
The Institut Langevin is a mixed CNRS unit currently comprising about one hundred members.

Most of the Institute’s staff are young researchers. It counts 16 CNRS researchers, 16 professors and assistant professors (including 2 emeritus), 39 PhD students and 16 post-docs among its members. The institute also welcomes 8 guests and external collaborators.

The support staff is divided into 4 administrative staff and 6 scientific and technical support staff.
Finally, the Institut Langevin’s Innovation Unit is headed by a lawyer.

Foundation and governance

The Institut Langevin was founded in 2009 on the initiative of Mathias FINK, Academician of Science and Professor at ESPCI Paris. It was born of the merger of two ESPCI Paris laboratories: the "Ondes et Acoustique" laboratory, headed by Mathias Fink since its creation in 1990, and the "Optique Physique" laboratory headed by Claude Boccara. Arnaud Tourin and Rémi Carminati also played a crucial role with staff and supervisory bodies in making the creation of the Institut Langevin possible, helped by Mickael Tanter who has since left for other horizons.

The Institut Langevin is a joint research unit (UMR 7587). Its main supervisory bodies are ESPCI Paris, Université PSL, and CNRS. Its secondary supervisory bodies are Université Paris Cité and Sorbonne Université. At its creation in January 2009, the Institut Langevin was headed by Mathias Fink, with Rémi Carminati and Arnaud Tourin as deputy directors. Arnaud Tourin succeeded Mathias Fink as director of the Institut in 2014. He stepped down from this position in September 2022, having accepted a position as Vice-President of Research, Science and Society at PSL University. He was replaced as director of the institute by Yannick De Wilde, who was his deputy since 2019.

The Institut Langevin is currently headed by Yannick De Wilde. The institute’s deputy director is Julien de Rosny.

Administrative description

1 rue Jussieu
75238 PARIS Cedex 05 - France

Main supervisory bodies

  • ESPCI Paris, Université PSL
  • CNRS (UMR 7587)

Secondary supervisory bodies

  • Université Paris Cité
  • Sorbonne université

Organizational chart

Organigramme EN

Laboratory Council

The Institut Langevin has a Laboratory Council which has a consultative voice on all matters relating to the day-to-day life of the Institute. It is made up of 10 members:

  • Yannick De Wilde
  • Julien de Rosny
  • Christelle Jacquet
  • Claire Prada
  • Alexandre Aubry
  • Nathalie Le Jeune
  • François Ramaz
  • Sébastien Popoff
  • Rita Touma
  • Jérôme Don Jayamane

Scientific advisory board

The Scientific Advisory Board, which defines the Unit’s scientific strategy, comprises six members: the theme leaders and two other members. These are:

  • Yannick De Wilde
  • Julien de Rosny
  • Alexandre Aubry
  • Arthur Goetschy
  • Sébastien Bidault
  • Emmanuel Fort


The laboratory has 9 correspondents in 7 different fields:

  • Prevention: Jean-Marie CHASSOT and Christian DORME
  • Environment: Farbice LEMOULT
  • COREGAL gender equality: Anne LOUCHET-CHAUVET and Sébastien POPOFF
  • Communication: Anne LOUCHET-CHAUVET
  • Training: Christelle JACQUET
  • Human resources: Nathalie LE JEUNE and Catherine DUPUY
  • Information systems security officers: Romain PIERRAT and David KHO
