G. Montaldo, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium (2009)
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High-resolution quantitative imaging of cornea elasticity using supersonic shear imaging
Tanter, M., D. Touboul, J.-L. Gennisson, J. Bercoff, and M. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 28, no. 12, 1881-1893 (2009)
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Ultrasound-inducible fluorescent particles for internal tattooing
Couture, O., N. Pannacci, A. Babataheri, P. Tabeling, M. Fink, M. Tanter, and V. Servois
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium (2009)
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Quantitative imaging of myocardium elasticity using supersonic shear imaging
Couade, M., M. Pernot, M. Tanter, E. Messas, A. Bel, M. Ba, A.-A. Hagège, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium (2009)
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3D in vivo brain elasticity mapping in small animals using ultrasound
Macé, E., I. Cohen, J. L. Gennisson, G. Montaldo, R. Miles, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium (2009)
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MR-guided ultrasonic brain therapy: High frequency approach
Aubry, J. F., L. Marsac, M. Pernot, M. Tanter, B. Robert, Y. Martin, C. Cohen-Bacrie, J. Souquet, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium (2009)
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Temperature dependence of the shear modulus of soft tissues assessed by ultrasound
Sapin, E., J.-L. Gennisson, M. Pernot, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium (2009)
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Ultrafast imaging of the heart using circular wave synthetic imaging with phased arrays
Couade, M., M. Pernot, M. Tanter, E. Messas, A. Bel, M. Ba, A.-A. Hagège, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium (2009)
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Effects of nonlinearity on propagation through the skull
Pinton, G. F., J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium (2009)
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MR guidance, monitoring and control of Brain HIFU therapy in small animals: In vivo demonstration in rats at 7T
Larrat, B., M. Pernot, E. Dervishi, A. Souilah, D. Seilhean, Y. Marie, A. L. Boch, J. F. Aubry, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium (2009)
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Mapping myocardial elasticity changes after RF-ablation using supersonic shear imaging
Pernot, M., E. Macé, R. Dubois, M. Couade, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Computers in Cardiology 36, 793-796 (2009)
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Invariants of the time-reversal operator for a dielectric cylinder using different Tx and Rx arrays
Davy, M., J.-G. Minonzio, C. Prada, J. D. Rosny, and M. Fink
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest) (2009)
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Focusing and amplification of electromagnetic waves by time-reversal in an leaky reverberation chamber
Davy, M., J. De Rosny, and M. Fink
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest) (2009)
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Non-invasive transcranial ultrasound therapy based on a 3D CT scan: Protocol validation and in vitro results
Marquet, F., M. Pernot, J.-F. Aubry, G. Montaldo, L. Marsac, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Physics in Medicine and Biology 54, no. 9, 2597-2613 (2009)
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Design and characterization of bubble phononic crystals
Leroy, V., A. Bretagne, M. Fink, H. Willaime, P. Tabeling, and A. Tourin
Applied Physics Letters 95, no. 17 (2009)
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Application of DENSE-MR-elastography to the human heart
Robert, B., R. Sinkus, J.-L. Gennisson, and M. Fink
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 62, no. 5, 1155-1163 (2009)
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Ultrafast Imaging of Ultrasound Contrast Agents
Couture, O., S. Bannouf, G. Montaldo, J.-F. Aubry, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 35, no. 11, 1908-1916 (2009)
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Energy-based adaptive focusing of waves: application to noninvasive aberration correction of ultrasonic wavefields
Herbert, E., M. Pernot, G. Montaldo, M. Fink, and M. Tanter
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 56, no. 11, 2388-2399 (2009)
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Manipulating Spatiotemporal Degrees of Freedom of Waves in Random Media
Lemoult, F., G. Lerosey, J. De Rosny, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 103, no. 17 (2009)
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Theory of the time-reversal operator for a dielectric cylinder using separate transmit and receive arrays
Minonzio, J.-G., M. Davy, J. De Rosny, C. Prada, and M. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 57, no. 8, 2331-2340 (2009)
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Ultrasonic focusing through the ribs using the DORT method
Cochard, E., C. Prada, J. F. Aubry, and M. Fink
Medical Physics 36, no. 8, 3495-3503 (2009)
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Energy-based adaptive focusing of waves: Application to ultrasonic transcranial therapy
Herbert, E., M. Pernot, G. Montaldo, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
AIP Conference Proceedings 1113, 8-12 (2009)
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Cavitation bubble generation and control for HIFU transcranial adaptive focusing
Gâteau, J., L. Marsac, M. Pernot, J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
AIP Conference Proceedings 1113, 18-22 (2009)
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Time-reversed waves and super-resolution
Fink, M., J. De Rosny, G. Lerosey, and A. Tourin
Comptes Rendus Physique 10, no. 5, 447-463 (2009)
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Time-reversal focusing of therapeutic ultrasound on targeted microbubbles
