Nanoscale imaging and spectroscopy of infrared electroluminescence of graphene and optical control of thermal radiation of plasmonic antennas
We recently discovered through far-field measurements that graphene-based transistors encapsulated in boron nitride (hBN) are electroluminescent in the mid-infrared spectral range. We wish to extend our knowledge of the phenomenon by carrying out near-field measurements in the infrared using a local scanning probe called TRSTM (thermal radiation scanning tunnelling microscope) to obtain super-resolved images and spectra of the infrared radiation emitted by the graphene-based device in operation.
In addition, the post-doctoral research will also aim to use intense laser illumination to excite thermally some specific electromagnetic modes of infrared plasmonic nano-antennas in order to produce optically programmable infrared sources.
Clic on the title for a full description of the post-doc position - Contact : Yannick DE WILDE - Email :
Single-molecule lifetime microscopy for biophysics and thermoplasmonics applications
At the Langevin Institut, we have developed a new microscopy system capable of simultaneously detecting the position of single fluorescent molecules and their fluorescence lifetime, thus obtaining super-resolved fluorescence lifetime images (smFLIM). smFLIM achieves ultimate spatio-temporal resolution and provides access to multiple scales from 10 µm to 10 nm and from seconds to picoseconds. To date, we have applied our system to the study of light-matter interactions in plasmonic and dielectric nanostructures. However, this new approach opens up exciting prospects not only in the field of materials science and nanophotonics, but also for biological imaging and biophysics.
We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral fellow to work with us to explore different applications of smFLIM. The first application is the study of antigen-antibody recognition at the single-molecule level. To this aim, we will study, in collaboration with the Enzyme and Cell Engineering Laboratory led by Prof. K. Haupt (University of Technology of Compiègne), an emerging class of biomimetic nanomaterials : molecularly imprinted polymer-based synthetic antibodies which will be in our case structured in the form of nanoparticles. The second application is the study of temperature increase in nanostructured samples based on single-molecule fluorescence modification. We are also open to any other suggestion of potential applications of smFLIM from potential candidates.
Strain coupling in doped crystals for vibration measurement and quantum optomechanics
Institut Langevin is a joint research unit between ESPCI Paris and CNRS, founded by Mathias Fink in 2009, bringing together researchers from different backgrounds, all driven by the same passion : the study of all possible types of waves. The post-doctoral researcher will join the Atomic Processors team led by Anne Louchet-Chauvet. The team has an internationally recognized expertise in the design and development of original signal processing architectures based on rare-earth-doped materials and high-resolution spectroscopy, with historic applications related to radar technology. The team recently pioneered ultra-sensitive, broadband, cryogenic accelerometry with rare-earth-doped crystals.
Post-doc position at Institut Langevin - 2 years