
Contacts :

ilangevin-seminaires (arobase) espci.psl.eu

Prochain séminaire

Elias Le Boudec (EPFL )
mardi 11 mars 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaires à venir

Interpreting Brillouin light scattering measurement in cells
Thomas Dehoux (Institut Lumière Matière, Lyon)
mardi 18 mars 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Mélanie Lebental (C2N - Paris-Saclay)
mardi 01 avril 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 08 avril 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Amir Nahas (ICUBE, Université de Starsbourg)
mardi 06 mai 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 13 mai 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Bing Tie (LMPS, CNRS UMR9026, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay)
mardi 20 mai 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 03 juin 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 01 juillet 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 02 septembre 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaires passés

Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 04 mars 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Ultrasound tomography for NDE and medicine
Peter Huthwaite (Imperial College London, UK)
mardi 25 février 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Localization of electromagnetic waves beyond Anderson's conception
Luis-Alberto Razo-Lopez (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 11 février 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Localization of electromagnetic waves in aperiodic and disordered media
Marcus Prado (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 28 janvier 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 21 janvier 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Internal and external controls on fault dynamics: all states of matter during rock tearing?
Thomas Ferrand (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 14 janvier 2025, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Speckle formation of laser light in random media - The Gaussian conjecture
Guillaume Bal ( University of Chicago, USA)
mardi 17 décembre 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Non-reciprocity for the time-modulated wave equation and diff-usion equation through the lens of high-order homogenization
Marie Touboul ( POems, ENSTA Paris)
mardi 10 décembre 2024, 11:00, Salle 310
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
jeudi 05 décembre 2024, 14:00, 310
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Ultrasonic characterization of the temperature field in a Laser Powder Bed Fusion process
Marie Palla (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, CNRS, France)
mardi 26 novembre 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Opto-phononics: Controlling Light and Sound at the Nanoscale
Daniel Lanzillotti Kimura (Institut Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies (C2N) CNRS - Université Paris Saclay, France)
mardi 19 novembre 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 05 novembre 2024, 10:00, 310
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Optical Measurement Noise: From Medical Imaging to Gravitational Wave Detection
Maimouna Bocoum (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 22 octobre 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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An angular framework for Ultrasound Imaging
Baptiste Heriard-Dubreuil (EPFL, Lausanne)
mardi 15 octobre 2024, 10:00, 310
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 08 octobre 2024, 15:00, 310
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Data driven reduced order modeling for solving inverse wave scattering problems
Liliana Borcea ( Columbia University)
mardi 01 octobre 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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A nonlinear delayed acoustic resonator for mimicking the hearing hair cells, followed by its coupling with a second nonlinear delayed acoustic resonator
Jana Reda ( Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 17 septembre 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 03 septembre 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mercredi 10 juillet 2024, 11:00, Salle 310
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Computed Ultrasound Tomography in Echo Mode – current status
Michael Jaeger ( University of Bern, Switzerland)
mardi 09 juillet 2024, 11:00, Salle 310
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Wave propagation in a soft fluid waveguide
Pierre Chantelot ( Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 02 juillet 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 11 juin 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Micro-elastography : mechanical characterization of small sized objects using elastic waves
Gabrielle Laloy-Borgna ( Delft University of Technology)
mardi 04 juin 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Ultrasound in volumetric super-resolution, functional, shock wave, and lung imaging
Gianmarco Pinton ( University of North Carolina)
mardi 21 mai 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mercredi 15 mai 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Non-linear interactions of a volume wave and a contact interface
Anissa Meziane ( I2M, Université de Bordeaux, France)
mardi 30 avril 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Computed ultrasound tomography in echo mode
Naiara Korta ( Institute of Applied Physics, Universität Bern, Suisse)
mardi 23 avril 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 09 avril 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Paul optical traps for mechanically squeezing the thermal state of a levitated nanoparticle in vacuum
Louisiane Devaud ( Photonics Laboratory, ETH Zurich)
mardi 02 avril 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Ultrafast Exciton Dynamics in 2D van der Waals Nanostructures: Probing the Hot Exciton Relaxation of Size-Controlled & Well-Dispersed Graphene Nanoflakes
Elsa Cassette (LuMIn, Université Paris-Saclay, France)
mardi 12 mars 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 05 mars 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Musical instruments as nonlinear dynamical systems: investigating sound production mechanisms through bifurcation analysis and calculation of basins of attraction
Soizic Terrien (LAUM, Le Mans Université)