Couture, O., J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 94, no. 17 (2009)
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Coherent plane-wave compounding for very high frame rate ultrasonography and transient elastography
Montaldo, G., M. Tanter, J. Bercoff, N. Benech, and M. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 56, no. 3, 489-506 (2009)
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The time-reversal operator with virtual transducers: Application to far-field aberration correction
Robert, J.-L., and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124, no. 6, 3659-3668 (2009)
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Photoacoustic guidance of high intensity focused ultrasound with selective optical contrasts and time-reversal
Funke, A. R., J.-F. Aubry, M. Fink, A.-C. Boccara, and E. Bossy
Applied Physics Letters 94, no. 5, 054102 (2009)
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Quantitative Viscoelasticity Mapping of Human Liver Using Supersonic Shear Imaging: Preliminary In Vivo Feasability Study
Muller, M., J.-L. Gennisson, T. Deffieux, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 35, no. 2, 219-229 (2009)
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The prolate spheroidal wave functions as invariants of the time reversal operator for an extended scatterer in the Fraunhofer approximation
Robert, J.-L., and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125, no. 1, 218-226 (2009)
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Time-reversal waves and super resolution
Fink, M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 124 (2008)
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Radiation force localization of HIFU therapeutic beams coupled with Magnetic Resonance-Elastography treatment monitoring, In vivo application to the rat brain
Larrat, B., M. Pernot, J.-F. Aubry, R. Sinkus, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 451-454 (2008)
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Non-invasive quantitative imaging of arterial wall elasticity using supersonic shear imaging
Couade, M., M. Pernot, M. Tanter, C. Prada, E. Messas, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 946-949 (2008)
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ShearWaveTM elastography: A new real time imaging mode for assessing quantitatively soft tissue viscoelasticity
Bercoff, J., A. Criton, C. C. Bacrie, J. Souquet, M. Tanter, J. L. Gennisson, T. Deffieux, M. Fink, V. Juhan, A. Colavolpe, D. Amy, and A. Athanasiou
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 321-324 (2008)
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Electrical impedance tomography by elastic deformation
Ammari, H., E. Bonnetier, Y. Capdeboscq, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 68, no. 6, 1557-1573 (2008)
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Tissue harmonics cancellation using time-reversal
Couture, O., J.-F. Aubry, G. Montaldo, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 1104-1107 (2008)
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Tactile touch plate with variable boundary conditions
Ing, R. K., D. Cassereau, M. Fink, and J.-P. Nikolovski
Proceedings - European Conference on Noise Control, 4225-4229 (2008)
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Molecular focusing of high-intensity ultrasound Time-reversal focusing applied to targeted ultrasound contrast agents
Couture, O., J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 455-458 (2008)
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Suppression of tissue harmonics for pulse-inversion contrast imaging using time reversal
Couture, O., J.-F. Aubry, G. Montaldo, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Physics in Medicine and Biology 53, no. 19, 5469-5480 (2008)
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Assessment of the mechanical properties of the musculoskeletal system using 2-D and 3-D very high frame rate ultrasound
Deffieux, T., J.-L. Gennisson, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 55, no. 10, 2177-2190 (2008)
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Fourth-order shear elastic constant assessment in quasi-incompressible soft solids
ŕnier, M., J.-L. Gennisson, C. Barrìre, D. Royer, and M. Fink.
Applied Physics Letters 93, no. 10 (2008)
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High resolution MR-Elastography: A unique tool to study the rheological properties of tissue in vivo and the origin of its multiscale behaviour
Larrat, B., M. Tanter, M. Fink, and R. Sinkus
AIP Conference Proceedings 1027, 606-608 (2008)
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Quantitative Assessment of Breast Lesion Viscoelasticity: Initial Clinical Results Using Supersonic Shear Imaging
Tanter, M., J. Bercoff, A. Athanasiou, T. Deffieux, J.-L. Gennisson, G. Montaldo, M. Muller, A. Tardivon, and M. Fink
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 34, no. 9, 1373-1386 (2008)
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Characterization of an elastic target in a shallow water waveguide by decomposition of the time-reversal operator
Philippe, F. D., C. Prada, J. De Rosny, D. Clorennec, J.-G. Minonzio, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124, no. 2, 779-787 (2008)
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Measurement of shear elastic moduli in quasi-incompressible soft solids
Rénier, M., J.-L. Gennisson, C. Barrière, S. Catheline, M. Tanter, D. Royer, and M. Fink
AIP Conference Proceedings 1022, 303-306 (2008)
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Eigenvalue distributions of correlated multichannel transfer matrices in strongly scattering systems
Sprik, R., A. Tourin, J. De Rosny, and M. Fink
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78, no. 1 (2008)
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Time-reversal acoustics
Fink, M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 118, no. 1 (2008)
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Transcostal high-intensity-focused ultrasound: Ex vivo adaptive focusing feasibility study
