Therapeutic Ultrasound 2019

Therapeutic Ultrasound winter school 2019

March 3rd - 8th, 2019
Ecole de Physique des Houches, France
Directors  : Gail ter Haar, Jean-Francois Aubry and Vera Khokhlova.
Organized by : Thomas Deffieux (website, registration).

Contact gail.terhaar (arobase) for further information

This Winter School will explore the rapidly emerging field of therapeutic ultrasound. Topics will range from an introduction to the physics and biophysics necessary for understanding these techniques through to their clinical application.

The objectives of the Winter School are to provide a current overview of the field as a contextual background for the work of individuals participating ; to encourage discussion and shared consideration of different approaches to understanding ultrasound therapy.

This is a broad and complex topic in which the synergy of a multidisciplinary approach is particularly valuable. The Winter School will encourage this approach. Each topic will be covered by an Invited Speaker who is a world authority in the field.

Preregistration is open.
Follow this link to fill the form

Application fee

Registration is 500€ for PhD student participants, 700€ for postdocs and faculty and 850€ for
industrial participants.
The fee covers all meals and lodging during the session.

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