mardi 27 février 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Computational Imaging: A Restoration Deep Network as an Implicit Prior
Ulugbek S. Kamilov (CIG, Washington University)
mardi 20 février 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 13 février 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Unipolar quantum optoelectronics for thermal infrared range
Angela Vasanelli (LPENS, ENS Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 30 janvier 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Hybrid optomechanics in rare-earth ion-doped crystals (Séminaire interne)
Anne Louchet-Chauvet (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 23 janvier 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Designing bright and directional photoluminescent metasurfaces with the local Kirchhoff's law
Elise Bailly ( Laboratoire Charles Fabry, IOGS, France)
mardi 16 janvier 2024, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
vendredi 12 janvier 2024, 11:00, Salle 310
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 12 décembre 2023, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Quantum Imaging meets Adaptive Optics
Hugo Defienne (QIP, Paris Institute of Nanosciences, Sorbonne Université)
mardi 28 novembre 2023, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Long-runout granular avalanches and acoustic emissions
Wei Hu (Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, China)
jeudi 23 novembre 2023, 11:00, 310
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Structure, Function, Development and Evolution of Photonic Insect Scale Nanostructures
Vinod Kumar Saranathan (SIAS, Krea University, India)
mardi 21 novembre 2023, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Time-domain Brillouin scattering: towards three-dimensional imaging of transient processes under high pressure
Samuel Raetz (LAUM, Le Mans Université)
mardi 14 novembre 2023, 11:00, Salle 310
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Coherent elastic waves in multiple scattering media: influence of resonances and positional correlations of scatterers
Tony Valier-Brasier (Institut Jean Le Rond d'Alembert, Sorbonne Université)
mardi 07 novembre 2023, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Photon efficient localization and tracking of single molecules or nanoparticles with zeroes of light
Fernando D. Stefani (Centro de Investigaciones en Bionanociencias CIBION, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
mardi 31 octobre 2023, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Propagation of elastic waves across a network of nonlinear contacts
Bruno Lombard (Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique (LMA), Marseille)
mardi 17 octobre 2023, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 03 octobre 2023, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Si-based nanostructures for enhanced nonlinear interactions, ultracompact diffractive optics, and light localization in multifractal landscapes
Luca Dal Negro (Boston University, USA)
mercredi 19 juillet 2023, 14:00, Salle 310
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Experimental investigations of one and two-dimensional optical Anderson localization systems
Sushil Mujumdar (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, INDIA)
lundi 17 juillet 2023, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Multi-channel optics: from deep-tissue imaging to fast solvers and inverse design
Chia Wei Wade Hsu (University of Southern California)
mardi 20 juin 2023, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 23 mai 2023, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Earthquake magnitude distribution and aftershocks: A statistical geometry explanation
François Petrelis (LPENS, ENS Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 16 mai 2023, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 18 avril 2023, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Imaging acoustic waves in 2D confined by hook or by crook
Oliver B. Wright (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan )
vendredi 07 avril 2023, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Defect reconstruction in waveguides using cut-off frequencies
Angèle Niclas (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
mardi 04 avril 2023, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Mueller polarimetric imaging for biomedical diagnostics
Angelo Pierangelo (Polytechnique, France)
mardi 28 mars 2023, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Reflectionless scattering in complex media
Matthieu Davy (IETR, Rennes)
mardi 21 mars 2023, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 14 mars 2023, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Photosynthesis: a lesson in light harvesting from nature
Sébastien Bidault (Institut Langevin, Paris, France)
mardi 07 mars 2023, 10:30, Amphitheatre
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Characterization of thin-walled structures using local measurement of Lamb waves
Jakub Spytek ( Institut Langevin, Paris, France)
mardi 28 février 2023, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Vibrations and Heat Transfers in Amorphous Materials and in Glass-Ceramics
Anne Tanguy ( INSA Lyon, France)
mardi 21 février 2023, 11:00
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Compressive and multiplexed imaging using complex media
Marc Guillon (Université Paris-Cité, France)
vendredi 17 février 2023, 10:00, Amphitheatre
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Deterministic and statistical characterisation of rough and porous media from acoustic scattering
Jacques Cuenca (Siemens Industry Software, Leuven, Belgium)
mardi 14 février 2023, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Closed-aperture unbounded acoustics experimentation using multidimensional deconvolution
Jack Li ( ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
mardi 07 février 2023, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 17 janvier 2023, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Surface Phonon-Polaritons as Efficient Heat Carriers
Sebastian Volz (LIMMS, Tokyo, Japan)
jeudi 05 janvier 2023, 15:00, Amphitheatre
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Scaling Theory of Wave Confinement in Classical and Quantum Periodic Systems
Marek Kozon (University of Twente, Nederlands)
jeudi 15 décembre 2022, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 13 décembre 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Shaping light interaction with finite-size matter