Aubry, J.-F., M. Pernot, F. Marquet, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Physics in Medicine and Biology 53, no. 11, 2937-2951 (2008)
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Characterization of an elastic cylinder and an elastic sphere with the time-reversal operator: Application to the sub-resolution limit
Minonzio, J.-G., F. D. Philippe, C. Prada, and M. Fink
Inverse Problems 24, no. 2 (2008)
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Potential of MRI and ultrasound radiation force in elastography: Applications to diagnosis and therapy
Sinkus, R., M. Tanter, J. Bercoff, K. Siegmann, M. Pernot, A. Athanasiou, and M. Fink
Proceedings of the IEEE 96, no. 3, 490-499 (2008)
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Green's function estimation in speckle using the decomposition of the time reversal operator: Application to aberration correction in medical imaging
Robert, J.-L., and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123, no. 2, 866-877 (2008)
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Focusing properties of near-field time reversal
De Rosny, J., and M. Fink
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76, no. 6 (2007)
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MR elastography of breast lesions: Understanding the solid/liquid duality can improve the specificity of contrast-enhanced MR mammography
Sinkus, R., K. Siegmann, T. Xydeas, M. Tanter, C. Claussen, and M. Fink
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 58, no. 6, 1135-1144 (2007)
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Acoustoelasticity in soft solids: Assessment of the nonlinear shear modulus with the acoustic radiation force
Gennisson, J.-L., M. Rénier, S. Catheline, C. Barrière, J. Bercoff, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122, no. 6, 3211-3219 (2007)
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Anisotropic viscoelastic properties of the corpus callosum - Application of high-resolution 3D MR-elastography to an Alzheimer mouse model
Larrat, B., Q. C. Chan, X. F. Yang, G. Li, E. S. Yang, M. Fink, and R. Sinkus
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 676-679 (2007)
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Active and passive muscle properties assessed by ultrasound techniques
Deffieux, T., J.-L. Gennisson, G. Montaldo, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 668-671 (2007)
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Full 3D inversion of the viscoelasticity wave propagation problem for 3D ultrasound elastography in breast cancer diagnosis
Muller, M., J.-L. Gennisson, T. Deffieux, R. Sinkus, P. Annic, G. Montaldo, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 672-675 (2007)
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Optimal adaptive focusing through heterogeneous media with the minimally invasive inverse filter
Vignon, F., J. De Rosny, J.-F. Aubry, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122, no. 5, 2715-2724 (2007)
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Nonlinear shear elastic moduli in quasi-incompressible soft solids
Rénier, M., J.-L. Gennisson, M. Tanter, S. Catheline, C. Barrière, D. Royer, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 554-557 (2007)
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High power phased array prototype for clinical high intensity focused ultrasound: Applications to transcostal and transcranial therapy
Pernot, M., J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, F. Marquet, G. Montaldo, A.-L. Boch, M. Kujas, D. Seilhean, and M. Fink
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, 234-237 (2007)
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Theory of the time reversal cavity for electromagnetic fields
Carminati, R., R. Pierrat, J. De Rosny, and M. Fink
Optics Letters 32, no. 21, 3107-3109 (2007)
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Ultrasonic arrays: New therapeutic developments
Aubry, J.-F., M. Pernot, M. Tanter, G. Montaldo, and M. Fink
Journal de Radiologie 88, no. 11 C2, 1801-1809 (2007)
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Nonlinear shear wave interaction in soft solids
Jacob, X., S. Catheline, J.-L. Gennisson, C. Barrière, D. Royer, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122, no. 4, 1917-1926 (2007)
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New devices and promising approaches for clinical H.I.F.U. applications
Tanter, M., J. Aubry, M. Pernot, F. Marquet, R. Sinkus, and M. Fink
AIP Conference Proceedings 911, 23-29 (2007)
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Non-invasive transcranial brain therapy guided by CT scans: An in vivo monkey study
Marquet, F., M. Pernot, J.-F. Aubry, G. Montaldo, M. Tanter, A.-L. Boch, M. Kujas, D. Seilhean, and M. Fink
AIP Conference Proceedings 911, 554-560 (2007)
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A0 mode interaction with a plate free edge: Theory and experiments at very low frequency by thickness product
Ribay, G., S. Catheline, D. Clorennec, R. K. Ing, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122, no. 2, 711-714 (2007)
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Experimental detection and focusing in shallow water by decomposition of the time reversal operator
Prada, C., J. De Rosny, D. Clorennec, J.-G. Minonzio, A. Aubry, M. Fink, L. Berniere, P. Billand, S. Hibral, and T. Folegot
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122, no. 2, 761-768 (2007)
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In vivo transcranial brain surgery with an ultrasonic time reversal mirror
Pernot, M., J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, A.-L. Boch, F. Marquet, M. Kujas, D. Seilhean, and M. Fink
Journal of Neurosurgery 106, no. 6, 1061-1066 (2007)
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Transient optoelastography in optically diffusive media
Bossy, E., A. R. Funke, K. Daoudi, A.-C. Boccara, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 90, no. 17, 174111 (2007)
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Imaging of optically diffusive media by use of opto-elastography