Ad Lagendijk (University of Twente, Nederlands)
mardi 06 décembre 2022, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 15 novembre 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Willem Vos (University of Twente, Nederlands)
mardi 18 octobre 2022, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 11 octobre 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Study of light transport in 𝝌(𝟐)-nonlinear complex media: From few particles system to 3D disorder
Rabisankar Samanta (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India)
mercredi 27 juillet 2022, 11:00, room 310
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Interférométrie Sismique appliquée aux données de la mission NASA Discovery InSight sur Mars : Structure crustale et suivi temporel
Nicolas Compaire (ISTERRE, Grenoble,France)
mardi 19 juillet 2022, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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DE-constrained and large-scale optimization in nanophotonics
Raphael Pestourie (MIT, Boston, USA)
mardi 12 juillet 2022, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Analyseur de spectre RF ultra large bande à creusement spectral dans un cristal Tm :YAG : de la démonstration en laboratoire aux essais opérationnels
Perrine Berger (Thales)
mardi 21 juin 2022, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Single spin magnetic resonance by microwave fluorescence detection
Patrice Bertet (CEA, Université Paris/Saclay, France)
mardi 14 juin 2022, 11:00, amphithéâtre
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Designer Nucleic Acid Architectures for Programmable Self-assembly
Hao Yan (Center for Molecular Design and Biomimetics, Biodesign Institute & School of Molecular Sciences, Arizona State University)
mardi 07 juin 2022, 11:00, Amphitheatre
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Séminaire Doctorants : Zosia BRATASZ and Guyu ZHOU (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 31 mai 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Emergence of homochirality in large molecular systems
Davide Lacoste (Gulliver, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 24 mai 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Homogenization of thin dielectric and plasmonic metasurfaces
Nicolas Lebbe (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 17 mai 2022, 11:00, Salle 310
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Acoustic evaluation of material parameters, stresses, and strains in soft materials
Michel Destrade (NUI Galway, Ireland)
mardi 10 mai 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 26 avril 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Assessment of human exposure to radiofrequency waves. From deterministic approaches to stochastic methods
Joe Wiart (LTCI, Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, Institut Mines Telecom, France )
mardi 19 avril 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre / En ligne
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Refractive Acousto-optics
Maxim Cherkashin (University College London, UK)
mercredi 13 avril 2022, 11:00
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There is plenty of room at the nanoscale; emission control beyond the spherical cow
Margoth Córdova-Castro (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 12 avril 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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From the reality of Climate Change to the imperative of a low carbon transition
Benoît Lebot (NégaWatt, France)
mardi 05 avril 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 29 mars 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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All-optical interrogation of brain circuits using optogenetics and holographic light shaping
Valentina Emiliani (Institut de la Vision, Paris, France)
mardi 22 mars 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Buckling instability and swimming of elastic spherical shells (from beach balls to microswimmers)
Gwennou Coupier (LiPhy, Université Grenoble Alpes, France)
mardi 15 mars 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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FibroScan : le produit qui a transformé le quotidien des hépatologues
Laurent Sandrin (Echosens, Paris, France)
mardi 08 mars 2022, 11:00, Salle 310
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Cristaux phononiques piézoélectriques
Bertrand Dubus (IEMN, Lille, France)
mardi 01 mars 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 22 février 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Quantum calculus. An example through Shor's algorithm
Ahmed Ben Aissa (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 08 février 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Probing chiral metamaterials with waves packets: experiments and theory
Marcelo Guzman (ENS Lyon, Lyon, France)
mardi 01 février 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Making ensembles of semiconducting nanocrystals emit complex forms of light
Aloyse Degiron (Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, Université de Paris, Paris, France)
mardi 25 janvier 2022, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 18 janvier 2022, 11:00, Salle 310
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Fluid-coupled mechanical waveguides for ultrasonic sensing
Daniel Kiefer (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 11 janvier 2022, 11:00, Salle 310
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Probe coupled to a Gaussian field: effective dynamics and nonlinear memory
Vincent Démery (Gulliver, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 07 décembre 2021, 11:00, Salle 310
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Waves at the surface of soft elastic gels
Pierre Chantelot (Physics of Fluids, University of Twente, Nederlands)
mardi 30 novembre 2021, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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MicroNano structured materials in 3D
Arturo Susarrey Arce (Mesoscale Chemical Systems research group, University of Twente, Nederlands)
lundi 29 novembre 2021, 14:30, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 23 novembre 2021, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 26 octobre 2021, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Non-thermal electrons in metal nanostructures – “reality” or “fake news”?
Yonatan Sivan (Ben Gurion University, Israël)
vendredi 15 octobre 2021, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Artificial graphenes: Dirac matter beyond condensed matter
Gilles Montambaux (Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Saclay, France)
mardi 28 septembre 2021, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Développement au c2rmf et dans le cadre du projet Espadon des techniques de tomographie appliquées aux sciences du patrimoine
Vincent Detalle (Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, France)
mardi 21 septembre 2021, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Séminaire Doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 14 septembre 2021, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Non-invasive fluorescence imaging deep in scattering media
Sylvain Gigan (Kastler-Brossel Laboratory, ENS - PSL, Sorbonne U., CNRS, Collège de France, France)
mardi 15 juin 2021, 11:00, Amphithéâtre
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Ince-Gauss Modes of Aberrated Cavities as Emulators of Many-Body Topological Transitions
Rodrigo Gutierrez-Cuevas (Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France)
mardi 08 juin 2021, 11:00, En ligne
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Novel Imaging Techniques in Laser Ultrasonic at Micrometer Scale
Sylvain Mezyl (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 01 juin 2021, 11:00
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Séminaire doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 25 mai 2021, 11:00
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Carbon nano-structures as quantum-light sources
Christophe Voisin (LPENS, ENS - PSL, Paris, France)
mardi 18 mai 2021, 11:00
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Ultrasound for the brain: new tools for reading and writing in the neural circuits
Charlie Demené (Physics for Medecine, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 04 mai 2021, 11:00
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Séminaire doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 27 avril 2021, 11:00, Salle 310
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Multiple scattering of ultrasonic waves in complex media: applications in fisheries acoustics.
Benoît Tallon (ISTERRE, Grenoble, France)
mardi 20 avril 2021, 11:00, En ligne
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Nonlinear Meta-Optics
Giuseppe Leo (Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, Université de Paris, France)
mardi 06 avril 2021, 11:00
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Séminaire doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 23 mars 2021, 11:00, Salle 310
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Moving needles in moving haystacks: probing material failure at the microscale
Stefano Aime (C3M, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 16 mars 2021, 11:00, Webinar / En ligne
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2D II-VI semiconductor nanoparticles: controlling the heterostructures and surface chemistry for band engineering
Sandrine Ithurria (LPEM, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 02 mars 2021, 11:00
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Séminaire doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 23 février 2021, 11:00, Salle 310
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Anderson localization of ultrasound in disordered anisotropic media
Antton Goicoechea (Institut Langevin, Paris, France)
mardi 02 février 2021, 11:00, Webinar
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Séminaires des doctorants
mardi 26 janvier 2021, 11:00
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La vaccination et le vaccin anti-covid: questions-réponses
Martine Boccara (Institut de Biologie de l'École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France)
mardi 19 janvier 2021, 11:00, En ligne
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Time reversal of optical waves
Joel Carpenter (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia)
mardi 12 janvier 2021, 11:00, En ligne
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Unconventional optical wavefront shaping and imaging
Pascal Berto (Institut de la vision, Paris)
mardi 08 décembre 2020, 11:00, Webinar
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Single-molecule studies of transcription elongation and pausing by RNA polymerase
Antony Lee (LP2N, Institut d’Optique, Bordeaux)
mardi 24 novembre 2020, 11:00, webinar
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Super-resolution microscopy at visible and near-infrared wavelengths: from nanomaterials to deep tissue imaging
Laurent Cognet (LP2N, Institut d’Optique, Bordeaux)
mardi 17 novembre 2020, 11:00, webinar
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Cavities with tunable boundaries : from wave chaos to applications with microwave cavities
Jean-Baptiste Gros (Institut Langevin)
mardi 10 novembre 2020, 11:00, webinar
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Light interaction with nanoresonators
Philippe Lalanne (LP2N, Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine)
mardi 03 novembre 2020, 11:00, Webinar
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Séminaires des doctorants
mardi 27 octobre 2020, 11:00, Salle 310
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Phase behavior and dynamics of non-equilibrium particulate systems: from granular gases to self-propelled colloids
Nariaki Sakai (Institut Langevin, Paris)
mardi 20 octobre 2020, 11:00, Salle 310
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Coupling supercritical angle fluorescence with super-localization microscopy unlocks unbiased, reproducible 3D bioimaging
Clément Cabriel (Institut Langevin, Paris)
mardi 13 octobre 2020, 11:00, Salle 310
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Séminaires des doctorants
mardi 06 octobre 2020, 11:00, Salle 310
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Wavefront sensing with a thin diffuser: principle and its applications
Tengfei Wu (Institut de la vision, Paris)
mardi 22 septembre 2020, 11:00, Salle 310
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Séminaires des doctorants
mardi 30 juin 2020, 11:00, En ligne
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Séminaires des doctorants
mardi 26 mai 2020, 11:00, En ligne
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Pascal Berto (Institut de la vision, Paris)
mardi 19 mai 2020, 11:00, Salle 310 [ANNULÉ]
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Philippe Lalanne (Institut d'Optique, Bordeaux)
mardi 12 mai 2020, 11:00, Salle 310 [ANNULÉ]