Bossy, E., A. R. Funke, K. Daoudi, M. Tanter, M. Fink, and C. Boccara
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE 6437 (2007)
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Elastography using ultrasound or magnetic resonance: New imaging tools for cancer diagnosis
Tanter, M., J. Bercoff, R. Sinkus, T. Deffieux, J.-L. Gennisson, and M. Fink
Medecine Nucleaire 31, no. 4 SPEC. ISS., 132-141 (2007)
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Compensating for bone interfaces and respiratory motion in high-intensity focused ultrasound
Tanter, M., M. Pernot, J.-F. Aubry, G. Montaldo, F. Marquet, and M. Fink
International Journal of Hyperthermia 23, no. 2, 141-151 (2007)
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Focusing beyond the diffraction limit with far-field time reversal
Lerosey, G., J. De Rosny, A. Tourin, and M. Fink
Science 315, no. 5815, 1120-1122 (2007)
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Acoustic source localization model using in-skull reverberation and time reversal
Catheline, S., M. Fink, N. Quieffin, and R. K. Ing
Applied Physics Letters 90, no. 6 (2007)
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Acoustic impact localization in plates: Properties and stability to temperature variation
Ribay, G., S. Catheline, D. Clorennec, R. K. Ing, N. Quieffin, and M. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 54, no. 2, 378-384 (2007)
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Non-invasive transcranial ultrasound therapy guided by CT-scans
Marquet, F., M. Pernot, J. F. Aubry, G. Montaldo, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference 1, 683-687 (2006)
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In Vivo Achilles Tendon Elasticity Assessment using Supersonic Shear Imaging: a feasibility study
Brum, J., M. Bernal, M. Fink, J. L. Gennisson, and M. Tanter
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 1162-1165 (2013)
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Cross Validation of Supersonic Shear Wave Imaging (SSI) with Classical Rheometry during Blood Coagulation over a very large Bandwidth
Miguel, B., J.-L. Gennisson, M. Fink, M. Tanter, and P. Flaud
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 1773-1776 (2013)
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Non-invasive transcranial ultrasound therapy guided by CT-scans
Marquet, F., M. Pernot, J.-F. Aubry, G. Montaldo, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, 683-687 (2006)
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In-vivo non-invasive motion tracking and correction in High Intensity Focused Ultrasound therapy
Marquet, F., M. Pernot, J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, G. Montaldo, and M. Fink
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, 688-691 (2006)
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Time-reversal of photo-acoustic waves generated by optical contrasts in an optically diffusive tissue phantom
Bossy, E., K. Daoudi, A.-C. Boccara, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 1, 1635-1638 (2006)
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In-vivo non-invasive motion tracking and correction in high intensity focused ultrasound therapy
Marquet, F., M. Pernot, J. F. Aubry, M. Tanter, G. Montaldo, and M. Fink
Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference 1, 688-691 (2006)
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Ultrafast ultrasonic imaging of in vivo muscle contraction
Deffieux, T., J.-L. Gennisson, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 1, 1001-1004 (2006)
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A 3D Elastography System based on the Concept of Ultrasound-Computed Tomography for In Vivo Breast Examination
Gennisson, J.-L., T. Deffieux, R. Sinkus, P. Annic, M. Pernot, F. Cudeiro, G. Montaldo, M. Tanter, M. Fink, and J. Bercoff
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 1, 1037-1040 (2006)
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Time reversal of photoacoustic waves
Bossy, E., K. Daoudi, A.-C. Boccara, M. Tanter, J.-F. Aubry, G. Montaldo, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 89, no. 18, 184108 (2006)
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Ultrafast imaging of in vivo muscle contraction using ultrasound
Deffieux, T., J.-L. Gennisson, M. Tanter, M. Fink, and A. Nordez
Applied Physics Letters 89, no. 18 (2006)
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Nonlinear viscoelastic properties of tissue assessed by ultrasound
Sinkus, R., J. Bercoff, M. Tanter, J.-L. Gennisson, C. El Khoury, V. Servois, A. Tardivon, and M. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 53, no. 11, 2009-2018 (2006)
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Adaptive focusing for transcranial ultrasound imaging using dual arrays
Vignon, F., J. F. Aubry, M. Tanter, A. Margoum, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120, no. 5, 2737-2745 (2006)
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Gaussian beams and Legendre polynomials as invariants of the time reversal operator for a large rigid cylinder
Aubry, A., J. De Rosny, J.-G. Minonzio, C. Prada, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120, no. 5, 2746-2754 (2006)
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Time-reversal imaging of seismic sources and application to the great Sumatra earthquake
Larmat, C., J.-P. Montagner, M. Fink, Y. Capdeville, A. Tourin, and E. Clévédé
Geophysical Research Letters 33, no. 19 (2006)
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Time reversal telecommunications in complex environments
Tourin, A., G. Lerosey, J. De Rosny, A. Derode, and M. Fink
Comptes Rendus Physique 7, no. 7, 816-822 (2006)
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Multiple scattering between two elastic cylinders and invariants of the time-reversal operator: Theory and experiment
Minonzio, J.-G., C. Prada, A. Aubry, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120, no. 2, 875-883 (2006)
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Time-reversal acoustics in complex environments
Fink, M.