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Séminaires des doctorants
mardi 28 avril 2020, 11:00, Salle 310 [ANNULÉ]
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Laurent Cognet (LP2N, Institut d’Optique, Bordeaux)
mardi 14 avril 2020, 11:00, Amphi IPGP [ANNULÉ]
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Arnaud Brignon (Thales, Paris)
mardi 31 mars 2020, 11:00, Amphi IPGP [ANNULÉ]
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Juanjo Saenz (DIPC, San Sebastian)
jeudi 26 mars 2020, 11:00, Salle 310 [ANNULÉ]
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Christophe Moser (Laboratory of Applied Photonics Devices, EPFL)
mardi 24 mars 2020, 11:00, Salle 310 [ANNULÉ]
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Ludovic Margerin (IRAP -Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse)
mardi 17 mars 2020, 11:00, Amphi IPGP [ANNULÉ]
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Improvement of Central SNR and Transmit Coverage of a Human Head Phased Array at Ultra-High Field Using Dipole Antennas
Nikolai Avdievitch (Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany)
mardi 25 février 2020, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Fluid dynamics in zebrafish embryos
Olivier Thouvenin (Institut Langevin)
mardi 18 février 2020, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Les vortex acoustiques, concept et applications
Régis Marchiano (Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Paris)
mardi 04 février 2020, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Multiple light scattering as a probe of local dynamics in liquid foams
Sylvie Cohen-Addad (Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, Sorbonne Université)
mardi 28 janvier 2020, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Advancing tools for fast and sensitive volumetric single molecule imaging in cells
Bassam Haaj (Laboratoire Physico Chimie, Institut Curie)
mardi 21 janvier 2020, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Willis coupling in acoustic metamaterials and beyond its passivity bound
Jensen Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
mardi 17 décembre 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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Evolutionary Photonics: Structure, Function, Development and Biomimetics of Self-assembled Organismal Photonic Nanostructures
Vinod Kumar Saranathan (NUS, Singapore)
mardi 10 décembre 2019, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Control and emergence of collective order in complex photonic and phononic media
Nicolas Bachelard (TU Vienna)
mardi 03 décembre 2019, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Séminaires des doctorants
mardi 19 novembre 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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Developing new tools to achieve high-resolution in the living human retina: imaging and surgical applications
Pedro Baraçal de Mecê (Institut Langevin)
mardi 12 novembre 2019, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Séminaires des doctorants
mardi 05 novembre 2019, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Direct reconstruction method in linear elastography with internal data
Pierre Milien (Institut Langevin)
mardi 22 octobre 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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Séminaires des doctorants
mardi 17 septembre 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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Wave-induced softening and post-disturbance relaxation in dense granular matter through flow heterogeneities
Charles Lieou (Center for Nonlinear Studies - Solid Earth Geophyics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory)
mardi 10 septembre 2019, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Séminaires des doctorants
mardi 02 juillet 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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Generating entangled photons with tailored spatial correlations.
Yaron Bromberg (Hebrew Univesity of Jerusalem)
vendredi 28 juin 2019, 11:00, Amphi 45B, Rdc tour 45, Jussieu
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Séminaire doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 18 juin 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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Super-resolution photoacoustic imaging
Sergey Vilov (Liphy, Grenoble)
mardi 11 juin 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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Fast, volumetric imaging with microscopes
Jérome Mertz (Department of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University)
mardi 28 mai 2019, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Hyperbolic Plasmonic Materials
Margoth Córdova-Castro (King's College, London)
mercredi 22 mai 2019, 15:00, Salle 310
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Séminaire doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 14 mai 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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Wireless Contact Lens Eye Tracker (WIRCLEY), the first bio-embedded eye tracker
Jean-Louis de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye (IMT Atlantique)
mardi 07 mai 2019, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Simulating arti-cial graphene with superconducting resonators
Alexis Morvan (LPS, Orsay)
mardi 30 avril 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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The Wigner-Smith operator: time-delay, wave-front shaping and micro-manipulation
Stefan Rotter (TU Wien)
vendredi 19 avril 2019, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Séminaire doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 16 avril 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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The physics of exceptional points
Stefan Rotter (TU Wien)
vendredi 12 avril 2019, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Reconfigurable Radiation Pattern Antennas for Spatial Modulation MIMO Communications and A Brief Introduction to the Backscatter Communications
Kammel Rachedi (Institut Langevin)
mardi 09 avril 2019, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Ultra-narrow spectral filter for acousto-optic imaging for medical applications
Caroline Venet (Institut Langevin)
mardi 26 mars 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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Séminaire doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
jeudi 14 mars 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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Micro-manipulation in disordered media with the generalized Wigner-Smith Operator