Geophysics 71, no. 4, SI151-SI164 (2006)
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Time reversal operator decomposition with focused transmission and robustness to speckle noise: Application to microcalcification detection
Robert, J.-L., M. Burcher, C. Cohen-Bacrie, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119, no. 6, 3848-3859 (2006)
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"ultrasonic stars" for time reversal focusing using induced cavitation bubbles
Pernot, M., G. Montaldo, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
AIP Conference Proceedings 829, 223-227 (2006)
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Experimental investigation of time-reversal of photo-acoustic waves
Bossy, E., G. Montaldo, M. Tanter, B. Forget, F. Ramaz, M. Fink, and C. Boccara
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 6086 (2006)
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Time reversal of wideband microwaves
Lerosey, G., J. De Rosny, A. Tourin, A. Derode, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 88, no. 15 (2006)
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Time reversal of ultrasound through a phononic crystal
Tourin, A., F. Van Der Biest, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 96, no. 10 (2006)
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The Stokes relations linking time reversal and the inverse filter
Vignon, F., J.-F. Aubry, A. Saez, M. Tanter, D. Cassereau, G. Montaldo, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119, no. 3, 1335-1346 (2006)
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"Ultrasonic stars" for time-reversal focusing using induced cavitation bubbles
Pernot, M., G. Montaldo, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 88, no. 3, 1-3 (2006)
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High resolution ultrasonic brain imaging: Adaptive focusing based on twin-arrays
Vignon, F., J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings V, V973-V976 (2005)
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Time reversal and phase conjugation with acoustic waves: Industrial and medical applications
Fink, M.
2005 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 3, 2334-2335 (2005)
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Decomposition of the Time-reversal Operator applied to quantitative characterization of small elastic cylinders
Minonzio, J.-G., C. Prada, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 2, 1147-1150 (2005)
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Application of the DORT method to the detection and characterization of two targets in a shallow water wave-guide
Minonzio, J.-G., D. Clorennec, A. Aubry, T. Folégot, T. Pélican, C. Prada, J. De Rosny, and M. Fink
Oceans 2005 - Europe 2, 1001-1006 (2005)
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Dual-arrays brain imaging prototype: Experimental in Vitro results
Vignon, F., J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, A. Margoum, M. Fink, and J. M. Lecoeur
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 1, 504-507 (2005)
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Tactile time reversal interactivity: Experiment and modelization
Ribay, G., D. Clorennec, S. Catheline, M. Fink, R. K. Ing, and N. Quieffin
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 4, 2104-2107 (2005)
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In solid localization of finger impacts using acoustic time-reversal process
Ing, R. K., N. Quieffin, S. Catheline, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 87, no. 20, 1-3 (2005)
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Time reversal of electromagnetic waves and telecommunication
Lerosey, G., J. De Rosny, A. Tourin, A. Derode, G. Montaldo, and M. Fink
Radio Science 40, no. 6 (2005)
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Building three-dimensional images using a time-reversal chaotic cavity
Montaldo, G., D. Palacio, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 52, no. 9, 1489-1497 (2005)
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Ultrafast Doppler reveals the mapping of cerebral vascular resistivity in neonates.
Demene, C., M. Pernot, V. Biran, M. Alison, M. Fink, O. Baud, and M. Tanter
Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 34, no. 6, 1009-17 (2014)
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Weak localization and time reversal of ultrasound in a rotational flow
De Rosny, J., A. Tourin, A. Derode, P. Roux, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 95, no. 7 (2005)
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Human muscle hardness assessment during incremental isometric contraction using transient elastography
Gennisson, J. L., C. Cornu, S. Catheline, M. Fink, and P. Portero
Journal of Biomechanics 38, no. 7, 1543-1550 (2005)
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Resonant tunneling of acoustic waves through a double barrier consisting of two phononic crystals
Van Der Biest, F., A. Sukhovich, A. Tourin, J. H. Page, B. A. Van Tiggelen, Z. Liu, and M. Fink
Europhysics Letters 71, no. 1, 63-69 (2005)
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Time reversal of noise sources in a reverberation room
Ribay, G., J. De Rosny, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 117, no. 5, 2866-2872 (2005)
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Predicting and preventing skull overheating in non invasive brain HIFU treatment protocols
Pernot, M., J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
AIP Conference Proceedings 754, 147-150 (2005)
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Adaptive focusing for ultrasonic transcranial brain therapy: First in vivo investigation on 22 sheep
Pernot, M., J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, A. L. Boch, M. Kujas, and M. Fink
AIP Conference Proceedings 754, 174-177 (2005)
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Viscoelastic shear properties of in vivo breast lesions measured by MR elastography
Sinkus, R., M. Tanter, T. Xydeas, S. Catheline, J. Bercoff, and M. Fink
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 23, no. 2 SPEC. ISS., 159-165 (2005)
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Characterization of subwavelength elastic cylinders with the decomposition of the time-reversal operator: Theory and experiment