Andre Brandstötter (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology)
mardi 12 mars 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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Building Deep Learning Models: Bricks / Architectures / Applications
Alexandre Popoff (Medisys Lab, Philips Research France)
mardi 05 mars 2019, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Séminaire doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 19 février 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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Séminaire doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 29 janvier 2019, 11:00, Salle 310
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Lightning-fast solution of scattering problems in nanophotonics: an effortless modal approach
Parry Yu Chen (Ben Gurion University )
mardi 15 janvier 2019, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Chiral light-matter coupling at nanophotonic interfaces
Mihail Petrov (ITMO University, Saint Petersburg)
mercredi 05 décembre 2018, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Coherent control of light transport in a dense atomic medium
Alexandra Sheremet (LKB, Paris)
jeudi 22 novembre 2018, 11:00, Salle 310
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Limiting amplitude principle for Maxwell’s equations at the interface of a metamaterial
Maxence Cassier (Institut Fresnel)
mardi 20 novembre 2018, 11:00, Salle 310
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Bright squeezed vacuum of light : interferometric measurements and nonlinear optics
Mathieu Manceau (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13)
mardi 13 novembre 2018, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Late time behavior of disordered elastic systems
Douglas Photiadis (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington)
mardi 06 novembre 2018, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Glassy dynamics in granular matter through flow heterogeneities: Shear-Transformation-Zone theory and applications in granular flow and nonlinear acoustics
Charles Lieou (Center for Nonlinear Studies - Solid Earth Geophyics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory)
mardi 16 octobre 2018, 11:00, Salle 310
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A rational framework for dynamic homogenization at finite wavelengths and frequencies
Bojan Guzina (University of Minnesota)
mardi 19 juin 2018, 11:00, Salle 310
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Semiconductor Lasers and the Butterfly effect: what and why ?
Frédéric Grillot (Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information, Télécom ParisTech)
mardi 12 juin 2018, 11:00, Salle 310
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Numerical simulations of dry and wet granular media in shear reversal flow and its constitutive modelling with fabric evolution
Jin Sun (University of Edinburgh)
lundi 11 juin 2018, 15:00, Salle 310
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From computational imaging to optical computing
Laurent Daudet (Professor at Paris Diderot University / CTO and co-founder at LightOn)
mardi 15 mai 2018, 09:30, Salle 310
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Photoacoustic microscopy combined with nonlinear optics
Yoshihisa Yamaoka (Saga University, Kyushu, Japan)
vendredi 27 avril 2018, 11:00, Salle 310
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Contrôle de la propagation des ondes acoustiques : Architectures non réciproques et transmission extraordinaire
Thibaut Devaux (Université de Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan)
jeudi 19 avril 2018, 11:00, Amphithéatre
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Propagation of THz radiation in scattering medium for imaging in brownout condition
Clotilde Prophete (Institut Langevin)
mardi 17 avril 2018, 11:00, Salle 310
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Electrically-driven optical antennas for novel light emission processes
Claire Deeb (C2N, Orsay)
jeudi 12 avril 2018, 11:00, salle 310
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Fluids of light in semiconductor lattice
Jacqueline Bloch (C2N, Marcoussis)
mardi 10 avril 2018, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Optics of resonantly coupled subwavelength particles
Nick Schilder (Amolf, Amsterdam)
jeudi 05 avril 2018, 11:00, Salle 310
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Adaptive quantum optics with spatially entangled photon pairs
Hugo Defienne (Princeton University)
mardi 27 mars 2018, 11:00, Salle 310
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Combining retinal birefringence scanning with long working distance OCT for pediatric applications – challenges and solutions
Boris Gramatikov (Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)
lundi 26 mars 2018, 11:00, Salle 310
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The Radiative Transfer Equation: a versatile tool to model light propagation through random media
Ugo Tricoli (Institut Langevin)
mardi 20 mars 2018, 11:00, Salle 310
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Contrôle de la dispersion spatiale et temporelle dans les cristaux photoniques mésoscopiques et les structures plasmoniques périodiques
Giovanni Magno (C2N, Marcoussis)
mardi 13 mars 2018, 11:00, Salle 310
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Modeling and inverse problems in tumor growth
Annabelle Collin (Enserb-Matmeca, Bordeaux)
mardi 13 février 2018, 11:00, Salle 310
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DNA-Origami for nanophotonic applications
Guillermo Acuna (Technische Universität Braunschweig)
mardi 23 janvier 2018, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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De l’imagerie par conjugaison de phase ultrasonore à la réalisation d'une caméra acoustique aérienne de mouvement de surface
Pavel Shirkovkiy (Institut Langevin)
mardi 16 janvier 2018, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Traitement de signaux avec un processeur atomique programmable
Anne Chauvet (Laboratoire Aimé Cotton)
mardi 09 janvier 2018, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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De la génération d’harmoniques sur miroir plasma à l’imagerie acousto-optique en milieu complexe
Maimouna Bocoum (Institut Langevin, Paris)
mardi 05 décembre 2017, 11:00, Salle 310
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Enhancing spontaneous emission and absorption with plasmonic nanoantennas: What are the limits of the playground?