Minonzio, J.-G., C. Prada, D. Chambers, D. Clorennec, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 117, no. 2, 789-798 (2005)
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Imaging anisotropic and viscous properties of breast tissue by magnetic resonance-elastography
Sinkus, R., M. Tanter, S. Catheline, J. Lorenzen, C. Kuhl, E. Sondermann, and M. Fink
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 53, no. 2, 372-387 (2005)
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Time reversal acoustics
Fink, M., G. Montaldo, and M. Tanter
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 2, 850-859 (2004)
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Local inversion of transient shear wave propagation for elasticity and viscosity mapping in soft tissues: Theoretical and experimental analysis
Bercoff, J., M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 3, 2149-2152 (2004)
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Prediction of the skull overheating during high intensity focused ultrasound transcranial brain therapy
Pernot, M., J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, F. Andre, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 2, 1005-1008 (2004)
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High resolution ultrasonic brain imaging: Noninvasive adaptive focusing based on twin arrays
Vignon, F., J. F. Aubry, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 1, 231-234 (2004)
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Measurement of viscoelastic properties of homogeneous soft solid using transient elastography: An inverse problem approach
Catheline, S., J.-L. Gennisson, G. Delon, M. Fink, R. Sinkus, S. Abouelkaram, and J. Culioli
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116, no. 6, 3734-3741 (2004)
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Phononic crystals
Page, J. H., A. Sukhovich, S. Yang, M. L. Cowan, F. Van Der Biest, A. Tourin, M. Fink, Z. Liu, C. T. Chan, and P. Sheng
Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research 241, no. 15, 3454-3462 (2004)
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The Stokes relations linking time reversal and the inverse filter
Vignon, F., A. Saez, J. F. Aubry, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 1, 798-800 (2004)
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3D ultrasound-based dynamic and transient elastography : First in vitro results
Bercoff, J., R. Sinkus, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 1, 28-31 (2004)
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Ultrasonic transcranial brain therapy: First in vivo clinical investigation on 22 sheep using adaptive focusing
Pernot, M., J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, A. L. Boch, M. Kujas, and M. Fink
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 2, 1013-1016 (2004)
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Time-reversal breaking of acoustic waves in a cavity
Bertaix, V., J. Garson, N. Quieffin, S. Catheline, J. Derosny, and M. Fink
American Journal of Physics 72, no. 10, 1308-1311 (2004)
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Relation between time reversal focusing and coherent backscattering in multiple scattering media: A diagrammatic approach
De Rosny, J., A. Tourin, A. Derode, B. Van Tiggelen, and M. Fink
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70, no. 4 2, 046601-1-046601-12 (2004)
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3-D real-time motion correction in high-intensity focused ultrasound therapy
Pernot, M., M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 30, no. 9, 1239-1249 (2004)
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Telecommunication in a disordered environment with iterative time reversal
Montaldo, G., G. Lerosey, A. Derode, A. Tourin, J. De Rosny, and M. Fink
Waves Random Media 14, no. 3, 287-302 (2004)
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Imaging from one-bit correlations of wideband diffuse wave fields
Larose, E., A. Derode, M. Campillo, and M. Fink
Journal of Applied Physics 95, no. 12, 8393-8399 (2004)
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Time reversal of electromagnetic waves
Lerosey, G., J. De Rosny, A. Tourin, A. Derode, G. Montaldo, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 92, no. 19, 193904-1 (2004)
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Real-time focusing using an ultrasonic one channel time-reversal mirror coupled to a solid cavity
Quieffin, N., S. Catheline, R. K. Ing, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 115, no. 5 I, 1955-1960 (2004)
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Temperature estimation using ultrasonic spatial compound imaging
Pernot, M., M. Tanter, J. Bercoff, K. R. Waters, and M. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 51, no. 5, 606-615 (2004)
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Sonic boom in soft materials: The elastic Cerenkov effect
Bercoff, J., M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 84, no. 12, 2202-2204 (2004)
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Revisiting iterative time reversal processing: Application to detection of multiple targets
Montaldo, G., M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 115, no. 2, 776-784 (2004)
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Real time inverse filter focusing through iterative time reversal
Montaldo, G., M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 115, no. 2, 768-775 (2004)
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The role of the coupling term in transient elastography
Sandrin, L., D. Cassereau, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 115, no. 1, 73-83 (2004)
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Feasibility of real-time motion correction for H.I.F.U applications
Pernot, M., M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Proceedings of the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 1, 998-1001 (2003)
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Measurement of elastic nonlinearity of soft solid with transient elastography
Catheline, S., J.-L. Gennisson, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 114, no. 6 I, 3087-3091 (2003)
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Study of elastic non linearity of soft solids with transient elastography
Jacob, X., J.-L. Gennisson, S. Catheline, M. Tanter, C. Barrière, D. Royer, and M. Fink
Proceedings of the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 1, 660-663 (2003)
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Ultrasonically induced necrosis through the rib cage based on adaptive focusing: Ex vivo experiments
Pernot, M., J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Proceedings of the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 1, 833-836 (2003)
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Sound focusing in rooms. II. The spatio-temporal inverse filter
Yon, S., M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 114, no. 6 I, 3044-3052 (2003)
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Observation of Shock Transverse Waves in Elastic Media
Catheline, S., J.-L. Gennisson, M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 91, no. 16, 1643011-1643014 (2003)
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High power transcranial beam steering for ultrasonic brain therapy
Pernot, M., J.-F. Aubry, M. Tanter, J.-L. Thomas, and M. Fink
Physics in Medicine and Biology 48, no. 16, 2577-2589 (2003)
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Resolution enhancement and separation of reverberation from target echo with the time reversal operator decomposition
Folégot, T., C. Prada, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113, no. 6, 3155-3160 (2003)
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Field fluctuation spectroscopy in a reverberant cavity with moving scatterers
De Rosny, J., P. Roux, M. Fink, and J. H. Page
Physical Review Letters 90, no. 9, 094302/1-094302/4 (2003)
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Sound focusing in rooms: The time-reversal approach
Yon, S., M. Tanter, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113, no. 3, 1533-1543 (2003)
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Green's function estimation using secondary sources in a shallow water environment
Roux, P., and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113, no. 3, 1406-1416 (2003)
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Taking advantage of multiple scattering to communicate with time-reversal antennas
Derode, A., A. Tourin, J. De Rosny, M. Tanter, S. Yon, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 90, no. 1, 014301/1-014301/4 (2003)
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Experimental demonstration of noninvasive transskull adaptive focusing based on prior computed tomography scans
Aubry, J.-F., M. Tanter, M. Pernot, J.-L. Thomas, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 113, no. 1, 84-93 (2003)
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3D spatial resolution enhancement through environmental effects with the time reversal operator decomposition
Folégot, T., C. Prada, and M. Fink
Oceans Conference Record (IEEE) 1, 65-71 (2002)
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Time reversal techniques in ultrasonic nondestructive testing of scattering media
Prada, C., E. Kerbrat, D. Cassereau, and M. Fink
Inverse Problems 18, no. 6, 1761-1773 (2002)
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Ultrasonic nondestructive testing of scattering media using the decomposition of the time-reversal operator
Kerbrat, E., C. Prada, D. Cassereau, and M. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 49, no. 8, 1103-1113 (2002)
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Depth and range shifting of a focal spot using a time-reversal mirror in an acoustic waveguide
Conti, S., P. Roux, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 80, no. 19, 3647-3649 (2002)
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Detection of cracks in a thin air-filled hollow cylinder by application of the DORT method to elastic components of the echo
Kerbrat, E., D. Clorennec, C. Prada, D. Royer, D. Cassereau, and M. Fink
Ultrasonics 40, no. 1-8, 715-720 (2002)
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Time reversal versus phase conjugation in a multiple scattering environment
Derode, A., A. Tourin, and M. Fink
Ultrasonics 40, no. 1-8, 275-280 (2002)
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Boosting sonoluminescence with a high-intensity ultrasonic pulse focused on the bubble by an adaptive array
Thomas, J.-L., Y. Forterre, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 88, no. 7, 743021-743024 (2002)
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Ultrasound shock wave generator with one-bit time reversal in a dispersive medium, application to lithotripsy
Montaldo, G., P. Roux, A. Derode, C. Negreira, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 80, no. 5, 897-899 (2002)
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Mathematical foundations of the time reversal mirror
Bardos, C., and M. Fink
Asymptotic Analysis 29, no. 2, 157-182 (2002)
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Sensitivity to perturbations of a time-reversed acoustic wave in a multiple scattering medium
Tourin, A., A. Derode, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 87, no. 27 I, 2743011-2743014 (2001)
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Generation of very high pressure pulses with 1-bit time reversal in a solid waveguide
Montaldo, G., P. Roux, A. Derode, C. Negreira, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 110, no. 6, 2849-2857 (2001)
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Observation of a coherent backscattering effect with a dipolar source for elastic waves: Highlight of the role played by the source
De Rosny, J., A. Tourin, and M. Fink
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 64, no. 6 II, 066604/1-066604/4 (2001)
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Numerical and experimental time-reversal of acoustic waves in random media
Derode, A., M. Tanter, A. Tourin, L. Sandrin, and M. Fink
Journal of Computational Acoustics 9, no. 3, 993-1003 (2001)
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Ultrasound propagation through a rotational flow: Numerical methods compared to experiments
Manneville, S., C. Prada, M. Tanter, M. Fink, and J.-F. Pinton
Journal of Computational Acoustics 9, no. 3, 841-852 (2001)
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Random multiple scattering of ultrasound. II. Is time reversal a self-averaging process?