Christophe Sauvan (Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d'Optique, Paris)
mardi 28 novembre 2017, 11:00, Salle 310
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Some biomedical applications of diamond nanocrystals
François Treussart (ENS Paris Saclay)
mardi 03 octobre 2017, 11:00, Salle 310
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Nanophotonics and electronics for bright single-photon sources based on color centers in diamond
Mario Agio (Laboratory of Nano-Optics, University of Siegen, Germany & National Institute of Optics, Florence, Italy)
mardi 19 septembre 2017, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Topology optimization for multiphysics system
Gil Ho Yoon (Hanyang University, Korea)
vendredi 25 août 2017, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Granular dynamics: From radar particle tracking to cohesion mediated collective motion
Kai Huang (University of Bayreuth)
vendredi 30 juin 2017, 11:00, Salle 310
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Networks theory: how things are connected
Gabriel Cwilich (Yeshiva University, New York)
mardi 23 mai 2017, 11:00, Salle 310
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Using full optical phase information in retinal optical coherence tomography
Gereon Hüttmann (University of Lübeck, Germany)
lundi 22 mai 2017, 15:00, Salle 310
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Plasmonics for infrared detection and imaging
Riad Haidar (ONERA, Palaiseau)
mardi 02 mai 2017, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Extreme events in nature, rogue wave in optics
John Dudley (Institut FEMTO-ST, Université de Franche-Comté)
mardi 28 mars 2017, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Nanoantennas for light emission and molecular detection
Florian Bigourdan (Institut Langevin)
mardi 21 mars 2017, 11:00, Salle 310
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Seismological imaging using surface wave focal spots
Gregor Hillers (ISTERRE, Grenoble)
mercredi 08 mars 2017, 11:00, Salle 310
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The Anderson mobility gap and dynamic coherent backscattering of ultrasound
Laura Cobus (Institut Langevin)
mardi 24 janvier 2017, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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High resolution in the human retina
Serge Meimon (ONERA, Chatillon)
mardi 17 janvier 2017, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Experimental control of the propagation of hydroelastic waves
Lucie Domino (PMMH, ESPCI Paris)
mardi 10 janvier 2017, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Modélisation mathématique des résonances plasmoniques de nano-particules
Pierre Millien (Institut Langevin)
mardi 03 janvier 2017, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Model-based inverse problem for the ultrasonic characterization of complex materials: An overview of potential applications to composites, cortical bone and bonded layers.
Nicolas Bochud (Institut Langevin)
lundi 19 décembre 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Critical properties of the Anderson transition through the looking-glass of the CBS and CFS peaks
Christian Miniatura (Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore)
mercredi 14 décembre 2016, 11:00, Salle 310
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Wavefront shaped focusing in Nanophotonics and in Scattering media
Bergin Gjonaj (TECHNION, Haifa)
mardi 13 décembre 2016, 16:00, Amphi IPGP
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A head full of waves: Imaging motion and mechanical deformations for neurosciences
Olivier Thouvenin (Institut Langevin)
jeudi 24 novembre 2016, 14:00, Salle 310
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A Potpourri of Rough Surface Scattering Phenomena
Ingve Simonsen (Norwegian University of Sciences and Technology, Trondheim)
mardi 15 novembre 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Optical Tools for High Resolution Imaging of Cerebral Blood Flow and Microvasculature
Andrew K. Dunn (Biomedical Engineering Department, University of Texas at Austin)
mardi 08 novembre 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Granular friction: from building the pyramids to the anatomy of individual contacts at the nanoscale
Daniel Bonn (van der Waals-Zeeman Institute, University of Amsterdam)
mardi 11 octobre 2016, 11:00, Salle 310
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Space-Time Causality, Spatial Non-Locality and Negative Refraction
Davide Forcella (Institut Langevin)
mercredi 21 septembre 2016, 17:00, Salle 310
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Transfert radiatif de chaleur en présence de gradients de température : nouvelles lois asymptotiques et couplage avec conduction
Riccardo Messina (Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, Université de Montpellier, UMR 5221, Montpellier)
mardi 20 septembre 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Multimode fibers with random mode mixing: physics and applications
Yaron Bromberg (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
jeudi 15 septembre 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Optical Coherence Tomography: a tool to visualize the human brain architecture
Caroline Magnain (Harvard Medical School - USA)
mardi 05 juillet 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Imagerie acousto-optique: les challenges de l'imagerie in vivo
Jean-Baptiste Laudereau (Institut Langevin)
mardi 21 juin 2016, 11:00, Salle 310
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Temporal Equivalent of a Mirror (and of a Bragg Mirror)
Vincent Bacot (Institut Langevin)
mardi 31 mai 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Liens statistiques entre l’intensité transmise et réfléchie par un milieu diffusant