Derode, A., A. Tourin, and M. Fink
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 64, no. 3 II, 366061-366113 (2001)
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Random multiple scattering of ultrasound. I. Coherent and ballistic waves
Derode, A., A. Tourin, and M. Fink
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 64, no. 3 II, 366051-366057 (2001)
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Optimal focusing by spatio-temporal inverse filter. I. Basic principles
Tanter, M., J.-F. Aubry, J. Gerber, J.-L. Thomas, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 110, no. 1, 37-47 (2001)
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Optimal focusing by spatio-temporal inverse filter. II. Experiments. Application to focusing through absorbing and reverberating media
Aubry, J.-F., M. Tanter, J. Gerber, J.-L. Thomas, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 110, no. 1, 48-58 (2001)
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Ultrasonic imaging using spatio-temporal matched field (STMF) processing-applications to liquid and solid waveguides
Ing, R. K., and M. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 48, no. 2, 374-386 (2001)
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Time-resolved 2D pulsed elastography. Experiments on tissue-equivalent phantoms and breast in-vivo
Sandrin, L., M. Tanter, S. Catheline, and M. Fink
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 4325, 120-126 (2001)
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Multiple scattering of sound
Tourin, A., M. Fink, and A. Derode
Waves Random Media 10, no. 4, R31-R60 (2000)
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Transport parameters for an ultrasonic pulsed wave propagating in a multiple scattering medium
Tourin, A., A. Derode, A. Peyre, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 108, no. 2, 503-512 (2000)
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Time reversal and the inverse filter
Tanter, M., J.-L. Thomas, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 108, no. 1, 223-234 (2000)
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Limits of time-reversal focusing through multiple scattering: Long-range correlation
Derode, A., A. Tourin, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107, no. 6, 2987-2998 (2000)
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Time reversal in a waveguide: Study of the temporal and spatial focusing
Roux, P., and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 107, no. 5 I, 2418-2429 (2000)
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Coherent Backscattering of an Elastic Wave in a Chaotic Cavity
De Rosny, J., A. Tourin, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 84, no. 8, 1693-1695 (2000)
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Time-reversal mirrors and rough surfaces: Experiment
Roux, P., J. De Rosny, M. Fink, and J. H. Rose
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 106, no. 2, 724-732 (1999)
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Time-reversal mirrors and rough surfaces: Theory
Rose, J. H., M. Bilgen, P. Roux, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 106, no. 2, 716-723 (1999)
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Dynamic time reversal of randomly backscattered acoustic waves
Tourin, A., A. Derode, and M. Fink
Europhysics Letters 47, no. 2, 175-181 (1999)
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Characterization of a large vortex using acoustic time-reversal mirrors
Manneville, S., A. Maurel, P. Roux, and M. Fink
European Physical Journal B 9, no. 3, 545-549 (1999)
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Ultrasound puts materials to the test
Fink, M.
Physics World 11, no. 2, 41-45 (1998)
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Acoustic time reversal with mode conversion at a solid-fluid interface
Draeger, C., D. Cassereau, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 72, no. 13, 1567-1569 (1998)
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Influence of boundary conditions on time-reversal focusing through heterogeneous media
Tanter, M., J.-L. Thomas, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 72, no. 20, 2511-2513 (1998)
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Focusing and steering through absorbing and aberrating layers: Application to ultrasonic propagation through the skull
Tanter, M., J.-L. Thomas, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103, no. 5 I, 2403-2410 (1998)
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Time reversal in multiply scattering media
Derode, A., A. Tourin, and M. Fink
Ultrasonics 36, no. 1-5, 443-447 (1998)
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Correlation length of ultrasonic speckle in anisotropic random media: Application to coherent echo detection
Derode, A., and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103, no. 1, 73-82 (1998)
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Aberration correction in ultrasonic medical imaging with time-reversal techniques
Fink, M., and C. Dorme
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 8, no. 1, 110-125 (1997)
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Partial coherence of transient ultrasonic fields in anisotropic random media: Application to coherent echo detection
Derode, A., and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 101, no. 2, 690-704 (1997)
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Ultrasonic beam steering through inhomogeneous layers with a time reversal mirror
Dorme, C., and M. A. Fink
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 43, no. 1, 167-175 (1996)
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Self-focusing Rayleigh wave using a time reversal mirror
Ing, R. K., M. Fink, and O. Casula
Applied Physics Letters 68, no. 2, 161-163 (1996)
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Time reversal focusing applied to lithotripsy
Thomas, J.-L., F. Wu, and M. Fink
Ultrasonic Imaging 18, no. 2, 106-121 (1996)
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Self-focusing Rayleigh wave using a time reversal mirror
Ing, R. K., M. Fink, and O. Casula
Applied Physics Letters, 161 (1995)
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The iterative time reversal process: Analysis of the convergence
Prada, C., J.-L. Thomas, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 97, no. 1, 62-71 (1995)
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Inverse scattering analysis with an acoustic time-reversal mirror
Thomas, J.-L., P. Roux, and M. Fink
Physical Review Letters 72, no. 5, 637-640 (1994)
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Transient elastic wave generation by an array of thermoelastic sources
Noroy, M.-H., D. Royer, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 63, no. 24, 3276-3278 (1993)
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Optical probing of pulsed, focused ultrasonic fields using a heterodyne interferometer
Royer, D., N. Dubois, and M. Fink
Applied Physics Letters 61, no. 2, 153-155 (1992)
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The van Cittert-Zernike theorem in pulse echo measurements
Mallart, R., and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 90, no. 5, 2718-2727 (1991)
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The iterative time reversal mirror: A solution to self-focusing in the pulse echo mode
Prada, C., F. Wu, and M. Fink
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 90, no. 2 I, 1119-1129 (1991)
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