Nikos Fayard (Institut Langevin)
mardi 17 mai 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Sound Field Recording and Reproduction and Its Extension to Super-resolution
Shoichi Koyama (Institut Langevin)
mardi 10 mai 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Approche Matricielle de la propagation des ondes lumineuses en milieu diffusant : détection et imagerie
Amaury Badon (Institut Langevin)
mardi 03 mai 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Towards integrated optics at the nanoscale: plasmon-emitter coupling using plasmonic structures
Nancy Rahbany (Charles Delaunay Institute, University of Technology of Troyes)
mardi 19 avril 2016, 11:00, Salle 310
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Manipulation, contrôle et guidage d’ondes élastiques en milieux complexes
Benoît Gérardin (Institut Langevin)
mardi 12 avril 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Spatial non-locality and Negative Refraction: Electromagnetic properties of viscous charged fluids
Davide Forcella (Institut Langevin)
mardi 29 mars 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Time-Reversal Optical Focusing
Changhuei Yang (California Institute of Technology)
jeudi 24 mars 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Fano Imaging at the nanoscale: from photonic crystals to disordered photonics
Massimo Gurioli (LENS, Florence, Italie)
mardi 08 mars 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Séminaire doctorants (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris - PSL, France)
mardi 01 mars 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Comment la physique contribue à la métaphysique de la causalité
Maximilian Kistler (Institut d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques, Paris)
mardi 23 février 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Acoustic waves in complex media: from perfect absorption (waveguides with resonators) to shocklike superdiffusion (granular media)
Georgios Theocharis (Laboratoire d'Acoustique de l'Université du Maine, Le Mans)
mardi 09 février 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Wave mixing of short optical pulses of different spatio-temporal extents using transient Bragg gratings
Yonatan Sivan (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)
mardi 26 janvier 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Comment le traitement du signal peut aider à optimiser les systèmes d'imagerie polarimétriques
François Goudail (Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d'Optique)
mardi 19 janvier 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Discovering fUS imaging data structure using unsupervised learning methods
Kristof Giber (Institut Langevin)
mardi 12 janvier 2016, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Superfluid Nanomechanical Resonators in Confined Geometries
Xavier Rojas (Royal Holloway University of London)
mardi 15 décembre 2015, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Acoustic array processing: New methods for sound field reconstruction and analysis
Efren Fernandez-Grande (DTU, Denmark)
mardi 08 décembre 2015, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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The geometric phases of polarized waves
Vincent Rossetto (LPMMC, Unversité Joseph Fourier, Grenoble)
mardi 01 décembre 2015, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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The hair-cell bundle as a mechanosensor and amplifier for hearing
Pascal Martin (Institut Curie)
lundi 30 novembre 2015, 14:30, Amphi IPGP
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Imaging atherosclerosis with light and sound
Gijs van Soest (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam)
mardi 24 novembre 2015, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Topological states in microwave resonator lattices
Fabrice Mortessagne (LPMC, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis & CNRS)
mardi 17 novembre 2015, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Analyseur spectral RF haute cadence avec 20 GHz de bande passante instantanée
Perrine Berger (Thales Research and Technology)
mardi 10 novembre 2015, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Physique de transformation et métamatériaux
Muamer Kadic (Institute of Applied Physics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
mercredi 04 novembre 2015, 10:30, Amphi IPGP
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Wavefront shaping and nonlinear optics in the transverse localization regime
Marco Leonetti (Center for Life Nano Science@Sapienza)
mardi 03 novembre 2015, 11:00, Salle 3000
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Optical transmission matrix for rabbit imaging and fast quantum calculation
Thomas Chaigne & Hugo Defienne (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel)
mardi 27 octobre 2015, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Tuan Vo-Dinh (Duke university)
lundi 26 octobre 2015, 11:00, Salle 3000
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Making Waves in Amsterdam
Rudolf Sprik (Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute, Amsterdam)
mardi 13 octobre 2015, 11:00, salle 3000
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Détection et localisation de microbulles par ultrasons
Yann Desailly (Institut Langevin)
mardi 29 septembre 2015, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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Integrated in silico and in vivo approaches in the development of neuromodulation protocols in epilepsy
Julien Modolo (Laboratoire de Traitement du Signal et de l'Image, Université de Rennes 1)
mardi 22 septembre 2015, 11:00, Amphi IPGP
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